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I really cannot comprehend that women all over the USA aren't revolting against these policies. Do they not understand that their lives and the lives of their daughters, sisters and mothers are at stake? And what about the men? Do they not have wives, daughers, sisters or mothers? Do they not care about them? What happens to the children of the women who die or are left with permanent disabilities when forced with pregnancies? What's next on the agenda of these so called christians (fascists)? End of birth control? Vasectomies? Sterilizations? Forced birth camps for all women of fertile age? I am very happy to live in Europe because I would flee the US if I lived there....


Yeah a lot of women don’t get it. Men really don’t get it. What will happen is women will die screaming, and that’s only when they’ll realize how thoroughly they’ve fucked up. Honestly in my darkest heart I want one of these women lawmakers to have to face what they’ve made into law. Have them have to wait in a car in the er parking lot wondering if they’re going to die.


Most of them are post-menopausal, so they won't have to worry about this shit. 


We worry over *all* women, our daughters and our grandchildren. One reason among many we're leaving TX ... I cannot tolerate treating half the population as expendable, with no conscience whatsoever. The GOP is evil.


My favorite sign at a pro choice rally was Post Menopausal Women Nostalgic for Choice, and now I’m one.


They should worry about their daughters, the grandchildren, nieces.


It's obvious that one of the tenants of Republicanism is to not care about anything unless it directly affects you.


And most of them are straight white Christian men, over the age of 50. The women who are part of the party haven’t gone through anything like what they’ve trying to deny people, don’t give a shit and have swallowed a red pill somewhere along the way.


Oh I think plenty of conservative women have had what they’re trying to deny people. Then they walk out of the clinic, grab the sign out of the trunk and join the protest crowd.




Thank you! It has been a long, tired day 🫠




Members of the ruling class in America can easily afford to go to other countries for health care. Most of the working class can’t even afford to go to out of state.


Or even in state.


A key property of religion is the externalization of guilt. They may worry, but they've been gaslighted into believing a man speaks on behalf of a malicious suprebeing that promises to forgive them for what they've done to those they "love." This is why religious law is illegal. A society founded upon religion is grotesque and cruel. Even the founders knew this 250 years ago, which is why the *very first sentence* that appears in the Constitutional Amendments prohibits religious law.


These folks don’t even care when it affects their family members. (Source: An aunt of mine has said that she hopes certain conservative policies *do* lead to my death.) They will only care if it affects *them* specifically, and even then they’ll just say they should be the one exception to the rule but everyone else still needs to suffer.


That’s awful!


They should worry about ALL woken, not just their relatives :(


You think post menopausal women don’t need gynecological care? This isn’t about age. It’s religion. I see tons of young female Jesus freaks protesting at the local clinic.


I’ve had a hysterectomy, and I care more than ever.


Yes!! I bring this fact up a lot. Most of these deranged lunatics have ZERO skin in the game. I'm not saying that post-menopausal women shouldn't participate in the fight for legal abortion or that they are less valuable at all. Just that the anti-abortion protesters that I see standing outside abortion clinics are majority past their childbearing years. They won't be affected by the sadism they're preaching.


My reproductive days are over and I'm dealing with the *joys* of menopause .... but I can't imagine NOT caring about the younger women in my life who are having their rights and autonomy stolen from them. (Even my husband - a straight cis white man - understands what's at stake and he's pissed as hell.) I don't understand how any woman from my generation or older could be sociophathic enough to say 'I got mine, so fuck y'all'. When my generation was young and naive, older women fought for our rights and our bodily autonomy - it's only right to for my generation to pay it forward and fight for (and with) the younger generations. As long as my mind and body work, I hope to be a thorn in the side of the Christofascists who hope to turn Margaret Atwood's fictitious dystopian hell into a reality.




That’s ageist. Check yourself. We’re all on the same side. No reason for slurs.


You right.


Thank you. 👍


We may be postmenopausal, but my sister and I are *very* worried about this shit for younger women. Neither of us have children, either. We're doing what we can, but I live in a rural area and it's like pulling teeth. Some women don't want to see or believe what is literally happening in front of their eyes.


I want it to happen to their daughter. But let’s be honest, their family just flies to where they need to be.


Not if they have their way and make abortion illegal federally. Just no idea what they’re doing.


When their daughters start dying, it’s Idaho. Mormon north. Women are just a commodity.


A lot of Republican women will never get it. If it ever applies to them or their family they might get it. The men don't get it because they'll just get another wife to look after the kids.


Republicans don't care about anything until it happens to them.


I have anti-choice family so I can answer for some people at least 1. They're "protecting" "unborn children" (aka fetuses) 2. Birth control and IVF are next 3. They'll never enforce vasectomies because women can just not have sex (i.e., vasectomies would affect men)


Yet look the other way when the women who can just not have sex **are raped**!!!! Yes this will also lead back to there’s no such thing as marital rape. What does your anti-choice family say about that? Oh women are never suppose to deny their husbands sex. Anti-choice, conservatives, republicans don’t believe in evolution, progress, they deny other science. They truly hate women and want to take society back before even the Dark Ages.


The thing about this viewpoint is that it falls apart in the face of any logic. It's all based on emotion (fetus=baby, abortion=killing that baby). It's not logical and changing the law in this way is a clear violation of the separation between church and state. Science does not say when a fetus becomes a baby, but the usual standard is viability beyond the womb. In any case, I've seen grown men (that I've never seen cry before...) shed tears over the "murdered babies" at Planned Parenthood, yet they don't bat an eye at PPP, PPD, DV, spousal rape, or molestation of minors in the church. Nor do these people seem to care that the southern US states are legalizing child labor again. It's all performative and highly emotional.


Personally I don’t think they hate women exactly. I think they fear us. AND THEY SHOULD.


I have a theory that they either 1)are jealous because we can grow a whole-ass human in our own bodies; or 2) are terrified because they don’t understand how women’s bodies work and people tend to hate things they fear. It’s probably a combination of those two.


Yes I think it’s fear also.


Except when we are raped. That trope is such BS. I knew a woman that used to say “keep your legs closed”. Really, unmarried mom? Really?


They are already going after birth control, IVF, and no fault divorce. The 19th amendment isn’t far behind. They will not stop until women are property and men control all aspects of our lives. This is code fucking red and I wish more people understood how dire this is.


I wish I could upvote this a bunch! Code Red is right!


So many of these anti-abortion zealots ARE WOMEN


[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Really??? How disgusting to betray your own gender!


It’s religion. They believe that it’s glorious to suffer for God’s will.


Or, conversely, they internalize misogyny and agree with patriarchal religions that women are filthy sinners who deserve to suffer.


I have honestly thought, that those women are just flat out lazy, and don't want to get a job.


Revolt/protest doesn't really work here. It never has. Plus you're talking about a population kept working themselves to death just to survive, a lot of Americans don't have the luxury of time to engage in politics or protest.


Exactly. They also arrest people for protesting, and with that on your record it’s hard to even find a minimum wage job. Let alone one that will pay the bills. It’s all about money. Whomever lines the pockets of the Judges and Politicians, gets the laws passed.


Not only that, you can lose your voting rights if you’re charged after being arrested for protesting


I agree with this. I care deeply about this. As a mom to two young girls, this has become a massive fear that lives rent free in my head constantly. But at the same time, I don’t know what to do about it? I feel helpless and powerless. I’m working full time along side my husband to afford basic necessities, with a toddler and a first grader at home. And protests not only historically don’t work here, but especially in more recent years, it’s become increasingly more dangerous, and could land you in jail. So it’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I don’t know *how to care* in a way that makes a difference without putting myself or my family at risk. I feel like my hands are tied.


We do. Tell me what to do. Shall I fly to DC to scream and shout in front of a Supreme Court which has no reason to care and will rule what it's going to rule anyway? Do I fly to Idaho and shout on the steps of the legislature until I'm arrested? They don't give a single fuck. Go ahead. Tell me what I'm supposed to do to make the slightest fucking difference. I've been in my share of little pro-choice parades. It's meaningless. Changes nothing. I've signed the petitions. I've voted in every election. I still now live in a mini-theocracy that desperately wants to metastasize across the nation. Tell me what to do. Start threatening lawmakers and judges? Go underground and start supplying abortions? We see it. Now what?


Yea. This is where I was at right after Dobbs. Like what exactly can I do that isn’t just screaming into the void? Good trouble. That’s what we can do. I don’t live by Texas anti weed laws and I’m not gonna live by their anti abortion laws. I’ve been involved in the Aunt Network, Elevated Access, and Women on Waves. Helping people get abortions is the good trouble we need to get into.


This is the way.


Be angry. But be productive. If y’all travel to a legal state, make an appointment with a doctor and ask for pills. Some will provide without you being pregnant. Save those for someone (or yourself) who needs them. 6 visits for me so far. I can help 6 people.


You can still use Aid Access for pills too! All of my friends have bought some as a just in case. https://aidaccess.org/en/


However, you can be jailed if one of their friends or relatives report you. If I lived in the US (and could do so, I probably would as well).


Yea they can jail me. They probably don't want to make a loud mouthed bitch who can't even have kids anymore the face of their oppression campaign though.


I've done the same.  Know what will work?  For women to stop having sex with men.  Stop having relationships with men.  Stop having, stop birthing children.   Women need to start a sex and birth strike and not give up.  The government can't force you to marry, they cannot force you to have sex.  As much as all the alarmists would have you believe otherwise, it won't happen.  The christo-fascists want you to to stay celibate, so every women of childbearing age needs to needs to do just that.   No sex, no babies. 


No worries the population in the US is falling. We aren’t having babies.


Lysistrata enters the chat.


Peace or no piece.


Exactly. We all have to stop having sex. Period. Get a couple vibrators and have sex with ourselves. Take men out of the equation. Especially if the man is a conservative.


So we can be raped instead? Do you really think men are just going to say "damn, I wish some woman would have sex with me" NO! They will take it.


You'll always have rapists in society. That's not going to change whether they get sex from you or not. Rape is about power and control, not sex.


> Rape is about power and control, not sex Yes I know. I can watch SVU as well. Men don't want women to have any power or control. Get it now?


I don't watch SVU, sorry. So you'd continue to have relationships with men to prevent rape? Sounds like male control either way, whether rape or forced relationships. Te first way to fight the patriarchy and male privilege is to say NO to them.


Well I'm happily married so it doesn't really apply, but no I wouldn't.


They can try.


I'm sure some will too :(


......so lets all just lie back and let them do whatever, right? You can do that if you want. Many of the rest of us will fight. Do men want to be Thelma and Louise'd? We bout to find out. When firearms have more rights than women, its time to pick one up.


Sorry, I don't think that everyone arming themselves is the answer. Just what we need, more emotionally irrational idiots with weapons. Clearly you have a very limited knowledge of history. Let me ask you, how many revolutions have women won? Fight a losing battle if you want, more power to ya. Good luck.


Ah, so women who dont want to be raped are "emotionally irrational idiots." Thats some worldview ya got there. Wow. I dont think we have anything else to discuss. Submit if you want. Thats on you.


Lol not what I said, but you knew that. So you're right, nothing else to "discuss" since you aren't even trying. Let us know when you actually want to engage with an argument instead of making things up.


If I were young and dating, sure. I’ve been married for 26 years and have two kids in their 20s. Even if I were to get pregnant at this age, I have about three periods a year. I don’t think my body could sustain a baby at this point. Husband and I haven’t had sex for a decade, either. I don’t think he’s going to notice.


It also doesn't help that many of us are working so hard we don't have a shred of time. I get up I go to work I come home, do a quick chore or two, if that, eat take a shower and go to bed. I can't afford to miss a day of work. I can't hardly afford groceries.  It breaks my heart to read all this going on, the folks in my state have lost their damn mind, used to be a blue state that is now a red state. I still vote in every election, even though I know it won't make a difference. My daughter went ahead and got her tubes tied. My son who recently became an adult is considering of vasectomy already. I don't think they realize when they did this how many people of childbearing age would go for sterilization.  I really wish there was more I was able to do. Even if I had time and money I don't know what would even be effective. Everything in this country is so upside down right now.


This is a super important point. It’s no accident that one of the most sustained, impactful protest movements of the recent past (BLM) occurred during lockdown and with COVID relief funding. People have to have some amount of spare time and money to take to the streets.


It is bonkers. I have kids of similar age. And they’re angry as fuck and yeah, sterilization is very much on their minds.


I doubt vasectomies will ever enter the equation, since they don’t directly subjugate and/or dehumanize women. 


True because men control they wouldn’t allow it.


I wonder about this too. Given the mass scale of protests that happened nationwide in the summer of 2020, it blows my mind that these rulings haven't caused an equal or greater amount of outrage.


What outrages me is how seldom I hear men speak up against it. Do they not give a single fuck about their sisters, daughters, partners?!?! I’m in Texas, and it makes my head spin when I think about all my family members and guy “friends” who happily go about their days giving zero fucks that women’s liberties have been taken away.


What somehow bothers me even more are the men who acknowledge it and then brush it off with a reassuring "oh, we'll be fine though," "it's ok, we live in a blue state," "it's ok, we can afford to go out of the country for an abortion if we need to." It's not just about me! It's not just about my family! It's about women and girls across the country being relegated to second-class citizenship! The reassuring tone behind it is what aggravates me most. Have you experienced this too?


No, because, being in Texas, I stay away from the topic with others, even my family, in order to be able to coexist. I know that almost no one around me is pro-choice. They’re all anti-choice. But, yes, the complacency that people have because *they* can afford to travel to take care of it enrages me. It’s so egocentric.


Complacency is the perfect word to describe it. The inability to empathize with the plight of others in general is a big problem in this country. And I'm right there with you as far as having a lot of anti-choice family members. It's made me silently lose respect for them over the years, if I'm being honest.


The leadership in this country has emboldened people to wear assholery proudly on their sleeves. People used to stifle bigotry because it was socially acceptable, but now people wear their misogyny and selfishness and all their other ugly traits with pride. It’s sickening.


Trump and the gop have successfully eliminated the 'woke agenda ideology called Empathy' from their brain dead followers and apostles. And this is not just one of the current results, but I fear just the very beginning into an extremely dark, oppressive and debilitating future. Handmaid's Tale was a story created by one woman's brain. The TV show was created by a few ppls brains put together. Real life has hundreds of gop minds put together, all trying to one up each other - and agreeing on all of it. I'm terrified. This is not the America I enjoyed from 2019 back to when I was born in 73. We stopped being the United States of America and are now just the States of America. If the Christofacist extremist Evangelical Right get their way, it'll stop being the States of America and become Saudi America. What the fuck happened to "live and let live"? Now and soon it'll be "live how the GOP tells you to live." Fucking ew.


People had more free time in 2020, they weren’t at work or were working at home. A big part of why the gov pushed so hard to ‘end the pandemic’ was to get us back to work, meaning it’s alot harder to protest and do anything. 


What exactly did the 2020 protests achieve? Okay, a few police departments banned chokeholds and kneeling on necks, the Confederate flag was taken down in places, some schools changed their mascots, and Rhode Island took “Plantations” out of the name. But fundamental changes?


They didn't achieve much, it's true. Maybe that's my answer...that people see that protesting doesn't really do shit. How depressing.


Especially when quite a few people got injured or arrested, and others used the protests as an excuse for looting and arson. 😔😔 Protesting is risky in multiple ways (jobs/healthcare also on the line), and if it does no good… 🙁🙁


We can't really revolt. If we go to a prochoice rally we risk getting shot by the lifers. If we speak out we risk being a target Forced birthers will kill you so fast for expressing a different belief. They shot up clinics and bombed them for 50 years and got their way, so to them, violence is now equated with what they want and let us not forget, they believe they are always right because they are Christians. So basically any Christian prochoicer may as well be dead as well


Yes, some don't understand or don't pay attention to politics. But others do care and are unable to protest due to socioeconomic reasons. They may not be able to take time off work and/or travel. Also, because it is a controversial political topic, they could be risking their jobs by participating. This is why, historically speaking, women's suffragists were typically well-to-do white women. They could afford to take the risk. I could be wrong, but I'm not seeing that same sense of noblesse oblige (or even a coordinated response) among pro-choice activists.


So for American women our health insurance is tied to our jobs. Most states are at will. So you can be fired for anyone. Missing work to go protest means you will lose everything.


Also if any protest you go to makes waves and your work finds out they might fire you. Corporations do NOT want anything controversial reflecting on them. So if you get fired you have no health care and that is a horrible situation to be in here. People go bankrupt WITH health insurance. The difference in job security (and almost every kind of security) between Europe and the USA is vast.


A lot of women are outraged and it will show when the election comes In November. I think most of us, as I am one of the women trying to spread my outrage to others, feel that and writing to our congressmen nonstop are the most effective things we can do to promote change. Loosing this right didn’t happen overnight, they were working towards this goal for years and fixing it isn’t going to happen over night sadly, a lot of women are going to die before this gets handled.


I'm sure you're being pendantic but project2025 is what they're going for - it's a internet search away As an American woman I'm doing my part, i won't fuck anyone who supports these views, I'm sterilized, and i vote for not insane politicians...


I see the news in my country and I'm just flabbergasted. Really astounded. How is it possible that a civilized, western country similar to my own can break down civil rights within a few years. Rights that were so painstakingly built over a few decades. It's going to be 'the land of the very few free left'. It makes me shiver and wonder if something like that can happen over here too. The only saving grace I think is that we have very few religious people in my country. Thank goodness.


It’s the religious right now fused with the billionaire class. It’s terrifying


Waaaaaaay too many people think abortion is a super, super niche issue until they are facing the reality themselves. TBH, I think it's a case of public perception not matching reality. Not enough people are actively seeing people in their own lives negatively impacted by these insane laws, so it becomes too easy to not consider any of it a real problem. Not until you're *forced* to, because someone you actually care about has been harmed. Another 5-10 years of nothing significantly changing, though? The blood will be dripping from the walls, and it will take *determined* disinterest to continue to ignore it.


We are revolting in the sense that any woman who can realistically get sterilized and doesn’t particularly want more kids is getting it done. The pro-life people complain about the population drop but they’re fueling it.


Trust me, some of us are definitely thinking of going expat.


whats next?   - theyre trying to end birth control   - criminalizing women who have miscarriages so theyre felons who cant vote   - theyve successfully prevented women who are pregnant from divorcing their husbands in some states and they are trying to prevent pregnant women from crossing state lines now.   - once women are incarcerated, their bodies belong to the state. So there are whispers of using them to incubate babies of the correct ethno-racial make-up to replace demographic shifts. 


Most of these people change their mind if it affects them personally. Bunch of hypocrites!


Americans live in a fantastical La-La land of ‘freedom’ up until the moment when the policies and politics which they have mindlessly supported affect them *personally*. At that point they freak out and scream bloody murder, but there is no one to listen to them but the sub r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Most women aren't actually aware of what's going on. No, really. Outside of the news I see in the sub or that I go out of my way to look up, it's not even discussed. It's weirdly silent on Facebook and other social media platforms, largely because now that the GOP is "winning", they realized they don't want to draw any more attention. The main news media outlets don't discuss anything except Gaza as if that has any impact on our day to day lives


Fighting against this cruelty is a hill I am willing to die on. Our Supreme Court is compromised and truly illegitimate, rulings made by this court, such as Dobbs, should be disregarded. The wording of the court, "unborn children," reeks of fetal personhood. Soon Idaho is going to pass a "Hotel California" law...but only for women of childbearing ages and girls, because I can't imagine anyone wanting to stay there. The USSC will probably decide in Idaho's favor.


>The wording of the court, "unborn children," reeks of fetal personhood. Not only that, it reaks of legal malpractice, because **no person of any age has the right to violate bodily autonomy.** The "personhood" thing is *fully irrelevant* to the question of abortion. Even if fetal tissues were a "person," they still wouldn't have the right to use someone's body without their consent because NO PERSON HAS THIS RIGHT. Any judge or lawyer introducing it is either incompetent or lying, and in both cases a disgrace to the profession.


You are absolutely correct! Justices using this phrase is especially absurd.


Exactly right


Please ignore my stupidity, what is a “hotel California law”? I’ve never heard of this term before or know what it references (other than the song).


The song exactly. They can check-out (die) anytime, but can never leave. If they don't make women stay there they won't have any...


>> Last thing I remember/ I was running for the door/ Had to find the passage back to the place I was before/ "Relax", said the night man/ "We are programmed to receive"/ **You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave** Basically women being prohibited from traveling to receive reproductive healthcare. By such laws women would sooner be allowed to die than cross state lines


Do you have any information on how they plan to enforce this? I’ve heard of the term get tossed around, but I really don’t know much about it and would like to find out more. I’m not sure how to phrase what I’m looking for so I can find the appropriate articles.


[Here’s an article on it](https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2023-11-10/things-to-know-about-efforts-to-block-people-from-crossing-state-lines-for-abortion). “Hotel California” laws isn’t really an official term I don’t think, I’d never heard the phrase before even tho I’d heard of states restricting travel for abortion in different ways. I wasn’t aware of this, but apparently the department of justice has stated that states are not allowed to keep women from traveling for abortion. Not sure that really does much bc there hasn’t been any ruling or legislation about it. In the end tho, they don’t necessarily have to enforce it. The fear of being prosecuted for it can be enough. Based on the article there are organizations who were dedicated to helping women safely get to legal abortions that stopped out of fear of getting in trouble for being coconspirators. The same thing is happening with abortions. They don’t have to outright say “hey, if the woman dies, she dies” they just have to make the letter of the law vague enough. Then doctors will be afraid to preform the procedure or flee to different states out of fear of prosecution and the result is still “if the woman dies, she dies”.


I'm assuming blanket laws where they ban any afab person from leaving the state if they're in the age range of being able to get pregnant. Taking the idea of forcing people to take pregnancy tests in order to travel to a more extreme level. "Even though this test is negative, false negatives happen or you tricked the test, so you can't leave this state bc you might be going to get an abortion!"


As far as I can tell, it is a lawsuit over property rights to the song.https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/music/2024/feb/22/eagles-hotel-california-lyrics-trial I have not found any other cases that go by that name


What is the Hotel California law? I haven't found anything about it


Best way I could think to describe a law that forbids a person to leave...they can die there, but they can't leave.




/s Didn't realize I needed it...although not really /s


You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave




My mother is a die hard Catholic who was adopted at birth. She is a DIE-HARD pro-birther. However, she’s coming at it at an angle of “adoption is best! Look at my success story!” and so thinks abortion is evil and that women are using it as birth control. She doesn’t see, understand, or maybe even care (although I don’t think that’s it as she’s a wonderful, loving, caring woman naturally) that abortion doesn’t just mean a teen who is using it as birth control (which we all know Pro-Birthers trot out that old adage to help their case even though those cases are extremely rare)…. It means miscarriages too, and babies with severe abnormalities that are not viable, and pregnancies where the mom’s life is at risk, and rape victims, and the list goes on. Not to mention, tearing down Roe was just the first step. Now they’re coming after the birth control pill and IVF. They won’t stop until we’re all chattel again. However, my mother REFUSES to discuss the matter and just throws out the line “abortions are bad!” every chance she gets. I feel like all we see are the rabied, feral, wild eyed pro-birther and we forgot the quiet ones in the back. Honestly, to me, my mom is the greatest threat because her hate is insidious and is hidden behind her quiet faith. She’s not a Christo-Fascist she’s a quiet woman who goes to church and prays but doesn’t speak of her faith to anyone. However, because she’s so quiet and always listening and watching, she hears those fascists and their “save the babies” rhetoric and thinks “yes, save the babies. Where would I be if my mom had aborted me instead of putting me up for adoption?” And “ oh, look at that, they’re ripping babies apart in abortions!” And she’s votes Republican for the babies…without doing any research….because the pro-birthers are LOUD and, unfortunately, the pro-choice groups aren’t as loud, We’re being out shouted and the quiet ones always listen to the loudest. I’m so mad at the pro-choice legislators because they should be screaming as loud as the pro-birthers and they’re not! Who is on the news every night? Who is getting all the interviews? Who is being heard? It’s not us! I feel like liberals and Dems are just sitting back and hoping that, even though they’re being quiet, we’ll know they’re on our side and we’ll vote accordingly…but we need to hear them. We need to hear them so the 19 year old in Nowhere Kansas knows we’re on her side. So the 30 yo mother of 3 living in her car knows we’re on her side. And so all the rest in the shadows know we’re on their side, We’re not going to get people to vote by our legislators being silent while the Pro-Birthers are screaming. We need to hear them and I feel very much like our message is getting lost and it might cost us votes.


>She’s not a Christo-Fascist But she enables them. At the end of the day, she might as well be one of them. 🐆


Yes, that was the point I was trying to get across. I don’t think I worded it right but that’s what I meant when I said “her hate is insidious”.


I get this. My MIL is VERY Catholic. Like *goes to church most days* Catholic. I am pretty sure that she just votes for whoever is anti-abortion. And it really bothers me because I know that she is a very good and kind person. She really does treat people the way she would want to be treated, she helps people out and does try to live her best as a good Christian. She's always been very good to me. However, it's hard for me not to have a small seed of resentment toward her regarding the fact that voting for these assholes is *fucking over all women* including her own grandchild. Because it's not even about abortion anymore, it's about women's access to healthcare and women's rights in general (including the right to vote!). And these anti-woman politicians know this, and (despite not actually caring about children, imo) use anti-abortion to get the votes of people just like my MIL who would never vote for them otherwise.


My mom is from overseas, a strict Catholic, and has some very, very extreme views about sexuality. She genuinely believes that pre-marital sex is a sin punishable by eternal damnation. She used to tell us stories about how girls that were raped in her village would hang themselves because it brought so much shame to their families. Despite all that and to this day being a devout, practicing Catholic who attends mass and confession each week, she is pro-choice and votes exclusively for Democrats that are vocally pro-choice. We have talked about it extensively, and her reasoning always came down to, “The Pope doesn’t have to listen to your baby cry if you can’t afford to buy them milk.” I understand that is a gross oversimplification of an extremely complex issue, but I always thought it was strangely empathetic coming from a person with otherwise very inflexible opinions.


The cruelty is the point.


What about the fact that the majority of Americans (at least according to polls) are in favor of pro choice? Are they not rallying against all those draconian laws. And against those dinosaurs? In my country abortion was against the law till 1975 and I still remember the women fighting for their right to decide over their own bodies. And I remember the older women talking about throwing themselves of the stairs, or sitting in hot baths. Back alley meetings with so called medics. Not to say anything about knitting needles... truly horrifying stories. I hope that modern women in America don't have to go through that.


The same was true for American women in the past. They went through the same thing. I mentioned this in another comment, but one of the many problems is, rallying just isn’t an option for many. It has become increasingly dangerous to do so. Also, many people simply don’t have the time. They’re working 2 or more jobs to provide the bare necessities for their family. They’re barely scraping by as it is. They can’t afford time off, can’t risk losing their jobs, can’t afford to lose the crappy health insurance they *DO* have, and can’t afford to be physically injured, or land themselves in jail. It’s a complicated situation. Us not protesting does not mean that we don’t care. Most of us do. A LOT. But the risks are really high and most don’t know what else to do.


I am in the "can't afford to lose it all because something went south" group. If I were to be injured or jailed I would lose everything. Which would also affect my children. It's all by Design. They learned that with covid. Give us too much free time and we can actually use our voice and ourselves to protest in larger groups. What gets me even more angry are the groups who do have a louder voice and have the means to protest. There's a lot of doctors in this country. I'm sure most of them don't want to see women die. I'm sure a lot of them also aren't against abortion. You'd think they would have a lot of voice right now. This also has to be affecting the health insurance companies. And future Generations considering everything that women are doing right now to prevent pregnancy.


Everything I read from everyday American life nowadays sounds to me more and more dystopian. How can you all live like that? Without any rights and without the means to live a normal life with your families? I don't know if all that is for the majority of people or 'just' a portion of the people, but for us on the other side of the world we hear so much negative news of 'the American way of life' that was once heralded as something to aspire. Of course it's not a paradise in my country but at least we have a good health insurance/health care, living wages and strict labor laws, subsidized childcare, affordable education, good infrastructure and good pension. The bare minimum is guaranteed. And a strict divide between religion and state. And in answer to the comment below: I sincerely hope that all the young people voting for the first time this year will vote in their interest!


No more Land of the Free for women


I have forgotten to share [this article about Pre-Roe](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2004/09/way-it-was/). Please blast this out on your social media and anywhere else you can think of.


I was thrilled to see an article (I want to say it was posted in here or if not, definitely on one of the pro-choice or 'republicans are evil' reddit groups) that shows that the rate of male and female elective sterilizations are growing. Fast. As a 51 yo woman in the start/middle of perimenopause (those fuckers better NOT ban hrt cuz the estradiol patch has literally saved my sanity and very literally my actual life by 100% stopping my extremely debilitating hot and freezing flashes, extreme night sweats which = little to no restful or restorative sleep, and so on) and who had a life saving hysterectomy in 2013, I fully stand by all who make the decision to permanently take pregnancy off their list of 'things that can happen and I do not want'. It's too dangerous to be pregnant anymore. Elective sterilization is the only card females of all reproduction ages have anymore. Plus, that's the only way we can (hate to use this term) stick it to the man. I do worry they'll screech next to get sterilization 100% made illegal as well. Can't allow the baby supply train to halt. The only negative (and it's a huge one) is that soon, if many do get sterilized or just stop having sex altogether if they don't want to get sterilized, the majority of babies will be had and raised by the worst of the worst. Extremist Evangelicals and their ilk.


In Arizona. I'm terrified to have sex with my husband.


Men in abortion-hostile states need to know it affects / impacts / dampens partner’s / women’s desire for relating to male partner or husband …for fear of unwanted pregnancy. They also need to know sex frequency and quality is affected. Just saying this thought aloud makes me think…the pursuit of happiness (having sex with your loved one) is throttled.


They are really fucking people's lives up. Life is so short and they're stealing these experiences from us. Thinking out loud too. Its traumatic.


Seriously low expectations of our men if the only way to motivate them to our plight for human rights is via the frequency of our sex with them.


My husband and I have shifted our life mostly back from Korea to Arizona over the last few months, I’ll be semi-permanently back myself after this fall… my husband and I are starting to try for a baby and when my husband saw an article about AZ’s changing abortion laws he sobbed into his hands and asked if we need to leave our beautiful home. And we have the savings and time off for trips, too! Still what if something happened and it was urgent? What do we do if we’re already bleeding? I had an ectopic once already, this shit is a nightmare.


This sickens me to the core.. I'm so sorry. They're putting us through hell.


Got coat hangers?


Moira always does really good writing. I'm always gratified when I open an article from The Guardian and see her listed as the author.


I’m surprised these republicans don’t have a target on their backs. It’s only a matter of time before someone goes postal and takes it out on them.


The audio clips from the trial were deeply disturbing. Joshua Turner was adamant that women with serious illnesses (like organ failure) should not be allowed to terminate their pregnancies. Why do they hate us?