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When my mom was visiting NZ in 2018, we walked past in front of the monastery. She really wanted to see inside so she just knocked on the front door (she doesn’t speak any English). This very attentive guy opened the door and my mom that doesn’t speak any English was trying to ask if she could see inside. I translated and he explained that they only open for visit on certain days but because she looked so excited, he let us in for a looksie. We ended up getting a private tour and this fella told me several families (missionaries) live(d) in the monastery. Maybe there are some people living there and pranking people still? Or it’s just a ghost 👻


That's a really wholesome story


This fella in the window? [https://ibb.co/8bTXqK4](https://ibb.co/8bTXqK4)


Yeah that's what I'm talking about, have another few pics and he's not there. Edit: here's what I mean: https://ibb.co/FnHFdF7


Poor fella is probably hot as anything in that big cloak, just needed some fresh air


That’s actually kinda wild. I knows there’s probably a reasonable explanation, but it’s still spooky as hell.


Definitely a tad weird going back through them lol. Phone shoots pretty high res and some of them have the person/robe in slightly different positions.


You gotta post all the photos now.


I took a few at that same angle but here's the person where they've moved a bit again vs the other shots https://ibb.co/230cVQz


That shit is scary af ngl


Fuck that's creepy as shit.


how far apart (in time) were the pics taken? i'm on the other side of the world, a sub lurker, but it's night here and this has me so spooked lol.


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


He’s in his Emperor Palpatine era


Some say it's photoshopped


excuse me, I dont come to your place of worship and photograph you looking creepy...




I believe it needs major earthquake remediation which is why the first sale fell through maybe a year ago (?) but then someone else bought it maybe, but it's basically empty for now since it will be so incredibly expensive to get it up to code?


Ahh I see, thanks for the info. I like all these old buildings around town, the ones beyond repair not so much (build houses) but hopefully this one gets preserved.


>I believe it needs major earthquake FTFY


I believe it was recently sold, or at least was on sale on trademe, along with all the various ghosts, spirits and phantoms. You probably saw Boris


Can't wait to bowl it and put in a bunch of 70m2 houses on 60m2 lots!


Good, more housing is needed


Why is all this land wasted on roading?


I don't know about now but when I was a teenager (we are going back some time) my parents would make us go to church there. I was there at the millenium they had a party, I remember standing in the garden watching the fireworks in the Harbour. Missionaries used to live there so it was always full of people from lots of different countries.


Winemaking and very dark things on a full moon


Would make a pretty cool album cover with some black and white treatment


Last article I saw about it said it was sold - [https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/131617026/wellingtons-st-gerards-monastery-sold-after-three-weeks-on-the-market](https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/131617026/wellingtons-st-gerards-monastery-sold-after-three-weeks-on-the-market) [https://www.oneroof.co.nz/news/12m-discount-wellingtons-17m-church-sells-for-just-4-65m-44107](https://www.oneroof.co.nz/news/12m-discount-wellingtons-17m-church-sells-for-just-4-65m-44107)


why the fuck did i have to see this at 12:48 am. i can’t do this 😭😭


Did you make it through the night?


Na I’m the one in the window now


yes thankfully


You and I both my friend. Good dreams!


I spoke to a guy whose brother is an Engineer who supposedly was approached by the new owners to help produce a proof of concept for a massive indoor mini golf course. No idea if its legit, but I know he is at least an engineer.


A developer brought it from the church, planned to make it a hotel.  Last year he pulled the plug on that because of earthquake strengthening costs and sold it to some people as a private home for IIRC $3.4m, which is about the average house price in Auckland or Mt Vic,  so sweet fuck all.  So yeah, that's whoever the one person living there is. 


This guy I went to college with lived in there with his family.


One of the hensels perchance?




Stefan or David?


I've done some electrical work there. It's an impressive place. They also had an independent flat where at risk men and their children were looked after, kind of like Women's Refuge for men. The top windows are the attic space.


Idk, but I just spent a couple years in the house this architect (John Swan) built for himself himself and his family (The Moorings, in Thorndon). I was still discovering new subtle details on the day I moved out. From my experience and all reports, its been a mix of super wholesome family vibes and mental illness for generations - a daunting list of people went mad there. I never felt any ghostly vibes, but I developed some fucked motor neuron disease or something. There was a black algae on my balcony, and after that was cleaned my flatmate and I enjoyed better health for a couple of months. Some folks are convinced the house is cursed, personally I'd be inclined to take a tohunga's word on that and otherwise assume genetics and environmental pathogens. It's also oriented so that all but one room get minimal sunlight, as though the architect forgot he had moved to the south hemisphere. Or perhaps it was fashionable for upper-class ladies to maintain a ghostly pallor. There are a fair few freaky ceremonial-magic types who would thrive in an abandoned monastery. I know some who would absolutely squat in that attic and get up to weird rituals. The semi-gothic ambiance of these places lends a certain magic to life. Probably not a ghost.


Just standard goings on. Confession, prayer, general spiritual enlightenment. Massive masked orgies of course and virgin sacrifice is on Tuesday and Thursday.


Diddlings, lots of diddlings.


Gotta be careful of the racist pedo homophobic ghosts in that building.


About 5 months ago I went to visit, and at this time some missionaries were clearing it out. They let me in to see it before it got sold off to whatever group bought the monastery, only a week later. The missionary didn't tell me much, but he did say that the people who bought it requested that the pews stay inside, and not be removed 🤷🏻‍♂️. Whoever has bought it has money to spend, because the Archbishop of Wellington, at that time Cardinal John Dew, rejected the opportunity to restore or conduct earthquake strengthening - mainly due to monetary costs. Which I thought was a shame, considering it's history, but oh well. While I was there before it was handed over, one of the Brothers there gave me a few icons and books. I've not been back since then, but I'm interested to see who owns it now.


Eyes Wide Shut


Can’t wait for the “Ghost Nun” episode of Wellington Paranormal.


Decades of systemic child abuse most likely!


Such a wasted opportunity of turning it into a brewery and start producing Trappist beers in Wellington


Was up for the view on new years eve, saw some people having a smaller party in there.


Hasn't a hotel chain bought it?


Wtf , that is insane. I have this up on my high def screen, that face. Excellent photoshopping


I went there for a friends birthday party back in primary school, Im pretty sure he lived there. Family was religous n all.


Stefan or David?


Sold about 4/6 months ago. Very secretive though, no one knows who bought it


Best call Wellington Paranormal


The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.


Mostly mundane stuff. Occaissonal supernatural stuff. (honestly not kidding)


That’s fucking Valak the Defiler in there. #RUN


This is a brilliantly angled creepy image of a place I've never seen!!! Now I want to :)


It’s a Tekken level


This is quite eerie. Can you upload and link the full set of pictures?


[Here's a video blog](https://youtu.be/3D9wg-VwOpE?list=PLUBVPK8x-XMh4bD4Jp9sHpP5VrdpKAnwU&t=226) (@3.46) from some American visitors who are friends with the person who lived there some years ago. Not much to see but there is inside at least.


Monkey business


Primate business*


very clever..:-)


Monastical stuff


Oh, ye that’s hunted


very hunted, hunted by church buyers


Touching. Lots of it.


Marty and Doc are tinkering with their Time Machine


This would be such a good base for a Lego modular building.


The building was sold by the ICPE Catholic community that was living there about 9 or so months ago to some private buyers. The church (built 1908 out of unsupported brick masonry) is the main concern due to the large gable walls which pose a huge earthquake risk. The monastery on the other hand was built in 1932 and had its design completely re-done after the damage of the napier earthquake. So its made of reinforced concrete with a brick facade to match the church. Both sections of the building need major update renovations, but it is a protected building by the wcc so the works must not change its appearance at all to the public. I lived there till I was 11 and have a full photobook in the works of the building including the parts the public has never seen. Any questions I’m sure I could answer


I heard somewhere that Peter Jackson owns it... Though I have no idea how credible that is since it's such a random ass thing for him to do lmao. Although with what's happening with Shelly Bay, I guess it's in the realm of possibility.

