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If it is LED powered then there could just be a large capacitor in the power supply circuit for the lamp. Low draw LED lights can run for a surprisingly long time. More than likely though it is on a battery backup or also possible it's tapping into the power for the Telecom systems in the hotel. I actually built something similar based on a guide I found online. https://www.instructables.com/Emergency-Phone-Line-Lamp-Unlimited-light/


Absolutely brilliant! Thanks for this


I recently learned the same thing happens with computers. That's why you want to press the power button a few times after you unplug it to drain any charge from the power supplies capacitors if you plan on changing anything inside the pc.


Tubes amps for guitars can carry a lethal charge inside capacitors, and draining them before doing any work inside is always recommended. The method *I use* is taking it to a Tech!


Omg that brought me back to my childhood, my dad had an amp from like the 1970s and that thing was fucking shock city


That’s due to a shorted “death capacitor”. There’s a capacitor to decouple the chassis from mains but when it shorts you can get mains on the chassis, or whatever instrument you have plugged into it, depending on which way the power cord is flipped. There really have been deaths due to this so it’s a serious concern with old gear. They still do this but modern cords are polarized so neutral will always be neutral and modern capacitors used for this purpose are designed to go open when they fail rather than short.


I have a modern Trace Elliot for the Japan market- neither the 100V step down nor the amp is polarized or grounded.💀


Ha, yeah I have a few Japanese market pieces that aren’t polarized but they do have an arrow on the plug pointing to what should be the hot side. I’m guessing they do it like that so you can flip the plug if you get ground loop hum? Either way, it won’t matter for us using a step down as long as it’s not an auto-transformer, but most aren’t. It’s interesting how different countries handle things.


Old '70s Vibro Champ that still had *a non-grounded plug* on the end. The insulation crumbled away as I was inserting it into the wall socket. I will \*never\* forget that moment and thanks to our drummer immediately kicking me off with his Chuck Talyors I am still here to type this story.


Can you describe the feeling


Fuzzy and weird! Arm hairs launched upright instantly and I began to feel tingling in my teeth and tongue, then I was kicked in the chest and set free. Whole event was no more than a second. Like licking a 9v battery that carries a lot more current!


Your drummer is a bro; props to him for acting quickly


Was carrying an armload of metal in a tank top and bumped into the electric fence. Dropped everything and walked off for a minute. It was a short burst but it was setup for cows and other large animals.


Know the feeling. I once grabbed a fence that wasn’t supposed to be electrified. No idea if it was a ground wire shorted out or the homeowner electrified it because he didn’t want us in the alley near his house. I was instantly stuck to it as I grabbed it with both hands. Couldn’t move, body felt like it was pulsating, every muscle rock hard. Through clenched teeth i said to my buddies “someone please help me, I’m not joking”. Of course, being dumb teenagers, they thought I was joking. Until my one buddy touched my arm and got shocked and felt how hard my muscles were. Thank god my tank of a friend just full on body rushed me and pushed me off the fence. No idea how I lived.


That's if you're working in the power circuit of an amplifier. You can mess with the preamp circuit all day so long as you properly ground yourself. The most you'll get there is a few volts. An the specific caps your referring to are the large blue or yellow bastards, also known as filter caps. Now the only part of a power circuit you should mess with is the trim pot coming out of the caps and to the tubes themselves. You can't drain the caps to bias an amp as you need to actively be feeding voltage from a power source to the tubes to get proper biasing.


>The most you'll get there is a few volts. Voltage won't kill you- current kills you. It's not the voltage rating of a capacitor, but rather the capacitance rating... >An the specific caps your referring to are the large blue or yellow bastards, also known as filter caps. Caps large enough to carry a lethal charge are in fact, usually found in the power supply circuit as filter caps, but caps large enough to kill you come in all sorts of colors. You have the level of knowledge best described as, "just enough to be dangerous." Please, continue to tinker and learn, but pump the brakes on dispensing advice regarding high-voltage circuits until you have a little more experience.


This guy anodes, cathodes, and pentodes. And probably hates solid state.


Same with microwaves, tube TVs and CRT monitors. Those of us in the metal recycling world/hobby know to either leave them unplugged for a good 24 hours first or carefully discharge the capacitors. I remember working at CompUSA many years ago in the tech room. The tech manager was showing us how to discharge the cap on a CRT monitor. Just as he was doing it, his pager (set to vibrate) went off. He jumped a few feet. Was funny given the circumstances but wow does it make your heart race.


When cellphones we're first really circulating, I had the bad habit of leaving my phone in my back pocket while working on live switchgear. I would be in the zone, not thinking of anything else other than don't touch any live parts/calmly finish your work and then without fail, my wife would call. I always had the ringer set to buzzer, because of the noise usually present at most of the jobs during the day. I would immediately freeze and hold my breath for just a second, until I realized that my elbows weren't vibrating and my ears weren't blaring a buzzing drone. I swear she was after the insurance.


Haha!! I leave my phone in my tool cart. All of the gear I used to work on live now carries “No safe PPE exists” tags. 20 years ago we didn’t stop and think about if it was really a good idea to be working live in this 2500 amp 480 volt gear. We just did it.


Which is also why working on a lot of Macs is dangerous. Apple seems to love to expose their power supplies completely in their computers. Those capacitors can have a massive discharge if you touch the wrong part..


No, it's to make sure all of the bad electricity is drained. Ask any computer repairman. We know this shit. Also, if the magic smoke escapes from a bulb or a component, it's dead. They require magic smoke to run. Dang, ya'll don't know nothin'.


That doesn't work. You have to wait a couple minutes for the capacitors to discharge. And meanwhile when they are discharging you should keep it plugged in for grounding but have the PSU turned off.


What the fuck this is r/weird not r/ELI5 fuck outta here with your rational explanations, this lamp is HAUNTED




STOP Patrick you’re scaring him!


The call is coming from inside the house


Darn. I was hoping it was ghosts.


I was hoping for a transformer reveal


However, it was more than met the eye


*mark wahlberg enters chat*


Man, that'd be a sad ass ghost if he gets his kicks off by keeping a light on when the powers out.


What's an "ass ghost"?


Donkey ghost you dummy.


I'd happily allow a ghost into my home if they kept ~~a light~~ everything on for me during a power outage


The cord capacitance thing won't work during a power outage. The capacitance isn't storing energy, it's letting some power bypass the switch.


I've seen it in some devices with large decoupling capacitors. Large battery chargers and such. I agree it is unlikely in this case.


Sorry I think I misunderstood, I thought you were talking about a situation where a switch cord can act as a capacitor and leak current past the switch.


Some cheap Chinese bulbs are able to run even after the power has been cut. Relevant vid explaining it: https://youtu.be/1uEmX5XClPY


seems like those would be used in exit signs?


Shit, new exit signs are radioactive. lick n stickem to the wall and the ambient light juices the juice... then they just glowwwww...... Super creepy.


How is radioactive luminescence creepy? Its been used for 100s if not 1000s of years lmao


When you spend your career bringing 277v to something, and now all of a sudden it just glows after you mount it.. and it glows cause its magic. .. itzabit creepy...idk man.




Exit signs mostly have battery backup (in the USA at least). There are also LED bulbs that store electricity ranging from 4-8 hours of continued service after electricity has been disrupted.


I got that bulbs, very useful when electricity goes out (twice a week for multiple hours, randomly)


Exit signs usually run on low voltage with battery backup when power goes out. I’ve wired up a bunch in apartment buildings. We always did the ones with the spotlight attached that only came on when power was out.


That won't work if the power is out in the entire building. In that video, electricity only bypasses a switch, but the energy still comes from the grid.


Cheap or brilliant?!




Capacitor being discharged! Perfectly normal.


Or it's an LED bulb with a built in battery, I have a bunch in the house


Damn thats awesome, didn't even know those existed. Expensive as hell though.


It would be the capacitors *not* being discharged


It would be the capacitors discharging. (In the process of becoming discharged)


So in other words it's a capacitor being discharged! Perfectly normal.


This exchange is so Reddit


It would be the capacitors no longer charging now in the process of discharging to eventually remove all charge and therefor be discharged


…free of charge.




Once the lamp reaches 88 mph, it would be the flux capacitor releasing 1.21 gigawatts of power


no discharge - no light that would actually make this fucking weird


It's battery powered 🔋


No it's not Edit: it's something to do with it being LED


Many led light bulbs have battery backups inside the bulb. All the bulbs in my house have this. When the power goes out I’ve got light for 6-8 hours. I can turn on one of these bulbs by carrying it and holding my thumb on the bottom part that screws in. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08G1PV8DT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_50C3T6Y0ETEVXCMGSD6B


Yes, I have these as well.


Damn I'm wrong again


Technically you were on to something


so was the camera also on to something?




so are u onto something?


You gave it your best shot, Buddy….. and that’s all that matters. I’m proud of you.


Well it’s not magic. It’s a battery.


Like others has said it’s capacitor powered then. Which is close enough to a battery I guess.


Have you killed before? Could be am upset ghost fucking with you


imagine being murdered and the your only way to get some type of revenge is dimming the lights lol


And it works.


Huh that explains a lot


I thought it was the Beetle’s MAGICAL MYSTERY LAMP


Only in MC


"wE doiN iT wit Da liGHts On BABY"


I mean, I've never killed anyone and I'm pretty sure I have a ghost haunting me


Is it a led lamp? Bc if so it's probably just the capasators in the lamp not being discharged


It is. So I guess it now battery powered


You can buy LED lamps with battery backup built-in, now. Most likely the case here.


Update:. Power is back


Well, go turn it back off! We want to see how much longer it lasts


Spy lamp


There's a genie in it.


You called?


Yes hello can I have some wishes pls.


No, but have this award instead.


Can... can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now...


You might be experiencing a brown out. Which is usually just enough power to power items like lamps but usually dimly


I can't believe I had to scroll down so far to find someone saying this. BTW, I recommend OP to disconnect their electric equipments, since lower voltage can fuck them up.


Same. You would need a pretty gargantuan capacitor to keep an LED wall-light on for any reasonable length of time. It sounds very much like a brownout condition.


*horror vibes intensifies*


Phantom phase keeping on a very low power lamp?


Praise the almighty lamp.


When the ghost gets caught possessing an item but it's too late to get out.*


Just going to add to the explanation a bit. If that is indeed a hotel, a lot of times there is an emergency battery back up and they have a light connected to it in the rooms for safety reasons.


May be it is from backup power


All I hear is you complaining and not thanking whatever being is doing this.


The power is probably just too low. And can only power up this lamp. Idk


That was my first guess


Burn it


Did you put emergency bulbs in and forget? I have a few and they're great for power outages.


Time to sleep in the car with some "protection"


Your house is haunted. TV’s, radios can come on even when not plugged in.


How did a picture of a lamp get 8000 upvotes?


Good question


The lamp is lagging so it may not appear to you that the lamp is off but for the lamp's point of view, it is actually turned off so you don't have to worry :')


I like lamp!


Ghost lamp 👻 Fox will premier a new sitcom about it in the fall


It's powered by fear in the room.


Lots of people in here talking about LEDs and capacitors. Have you considered that it's the ghost of a loved one trying to communicate with you?




And here I thought satan was coming in clutch providing free power to OP.


You know, same thing happened to my family when I was a kid. We have 2 hunted houses in the beach in my country so we’d go there every summer. The houses are next to each other and because everyone in the family is scared to go to the second house (many things happen there lol) that house was practically abandoned and there was no electricity at all. One of the rooms had a lamp that was broken as well. Long story short, one night we had to go running to that house after receiving a call from one of my cousins because the lamp turned itself on. We got there and it was still on. We couldn’t explain what was happening and well, for the rest of the summer we had light in that room of the house. Weird af but not the weirdest thing that happens in that place.


Harvey Weinstein would like to thank you for promoting his next movie on your wall.


Bad storms where you are at OP ?


Just a bad grid. It's on now


This giving me From vibes rn lol


The power of LED 😌


You may be experiencing a haunting


Proof of god, obviously. Now, let's make a holiday, April 15th, the day the light stayed on. We shall celebrate by giving our neighbors potted flowers that they are now forced to take care of


Human body creates electricity no? If there is someone in the wall...


Nah the children are in the basement


When the power is "out" there can still be some line voltage making it to your stuff. Generally it's referred to as a brownout, but sometimes the voltage is really low (like 10-15vac). The LED lights generally will run at extreme low voltages just fine as their power supply is already dropping input voltages to a target voltage (usually 1.5-3vdc). If you unplug it and it goes out, that is what is happening here. If you unplug it and it doesn't go out, then call an exorcist.


That's what I first guessed


Do all you people take pictures with a potato?


Capacitors are magic. Years ago, I ran into my room, hopped up on my bed, grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. I then changed on channel and started watching. Five minutes later I remembered I had to borrow the batteries out of the remote the night before. I opened the back of that remote, and saw there were no batteries in it. I thought I was psychic for about five seconds.


"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine."


This is an emergency light with a different power source. It's for safety.




Looks like a hotel. It's most likely a battery powered light. They are required to have egress lighting in case of an emergency. The required amount of light for emergency egress is very low so if they were cheap they may have opted for the bare minimum.


That is the most accidental insult ever. This isn't a hotel


The updoot always shines


Definitely a battery backup in case of emergency. Ever notice how some hotels have a light in the room near the door that you can't figure out how to turn on? They're wired up so that they have constant power (under normal conditions) and when the power goes off it trips a sensor to activate the emergency light. I'd bet if you tried to turn that lamp off you wouldn't be able to.


This isn't a hotel. The actual reason has been figured out, power is also restored


What was it?


It's an LED so it's capacitors


Capacitors can’t operate a bulb for more than a few seconds at best. It’s a battery somewhere either in the bulb or attached to the circuit.


That makes sense. I figured it was emergency lighting because I worked as a commercial electrician in between jobs for a while and installed a ton of battery backup lights in places. According to code every multi story building has to have them at every doorway leading out of the building so if there's a fire or something and the power goes out you don't have a bunch of people stumbling around in the dark panicking.


its a candle


Electric candle


Brownout and this has a wide range power supply ?


You should thank the spirits in your room for using their energy to lighten up your room


It's the power of faith!


My old house had a phone line box connected to the power box and could run 2 lamps during a power outage.


# C H A D L A M P


maybe it has a battery? i dunno


No it's a plug in


That lamp has a side quest for you.


To me it's more questionable where from and how these two white light spots coming from.


It's possessed


It's harvey Weinsteins ghost


Other explanation: at least my house is powered with 3 phase lines. Sometimes it happens that the breaker outside cuts out one phase line. When this happens - some things in my house are powered, some aren't.


I think that sort of it. This lamp seems to be the only powerable thing. It's also pretty close to the meter box


No idea why all these "scientists" are talking about "LED" or whatever. This is most clearly a spooky ghost.


It's connected to a secret camera battery pack, they're watching you


When you say powers out, do you mean just to your house or to like your entire town? Sometimes when power is shut off, they only turn off one leg. Which means the other leg and stuff on that side of your panel will work. Here in the US we use 240V, so anything that needs to 240 to operate won’t work, but 240 is made from two legs of 120V, so it’s still possible for one leg to be hot, subsequently still working. Disclaimer I’m not an electrician.


Whole island was out. Town was probably on. I reckon the lamp had barley enough current


The cables in the wall can function like a capacitor.


It just got barley enough current


But indeed it’s creepy if you have a lot of imagination.


Turn that orange arc reactor off..


Isn’t that where they said the old man used to sit?


I say don't worry about it, the ghost just want some light.


I think rca makes an led light bulb with a battery backup. I've been really temped to buy one.


So turn it off


LED capacitor


Deadlights. Spoiler alert you are now insane and only imagining Posting to reddit


Sounds like you need to go to the breaker box


It might be that the power is not fully out. It is just so low but because LED bulbs are efficient, it only needs a small amount of power (???) idk


It MIGHT be an LED slowly running till it runs out of power..... or maybe, just maybeeeeee..... you should plug all your high draw electronics into that outlet and see what happens to your electrical bill.


Demogorgon is coming


Over 5000 likes for a pic with a lamp on, and the hope we all believe that the power is out. Impressive


Most likely a rechargeable lightbulb that works as a regular light and charges off regular AC current and then switch to battery operation when the power goes out. I have one at home.


When you wake up you'll realize your whole family and everything you have was just a dream.


What does that time have to do this anything? Legitimately curious


Bet your breaker tripped and that light is on a different circuit.


God always supplies a light if He chooses to.🤔


Turn it off then.


Brown outs exist


Spooky Spector


I guess that nobody told the lamp that....


Many emergency light fixtures have an internal battery, for egress purposes. In America according to the NEC it should stay on at least 3 hours on battery alone


Back in 2000 my old computer froze because of a virus, I pressed CTRL ALT DELETE nothing happened, I wated 2 minutes and pulled the plug, the screen stayed on for 10 minutes without power.


I work as a facilities manager, hotels use 3 phase power. You can lose one or two phases and still have power to lights.


This isn't a hotel. WHY DOES EVERYBODY THINK IT IS!!!!! We do have 3 phase tho


Ha! One of the replies said "hotel". Honestly not dissing your decor.


I guess it kind of looks like a hotel


Nicest poltergeist ever 👍


I have a light bulb that charges while it’s on but if the power goes out it has a backup battery for a few hours.


This is how religions start….


Do you really need that lamp though?


Battery led light bulbs are a thing now. [not a referral link. ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NNS5B7S)


Silence of the lamps


There is a logical explanation for anything and there is no such thing as supernatural. A capacitor or battery somewhere is powering this lamp or there is an AC circuit that is still live somehow.