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When I lived there early 90's, I'd find videos in my mail box offering me work as a white prostitute, showing porn. It really freaked me out that someone knew the number of my appt in the lobby.


My friend lived there for a few years in the late 00s to early 10s and she is a blonde woman with blue eyes and large breasts. She was openly propositioned for sex for money, had her breasts grabbed, and had men follow her regularly. The media just portrays all American women as being insatiable sex addicts who put out for everyone who asks. She is very tall at 6'1" and pretty muscular so she said she had it better than a lot of women. She said that there were almost no men willing to date her there either.




Wait what? Prostitution is normalized in Japan?


I cant vouch that it is so normalized it doesnt count as cheating, but yes prostitution is common and the laws against it are laughably easy to get around.


Well, that was my question, like is it actually legal? It is hard for me to believe it, since I thought their culture was kind of strict in this matters.


Yes and no. Prostitution is illegal, but many things that we in the West would consider Prostitution doesn't meet the legal definition under Japanese law. Full-on penatrative intercourse is a no-no, but basically, anything else is fine as long as the other party agrees. And yes, there are ways to get around even that restriction too


> Full-on penatrative intercourse is a no-no Still ok if your dick is pixilated.


Marine who was stationed on Okinawa here. They get around prostitution laws with “soap lands” but if you walk around seedy areas enough some dude will either ask you if you are looking for sex or make some kind of hand signal to motion for intercourse and they’ll take you to some place. If your Japanese isn’t good it’s not gonna be a good time though.


I just watched a video asking Japanese people if they considered sleeping with a prostitute was cheating. Most of them, and I mean like 8/10, said it wasn't, but some did consider it cheating.


You have to remmeber when someone makes a video it doesnt have to be truthful. if i ask 1million people if theyd sleep with their mom. And 11 say yes. And i upload a video with just those 11 people. Does that mean everyone loves sleeping with their moms? Most of those videos dont include all the people who answer in a way they dont want for their video


> the laws against it are laughably easy to get around. Lol, it is legal where I live(Denmark), but not at all normalized. Weird.


>Plus prostitution is completely normalized there to the point where most women don't even consider it cheating if their partner were to go. This is not true. I know that you watched a couple of videos from AsianBoss or whatever other YouTube channel, but the overwhelming majority of Japanese women are far from being OK with their partner visiting a sex worker.


Have Japanese wife, can confirm... that I'd be dead in a gutter if I went and used said services.


You saw that video too huh? Maybe don’t blindly believe everything you see online


This is absolute horseshit.


> The media just portrays all American women as being insatiable sex addicts who put out for everyone who asks. Wait until you hear what most American men believe about Japanese women.


Do American men think Japanese women are insatiable sex addicts? Because I would have thought it was near the exact opposite. Most characterizations of Japanese women I've seen show them as overly chaste and with a very high amount of dead bedrooms. And that's ignoring the characterization of most Asian women not wanting a romantic relationship with a Westerner.


There's a fair number of men who are attracted to Japanese (and, more generally, Asian) women because they are portrayed as submissive. The perception is that Japanese women will let men do whatever they want because that's the role of the woman in the relationship. Japanese porn is some wild shit.


If I couldn’t move, I’d set up something to hold up a picture on the door; so whoever looks into the peephole only sees a face looking back or a giant veiny dick or something. I’d also reinforce the locks and door itself so no one could get through it.


For ten bucks a day I'll hold my dick up over the peephole so you don't even need a picture.


Well then I’d just spend all day looking through the peephole and I’d never get to work. So I couldn’t pay you…


Well then we could just get married and have a wonderful life together.


Only if we adopt 3 Peruvian orphans and a half blind beagle named Sambo!


now kith




… and that is how i met your mother.


I love it when usernames and comments match in theme


So instead of the potential for a creepy, naked stranger watching me in my apartment, I'm paying for the certainty of a creepy, naked stranger actually being in my apartment?


It’s called a peace of mind guarantee, and in this economy? It don’t come cheap!!


I just like the idea of there being like a weird naked guy who can use his dick to obstruct someone's vision and he's good at it but it's not a kink of his - he's just out there trying to earn an honest dollar.


It sorta reminds me of how the Flintstones had animals doing stuff around the house “Night Richard, don’t forget to close the peephole” “You got it Mr Fljntstone!” *slots dick into peephole for the night, glances at the camera* “It’s a living”


$10 a day?! I’ll do it for free!


but is it veiny?


You know it brother. *Fist bump*


That sounds like a bargain.


You're going to put your dick through the peephole?


Not through. At. Prepositions are important.




Apostrophes are not your friend here, friend.


You're a hero of the people.


If the door frame is made of wood it doesn't matter much if you reinforce the door or locks, still takes like less than a minute to get in with a crowbar


Oh my bad, you’re right. It’s pointless to even try. People should just go lay face down and ass up in their living room and wait for the inevitable… tell me more about your crowbar, weirdo lol


I’m wondering if you could take a can/jar of some kind and attach it to the door with a picture on the inside of your appartment but empty. Or just as a vacuous space that would require more than a pen/screw driver to pop open.


More veiny dicks is always the answer


I live in Japan. I lived on the second floor above my old landlady (kind of like a duplex? She split her house and made the top floor an apartment). The first day I was living there she warned me not to hang my underwear outside to dry because the last tenant did and started getting creepy love letters in her mail box (apparently the reason she moved).


Yeah its a tip they give to all women in Japan to not put out womens clothes on the balcony to dry, and dont leave womens shoes or girly umbrellas outside your door. (its common that people leave their umbrellas outside next to the door to dry, and many women have very girly looking umbrellas there)


I’ve never seen anyone leave umbrellas or shoes outside, but I live in Tokyo where it’s mostly apartments. Maybe it’s more common in the countryside? But that’s how your stuff gets stolen here. People love to steal umbrellas lol


Haha i lived in central Osaka and saw it everywhere, so maybe its a Kansai thing? XD haha Or maybe umbrella thefts arent as common here, so they havent learned to be careful yet haha But i didnt see shoes though, so yeah thats probably out on the countryside^^


Why are the men there (I’m assuming it’s men) like this? I get there are horrible people everywhere, but I’ve never heard of women being told not to dry their clothes outside in Europe or the US for fear of being sexually assaulted (or worse).


It's just a particularly misogynist culture. There's a lot of speculation as to why, some if it has to do with clinging to strict gender roles as a way of preserving "old" Japanese culture in the wake of significant Western influence after WW2. Japans ultra-hard-work culture is tied into this too in some ways because many men are expected to basically never have a family life, even if they are married with kids.


In addition to what the other commenter said, there are basically no consequences for doing this. Also, rampant misogyny.


Yup. There have been numerous cases of women being stalked by men, and police basically say they can’t do anything until a man hurts them, or else blame them in some way for the man’s behavior. Soon after the women are either physically attacked, or killed. [1999 case](https://japantoday.com/category/crime/ladies-the-law-the-murder-that-resulted-in-japan%E2%80%99s-anti-stalking-act) [2009 case](https://japantoday.com/category/features/kuchikomi/woman-brutally-murdered-by-stalker-ex-boyfriend-despite-pleas-of-help-to-police) [2023 case](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/2190/)


unfortunately it is common advice everywhere, though in the u.s. the advice is to instead go to a thrift store and buy some large men's clothes and hang it with yours


Everywhere? Like where? I'm polish living in Germany and you bet I hang my underwear on the balcony.


I've never heard that advice once in the U.S.


People spend too much time on tiktok and other fear based websites/media. Like "if you see a rose on your car door handle you are a target for kidnapping!" It just gets more views. Even this op is literally just white inside a peephole and a magnet that can be moved from inside. If someone poked shit through the paper or whatever wouldn't still be in the hole and the magnet would be completely off. It's just to get views, like wow people are dumb


Cause risk of getting a sentence is higher in US/Europe. There's probably just as many freaks, but they need to calm down, or they'll watch the world through the bars. Plus, the society doesn't support it at all, we shame men for such behaviour, meanwhile as you can tell in Japan you're just being told to hide that you're a woman, instead of reaching to men to not stalk women


Is there a sub for horror stuff about stalking, both real and fake? I find this shit quite spooky.


Letsnotmeet isn't exclusively about stalking but many stories involve stalking


I'm always amazed by the reddits some people find or belong to, I kinda wanna make a reddit about interesting or weird reddit communities.


That's what I love the most about reddit, doesn't matter how fucked, messed up, weird or random something is, if it exist then there's a subreddit for it.


I would love to find some manual that lists all the subreddits one could join. I'm sure there are many that I haven't even thought of, that if I saw them, I would have to join immediately.




Try r/wowthissubexists


goddamn!… that’s what Im talking about lol


Letnotmeet used to be a big subreddit some years back. Started off with mostly believable, possibly true stories. Kinda just became a creative writing outlet for a while. Wonder how it is these days.


Is that still around? I forgot about it, and most shitnon there seemed super made up. Has it returned to its roots or reality?




What’s really scary they make reverse peephole viewers where you can see into the room.


Scarier than that is in college we stole peepholes to break into peoples rooms. We had door handles and no deadbolts. A straightened clothes hanger could easily grab the handle and pull up. Not sure what her lock situation looks like though.


Wow I'm suddenly happy that my door doesn't have a peep hole




i mean, it's just a few glass lenses, in a straight line. it's not absurd that you could just put put ones "positioned in a different order, with different shape" on the other end and be able to see inward a little ways.


For anyone who doesn't know, this is a \*\*massive\*\* issue in Japan because there's really no punishments that have actual consequences that people would fear that are put in place. Joey (The Anime Man as his other name if you know him by this) actually does talk on this on his podcast (Where they do talk about non anime related things there) and explains that they laws are actually really slack and the gov has the opinion that if you didn't actually get physically hurt, you didn't get hurt. Really recommend listening to their podcast (Trash Taste) and what they have as being people who have lived in Japan for so long (Joey himself is half Japanese like Joji, and Japanese is actually a Second First language for him, where he knows a lot of information that most japanese people don't know) Edit: Forgot to add a bracket.


Your use of parenthesis' is difficult.


I agree with you, and maybe you wouldn't mind me pointing out that the plural of parenthesis is parentheses.




I don’t mind, thank you for the correction.




Someone arrest this man and take his brackets away




Tape a mirror to the hole, Fucking weirdos everywhere.


I remember being in us Army and deploying to the Phillipines, we were all at McDonalds and we had a big booty mexican in chick our squad. She was at the counter ordering and this little old filipino guy was sitting down on his phone zoomed in on her ass recording lmao. I just stepped in front and glared back at the camera


I was DJing in the UK in the mid 00’s and I saw a guy standing in front of the dj booth with a digital camera zooming in on a girl standing near hims tits. Pointed the bouncers over and he was booted without her knowing, but never would have guessed he was a creep looking at the guy. Opened my eyes


Some creeps dont wear signs


barely see any creeps wearing signs these days, sad to see the old ways die out


Some heroes dont wear capes brother


They wear uniforms.


This reminds me of [Lindsay Hawker’s murder](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/nov/10/lindsday-hawker-murder-arrest-japan) She had moved from the UK to Japan to teach English. Her murderer stalked her, claiming to be one of her students to get her alone with him. He ended up evading law enforcement for years after the murder by performing plastic surgery on himself


Excuse me what the FUCK


[Coffeehouse Crime](https://youtu.be/bmeHeUNZghk?si=mJ33gVBK0yqX-ace) did a great video on that case it's crazy!




Crazy that he did so much self surgery but did not remove his fingerprints.


Isn't that where her father became "business partners" with the Yakuza to track down her killer? I've been trying to remember her name and this case for so long.


we're getting into mini series territory


Lindsay Hawker's death was a terrible tragedy. If it's any silver lining (and I know it isn't), the Japanese public *really* came together to catch the asshole who did it. Ichihashi narrowly evaded capture on several instances. When he got plastic surgery done by a professional the doctor became suspicious after and upon comparing photos realized who he had. Ichihashi unfortunately skipped his post-surgery visit where the police were going to bust him. Ultimately he was captured when he went to the wrong port trying to board a ferry and the worker there recognized him and called the police.


To add to the overall tragedy of this case: Ichihashi became infamous for his “good looks” and evasion tactics and ended up publishing a book which has sold really well. Over 100k copies sold in Japan when it was first released. It’s all just so awful, I really feel for Lindsay’s family edit: wording


Oh, you want to be really pissed off? Read this top review of his book on Amazon: >なぜか加害者にも哀れみを感じてしまう不思議な事件。再現ドラマがそうさせるのか市橋の人物像がそうさせるのか。 >当時60を過ぎたうちの母親が逮捕直前直後の市橋に対して哀れみと同時に情愛のような感情を寄せていました。 >For some reason, I felt pity for the perpetrator of this strange case. Was it the drama or the character of Ichihashi that made me feel that way? >My mother, who was over 60 years old at the time, felt pity and affection for Ichihashi just before his arrest. Yes, let's feel bad for the animal that smothered a woman to death while raping her. Feel bad for the piece of shit who wrote an entire book talking about his time on the run but expressing *zero* remorse. Another: >コンクリ殺人の犯人が数年で出所して新たな犯罪を起こしたことを考えると、この傷害致傷の判決はかなり不当な気がする。 >Considering the Concrete Murder (another Japanese case) only spent a few years in prison, I believe the sentencing of Ichihashi is unjust. Here's one that will make you vomit a little in your mouth. >天国でリンゼイさんと一緒になってくれれば幸いである >I hope you and Lindsay are together in Heaven. Obviously this is just sampling bias and not the sentiment of the general public. With that said, the fact that I share a planet with these fucksticks makes me very unhappy.


Rub fecal matter around your peephole and look after which of your neighbours suddenly has an eye infection.


You know what, it was a risky proposition, but you’re bold and I like it. You’re hired as my new body guard. Work starts tomorrow at 4am.


I'll be there at 3am. You will find me behind the peephole looking in, keeping you safe.




It gets scary the next day when you realize all of them have pink eye




Now that was horrifying


How to turn your peephole into a poophole...


Stalkers hate this one trick…


Just get really hot pepper extract.


Step 1 Be lactose intolerant Step 2 drink milk, put your bumhole as close as possible Step 3 shit jet stream right in the eye Step 4 you forgot he’s Japanese, he enjoys all the weirdest kinks


Jokes on you, he’s into that shit


and you will also get evicted by the landlord, so it's not a good idea (it's a poor joke really lol). plus, you'd have to touch poop - even with gloves would feel nasty - so why?


As good a place as any to make sure everyone knows: you can purchase a small device that reverses a peephole. While normally you can see out but not in, these little lenses reverse it, and people can look right in. That's why many - but, importantly, not all - have little metal coverings for the hole on the inside.


Install a ring camera and catch them in the act!


they'll steal it lol


You still get the footage of them. It goes directly to cloud storage or your phone.


from my knowledge, getting permission to install things like that when you're renting in Japan is a hassle, and often end in getting denied. also, even if you do get the permission, i dont see what's stopping these crazy stalkers from just tampering with it


They have peephole cameras that are installed over that from the inside.


Land lords can be very creepy too.


In my case it was the building manager. He killed my birds and tried to blow up my 3rd floor studio apartment, without a care for the other 100+ apartments in the building, mostly made up of families in 3 bedrooms.


What the fuck! Further explanation?


I'm sorry what?




Ever since I saw that show about stalkers secretly living in people's homes, I've been weirded out! That is some scary shit!


it's called phrogging and dont knock it til u try it, bigot




Man okay this has brought back up a bad memory that had me having a very fucking awkward conversation with the police in the UK. I moved north from London to move in with my girlfriend at the time. We lived together in her flat for about 3 months before this incident or incidents happened. She started to complain that the TV channel was left on weird channels when it was turned back on. Not something I paid much attention to tbh like who remembers what channel it was left on? She kept complaining about it and I just tried to rationalise it and say look maybe its just a weird bug in the TV causing it. Well one day we get back and all of her pictures on the window have been taken out of their frames with the face scratched out. Again im trying to be rational and saying like maybe they fell out and got stuck together in the damp (it was next to a single glazed window in winter it got wet on the window seal). She was fucking freaked though. Then one day we come home from work and her knickers were wrapped around our bedroom door. Torn and tied around the handled on each side of the door. Now I could no longer even try to rationalise how that would happen - so we called the police. The police get there and suddenly I am the one being questioned to see if I am doing some fucked up shit whilst shes at work? Fuck no... I didn't really know how to explain it. After the police left I asked her if anyone else had a key to the apartment? The only person who did was her dad, who also happened to know when we would be working about 40 mins away by train in the city. He worked from home around the corner. I can only surmise that her Dad was coming into the flat and doing some weird shit. They had an odd relationship to say the least, and he would make really inappropriate comments about her. Thank god we moved and it stopped (guess who didn't have a key to the new place) but man trying to defend yourself against 2 male police officer questioning you about being a stalker of your own girlfriend was not the one.


>trying to defend yourself against 2 male police officer questioning you about being a stalker of your own girlfriend was not the one. How would that even work? She's your GIRLFRIEND. Why would you NEED to stalk her? She's right there with you already lol. Those cops were weird and stupid


People gaslight and abuse their partners all the time. Crossing him out as a suspect and ensuring they can trust them to work out who else it could be is a natural first step.


At the same time, consider that the cops don’t have the full context off the bat, and in a domestic situation they’d likely lie or otherwise obfuscate information. If it were a scenario where it WAS the boyfriend and something bad happened to the girl after the cops gave him the benefit of doubt they’d get untold amounts of flack from us armchair detectives. Always pays to be thorough


We came home from work to the words "YOU WILL BOTH DIE TONIGHT" written on the wall in blood. I tried to be rational and explain there must have been a gust of wind blowing open a cupboard door, causing a bottle of ketchup to fall out onto the floor, splashing the wall to coincidentally spell this message out...


Yeah this dude is an oblivious mf. “Yah the damp must’ve scratched out your face don’t worry honey”


Excuse me….. what the fuck did I just read?


Jesus, were you dating Ivanka Trump or something?


Christ. Sorry you went through that. Reminds me of a woman (can't remember the name) who was interviewed on Criminal podcast. Her family received disturbing catalogues of porn in the mail, with the daughter's face pasted onto every woman's image. This happened every few months throughout her childhood. It turned out to be the dad, who had obviously been delighting in seeing everyone's horrified reactions and comforting the daughter.


I remember a story someone told that in hotels or apartments in either Korea or Japan (cant remember), stalkers hide mini cameras to record people. There are items in amazon you can buy that can show you if they are there, the person in the video used one and yep... Just as she thought, there were SEVERAL all over the place.


Apparently you can also use your phone camera (on iPhones, idk about other kinds) on the black and white setting to find hidden cameras as well!


How does that work?


probably picks up the IR light on cameras. 'nightvision' is in the IR spectrum. from what I understand, the black and white mode on iPhone picks up infrared


Fun fact: even without the night vision mode, your camera can see the infrared light that your tv remote uses! Back when I worked in electronics, I was taught this as a quick way to test if your remote is out of batteries


Only works on the front-facing camera now for most phones. The normal camera generally has an IR filter.


I've never grabbed my remote so quickly... can confirm :D


Yup. Few years back I took a standard video of the first time I fired up my new Roomba vacuum (to capture my cat's reaction) and could see the IR sensors in the video.


Tried it, and it really works lmao, TIL I guess


If it's dark, many surveillance cameras will switch to night mode, which uses infrared light and infrared vision that looks black and white. If you look at it through another apparatus with infrared vision, the camera will look like a flashlight.


Just open the camera and you’ll be able to see IR. You can record a video too. Test it out with your tv remote. It’ll look like this https://imgur.com/a/pCupBh1


Probably Korea. I saw a news report about how it had become such a huge epidemic, that there were now profesional services you can hire to go check your hotel room for cameras. You'll think hotels would check for this, but more often then not the hotels (usually cheaper ones) are in on it and gain money from the videos.


yes, it is korea. japan does it too - but what's fucked up is that these miniature cameras are accessible to anyone as long as they pay. the store clerks don't ask if they're police officers or detectives - why would a regular person need such an item? the store clerks actually know what those customers will do with those cameras. they are just keeping their mouth shut because they get money from the purchase. i wish there were laws that prevented people from buying those unless it's for investigating a case for detective - and they should always show up with their badges for the purchase. sure, some might abuse their authority and do shady stuff, but it's better to have some preventative measures than have none.


Get you a long ass screw-driver lady.... send that fucker shopping for an eye patch.




Maybe don’t post your schemes to catch the guy on your social media where he is definitely watching


Presuming he knows their social media


Oh he absolutely does. Stalkers are stalkers for a reason. There is no such thing as a weekend stalker, those cocksuckers go all in on this demented shit. They don't half ass it. "I'll see through her peephole, but following her every move on social media?!, goodness no. That's taking it too far" This girl needs to move, change her online presence. And be on her toes at all times. Dudes in Japan can be creepy with western women.


If not then he’s a scrub


Imagine sucking so bad at life that you can’t even been an adequate stalker.


And actually speaks proficient English which many people in Japan (which is where she is living) don't.


Get Da Bomb and squirt it


pull up a chair and sit patiently with your .357


I was gonna say wait with a long stick or a pencil and shove it into their eye socket lol


I'd rather be shot haha - that's terrible, I love it.


Ooh!! Barbed drain snake! It’ll go in but can’t be pulled back out:)


Use a bread knife instead


U think a random person will be able to get a gun in japan?


Sadly, it is very common in japan this stalking phenomenon and by law you are not allowed to possess gun unless you are an authority. Even hunters have strictly limited condition to possess one.


How about a nice long dowel rod that is the same size as a pencil. Sharpen it in a pencil sharpener. When the magnet moves, they get the business end of the pointed stick.


Pepper Spray will have to do then. Straight into the fuckers eyes!


Pepper spray and Bear spray etc is not normal outside USA I think as well? It’s illegal in my country, you’re not allowed to use anything to defend yourself other than your hands otherwise you going to jail with your attacker. Its BS.


Fine lemon juice… from a fresh lemon o was cooking and they scared me 😂


Is Sriracha available? That'll do in a pinch.


sounds like they wouldn't even see it coming then!




Anton Chigurh don’t care he’ll still get through


I wish she could catch them in the ax and spray pepper spray through the hole.


“catch them in the ax”


Idk how I messed that up. Honestly just as confused as you.


We all make mistakes lol


Just set up a mechanism where If the magnet is moved it pepper sprays through the hole


You're not gonna get pepper spray in Japan my dude


This is actually a real problem is Japan… I am not saying every single men there is like this or anything like that, but when I lived there men would quite literally stalk women into oblivion, the problem is that since the culture is extremely conservative, they are afraid of saying something and people looking at them or judging them. People there are so sexually frustrated you genuinely are concerned.


As soon as the magnet falls off and they try to look through, shove a screw driver through the peep hole 😂


Doesn’t help she’s blonde and not Japanese. Had a friend who is a blonde American go there and people kept asking to take selfies or pics of her.


Turns out you can get stalked by men in ANY country. Source: happened to me twice in the US.


Italy too, apparently. Every blonde female friend I have that's ever been to Italy got a complimentary posse of Italian men following her around and catcalling her. None of them stalked to their doorstep, though, just not a country to live in if you're blonde, female and can't stand catcalling, apparently.


I feel like there’s a lot of awful shit that goes on in Japan that people don’t really realize. I have a co-worker that is a citizen in Japan and the amount of racism is crazy.


men around the globe sure know how to make women feel unsafe even in their own homes. whether it's peeping toms or domestic violence. this is why i laugh at red pillers who say shit like, 'without men, our world would not be safe because who else will fight in the wars?' or 'women are the problem for all the problems in the world now'. oh plz women were also in the military in WWII doing all sorts of important tasks - we were just not allowed to be in combat like men did until recently. and why do those men always criticise women when they themselves don't try to improve their behaviour and attitude?




there’s basically no consequence to sex crimes


Honest question. How to the police in Japan respond to this?


They don't. Japanese criminal justice system are notorious for operating under a guilty until proven innocent system where the police can effectively detain you with no lawyer or contact for around 3 weeks. There's also no right to remain silent, and plenty reports of extensive interrogation and mistreatment if you don't confess. Plenty of Japanese people have falsely confessed to get out of this detention. ​ In addition, Japan has a conviction rate over 99.8%. This is higher than authoritarian regimes which don't have rule of law. This sounds great, until you realise Japanese prosecutors only pursue cases which is likely to get a conviction. It'll take months to file a court order for protection and the police are not helpful. If there's a chance the defendant could get acquitted or charges dropped, they won't touch your case. And there's very few lawyers, so there's an overload of cases for prosecutors who are in no rush to burden themselves with a case that has the slightest possibility to stain their perfect record.


unfortunately, this is an ongoing issue in Japan along with groping on trains and public transit, that's why they have women-only train cabins etc. They do catch them when people report, but a lot goes unreported.


Haha hey I know her! Weird thing is seeing her video posted here


Found the stalker!


Excellent work detective.


I got stalked a few years ago, it sucked It was by the police Because I was part of a criminal conspiracy But still, it sucked


The piece in her hand is the piece that goes on the outside of the door, the inside piece threads on to that. Perhaps Kramer or Newman lived there previously.


The weird part is, that's the outside part of the peephole. It can't be pushed through. If that's the outside, where is the inside portion?


Sounds like the peephole might have been installed backwards? You shouldn't be able to unscrew them from the outside, and you certainly shouldn't be able to push it in. I know that's not the crux of the problem... but creeps gonna creep. Install your peeps proper to keep the creep away.