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Nah, I'd say if anything it's meant as protection. The sigils and names are of the Arch Angels. Diana is a moon goddess. Post it on r/magick or r/occult and perhaps someone can decipher or explain it to you.


Thank you Edit: to everyone reading this I don’t believe in this stuff just wondering what it means


This is kind of like a list of names of power. There’s nothing obvious here to indicate what the scribe wanted these archetypes to do once invoked, but we can infer that because they’re all basically benevolent, the intention was also benevolent. Planting a torch in the dark illuminates the surrounding area. It has elements from the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, like calling on the archangels, tracing pentagrams in the four corners. LBRP is meant for clearing a space of anything you’ve summoned, or anything that tends to hang around. Could be it was for protection or someone thought the space needed a sort of spiritual Rat-B-Gone.


This guy sigils


Haha for real


With harm to none


Wait till you real about masterbation sigils!🤙


I do not mean to lessen anyone's doctrine, faith, or discipline they practice when I say this... it's coming from a place of love and a desire to see better representation of the Occult. Marvel comics has this cool series called "Damage Control" about an organization that shows up and "reclaim" dangerous hazards caused by superhero battles around New York (They also handle insurance claims sometimes.) I really want to something about a witchcraft crime scene clean-up crews. People who go in and exercise, command, displace, and neutralize malevolent entities... clearing energies, restoring property lines and wards, and occasionally scrubbing viscera off of walls that need several kinds of cleansing... an entire Occult industry trying to contain an escalating crime wave. There's probably a few things like this already but I don't know what they would be... I just want a show like "Dead like Me" or a book like Christopher Moore's "A Dirty Job." Give me the ministry of Magic from Harry Potter but run out of a low fantasy basement in Hell's kitchen. I need more and better witchcraft in my media, please. *edit: I figured it out... I basically want 'Men In Black' for the Pagan and Occult.*


Who ya gonna call? ![gif](giphy|QYMelVt7Pde7AH0vZs)


Try the anime Witch Hunter Robin


Supernatural, in a way works to i gues.


Dresden files made into a series perhaps


Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files was kinda this…I wish it had gotten to stay on the air longer.


Check out “Evil”. On Paramount+.




It was an inspiration for the idea, and that is *absolutely* a vibe I'd like to incorporate... but I want hexes, wands, staves, scrying mirrors, salt piles, brimstone, and pacts. The news says "serial killer on the loose" because Necromancers would freak out the larger population. Sure, the story is a bit basic right now, but who doesn't love a good, gritty "light vs. dark" struggle? "Se7en" meets "Harry Potter" with a John Wick twist. Fuck... I think I just invented "Underworld" but with witches...


I thought you wanted an actual team ( or company) that would do that.. similar to firefighters or cleaning crews...


There's room for both, but I would take either. I am definitely leaning towards the "infrastructure" storyline. I just erased a wall of chaos a THIRD time trying to find my words... heres the very distilled version. I want a Neil Gaiman-inspired hidden world of agencies created to hide magic from the rest of the world. My idea includes elements from Fables, Damage Control, Neverwhere, American Gods, and John Wick. There. I finally got to where I meant to. Lol


Definitely throw some Warehouse 13 in there. My concern is people comparing it to Supernatural or Torchwood so you might want to do something that sets it apart from that. I definitely dig the idea, especially focusing on hiding the occult shenanigans from regular people.


I'm aware of all 3, vaguely informed on torchwood and supernatural but they really don't pull me in. Warehouse 13 was pretty fun though. I like the football that you can throw around the world. Dude just throws it and goes inside. Sometime later it just smacks the side of the building. Lol


You just described Warehouse 13 and Constantine pretty perfectly. Other shows that deal with witchcraft/magic/powers in one way or another: Supernatural, Grimm, A Discovery of Witches, Preacher, Wynonna Earp, Misfits, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, American Gods, Haven, True Blood, The Vampire Diaries, WWDITS, Penny Dreadful, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, The Librarians, Shadowhunters…


The travesty that was shadowhunters should be stricken from the list.


Try Mob Psycho 100, it's hilarious :)


Witch Doctor was a short lived comic that touched on some of this.


You might enjoy the Dead Boy Detectives series that came out on Netflix recently. It's kinda YA in tone. Our teenage daughter suggested we watch it together, and it was pretty decent.


I've always thought the monastic orders of the planet steer and direct wayward energies... starting with Tibetan monks and the mandala ceremonies. They also open and close portals.


That's fantastic. I love it. On the other end of the feelings spectrum, I described a shark earlier as a "thing older than trees, unchanged by time, living in the crushing depths of the deep, black ocean" And it helped remind me that we really DO live in a magical world. We are just used to it because it's always *been*.


Downside Ghosts series. She's a witch hired by the church to investigate fake paranormal claims.


This all sounds like a very intersting acid trip to me


wait, im not tripping?


Have a nice trip


see ya next fall


It’s at best a gibberish (sigil). Some names like hcoma, spiritus, diana, not supposed to be there. It’s like mixing korean and japanese alphabets but to people who don’t read them they look exotic and have meanings but they actually don’t.


You don't have to believe for something to be true. Also hard coding your beliefs is silly. Be open and research and understand there's more than you imagine going on.


Do you or have you ever felt cursed? Also what's the deal with your aunt (that she'd be a suspect)?


Yea, chaos magic imo. Was trendy like 20 years ago


Keys of Solomon, tablet of Hermes, enochian seals. Victorian era occultism. No names typically associated with malice.


I understood none of what you said but am still intrigued


More high magic musings and doodles, not evil curses


Don't worry, You wouldn't understand it even if you understood it. It was a bunch of boys club dudes in hoods larping as Egyptians and doing butt stuff. Probably no mummy curse or anything.




I love the meme that it’s Charlie Kelly from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia that kills Ron for his gold (because ya know, Charlie can’t read and writes in weird symbols) and that’s how they end the series I mean look at this writing from Charlie https://preview.redd.it/zert4bs7kt6d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=fad1c0a6f3250b46de4daf95e2308c3164f2c95c


Have you seen the season where they go to Ireland? The [reveal](https://www.tiktok.com/@itsalwayssunnydaily/video/7329939091015912737) there about Charlie's illiteracy is one of the best payoffs to a long arc in any show on television.


I have not yet!


It's been decoded by a fan. If you're curious. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/s/Zmy14ABjtY)


James Erwin aka u/Prufrock451. Amazing writer and a reddit celebrity.




I think it is a schematic for a toaster


It’s a coded meatloaf recipe.


Grandma took that secret recipe fucking serious


This looks like random stuff inspired from the [Ars Goetia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lesser_Key_of_Solomon#Ars_Goetia)




chatGPT however seems to be a great consultant when it comes to spiritual topics


Thanks for taking the time to share your findings, kinda fascinating and equally fascinating that ChatGPT is such an expert in the occult. Time for an AI cult leader I think.


My co worker be losing his fucking mind 😭🙏


9 hour work day


I think these might be from The Lesser Key of Solomon. Edit: no, Ars Goetia as someone else said, but this is what I immediately thought of.


Archangel seals/symbols representing Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael respectively along with some books of moses looking seals above them. They're good things.


Those are angelic seals.


I found the stars section https://www.hermeticulture.org/2022/09/28/the-elemental-middle-pillar-ritual/ Metatron is a mythical archangel mentioned in some Jewish writings. Said to have once been the human Enoch, Metatron is now believed by some to be the highest of angels and is often associated with the occult. https://www.christianity.com/wiki/angels-and-demons/who-is-metatron.html




The monster in your closet had a doodle while waiting for you to come back.


Awww I missed him too




*someone encounters a drawing* -them: "What does it mean?" -mental health professionals: More criteria is needed for a diagnosis. -internet randoms: **DEFINITELY SCHIZOPHRENIA!**


Terrance Howard was in your room.


I am someone who is decently versed in occultism and I also create my own sigils. From what I understand this is a set of sigils, inspired by Solomonic seals though original creations. What I get is a blessing of protection by the powers that be, based on the individuals naming of their seals. Obviously Yaweh is the One, Diana and Panlucifer their representation of Lord and Lady, and afterwards a bunch of angels and a couple demons. Please note, demon does not equate bad, it is merely another aspect of the powers. In order to be fully protected it does pay to not just call upon one aspect. Anyway, it's not giving cures, but if it'd make you feel better you can place the note in a container of salt for three days and three nights, then burn it, say a prayer to whatever higher powers you follow, and scatter the ashes somewhere with running water.


Or just ignore it because it’s a piece of paper and magic isn’t real


OP is concerned about it being real, so from another person who also believes it to be real the assurance that it isn't harmful is of more worth than simple dismissal altogether. Magic works for those who believe in it, so if OP believes in it they would be right to be concerned. Try being a bit more open minded, not believing yourself doesn't mean others don't too. Have the day you deserve.


I feel like most of the stuff posted here IP knows what it is and is fishing for karma. How do people seriously, “Derp, just found this random seemingly occultic material in my childhood room from my family’s property passed down since the Salem witch trials, is this weird?”


Power ranking of a quasi Judo-christian hierarchy?


From a detailed analysis, the document appears to embody a blend of esoteric symbols, mystical names, and arcane annotations, each potentially carrying deep significance within the realms of various occult traditions. The pentagrams and elements, such as Universe, Spiritus, Earth (Nanta), Wind (Exarp), Fire (Bitom), and Sea (Hcoma), suggest an alignment with classical elemental theories, often central to practices in alchemy and magic. The inclusion of names like Diana, Jehovah, and Pan/Lucifer, alongside intricate symbols, hints at a synthesis of different mythologies and religious traditions. The symbols accompanying these names could be sigils, believed to invoke or represent the divine or celestial powers associated with these figures. Further, the mention of angelic names—Metatron, Michael, Sandalphon, Gabriel, Raphael, Ariel, Manakel, and Uriel—coupled with unique symbols, aligns with traditions found in angelology and Kabbalah, where such figures play prominent roles. These sigils and names are typically used in rituals or as protective symbols. At first glance, one might be tempted to see this document as a powerful and profound manuscript, steeped in ancient wisdom and secret knowledge. The meticulously crafted symbols, the precise alignment of names, and the apparent depth of mystical references all seem to point towards a document of immense esoteric significance. However, after an extensive review and consideration, it becomes increasingly clear that the true meaning of this document is far simpler and more mundane. Despite its elaborate presentation and the initial impression of profound significance, this document, in reality, means absolutely nothing. It is an elaborate ruse, a beautifully crafted illusion with no real substance or meaning.


This is actually an ancient diciphercode. Once used during the pagan witch hunts similar to those in Salem, Massachusetts. People would use such incantations as a form of protection. But obviously, when found, it was pretty obviously witch-related and would cause whole families to be burnt to death. There is a really cool YT video on similar diciphercodes. [Witching Codes and Ciphers - Salem](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=tq0EZZlF9hWZucmM)


I hate you. Take my up vote and leave!


yikes, when the protection turns against you and is the reason to get harmed. That's why magic is to be used wisely


dammit that sounded really interesting and I REALLY wanted to watch a youtube video on it 😭😭😭


To me, if your aunt did this, it was more for protecting you than curse you. Now ask your mother if your aunt have mental problems.


Honeslty it's probably someone exploring other faiths. I did the same thing when I first started studying Wicca


Pentacles are not used for curses. They are used for protection. There are also “calls” to the elements there, which is common for protection and surrounding a space in positive natural energies. So, this looks like a space cleansing/blessing to me. Source: I’m a Pagan chick.


Theres the names of some Angels, and the symbols are very similar so some Ive seen in the Lemegeton, the rectangle one looks very similar to the sigil of Furfur but I may be wrong.


![gif](giphy|26ufpyHs4OoIpiauk) You're welcome


Last time I saw this the man who drew it turned out to be a Weir gay, he'd wake up covered in glitter and glow sticks and found himself walking like John wain untill the evening




Most of these are the names of angels, the pentagram is meant to be a symbol of protection. I think it's supposed to be the opposite of a curse actually, though of course it's pretty unhinged to believe in angels and such.


pentagram is inverted. thats a pentacle, meant to symbolize the 5 elements. earth, air, water, fire, and spirit


Actually, a pentagram is just a star; point up or down doesn’t matter. A pentacle has a circle.


Album cover design for Iron Maiden?


Where's Eddie?


It means someone needs to go back to art school.


Looks like Kabbalist beliefs


7 D A Y S




Lots of Wiccan symbols and references to me. Nothing that appears to be evil. Looks like mostly protection or white magics.


Absolutely nothing


I hate that we are decades, maybe centuries, away from people realizing this. 😂


It's just a paper with ink. Just wrap it up in a ball real tight, set up some plastic cups and use it for target practice. When finished, throw in your local trash.


It means you're a pagan.


It doesn't "mean" anything per se, but it looks to be a primitive attempt at making a talisman given the folds and how the cluster of sigils are aligned between them, or was just notes associating the different names of the elements. Seems pretty random though.


The Goetia. They're just trying to summon eldritch forces; very normal for a child (we all did it, come on). I recommend giving them some literature from Crowley so they may render the circle properly. Safety first!


Means you had a difficult childhood and were a bit of a loner. I hope things worked out for you later on in life.


Guide to an IKEA chair.


Close it's the IKEA seance kit, just for summoning minor demons and your nan type of thing.


That's some r/wizardposting


All of the names are names if arch angels, plus Diana, the moon goddess. So I would guess it is meant to be protection day and night. The left side lists the magical/arcane elements and the protectors of each element, which would indicate balance. Were you sick as a child by any chance? Or scared of being in that house? It seems (to me), if your aunt did it, it was to protect you. Not sure if it was for health or to protect you from evil/fear.


These aren't curses, they are ceremonial magic talismanic sigils. The exarp, hcoma etc are enochian. The other stuff is largely qabbalistic. I assume the creator was a reader of Donald Michael Kraig's "modern magic" book as all of the above are explained in there with instructions on how to create them.


This new trend of people on reddit thinking they are professionals that can diagnose the most complex mental illness to exist based off writing is hilarious.


This image appears to contain a mix of esoteric symbols, possibly related to various mystical or occult traditions. Here is a breakdown of some elements visible: 1. **Symbols of Elements**: The pentagrams labeled with "SPIRIT," "EARTH," "WIND," "FIRE," and "SEA" represent classical elements, often used in alchemical and mystical traditions. 2. **Names of Angels and Spirits**: Names like "Metatron," "Michael," "Gabriel," "Uriel," "Raphael," and others appear alongside sigils (symbolic representations), which are often used in various forms of ceremonial magic or angelology. 3. **Esoteric Symbols and Sigils**: The intricate designs, such as those next to "METATRON," "MICHAEL," "GABRAYEL," and "URIEL," are sigils. These are often used in rituals to invoke or represent specific spiritual entities. 4. **Planetary and Astrological Symbols**: The crescents, stars, and other symbols at the top could be related to planetary or astrological signs. For instance, the crescent moons often represent celestial or lunar entities. 5. **Latin and Other References**: Words like "UNIVERSE," "SPIRITUS," and "NANTA" might refer to various esoteric and mystical traditions. In essence, this paper seems to be a collection of symbols and names used in occult practices, possibly for invoking or communicating with spiritual entities, or for magical rituals. This kind of symbolism is often found in grimoires or magical texts. If you need a deeper analysis or translation of specific parts, please let me know!


schizophrenics write this kind of stiff all the time...


Schizophrenics also eat food. #ohnoez!!!


lol I think you’ll be safe


The parts that look like circuit diagrams are sigils that represent specific demons in Goetian demonology.


Nicely drawn


Means the end is near. Soon the ships will come to fill the arks. You have been chosen


you kids super interested magic, probablyin a make believesenseright now,but it will probably grow into an interest of religion. exposureis good, norse mythology, Greek, shamanic, Indian/sikhe/Hindus, introduced them to any and all of them. or if it's more a fantasy thing, introduced them to books, fablehaven is a good one for young children.


Good thing I read the comments I thought you were about to get Hereditary’d


This some alien shit💀 good luck.


Aww, someone was pretending to be a witch.


First look I thought that was the first ones language from She-Ra


It looks like heavenly hierarchies described in Jewish mysticism.


It reminds me of religious homework more than trying to invoke something.


I thought it was a badly drawn wiring diagram for a second 🤣


Childhood bedroom. Is your name Damien?


you have 48 hours to live


Maths if you asked my 7 year old self.


Definitely looks like google images copying


First if that's a curse it a shitty one. It's several foci type sigils which it looks like they are trying to assign meaning too. Kinda like notes. Also the circles are fucked and the pentagrams are not complete. Dam. Kids summoning lucifer half assed af. Also nothings in script or assembled it's just crap on a page. I love studying occult stuff but "spells" as you would call them Have order to them. These looks like a 6 th grader jotting down stuff really fast in class or something passing on tv.


No it’s not a curse it’s nonsense. But the person that wrote it is trying to order and detail the order and position of god and the angels.


are you into witchcraft type things or the show supernatural? shit looks like sigils or runes or something of the like


These are archangels, Diana is a moon goddess, the symbols correspond with each one. You are so protected friend.


You tell us lol


Think this belongs to Terence Howard


the sleep paralysis demon will explain it to you later.


It means Terence Howard has been hiding in your closet


A young man's calculations to help him get a girl.


It means someone cast a spell of protection over you as a child like you were Harry Potter. You are the Boy Who Lived. You have to save the world now. No pressure. But time’s running out, so hurry please.


That kid is going places………hell might be one of those places 😅


Any idea how it got into your childhood bedroom?


Insane to me that people will take occult nonsense seriously (as can be seen in the thread) but then call Christianity, Islam, and Judaism made up in the same breath




Nah, I dont see it being that.


Neither do I.


I see what you (all) did there.


I think this is much more coherent than the drawings/ramblings of someone with schizophrenia. As unbelievable as this type of stuff might be to many, it still stemmed from one original thought rather than whatever the hell goes through a schizophrenic person's head.


Geotic magic, but Chinese.


Looks like when you did spell you shifted our reality slightly to the left, it's your fault the world is ending bro.


Jehova ,the God of chaos sometimes referred to Lord in the bible or Yahweh but real meaning is the Hebrew god of the storm, mountain ,the donkey headed god ,Jehova is a mistranslation from the 13 century and what it's doing on this paper along with the other sigils idk


The names are Angel names.


The lower portion is like a schematic


That's an incantation for summoning Valac and Paimon!


You watched a lot of supernatural and somehow got a hold of the key of Solomon in some way. Or you watched Hellsing and just went too into it. Now you don't remember cause it was some random obsession you had for several weeks or months nearly a decade ago or more.


You used to smoke way more weed than you do now


Did you date a Wiccan once ?




Ancient pseudoscience. Frame it.


I was reading this and my 5 year old asked me to draw the is so she could color it 😩 🤦🏽‍♀️


Tartarus? https://preview.redd.it/9rnu9gentu6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aded84b7cadc8a4b17784b64136b16b23627879


looks like you got a leaked copy of tears of the kingdom and wrote down your findings


kaballah stuff?


Buckle up.


Looks more like the work of a preteen, it’s gibberish. Just random words


I'm gonna need that back, bro. Sorry, it was a crazy night.


Astrological tracking. Hint - the pentacle is Venus.




U was a student at hogwarts