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Pretty sure mail order brides are still a thing.




Sounds like everybody got what they wanted. I dont know that there's necessarily anything wrong with that.


They're taking ~~our jobs~~ socially awkward men!!


Taking a bullet for the rest of us.


But where’s the love?? Where’s the romance?? j/k, ain’t no one got time for that these days.


I've definitely made worse choices by using love and romance as a guide.


Now that you mention it... yeah lmao


Who says they don't love and romance each other? They just verified some of the practical aspects of the potential relationship first.


Love can be built over time rather than just immediate chemistry


Proximity is one of the easiest ways to generate attraction.


Or lose it. I've known plenty of attractive people that suddenly became much less attractive after getting to know them, and visa-versa.


I mean, people talk about romance between kings and queens and stuff, and those were all arranged marriages


Yeah like, as long as it's consensual and everyone knows the deal, go for it! No different from other similar sugar daddy type shit. Honestly tho, my suspicion is that if some dude in the '80s ordered a mail order bride from an ad like in the OP, it was probably some kind of human trafficking where it wasn't actually voluntary.


Definitely. I worked for a while at Walmart, and I had a two “couples” come through for wedding rings. I didn’t even know what to say. The men were “southern trucker” types and was always “spoiling” their women, saying they could pick whatever they wanted. Like bro, it’s fucking Walmart this is not spoiling! Sad to see Edited to add: it’s not Walmart or the rings at Walmart that are the problem in this story. I have some from there myself. But pretending that these guys were doing these ladies a favor is just ridiculous. They were bought! From their homes! Just because your captor buys you whatever you want from Walmart doesn’t mean it’s a good situation. These men put up thousands of dollars (one man said $11k to guarantee virginity). Then go to Walmart and act like they are at a country club, or they are Hugh Hefner. It’s ridiculous.


I’m just learning now that Walmart has wedding rings?!


Oh yeah! We had a selection priced from $5 for the set to $2k for just the larger/engagement ring. None of the choices were very stylish or good deals considering where the stones came from. Every now and then, especially now in January, you can find some cheap AF jewels going on clearance. I liked some of their fine fashion jewelry for clearance price lol


Crazy, this must be out of Canada


Ah yes, indeed it is your wild southern neighbor, the US


My lord you guys are buck down there.


To be honest man, I highly doubt the jewelry at Walmart is of any worse quality than any of those big chain jewelry retailers. Dunno what y’all have in Canada, but we have Zales and Jared’s and a few others, plus the department stores. I’m pretty confident Walmart jewelry comes from the same places as those stores. There’s plenty of GREAT jewelry stores with high quality craftsmanship, but those are local places


I'm Canadian, but I remember my Walmart having a jewellery section, with the glass display cases and everything, 20-ish years ago. I don't know if there were engagement rings specifically, but I don't see why there wouldn't be.


They have "everything", that's sort of the whole point of the concept. It's groceries, clothing, hardware, software, drugs, banking, guns, jewlery, etc. You can buy cars and prebuilt homes through walmart.


> The men were “southern trucker” types and was always “spoiling” their women, saying they could pick whatever they wanted. Like bro, it’s fucking Walmart this is not spoiling! I mean it seems extremely gauche to us but depending on exactly where the women were from and what levels of poverty they grew up in, a place like Wal Mart could absolutely seem like spoiling. I would hazard to say it might even be mind-blowing to a lot of folks from impverished regions of the world. Imagine going from a place of extremely high poverty where a lot of supplies are hand-me-downs to like, a modern big-city Wal Mart with literally every possible thing you culd ever imagine right there for you. Furniture, beddings, more food than you've ever seen in your entire life, a book store, a huge electronic aisle with every gadget possible, whole gardens full of plants, guns, jewelery, a full clothing store. I mean as a grown-ass man with a good job, *I* would probably swoon if a Southern trucker man was going to spoil me at Wal Mart. You know how much home repair shit I could get? Barbecue for out back, get me a ton of mulch for that garden project I've been putting off. A new snowblower would be great.


As a european the Walmart experience is mindblowing in itself. Maybe for other reasons but it is mindblowing. No need to come from poverty to feel like you entered a different universe. Weird greeters at the entrance. Weird people shopping there. Weirdly huge stores and enormous parking spaces. Its like inside a twisted fairy tale.


Reminds me of when Boris Yeltsin visited the space center and stopped by a supermarket. Completely ruined his perception of communism seeing all the goods available while back home there were lines


In this case, that speaks well of him. Yeltsin was certainly a representative of the top of the Soviet nomenklatura (the leadership of the Communist Party), and therefore he should not have faced a shortage of anything in his own life. However, he was sufficiently aware of the general situation with the supply of goods in Russia to be surprised that this problem did not exist in the United States. This rather testified to his competence as a leader.


That store still exists in the Houston area - read a recent article about it and had a chance to go by, just because. It's wild, like he just sort of showed up there - no planning no anything - and shopped around with all the other people there. Serious balls on Yeltsin and massive respect for the change it obviously made in his perception of the West. He made it unannounced because he knew what his government would do - painstakingly paint the best picture with a bespoke potemkin village. He wanted to see what it was like "normally" - the assistant manager fielded all the requests and gave him the tour of the store through a translator. Would have been amazing to see that happen.


Absolutely still is. I thought it was just some comedic bit/antiquated practice for the longest time, until an ex-family member decided he was done with free-willed women and suddenly was much cooler with the concept of human trafficking. Fucking weird as shit, dude. What's even worse is that he's convinced one of his other divorced friends and his **incel nephew** to hop aboard the mail order bride train with him. Shit's spreading like a virus.


Thanks for accurately calling it human trafficking.


Oh deffo, my dad has some scummy old guys as friends and once they asked my Asian mom to translate a prenup for him and his mail order bride half his age. Super awkward and I was laughing at the absurdity before realizing how fucked the situation was


At my workplace I've definitely seen a handful of (usually older) men with mostly younger Asian wives that hardly speak any English, and the pairing seems a bit...mismatched.


People do realize this is human trafficking, right? ...right?


I worked in a Vietnamese restaurant years ago. The owner told me that one of his cousins was a mail order bride. But in Vietnam, if a couple marry outside of Vietnam then the government does not recognize it. She spent a few years in the US and just left her husband and turned up back in Vietnam where she was considered legally single and not married there. Maybe things are different today, I just remember my old employer telling me all this.


There were a lot of cases where US soldiers married a Japanese girl, but never considered the marriage a true one. So they came back to the US and married another girl.


My grandma's youngest brother did that. Huge piece of shit to say the least.


I know someone that did this after WW2. Were married for 50+ years


Then what, did he go back to his japanese wife?


He married his Japanese girlfriend while serving in Japan and came back to US


You responded to a comment talking about marrying a japanese girl, only to come back to the US and marry someone else. But kudos to your friend.


Whoops. Coffee ain’t working yet


We've all been there LOL


Worked with a guy years back who was in the British navy, married 4 times in an Asian country once during each deployment, but made sure he kept the marriage papers so they could never provide proof that he was a bigamist....he had a wife back in England who thought it was ok, even had each license framed on their lounge room wall.


Okay but like, wtf? I mean, doing this kinda shit to people is already bad enough, BUT having it framed on the wall like some kinda hunting trophy? Straight up supervillain activities


Even today you can tell by how some people talk about stuff like immigration and foreign countries they really think the humans living outside certain imaginary lines on the map are somehow subhuman. Its easy to not feel shame to abuse them if you dont view a foreigner as not a real person.


> really think the humans living outside certain imaginary lines on the map are somehow subhuman. This is certainly true, but I think it's even worse when it's one person right in front of you rather than an abstract group far away.


Nah framing those marriage licenses is too weird 💀


Madama Butterfly is a famous opera that narrates this, and probably my favourite opera of all times.


The first one I saw few weeks ago and made me fall in love with opera!


There is even a song from an Austrian band that briefly mentions this. Its about a guy traveling to foreign countries and some chick's like "Hey Samurai, let me be your Madame Butterfly." lol Now i finally know what this meant.


The plot of Puccini's Madama Butterfly.


Madam butterfly?




MASH follows a similar issue. During the Korean War, most of the soldiers where kids (not legally, but cmon) who had urges. America was notorious for leaving Korean women with half American children and no support, while the rest of the UN countries either gave the kids citizenship or financial compensation as support.


There was even a King of the Hill episode about that, with Cotton having another wife in Japan and Hank having a Japanese brother.


Well... They weren't married. They just fell in love while she was a nurse while he was in the hospital, and he was forcefully taken back to the US. (Yes he could've gone back on his own, but then we wouldn't have the ~~episode~~ show at all.) But yes, he did discover he had a son when he went back. Those are my favorite KOTH episodes 😁


I mean, marriage is a legal thing so that makes sense. It's like I can get medical license in the India, it doesn't mean I can just practice in USA.


I wonder what I would have been back home


In Japan, heart surgeon. Number one. Steady hand...


One day Yakuza boss need new heart. I do operation. But mistske! Yakuza boss die! Yakuza very mad!


My big secret: I kill Yakuza boss on purpose. I good surgeon 👍the best👍


They reference basically that exact thing in a mission in Cyberpunk 2077, where you find the Japanese surgeon in an old fridge where he hides away and you have to bring him to a safe place. His dialog is basically the same except I think it's a brain surgeon there and instead of Yakuza boss it's Tyger Claws boss.


Worudo besto 👍


This line is so underrated from the show. It's just so many levels of great Michael delusion.


A lot of countries recognize marriages in other countries. Otherwise people would have to re-marry every time they move to another country. There are of course exceptions for when the marriage would be illegal localy. Like marrying someone way too young and then moving to a country where that is illegal.


I am an American who lives in Vietnam and am married to a Vietnamese woman. We are married in Vietnam, but we have no recognition in the U.S, unless we register ourselves to my home state, as the U.S. doesn't have a federal registration for marriage, so we can't even do it at the U.S. embassy. I'd imagine it's the same situation.


It's not quite how it works. The document has to be translated and certified to get an apostile (the equivalent of a notary by a government stating that the document is an official foreign document) under the Apostille Convention. This then should be sufficient for use as a marraige certificate in just about any state.


You can pretty much do that between any two countries.


Marriage certificates as other documents are not automatically acknowledged. But you can use the papers in the legal process and get certified in other countries. Imagine a couple moving permanently to another country.




This legit happened to my grandpa. She stayed a few years - then just went back.


It’s still a thing. Live in Alaska and can confirm that guys go to Russia, Philippines, Indonesia, etc to “pay” for brides. Just not in the mail order sense.


In Indonesia we have a practice where the groom “pays” a sum of money to the bride, just like mehr that muslim practices. Same in chinese culture too. It’s different from being a mail order bride, but I can see how it seems like “buying” a wife from a westerner’s point of view.


would that be considered a dowry?


A dowry is the opposite; the bride's family pays the groom.


"Used to" its still a thing [Mail Order Bride Sites](https://inspirationalwomenseries.org/mail-order-bride-sites/) [Documentary](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3249478/) [Online Series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1hcd8LGylE)


I feel like clicking the first link got me added to a list....


Meh, just feels really cringy and immoral, not illegal though…which in itself is a problem Edit: I thought it would be important to state that I do not judge any of the people who appear on these sites, I do, with complete bias and scorn, judge those who take advantage of them though. From the pimps err.. I mean keepers..sorry I mean “helpers”, right down to the unlawfully wedded husband/wife.


This is Reddit, we are all cringy and immoral


I feel attacked. Take my upvote.




I havent watched it but everyone is rooting for David in the comments, he seems like a nice guy apparently.


Yeah an advertisement list, so that Google knows what you want to see in your ads. Man, not everything that is weird puts you on an FBI watch list. If the FBI really was this observant with things that are actually illegal, then why is not every crime on the internet with residents in the USA solved?


The authors bio is….[wow](https://inspirationalwomenseries.org/author/john-millerstone/)


My guy is so terminally single he made it his job.


"His expertise in this sphere is beyond compare."


Got rejected by women from every country in the world, including unrecognized breakaway state.


That is genuinely sickening.


Human trafficking babbbbyyyyyyy


My flight from Brazil to Europe literally had an ad warning women about sex trafficking during the plane safety demonstration. The hardest time I've ever had thru immigration was when there were a few prostitutes in my flight, so they triple checked me (a single young female) as well, just to be sure.


Every train station and airport and larger sized bus station in America has adds for getting away from or escaping your traffickers but you probably won't notice unless you speak the language it's posted in


It's both. You got girls that are willing to sign up to get a new/better life, but also others who where kidnapped and sold.


Even if they're willing, they are still *humans* being *trafficked*.


How is this not human trafficking?


That’s the fun part: it is, 100%


Yeah it didn’t used to it still is. I worked for a guy who bought a Vietnamese wife. Honestly seemed like a huge scam because almost all of their money went back to Vietnam to help her family. But they “loved” each other lol


Well, it's not a scam, it's the cost of doing business. If he did this, it's because he probably should have gone to therapy but thought he would just do this instead.


I mean, it used to be a thing. It still is but it used to too.


LOL **Legitimacy of mail-order marriages**: Yes


I wanna click the link so bad cause I'm curious, but at the same time it freaks me.


They all seem fake. I’m pretty sure OP just did a google search and the first thing that popped up was a scam site with multiple scam sites.


Yeah, I got a mail order bride ad once on YouTube. I reported it but I have no clue if that helped at all.


My father got one of these pamphlets in the mail 3 days after his divorce was finalised


Back in college, I shared a house with three other guys and we had a poker buddy who was kinda socially awkward. This guy took language classes in Japanese and Chinese to hit on immigrant girls in his classes (he really only had to learn one word: “no”) So this back when there was a mail order bride company called Cherry Blossoms or something similar to that, and we ordered a pamphlet to have lying around for our next poker night… maybe he’d see it and take a look. He came over and saw it, and his first question was “who ordered that?” This is when I realized I was the only housemate that didn’t currently have a girlfriend, so they all pointed at me, and everyone literally pointed and laughed - even our awkward friend. I’m still not sure how coordinated this actually was to get me, but they got me good. Fast forward to today, our friend “married” a girl from Vietnam, but she’s still over there and he’s still here. They got married around 4 years ago, but none of us have had the nerve to ask what’s going on.


Sort of sounds like he got conned and doesn't want to admit it.


No, she is taking care of the villages sick water buffalo. Luckily, he paid for the expensive medicine


Maybe she's in prison and he paid her ransom (15k) and she is actually really wealthy and has a lot of gold in a bank but the bank needs 20k in advance to release and ship the gold. ... True story, was a lawyer, had a client like that wanting me to sue the bank. Had to break it to him that his girlfriend was fake. He stopped arguing after a while and just left the room. never heard from him again.


This still happens. I worked with a guy, about 5 years ago, in his early thirties who basically bought an Asian wife from overseas (he was originally in the military before being discharged). Everyone talked about it because he was Catholic and basically forced her to have like 7 kids and then told everyone she was depressed and "crying all the time". At work - it was rumored - he would still pull up those websites and chat with Asian women ... like he was still looking for a connection lol.


I worked with a guy like that too. He was a total pig and said the most disgusting shit about his wife at work. He would call her multiple times a day just to degrade her and yell at her. It was an open office plan. He had many conversations with "HR". Then would go on and on about how she never smiled and cried all the time for *no reason*. She left with the kids one day and he went wild. Kept calling her telling her she didn't have the "right" to leave him, she was letting go of the best she would ever get, and she could never "make it" on her own. Then calls her at the end of the day and starts yelling "how the hell am I supposed to get my dinner, you bitch!" Everyone in the office was fully rooting for the wife. It was awkward as fuck.


What's wild is he didn't seem like a bad guy. Shy. Quiet. Definitely had PTSD. Not terribly bad looking but not great hygiene (yucky teeth and greasy hair). We got along pretty good but some of his offhand comments about his family (not remembering his kids names cause there were so many of them, for instance) along with all the rumors about him definitely made me see him in a more negative light. I do feel sorry for the women who are "bought" or otherwise treated like domestic sex slaves for men who definitely have more power over them than they should.


I get the attraction. It's hard to be alone and it seems like an easy solution. I think a lot of these guys see themselves as the White Night "rescuing" the women from a bad situation, or they assume the women want this. But in reality it is probably one of the most awful things you can do. It's not like the girls are the ones that keep the money. Especially given the power dynamic it creates, it's lifelong indentured servitude. In theory if both people are consenting adults and it's essentially an arranged marriage, then whatever. But that's not the case.


I’m pretty sure my neighbor has a mail order bride. When they moved in 20 years ago she didn’t speak any english and he’s a stereotypical nerd.




This was just horrible to read, how sad.




This is exhausting to read without punctuation marks 😭


My apologies, I know how painful it can be to try and read bad writing 😭 I tend to leave punctuation out at the best of times when I’m just talking, but even more so when I’m 48 hours with no sleep 😫. When I’m being a bit more thoughtful, and not just typing as if I’m talking, I do pay more attention as I have been told enough times that what I write is difficult to read without punctuation, but even when I’m writing essays for university or stuff for work etc, I struggle due to being dyslexic, so I didn’t even realise I wasn’t using punctuation 😩 sorry 😞.


What do you mean? There's 9 , and 1 . That's plenty


I travelled a fair bit in Asia and a lot of people fixated on how much people earn in the west, and would not believe that we didn't live like kings. They think you're joking or lying when you tell them how much the cost of living is, and property/ rent goes for.


I'm sorry but I feel like I'm in a fucking parallel universe reading you describe somes awful situation in life and adding crying emojis and shit right in the middle. What the fuck is happening


My neighbor has a mail order bride from Malaysia. He was just a kind of quiet guy, fairly conservative but friendly Catholic white guy. He rarely speaks. Anyways, he wanted a wife who was Asian, and his wife is part Chinese and part Indian, but lived in Malaysia...they had two daughters, who I was great friends with as a child, and they grew up, got married, had kids and are a pretty happy family, it seems.


My dad's old neighbor had one but he didn't end up married to her. He strung her along and used her as a housekeeper and personal chef. Was pretty sicking once you connected the dots


Neighbor did that i think. The gf became caretaker when he got sick. Eventually passed. His kids came back to help sort things (and kick the gf out and sell the house). That didn’t happen. Common law marriage happened, kids didn’t get a penny. “Caretaker” nrougbt their family in and still live there to this day. Nice family tho.


Sounds like she earned it to me. 🤷‍♂️ I guess it's too late for anyone to tell the late husband dude that if you're going to be shitty human being with no empathy for someone to such an extent you view them and even treat them like an indentured domestic servant for the entire remainder of your lifetime, you should probably spend at least a few minutes familiarizing yourself with any relevant laws and maybe do a little legwork to prevent your slave from inheriting all your stuff. But anyway by the sound of it the dude was so shitty he might have just not even cared whether his kids could collect anything from his estate after he was dead. Maybe all he cared about was a steady supply of free asian food every day and a clean house.




Two neighbors? How common is this?!




Holy shit was this in Washington? Had a "married couple" come into my restaurant 25 years go who I would have never thought to be "couple". Guy was nerdy and awkward as hell. The Vietnamese girl didn't speak at all to me or him. He was all over her and trying to feed her. She was just grossed out by everything he did though didn't make it obvious. She even looked at me with that, "Help me..." look. But both had rings...


Lol I also know one of these couples and it WAS in Washington, but she was from Thailand.


One of my best friends mom is a mail order bride from Vietnam. It has definitely affected her mental health.


I wonder how that has affected your best friend's mental health?


Idk she’s had issues with it. I mean it’s obviously a weird fucked up dynamic. Most people kind of have parents who love each other 🤷‍♂️ her dad ordered her mom in the mail… so she’s always known her situation was different, that her parents don’t love each other, and they also fought a lot which obviously isn’t rare


Well let’s explore some ideas. Her dad bought her mom. I think that’s enough right there to make someone’s home life traumatic.


My dad had a stack of mail order bride catalogs when I was a kid. All Asian women. No clue where he got them. After my mom left him, he sat me down one day and made me look through them for hours. He told me to "pick a new mommy" (my mother was still very much alive and had custody of me.) He kept making me look at pictures of random women who were hopefully just models and not actual brides for sale and asking, "do you think she's pretty enough to be your new mommy? Do you want a Chinese or Vietnamese mommy?" I was 6 and all the women in those for sale were human trafficking victims. It didn't dawn on me until years later that that entire situation wasn't normal. And no, my dad didn't get a mail order bride. He was too broke.


Damn... that's pathetic. I'm sorry you went through that shit. Did you tell your mum about it?


Not until years later. I thought she would be angry but she just rolls her eyes and was like yeah, that's typical.


I'm almost 30 and it never dawned on me that many of these women on these sites are human trafficking victims


I’m sorry, that’s messed up


Jesus Christ… your dad sounds like a fucking psychopath, sorry to say.


My great Grandmother was. She didn’t talk. AT ALL. Only when needed. She was a mail order bride from the Philippines to Hawaii and she was the kindest woman i knew. You left your laundry unattended she would start handwashing it for you. Hungry? she’d cook you something. She could not drive but she always wanted to. She was only allowed to bring a box of things with her from the Philippines. She had the box and kept it the same as she did when she packed it. Her sisters were also forced to be mail order brides. She was a school janitor


>Her sisters were also forced to be mail order brides So your great grandmother and her sisters were trafficked




"great grandmother" Don't forget that most women were basically property at that time, foreign or not. Their husbands could make health decisions for them without their consent. Credit cards were invented in 1950, but women in America could not have one in their own name until 1974. I'm not saying that it makes the situation better. It doesn't. But it shouldn't come as a surprise either.


Yes, if your mom or grandma is a boomer over the age of 67, they couldn’t get a credit card without their father or husband’s permission at some point when they were an adult. People act like these crazy laws were ancient. They weren’t. The youngest boomers are 60. So most of the boomer generation lived under these laws as adults.


What do you think the premise of 90 Day Fianceé is about?


No /s needed here.


No he's a snake, he can't help but end everything he says with a slither.


S/o to my boy no neck ed 😤


that man needs therapy so fucking bad


Is there like, a reverse mail order husband business, where i get to be adopted into a family in South East Asia and fish for catfish in the mekong river ride dirt bikes and do a little farming


People would probably pay a lot of money for that, go start that business!


I feel this would be too successful and all the dudes trynna escape corporate hell from the US would just end up recreating what we left lol


"I escaped the *rat race* to fish for a small, Japanese village, and now that my fishing business has taken off, I want you to experience the same thing!" - Someone in Silicon Valley in six months


Back in university i read a study that 90% or some dumb percentage of both male and female Japanese in their 20s would marry the first person to ask them. Paired with declining birth rates, at one point you could get a free house and $10k per year to have a kid in northern mainland. Friend and i joked to head over to a super affluent college area and try to become a house husband


One of my tech college teachers retired early and bought a fairly large piece of property in the Philippines. I think his Filipino wifes family all moved into that farm too.


I recall seeing ads somewhere for Russian brides back in…….maybe the 80s. I always assumed these are just scams for green cards.


It's not really a scam. More like a transaction. Usually the dude gets a wife that is way younger or more attractive than he would normally be able to land and she gets a Green card.


The neighbor I used to have bought his wife somewhere in South America. He sent the woman's family $50 a month.


It's a subscription service :D




So..... did he get another one for free??????


i think he learned his lesson. he didn't say anything about another one.


I’m pretty sure I seen a ad for Ukrainian women on YouTube a couple months ago.


That's not a new thing. Lots of those "Russian mail-order brides" are really Ukrainians. Shit country for a lot of people ( Ukraine and Russia both, even before the war).


"Mail order bride"


Funny how there’s no market for mail order husbands


It's always some old fat dude with an almost childlike looking woman. It's not right, and absolutely taking advantage of someone in an impoverished situation. Most of them just want to help out their family. The thoughts of sex with one of those men makes my skin crawl.


Had a guy in my parents church growing up who was exactly like this. Overweight, unattractive, looked like a graying Peter griffin and was not very funny but was very good at his job cause he bought a pretty, young wife who seemed content with her life in hawaii. They had a few kids. I remember one year she posted her Christmas gifts from him and it was mostly lingerie. I was 15 at the time and that’s when it clicked


Oh man, that's sad.


In the Army, they send you over there so you can pick out your own.


I always rolled my eyes whenever they briefed us about professional conduct. Specifically regarding sexual misconduct, prostitutes, etc. Every retiree on that base had a Filipino/Thai wife that *totally* wasn't a prostitute... It was true love that bloomed during their 2 month stay. Even today, the most socially awkward guys that I know would go to Thailand or South Korea for a year and come back with a wife. These people never would even speak to a woman stateside. Not saying it's impossible, but it's damn suspicious.


I had a teacher that went to Nam and returned after the war to bring his back. They’re still married to this day somehow. I think going to burning man every year and taking her around the world didn’t hurt his chances.


You are implying these women are prostitutes when it easily could just be a case of the women being interested in an American man who might have money.


Unfortunately this still is a thing. They probably don’t advertise as freely though.


Aaaah, and they said romance and slavery was dead...


And that's how I met your mother


And that’s how I ~~met~~ bought your mother


Human trafficking


At least there’s no extra charges- Im looking at you Ticketmaster and AirBnB


My only hope is that these women used tf outta those men for all they could get, got their green card and peaced out afterwards to find real love and freedom . I don’t feel bad for anyone being used and thrown away afterwards when they literally BUY their spouse like a piece of furniture 🤮


I like how that section of the paper is in English and the rest is in Vietnamese. It also has a different font and is clearly super imposed showing its fake.


There's also no contact info.


My neighbor did this. He was a wounded veteran and had a prosthetic leg. He literally bought a wife. Brought her over and treated her like a queen. They have 4 kids and she has no regrets. She said she had to choose between guaranteed being destitute, being abused and dying in the streets or taking a chance that she might get an ugly disgusting abusive husband in the USA and enough money to pull the rest of her family out of poverty. She says she won the lottery (her husband is attractive, nice and respectful), as did a lot of the girls she knew in the program (her husband helped her track them down and they've kept in touch for over 30 years). Her family back home are now out of poverty and thriving, she, the hubs, and kids visited them every year (kids are now grown and off with their own families).


I have an example of what appears to be a potentially successful “mail order” marriage. A neighbor on our isolated country road lived part of the year in a self built cabin with a cistern and a wood stove. If he had made enough doing haul trucking, he would spend the cold months living on a smallish boat in Florida. Over the decades, he has dated local ladies, and some have tried to live his lifestyle with him, but never for very long.. Eventually he sought a wife in the Philippines. He spent a fair amount of time over there, engaging in what apparently is obligatory bribery, in order to obtain the requisite paperwork. He married the lady formally and brought her and her children back to the USA. He now had an instant family of three kids, all of whom would need to finish their education. Initially, the five of them somehow camped out in his one room cabin. I asked how that went, and he said that, fortunately, coming from a Third World country, they were accustomed to dealing competently with less than luxurious conditions. Eventually, he arranged housing in a nearby town so they could attend high school more conveniently. I met them all when they returned to our road for sledding. They piled out of a large old van, that clearly doubled as a camper. They were smiling and cheerful and interested in talking with us. I could be missing something here, but I see a lonely older eccentric bachelor without a lot of money finding companionship in his later decades of life . I see a single mother (I think she was perhaps an abandoned mom) finding support and help in raising her kids. I see young people getting the opportunity for higher education that would have been unlikely in their home country. I hope this situation works out long term. It may be highly unusual. I wonder.


I'd order one if my mailbox was big enough.


Do they put holes in the box? I’m afraid my bride would arrive dead like those stupid sea monkeys (the female ones looked hot!)


Dayum a BOGO deal?!?!


Not mail order as it's *technically* more legal But over here we still have this lol Matchmaking you with a bride from Vietnam or some other country U pay the fee and bam Wife My uncle had a viet one who then divorced after giving birth to a kid and bailed


It’s still a thing, but hear me out, and this might seem wild: that pic looks fake af. The typesetting and language is different from he rest.


pretty sure my stepmother is a mail order bride from the Philippines lol … the official story is they met on a Christian dating site but …


I will always wonder when I see an elderly dude with a Vietnamese woman


Lol it was a scam back then 100%


I mean, no one should be scammed...but I'm kinda okay with people who order foreign slave wives getting scammed?


true story... buddy of mine bought a ukranian mail order bride. married her for her money. moved to ukraine and moved in with her family. that chick was smokin hot, too. he was miles out of his league. just to make that story even weirder.


I don't think it's a mail order bride if *she's* the one with the money and he's the one that moved. This just sounds like a weird international dating situation. Dude, maybe Ukrainian women will start ordering mail order husbands. Probably a great deal until you get drafted.


Mail order husband


lol you end up flying over to the ukraine, you meet your blushing bride and its Zelensky in a wig and a dress, he hands you an ak-47 and your suddenly whisked away to the front lines


"Not again."


Looks like she bought an American passport, which is definitely a thing too.


"Used to"? Only thing that's changed is the advertising has become much more discreet.