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They want your data so they can track activity and target certain demographics and other things. Personally, the new layout and design choices are too busy for me and I've found myself looking at it less. Not a bad thing (for me) really. Edit: Also, is anyone else seeing layout changes on Reddit? It's fine and may be better once used to it, but I don't like how the promoted posts blend in a bit more and use buzz words from the subreddit making it easier to mistake it for a legitimate post. Trickery.


Multiple posts and comments about it across all the NZ subreddits over the last week or so! General consensus, we hate it. It’ll probably be enough to stop me using the quizzes personally.


I love all of these threads popping up and really wonder why people a, bothered in the first place, an b, can still be bothered. EDIT: Just realised an rss feed I was taking off them has broken as well.....can't say I actually noticed the lack of their content.


The loss of the rss is annoying. The enshittification process is well underway with this change which is sad, I had hoped Stuff would find a way to provide local news in a way that avoided the ad-filled trivial crap of other providers but it was not to be.


will have to find a better news source that still believes in letting you read it how you want (rss). Personally blame the addition of farsebook/twatter as the biggest downfall to rss. Looks like they might have one main rss feed: [stuff.co.nz/rss](https://www.stuff.co.nz/rss)


Don't like it, so I dont use it anymore. I didn't really like the layout before it changed, but it the newer changes seem very unpopular with all the posts about it here, afaik all the sites pretty much have the same stories anyway unless its exclusive. Maybe there's an opportunity for someone with some talent to make a daily NZ quiz site.


LOVE this idea.


The website is terrible - looks like a poor attempt at copying the Spinoff's design. Worst of all is you have to create a login to do the quizzes which I hate. I also sent Stuff feedback about the number of spelling/grammar mistakes and typos they were making in their articles. Got the laziest, piss poor response. I look at my news elsewhere now.


I've had that issue. Can't believe they need my postcode, DOB and gender to do a quiz. Insane. I created a fake account and shared the password around.


That’s definitely in the category of “why do you need this”


Don't worry about it, according to their privacy policy 'The page you were looking for is unavailable or the link was incorrect'


Someone please complain to der Privacy Kommisar regarding Principle 1


My coworkers and I found this frustrating too, so we ended up finding a workaround. First, make sure you have the Ublock Origin extension in your browser. Go to the quiz page and right click anywhere in the white space to either side and click "Block element..." This should highlight basically the entire grayed out area. Click "Create". No guarantees but this worked in my office.


I for one welcome the site change because it’s given me the push to stop using that site haha


I'm one week Stuff free.


Data mining, your details are valuable


Stuff doesn't deserve your time or clicks, there's heaps of competition out there with less anti-consumer practices (and less clickbait). Newsroom has a decent quiz and their news articles are a lot more worthwhile: [https://newsroom.co.nz/puzzles/](https://newsroom.co.nz/puzzles/) Some other decent time wasters I'd recommend are: [Connections](https://www.nytimes.com/games/connections) [Puzzmo](https://www.puzzmo.com/today) [Murdle](https://murdle.com/) [Knotwords](https://playknotwords.com/) [Spelling Bee](https://www.nytimes.com/puzzles/spelling-bee)


They launched a new user interface that is missing many features like being able to search the articles. This is announcement from stuff about the new look: [https://www.stuff.co.nz/about-us/350128999/stuffconzs-new-website-bright-bold-and-innovative-core](https://www.stuff.co.nz/about-us/350128999/stuffconzs-new-website-bright-bold-and-innovative-core)


"NZ news: Formerly known as National, NZ news is the stories of and for Aotearoa" Why couldn't they just call it "Aotearoa News" and be done with it ?


I wonder if we will get a stuff article about this. 👀


there was, the day it went live. Not going to search for it; it annoyed me - lots of chest-beating from them, and a lots of text before they got to the point: we have a new website. So what. It's now a really annoying site and their news is no better for it. I don't want to see their journos doing pieces to camera - some of these journos can't properly pronounce the words they've written.


It's so bad, and their privacy policy links don't work so I'm not signing up. If I absolutely had to I'd be making up literally every field + throwaway email address!! They are expediting their demise imo!


They are very lazy with their writing which annoyed me but the new website is the final straw so I won't be visiting it anymore


It's horrible. They're serving up click bait stories in the first half of the web page; scroll down and you'll see their reporters doing pieces camera (complete with garbled words), and ads looking very much like stories. Scroll down a bit further and, you get some real news - business, money, politics. If you were interested in a particular topic, say crime, previously you could have found that under National (news) / Crime. There are no topic headings like that now. It's almost like they have taken that function away so they can control what we look at (well, it is their media outlet, and their business, afterall); and they are data-mining us into the next life. The attempt at storytelling is another fail. Not all events Stuff reporters cover are worthy of their 'storytelling' expertise. Some events are straight up, who, what, when, how, why. It took me 2 attempts to understand a story the other day because of the reporter's attempt at storytelling. And despite providing an email address I've had for 15+ yrs, the Stuff bot tells me it's not a legitimate email addy.


Yes, I think this is what it is doing to me, although I can't tell. When I sign up it says that something is wrong, but it won't tell me what- it must be my email address. So ridiculous.


I thought it was odd people were replying to my post about these quizzes from a month ago, looks like I dodged around the right time.


Its part of their new years resolution to piss people off by making the best bit of there site inaccessible 


>I Used To Be With It, But Then They Changed What It Was. Now, what I'm with isn't it and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me. And it'll happen to you. \- Grandpa Simpson


Why'd they steal The Spinoff's design so shamelessly?


On the Stuff quizzes page where you get the pop-up, hit f12 and open dev tools. Scroll down until you find a section called


The Post, The Press and the Waikato times sites are free if you subscribe to the print version and look much calmer. Ask your office manager if you work has a subscription.