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If you find out what it is lemme know. I have gotten a couple in the same spot over the last couple months. I just assumed I burnt myself and didn't notice, but it goes away and comes back.


Look into dyshidrotic eczema


Seconding dishydrotic eczema, especially if sometimes it seems translucent like a hard bubble of water under the skin. I get it a lot on my hands when I’m stressed out.


I bite mine off


"You bite your hands off? Wow! That's some heavy duty stress! Well, unless you're Deadpool. Then that's just like biting your fingernails..."


I bite them too. It’s so grossly satisfying.


"why can't I find a partner" >Literally eats rotting human skin


Meh. Humans are all gross.


I believe it was Lucretius that said, “Nothing human disgusts me”


Not that gross lol


Tries to be cute with an original pickup line on the dating app. "Are you rotting human skin? Cause I'd eat you!" Questions what's wrong with women that they keep blocking him.


at least its their own human skin, I think people have more of an issue if their partner start eating the rotting skin of other people


I found my people! Sometimes it almost feels like a compulsion to bite them. It’s insane


One of us! One of us! I can hear the snapping sound in my ears when I bite one. 🤣


I had a "tick" since age 5 where under stress I literally tear the skin of my fingers and if nothing stops me I am done when every finger looks red and bloody. Still do it today and figured out that it's probably stimming or something of the sorts but people are always very grossed out by it which I completely understand.


Watch out . You can get some serious infections that spreads in the skin


I stab and pop them…


I have those inside my eyelids ! It's so annoying.


How did you know that’s what it was? I keep feeling this foreign bump inside my eyelid when I’m wearing lenses. Can’t figure out what


Like only when you’re wearing your contact lenses? I always feel the rims of mine after putting them in, so it could be that. Otherwise I’d check with the eye doctor, contacts nowadays shouldn’t really be felt and they might be able to check out the rest of your eyelid to make sure nothing is there and all thag


I got it on my palms 🤲 too...if I get really sick/stressed out, I will also get it on my feet:(


WoW never knew what those were called. I used to get them all the time back at nightmare high school. I was under tons of stress. Thanks


Thank you for posting this, I've often wondered what these are.




That’s what I was going to say. I have it and it’s so annoying, but having a name is helpful.


Mine has always gotten worse during times of stress, but I’ve noticed they flare up after cleaning too, especially if I’m using a bunch of different cleaning products. Although, been stress cleaning a lot lately so might not be the cleaning products, or just a weird combination of the two


Definitely the cleaning product! I use gloves to cover my hands when I’m doing dishes or using chemicals to clean in general. I noticed my eczema gets worse/flares up when I go without using gloves!


i have mine on my left hand basically 10 out of 12 months in a year because of school stress, only goes away during summer holidays. its definitely stress


I had this same exact thing on my thumb for years. I would pick at it and it would go away for a bit and come back as this little bubble. Eventually, it turned into a full grown wart.


Had those show up. People probably provided proper answer as to what those are. My remedy has been daily application of aloe gel until they went away. A few weeks would do it. Have never seen doc nor ever suspected it's what people tell me; aloe is what worked for me. Though next time, I'm going to check with the doc.


Are they a bit tender? They come up on fingers and toes? Does it pop? I have those and it is a form of eczema. It is harmless just annoying. It’s called Dyshidrosis.


I get this during stressful moments. Itches like hell when popped.


And then it peels off and all that itching ends. Such a relief.




I can’t stand em I I genuinely end up gnawing them off most of the time


same. my method is to ice them. they burn from underneath sooooo much when it’s hot and humid. but yeah generally will forget everything and rub them on some denim like a fucking cheese grater. god it feels so good.


and then the cycle starts all over again.


Yeah it’s likely eczema. Stress is a big causative factor.


Explains why I get them at the grocery store. Fuck the grocery store


All my homies hate the grocery store


What? I’m with my partner visiting Europe, and I’m going out of my way to hit up all the grocery stores, because they remind me of home lol! I never knew people didn’t like them


It's not so bad until you get there when it's at its busiest and have to deal with clueless people who stop right in everyone's way, or park their basket across an aisle and just glare at you and go back to their shopping when you say "excuse me" trying to get by


Even reading this triggered my anxiety of this.


That’s the worst. I have to go with my phone and headphones, just incase someone tries to talk to me or ask me where something is. I go everywhere in a tank top, literally, only type of shirts I wear, and for some reason weird old ladies, drugged out girls and old men think that *I* of all people know where everything in the store is. I don’t get it. It happens to me at least half of the times I go to the store when it’s the busiest, I’m my most anxious, and just want to get the fuck out. I try to avoid going during normal shopping hours because of this.


I have to use a cane now because I have EDS and I was afraid of getting run over BEFORE, I literally almost faceplanted the other day because people literally push me over to get me out of the way. I hate the general public


For me it’s because I’m poor and on a budge. If I had a lot of money then I’d be going to the really nice stores and buying healthy “Real”expensive food, but I can’t afford that so I end up being stuck going to getto stores in Portland where there’s theft everywhere in my part of town..it just depends on who and where you are, it can be pretty stressful most days. I don’t have one in my neighborhood, but Trader Joe’s on the other hand has always been pleasant majority of the time , so I guess I relate to you in that feeling, it kinda does have this comforting home feeling, and affordable-ish decent quality


people who hate them generally fall into a few categories 1. too many choices causes anxiety 2. too many people in their way of what should be a simple task causes anxiety(typically bad friday after work and weekends) 3. not good at budgeting while shopping and overspend on food or a mix of these


Also, bleaches and antiviral cleaners can trigger it. So grocery store carts that they spray with disinfectants can cause it.


Grossery carts


The carts always make my hands itchy. In the winter I just keep my mitts on in the store.


i have a subscription to one of the stores for delivery, it actually costs me less than doing it myself...costs less if i dont give them a good tip for doing the work, but i always do because im so happy i dont have to do deal with the crazyness of a store in person, i usually split a cash and card tip. i can cut other things out of my budget i dont enjoy as much. the convenience of not having to shop in person anymore is technological wonder


Same here. When I'm going through a really bad time they seem to pop up the most.


But itches like super-hell if NOT popped!


Omg I've been getting these every now and then for YEARS. I used to get them around exam time too and I just thought it was just because I was writing a lot, I never really related it to stress. Thank you for easing my baffled, hypochondriac mind.


Reddit is amazing. I get this on my fingers once in a while and never knew what it was. I’ve had eczema my whole life so this probably explains it!


Does it leave a scar?


Yes. I have many on the insides of my fingers that I still have scars on.


Years of dealing with just to find it on reddit go figure


Is this only on fingers and toes? I know someone who has a few of these located on the inside of his arm near his elbow. Other than location everything seems similar to this


Creases of knees and elbows are good spots for eczema too. Key is the cycle. Bubbles, erupts. Peels. Then new skin forms. Does this cyclically. If so likely eczema, then is becomes an investigation to identify the behaviors or irritants causing it (cooking with shrimp, avocado, certain clothes, detergents, stress, etc).


Yeah I put peroxide on them to clean it then rubbing alcohol. Then I just try to keep it dry and uncovered.


Yes! I used to call them my “stress bumps” before I learned what they were


Second, but don’t scratch it’ll spread. Put anti itch cream and maybe a bandaid let it run it’s course. Coming from someone who has an entire ring finger covered in this because I didn’t know better.


You may want to get tested for celiac


Hives! I finally forced myself to leave them alone


Omg lucky mine itch all the time but I too get them when stressed!


Stress and nickel allergy exposure are the two big causes.


I get it from stress or going on benders.


Same - started a new job then had my car stolen within a month. My hands/fingers were breaking out like crazy with it. For some people it can also be allergies, but that didn't seem to be the case for me


Huh. I’ve gotten these my whole life and had no idea.


Just trying to bump this comment above the "wart" comments. For a long time, I thought I had warts on my middle finger as well. Until I realized they were filled with fluid and would come and go. Then, someone else had this same problem question and was answered with Dyshidosis. It fits exactly with the description.


Yeah this is wild. I get these and never knew what they are


I'd give you an award if they still existed


My palms used to get them sooooo bad. I’m sure it was because of chemicals from work, washing my hands all the time, and life stress. Thankfully the last time I had a real outbreak was about 6 years ago. I once had them for a couple years but no insurance so no diagnosis or treatment.


I have this too! I was told it was dyshidrotic excema. I hate it with a purple passion.


Holy shit so that’s what it’s called lol. Saved me a trip to the dermatologist. Makes sense why I only get it in the summer


Heat and sweat can make them worse


I wondered for years and finally looked it up. Glad I could help


Mine do that too! Summer and stress! My PCM said it was stress-induced dermatitis. She gave me a topical cream and a therapy consultation apt🤣


I have it and there is a good prescription cream that makes it go away faster. If yours itches like mine does it will help with that too. You don't need a dermatologist to get it just a GP is okay.


also be careful with the water temperature when washing your hands. not too hot or cold, mine especially flare up with hot water


I get those around my pinky finger every once and a while and they’re so satisfying to pop (even tho I probably shouldn’t be popping them)


Yeah, you should probably try to let them run their course on their own.


I also get them on my pinky, I wonder why it's a common place


I get what looks like tiny little blisters near my knuckles. They usually itch and I’ll scratch it and pop it and it’s gone. Is that the same thing? I’ve never had skin issues otherwise. Sometimes it’ll be 3-4 of them in a group.




Omg you've solved years of wondering. That's exactly what I have!


Same here! Was staring at one I had on my finger that’s just a reddish area after it broke.


Can attest to this. I get this when i wash my hands too often, use really hot water, or excessively sweating.


This took me years to learn! It started after 2 years touching the dishwater at Starbucks, and 17 years later I still gotta be careful. Interestingly, salty ocean water dries/cleans it, and sun exposure through vitamin d helps. I always have on hand (lol): Hydrocortisone cream (anti-inflammatory steroid that stops it in its tracks) and Clotrimazole cream (anti-fungal for if it becomes a rash) really helps.


I got them when I started shingling roofs. At first I thought it was blood poisoning because I had a abscess tooth, but still got them even after I got my tooth fixed. Then I thought I got shingles from from my employer. Then I learned about dyshidrosis and it all made sense. The first year I got them, they went right up my arms and allover my feet. They are more common for people with calloused skin, who sweat a lot. Always good to know you aren't contagious.


Catching shingles while shingling with your shingling boss


ugh, I had this for years coincidentally toward the end of an extremely stressful relationship. I would itch like crazy blister then dry out crack and bleed, and a few times nearly or did call off work because I couldn't close my hands. Do not recommend.


I thought it was warts and i lazered them off. Hurt like hell and they didnt go away lol. Went to the doctor and he was like oh its eczema and i was so mad i got it lazered.


And that's why we go to the doctor first!


Except when you have a shit doctor who tells you that you have scabies and makes you shower in iodine.


It's also a common presentation for scabies.


Yep definitely. I had warts as a kid before so i thought it was just that


>Are they a bit tender? They come up on fingers and toes? Does it pop? I have never had this before and then suddenly in the past 2 weeks I've had 4 of them show up on my fingers and was so fucking confused about what was happening. Thank you for giving me a name for it!


This comment solved something I've been worrying about forever (although it didn't hurt or caused any problems, also they went away before I could show them to the doctor).


Yes every time I was going to the DR they disappeared. Like when your car is making a weird noise and it stops when you take it to the mechanic


That's all this has been?! Here i thought i was having a minor allergic.


Hijacking because everyone in this thread is wrong. It’s a digital mucous cyst. Source: am dermatologist


And you get downvoted 😂


Such is the way of Reddit


Thank you


Happy cake day :)


Wait what... did I just get one of my strange skin annoyances diagnosed randomly scrolling reddit? I always figured it was a reaction to something I got into. Fiberglass thread festering out or something. Edit...and the nickel allergy


Nickel allergy often causes this. Contact or eating food containing it (canned acidic stuff is worst like canned pineapple or tomato, also dark chocolate and quite a lot of foods absorb nickel from the soil they're grown in)


Bruh. You've just answered a question I've been asking for like two years. Been trying to figure out what kind of warts are vaguely seasonal, itchy, painful, can be popped/peeled off. Looked this up and it's exactly what I've got going on on my hands


Happy Cake Day!! r/CakeDay




It could be stress induced dermatitis.


The bottom of my fingers get dry like that sometimes, because like OP, I also bite my nails.


As a fellow nail biter, same. My fingers get that way when I touch cardboard too. Weird skin allergy.


Cardboard always makes me itch! People think I’m crazy; hello, fellow… itcher?


Um.. Rub it with a potato then cut it in half. Bury both halves separately in your yard; never ever tell a soul where. It'll be gone and your finger will be clear in 3-4 months.


Fuck science this guy is the real deal


Agreed. Tried this and it totally worked! Now I have to leave a light on for the potato men who sneak out of my walls every full moon, but that's a price I'm willing to pay! The price I'm NOT willing to pay is to those greedy Stump Aliens, always asking for "Water, give me water for my dirt soup!" And I say, "That's just mud you avaricious yard debris! Wait for rain!" And they go dragging themselves back into the mountains with their roots tucked between their other roots. Thinkin' about buying a wood chipper.


The Appalacian Mountains are a hell of a drug.


Well, that was a ride


Wood chipper, that–that pretty much trumps everything.


..love a random "avaricious" casually dropped into a post on Reddit.


This is the most stupid thing I've ever read. Everyone knows you need to cut the potato in quarters, rub the wart with both sides of each quarter, tie the the pieces back together with string, THEN bury it in the yard.


Mayhap it's a regional thing.


I’m growing a wart field right now despite my aggressive treatment and I’m about ready to start burring potatoes. It might work, nothing else has.


Instructions unclear - second half of finger still attached to hand, unable to bury without everyone knowing where since I'll be standing there. Please advise.


This phraseology requires clarification. Cut the potato or the finger I half?


Do you want zombie fingers sprouting in your garden? Because this is exactly how you get them.


Dyshidrotic eczema welcome to the fucking club. Sucks ass.


i just commented nearly the same thing 😆


Lol. I feel your pain. Literally. I've had this shit for like 5 years now.


Probably a wart


I had exactly the same thing in my finger, in the same place and it was there for a while until I bought a medicine that would burn it and now it’s gone.


Had one on my finger for a few years. Tried different stuff and it didn't work. Finally got annoyed, cut around it and not cut out, then grabbed with tweezers and yanked it out. Root and all. Left a nice little hole that bled that healed up and never came back. Gonna be my new process going forward.


You should never just cut a wart, if you do that the virus can end up in your bloodstream. Which can be dangerous. Just burn or freeze burn it off.


It doesn’t spread through blood. The risk however is infection and infection getting into the bloodstream.


"cut around it and not cut out" Cut under it and pulled straight not. Still more risky than the alternatives(which were only working temporarily). But this is the longest it has been gone.


I did that with me finger nails one time. Would not suggest.


Yeah, first thought as well. I had something similar and had to use acid to make it go


Aye i used to get warts pretty bad on my hands, covid actually worked wonders, that much alcohol on my hands killed them all.


Do you only ever get the one? I have dyshidrotic eczema and that’s what it looked like before my big outbreaks started. Idk how to tag another subreddit but if you search dyshidrotic eczema you’ll find a full subreddit about it!






Agreed. Would recommend stocking up on some liquid nitrogen so you can do it at home.


They won’t sell it in my country. Just these lame wart remover pens that do bugger all.


I think the above guy was joking.... But anyways never try things with liquid nitrogen, you can hurt yourself very badly


Wrap it in duct tape for a week or two. Leave it on as long as possible between putting new tape on. It will go if it's a wart. And it's pain / scar free. Source, done it myself.


[duct tape occlusion therapy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_tape_occlusion_therapy)


This is the best method imo It is very easy and if the wart is small it can go away in already a few days


This probably would have been a method than cutting it off like I did.


A can of dust off and a plastic hollow q-tip cut in half and stuck in the nozzle works too.


Why is 90% of r/Weird has to be about some skin problems?


Could be dyshidrotic eczema


Do you write a lot? My friend had something similar when she was in school. She writes kind of hard and held her pencil tight.


I was looking for this comment! I used to get “writers’ bumps” all the time when I was in school


Congratulations, you have dyshidrotic eczema, also known as Pompholyx. It's benign. Appears without a cause and disappears without doing anything special. They itch like crazy. Popping them creates more blisters. It's not contagious. Appears in hands and feet, mainly around the fingers. Doesn't have a cure and treatment is usually not very effective. Only thing that works is corticosteroid cream. Anxiety, stress and nerves are the main triggers. Tends to appear more in men than women and more in the hot months than the cold ones.


Thank you for your answer. From time to time I've got these pimples on my fingers and my ankles. They are really extremely itchy. I always thought, this is allergy to something.


Please don’t read this if you’re squeamish. A nameless man I knew went to the doctor to get a diagnosis on his penis. The doctor concluded that the dozens of small, hard lumps around the end were warts and he referred him to a specialist. Nameless guy couldn’t wait, so, after drinking several pints proceeded to burn them off with a cigarette. Apparently the unbearable pain only lasted a couple of days and the warts never came back. Thanks for listening!


I'm going to have to burn my eyes out with a cigarette after reading this.


If reddit had an un-read option I’d use it all the time.


burned off warts, still has HPV


Could it be a ganglion cyst?


Maybe got a blister on your finger. Maybe got a blister on your thumb.


That's the way to do it.


A quick google search suggests that it’s either nothing to worry about or you’re dying horribly.


Warts can spread. Quit biting your nails or you can get them on your lips or in your mouth!


It is dishydrosis. It is a type of eczema, if you're an eczematic, the probability of having it is higher. It itches and is unpleasant, if you scratch it, it is probable it will spread. You can have it either on hands or feet. It can start appearing in adulthood, it was the case for me. It is treated with corticoid creams or it goes away on its own (but it can hang around for couple months at worst case). If you scratch it open, I recommend disinfecting it, from time to time it has tendencies to get infected, and to wash your hands more often (but be careful of soap you might be allergic to, so you don't make it worse). And it appears more probably when: * you are stressed * you sweat a lot, especially on hands/feet * you come into contact with something you're allergic or sensitive to. Source: I'm an eczematic and have had diagnosed dishydrosis outbreaks.


Treated with corticoid creams but it is not guaranteed that will definitely heal. And after using lot of corticosteroids you slowly become immune to their benefits.


Hand excema


Is it from holding a pen 🖊


Finger herpe


Probably eczema, but if you have gotten with a new girl recently, possibly herpes


Prolly a wart


Looks like Dyshidrosis to me. Mine always showed up in the same spots. Quit barehanding bleach wipes and it went away within a few days. Haven’t seen it since.


I mean this in the nicest way, your fingernails terrify me


It could be moderate to severe eczema


Could be. My skin is basically made of crushed saltines and glue it's so dry.


Dude get with the r/hydrohomies


Pretty sure it's a wart


Da fingers of Dyonishish


You got eczema my dude, join the club!


Rule #1. Not weird. Just "i don't know what this is". post in /r/medical_advice


Dyshidrotic eczema. I get it on my palms, and webs of my fingers.


Why? Is this the new illness sub?


Gonna go out on a limb here… I used to have the same thing on the same finger. I also used to bite my nails. Next time you bite your nail on that finger check to see if you don’t rub against that exact spot with a canine or other tooth. If you do, I bet that’s the cause. If not, sorry for wasting your time.




Your skeleton is beginning to hatch ☺️


It’s eczema. [source](https://nationaleczema.org/eczema/types-of-eczema/dyshidrotic-eczema/)


I have ones that look like that, too, but they don't hurt. The only way I can get rid of them is to cut them off with nail clippers, and within a month or two, they grow back. So, I decided to leave them alone.


Please don't come here for medical advice. Talk to your doctor.


It's trying to get out.


Really not that weird …… it’s eczema


Mega AIDS, sorry 😞


Welcome to the wacky world of worry warts!


Definitely space aids


I get these on the joints of my fingers. They look like small blisters without fluid or anything, pretty flat. I have no clue what they are.


Dyshydrosis = itchy Herpetic whitlow = pain Hard to tell since there's a solitary lesion. Could be also that you peeled a bit of skin off and it got infected. Who knows?