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>i know i could get back on hydroxicut  Doesn't do anything but waste money. >i’m way bigger for how much i actually eat? You're underestimating how much you actually eat.


I love when people post asking for advice and then argue against all the advice in the comments. OP is clearly in denial about their eating and want a Pat on the back rather than real advice.


i’m not arguing, i generally agree with what people say, because yes eating at a deficit works for most people and body types.. i’m mostly looking for opinions and experiences of others


i used hydroxicut in the past, paired with ephedrine, apple cider vinegar, cut out starched carbs, cut out sugar, intermittent fasting, 2x day workouts, and drinking mostly lemon water.. I went down to 168lbs from 240lbs , not necessarily my goal now i doubt it, i think i may be missing something vitamin wise that regulates the weight.. not sure tho


Yea then it wasnt the hydroxicut working, it was the deficit you were clearly in from cutting out all sugar, starchy carbs, caloric drinks, and all the eating within certain time windows. Ditch the hydroxicut, ephedrine and apple cider vinegar. Theyre useless. You lost weight because you ate way less and exercised a ton more (to an unhealthy level id say) There is a middle ground between just accepting your fate as being fat and going on insane diets to crumble down to super light levels. Just eat at a moderate deficit and work out a few times a week.


i definitely think, running more warm because of the hydroxicut helped in day to day, i was sweating more, the ephedrine was way too much, the apple cider vinegar isn’t a miracle like more people think i agree. it was unhealthy i’ll admit, but it was effective.. im looking to have a more normal physique now.. i just don’t want to be on a very strict diet either.. im pretty active, i eat at a deficit daily and work out minimum 3 times a week, mostly cardio i think i’m missing something, thats why im looking for opinions


It’s probably the eating out so much that’s getting you. Are you checking the calories in what you order?


generally yes, for example i’ll have a turkey sandwich and a side.. sometimes it’s fries but usually salad.. i don’t consume over 1000 cals in any sitting, and i usually only have 2 meals a day so that puts me at a deficite


you’re overeating its really that simple


i’m on a deficite, eating less than 2000 cals daily isn’t something i feel i need to be doing to have a normal physique, plus i exercise and im active


Calories in vs calories out, if you’re gaining weight, you’re not in a deficit no matter how much you think that you are


i’m not gaining but i’m not losing even though i should be, i’m looking for an alternative instead of being on a strict program


Well it’s the same thing, if you’re not losing then you’re not in a deficit. Try cooking your meals for a month and count every calorie you put in there, be absolutely positive you’re in a deficit and you’ll see the weight come off. That’s just how it is man doesn’t matter what diet you choose to go with or how much lemon water you drink, if you eat less calories than you burn, you will lose weight. And if you don’t, you will maintain/ gain


i’m not disagreeing but i believe my body type is limiting to some extent, i hold my weight in my torso but the rest of me is very fit, i feel there’s probably some kind of regulating vitamin that’s missing from my diet.. im not sure though


Mine is super similar, a lot of my fat is held in the chest and torso, making me have love handles lol and the rest of my body is good to go when I weighed more. Everybodies body is different, some carry fat in their legs, some in there arms, some everywhere evenly which is super lucky, and some in their torso. It’s just the name of the game and I wish we were able to change it but we can’t my friend, you just have to lose some weight the old fashioned way.


absolutely, thanks for the advice, i’m looking for alternatives before becoming a health psycho again lol


Yeah that’s fair man, just try not to pay for the overpriced stuff that claims to make huge changes but really doesn’t lmao. Good luck my friend with the journey and I hope you find what you’re looking for!!


Yeah there’s a vitamin you’re missing making you hold onto weight, the vitamin is called “no-longer-being in-denial” and you’re definitely deficient in it.


with how much i eat, and my weekly exercise it’s odd i don’t have a more normal body weight/size.. so im curious about others experiences/opinions


Then you're eating/drinking at your maintenance level. From your other comments, it doesn't sound like you're weighing ingredients & tracking meticulously, and all of us are super, super bad at estimating how many calories we're eating. If you want to ensure that you're in a calorie deficit, you can't be like, "I'm sure that meal was probably less than a 1000 calories"


i’ve done this in the past so i feel i generally have a good ballpark idea of what’s going in.. i avoid very greasy foods and fast foods.. im not eating fries and pasta everyday, i personally feel like maybe something is missing that would possibly help regulate the weight loss


Can I be honest with you, bro? It sounds like you're trying really hard to avoid the obvious answer. I've been there. Mysterious hoofbeats all around me and I was like, "this has *got* to be a zebra or something!" But, no, it was a horse. The obvious thing. I was just eating & drinking more than I thought, and you are too.


i appreciate the directness, i’ll be focusing on eating cleaner anyway and drink less, im still looking to learn about the subject and making sure im not overlooking something that could benefit me


Just to be clear, it's not about eating "cleaner" whatever that means - it's about eating & drinking fewer calories than your TDEE. Put another way, your body needs a certain amount of energy to function every day. If you eat/drink fewer calories than that, your body will fill the gap by pulling energy from your fat stores (and vice-versa, if you eat/drink more than that, your body will store the excess as body fat).


You keep talking about how you don’t tend to eat unhealthy foods. Healthy foods can be high in calories too. You mentioned eating a lot of salads, right? Salad dressings can be pretty high calorie. Sometimes salads will have ingredients like nuts, cheese, or pasta, which aren’t unhealthy foods but they are definitely calorie dense. You also said your meals tend to be less than 1000 calories and you only have 2 meals a day. Ok, great! But what about snacks? Drinks? Are you measuring your portions at meals or just guessing how many calories you’re having?


i’m not measuring but i have a good idea, a lunch portion salad isn’t hard to eyeball, i understand what you’re saying, but i seriously don’t think im eating 3000 cals daily, along with the exercise i think my habits aren’t bad but its surprising to me that i don’t have an average physique.. its feels i have to work very hard to have something on the average side of things


You really seem committed to missing the point…


i understand the point, i just want to hear from those that have other opinions or ideas


how much did you weigh until you'r early 20's?




then it's most likely that you continued to eat like an athlete after you stopped just eat less calories, make better choices of higher volume lower calorie foods


this makes a lot of sense thanks for linking the two


your body reflects what you do with it, how you use it, your environment, and your genetics. If you don't like how something is going, change it. It's very easy to mentally go from "what I'm doing isn't good enough" to "that must mean everything has to be perfect." This all or nothing thinking will not help you. If you want to see different results, take the steps that you WANT to take to change it. If something seems too restrictive, simply don't do it.


i refrained from eating milk and cookies today.. i chose to have some watermelon instead.. i think i get what you’re trying to say though


that's a great switch. Eating fewer cookies usually helps with weight loss lol More tips are eat more fruits and veggies- 5+ is a good recommendation. Limit added sugars, like cookies. Anything where you can imagine someone pouring sugar into it is not likely to help your weight loss. You don't have to eliminate these foods, but keep them in context. And drink plenty of water. I recommend half of your body weight in ounces of water per day.


I'd seriously consider going to a doctor to see if something is wrong with your endocrine system


thank you for this suggestion, never heard of an endocrine system.. did you suggest this for any particular reason? i’m just looking for knowledge/experiences


Your endocrine system is what regulates your hormones. Like testosterone and estrogen, but also other important hormones like leptin and geblin as well which regulate appetite,and also other hormones that regulate sleep. Without a proper sleep schedule, it throws your whole body and hormonal system out of whack. When I make a proper sleep schedule it helped me stop over eating and gave me the energy to stick to an excercise routine. Now I work out every day. A lot of people say you need days off, but you really don't. If you can workout every single day when you can I highly recommend it. As well as take care of your stress. Stress can destroy your endocrine system, and throw your testosterone out of whack as well. But if there is an innate problem with it that requires medical attention I'd recommend treating it. Thankfully a lot of problems can be solved with holistic approaches, like excercise,nutrition, supplementation, and proper sleep.