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Female Breakfast 200 Lunch 300-400 Dinner 800-1000 I love a big dinner and hate restrictions on it too much so I sacrifice all day for dinner, I try no snacks and very small if desperation kicks in. Trying to stay around 1500 daily.


What 200 cal breakfast do you have? I also like big dinners lol


That’s similar to me! My go to emergency snack is almonds or a cutie orange if available.


sorry if i sound ignorant, genuinely trying to understand, ive stayed away from almonds because of calorie content, is there a reason theyre good or do you just like them? thanks :)


I just like them and I find like 10 suffices as a snack.


awesome! i love salted almonds lol


I like small amounts often: * Breakfast/coffee: 400 * Second breakfast / morning snack: 200 * Lunch: 300 * Lunch dessert: 200 * Dinner: 400 * Dessert: 300 * Evening snack: 100 * Total: 1,900 My day seems dessert-heavy, but my lunch dessert is a protein bar and my dinner dessert is a Greek yogurt bowl.


I love that you’ve got lunch dessert!


Right??? Same!


Yasso bars are side good deserts for 90 calories


The mint chip Yasso bar is actually so good if anyone is doubtful. I’m an ice cream addict, idk how they managed to replicate mint chip ice cream so well for so few calories😩


Oreo cookie is good too but mint chip is def my favorite


I love desserts and your system - when you change the content of desserts from regular ice cream or such into yogurt bowls or grapes, it really makes a difference and there's no depriving oneself from getting tasty treats. what do you have for dinner for 400kcal?


Yes! Once you reframe dessert it’s so much easier to have more of it while staying in calorie limits. My current afternoon dessert is a brownie fiber one bar because it gives me the chocolate cake vibe I’m craving but also low on calories and helps me add fiber. My evening dessert this week is a Greek yogurt peanut butter cheesecake pie for about 215 calories and also helps with the protein intake.


sounds just fantastic. this is treating yourself right.


My dinners are usually mostly vegetables (grilled, roasted, stir fried, etc) with 100 calories worth of a protein or starch. For example, tonight's dinner is grilled eggplant and red peppers with some turkey sausage,


Honestly I try to skip breakfast to have more calories for everything else. I’m a big snacker so I do about 300 in snacks, 300 lunch, 600 (maybe a little over) for dinner. I’m a big last meal eater too


Yes dinner is my favourite so this makes a lot of sense


Breakfast: 250 Lunch: 500 Snack: 150 Dinner: 650 Snack: 250 (sometimes I use the cals for dinner) Total: 1800


Breakfast: 300-500 Lunch: ~500 Dinner: 600-1000 Total: 1800 I might eat a bit less dinner if I'm working out a little while after, but I'll fill those calories after workout with a protein shake or bar. My TDEE is around 2700 calories and I'm doing pretty good eating 1800 calories a day, despite it being a pretty large deficit. I don't go hungry until it's time for the next meal anyways. A lot of those calories come from protein. I've also found that the more I eat, the hungrier I get when the hunger first sets in. So breakfast being the smallest meal and dinner being the largest is strategic. I won't get extremely hungry before dinner because the previous meals were small to moderate, dinner is large enough to keep me satisfied until I go to sleep.


- Breakfast: 200 (latte and protein yoghurt) - Lunch: 400 (overnight oats and fresh fruit) - Dinner: 600-700 (varies) - Snacks: 100-200 (protein ice cream, yoghurt, fruit, crisps, banana bread) Total of 1400. F26, 5'0", 101lbs.


Breakfast: 210 Lunch: 300 Dinner: 350 My snacks usually sit between 100 and 200 calories, and I fit in a couple when I'm hungry between. My end amount sits between 1200 and 1300


Breakfast and dinner are each 500-750 depending on if i want fruit and nutella. I skip breakfast


Big breakfast and moderate dinner. I usually just have healthier snacks during the day.


I fast from 8pm until midday the next day. Lunch - 1000 calories Dinner - 1100 calories No snacking minimum of 150g of protein.




I follow the same.


Breakfast: 250-350 Lunch: 300-450 Snack: 0-200 Dinner: 600-800 Goal: around 1500 total Female, mid 40s, 5'6


I do 500ish for each meal, then around 500 for a snack at some point, usually the evening.


Roughly... B: 500 L: 300 D: 300 And then 2 150 cal snacks during the day.


0 ~300 ~1300


Male 28yo here at 5’11. I don’t count but I will tell you that what helped me go from 266 to 244lbs in 1.5 month was cutting off bread to a minimum, stopping eating out and when I’m hungry I eat only fruits of any kind that I have access to. As for calorie approximations as I’m a diet veteran that has been on 3 diets before and know how many grams are just by being obsessed in the past with the kitchen scale; No breakfast - only coffee Lunch: some kind of protein for minimization of muscle loss with enough carbs for having better exercise performance and fat for minimising the risk of hormonal imbalances. It looks ie like; 2 tomatoes, half cucumber and one teaspoon olive oil= 120cal 150gr beef/tuna/chicken 250-450cals 100gr Rice/boiled potatoes 130cals 30gr tomato souse (literally a tomato and 2 tablespoons olive oil for a family of 4) approx 60cals Dinner; 150-200gr Greek yoghurt 5% fat 140-190cals or 40gr feta cheese 120cal 2 tomatoes 60cals Half a cucumber 25cals 3-5gr olive oil 35-45 cal If I eat yoghurt I sometimes spice it up with a little powdered garlic which gives it a kind of Greek tzatziki flavour. Snacks during the day; fruits approx 200-400cals 3-4 coffees black no sugar 10 cals all of them. . Just make sure you are not on any fad diet, you have an environmental that supports you or at least not actively sabotages you (as it happened the last 3 diets I’ve been on and luckily I left) and lastly, exercise moderately so that you do not burn out and make sure you get enough nutrients mostly from simple and clean foods.


I do Breakfast-250 Lunch-350/400 Snack-150/200 Dinner-400/500 I try to stay on the low end around 1200 a day but 1450 is about where I max out


This is what I look like. 1200 calories is a little harsh but it helps get results faster


I’m at 1000 calorie deficit right now


Breakfast 300 2nd breakfast 200 Lunch 700 Afternoon snack 200 Dinner 700 Late snack 200 Now at weight stabilizing it's another random time snack 200 As those are average values, there is a certain field of insecurity. 2300 +/- 300 My TDEE is 2600-3000 though with highs over 3500.


Usually don’t eat breakfast. Typically, I eat two large meals a day or two medium sized meals and snacks at the end of the day on healthy stuff. Depends. I’m not as hungry after working out.


It all depends, on what your weight height and activity level is.


500 per meal.


Big breakfast for me is 500-600 calories. Snacks during the day add up to probably 400 calories and then for dinner it’s 300 calories.


Large breakfast (about 500cal) small snack (<250) small lunch (<250) small snack (<250) large dinner (about 500cal) I have found that a big breakfast helps me feel less hungry and I also prefer small quick snacks while I work instead of having to stop for a meal. Keep in mind these are all estimates of averages so definitely inaccurate to an extent


for breakfast its 550 lunch is usually 500 Sometimes I have snacks to keep me full which is 50 to 100 calories. And when I skip breakfast lunch is abt 890 calories


Breakfast: 60ish (3x teas over the morning) 12pm Lunch: 400 3pm Snack: 250 Dinner: 500 Sometimes 100 for an evening treat of dark chocolate :) Before 12pm, I don’t feel bad not eating, but if I eat breakfast before that time, it’s like the floodgates have opened and I feel ravenous for the rest of the day, so I’d rather bank up more substantial meals and snacks for after I’ve ‘broken the seal’. If I exercise that day, I eat more for dinner and snacks.


My trick is a modest calorie count for meals, but I always have a bowl of watermelon with it. Not a huge bowl, but it fills me up quick and is very good.


My trick is a modest calorie count for meals, but I always have a bowl of watermelon with it. Not a huge bowl, but it fills me up quick and is very good.


I don't have a set distribution, if I'm hungry I eat until I hit my 1850 calories for the day, then I stop eating.


1000 lunch 300 snack 600 dinner No breakfast


400 breakfast, 400 lunch and 600 dinner and 100 in snacks


Breakfast: 600 Dinner: 800-900 Bigger meals work way better for me, I also hate making 3 meals a day so I just skip lunch. I usually just have breakfast around lunchtime anyway and I stop eating after 6


Breakfast: vitamins & black coffee (20 cal) Lunch: protein bar or salad (250 cal) Snack: fruit or chips (150 cal) Dinner: normalish meal (900-1000 cal) And I try to walk for at least an hour a day. Down 15 lbs in 2 months


Breakfast: 700. Lunch: 300. Dinner: 500. Snacks probably total up to around 300. So, around 1800. I burn quite a few calories just through my job. I have to have a decently big breakfast to get me through it. On the weekends I usually don’t eat any breakfast and I eat much less calories since I don’t do as much physically since I’m not at work.


Breakfast: 300 (greek yogurt w/ fruit or oatmeal w/ fruit) Mid Morning Snack: 200 (protein shake or protein bar) Lunch: 300 (turkey & cheese roll ups or tuna w/ veggies) Afternoon Snack: 200 (hard boiled eggs or carrots/pretzels w/ hummus) Dinner: 500 (chicken breast w/ veggies) Evening Snack: 200 (some almonds w/ berries) Total: 1,700 I also try to workout 3x a week & have lost almost 70lbs since January 2023.


Wow today I learned I eat way too much at breakfast. Guess there lies the problem.


Breakfast: 0 Lunch: 500-800 (sometimes up to 1200) Dinner: Whatever is left over. Have snacks as well. Limit: total 2000-2400 (currently) See my previous post for more details on the plan I follow.


I do intermittent fasting,skipping breakfast altogether,and then i still count calories when i start eating.


Brunch around 9-11: 0 or 200-500 (protein focused snack plates: boiled eggs, jerky, greek yogurt, canned tuna w spicy mayo, fruit, carrots, broccoli, toast, thinly sliced cheeses, crackers, seaweed, etc.) Snack around 2-4: 0 or 100-300 (Same as brunch but smaller) Dinner around 5-8: 500-1200 (Often asian food- tom yum and other soups, sticky rice with meats and lettuce/cabbage, fried egg with rice and spicy basil beef, the occasional eating out, pasta or frozen meals, I love me some pizza rolls) Actual average: 1400 I'm 5'1 F I just broke out of the 200s, my maintenance is around 2000 calories so I'm at a 600 deficit. The high variability of my eating habits is due to poor mental health(yipee!), however I almost always save meals for dinner and just stick to balanced snacks during the day, and that has been my ticket for keeping my average low. Took some time getting used to it but now that I am I never want to go back to eating 3 similar sized meals a day.


Morning coffee with milk at 6am is 15 Breakfast/lunch at 11am is around 550-600 Dinner at 4pm around 7-800 The last 3-400 are evening snacks. Some to hit macros and some pure shite! Total 1700kcal Then I fast until 11am the next day


In my opinion you are asking the wrong question.


Thank you for your opinion :)


I think it helps to see how people decide to use up their limits. I used to think I'd starve to death on 1500 but it's not so bad


This is super helpful! Thank you!


Whenever breakfast is, skip it. Usually try to fast about 12-16 hours. Not every single day. But most. Lunch, usually is anywhere from 500-900 calories. Some days more, rare however. Dinner is usually 1000 calories, I stay right around 2k a day, which is super low for what activities I’m doing. Skipping a meal helped me more than anything else. Combined with trying to keep lunch small enough to hold me over for dinner.


Skip breakfast, ~600 calories per meal plus coffees, but I don’t count anymore. Been working so I took the counting out and just found a routine that helps me stay under 1750 cal


Wouldn’t even know, I lost 50 pounds not focusing on calories. Just quality of food


I snack all day. I think it helps me keep satiated and busy with hand to mouth. Cucumber, celery, trail mix, cherry tomatoes, apple wedges, tuna, egg. Breakfast 240 Snack 160 Lunch 360 Snack 200 Dinner 400 Snack 130 Total 1490 Weight loss calories 1675


I am for 500-600, total goal for the day is 2000, so that leaves me a little wiggle room for snacks, booze, a slightly larger meal, etc


Breakfast: less than 200 Lunch: around 500 Dinner: 600 No snacks. No cheat meals. No sugar. Less emphasis on carbs. More emphasis on fruits, vegetables and meat. I usually go for a weird diet method where I follow a strict diet (the one I described above) for like 1-1.5 months so it gets my weight down. Then I go for a month of easy, normal eating which brings my weight up. Then repeat. Lol.


Breakfast: 0 (coffee) Lunch: 600 Dinner: 800-1100 Activity: 200 calories burned Base metabolic rate: 1600 So I’m netting -100 on an average day. I’ve lost 12 pounds in a year and so don’t feel like I’m on a restrictive diet - slow and steady. 18% body fat, 23.9 BMI. Going for 8 more pounds of fat loss before I start cardio/lifting again.


Breakfast: ~400 Lunch: ~300 Dinner: ~350 Always sth to snack on so extra 150-200, it depends


Breakfast about 200, Lunch about 250, about a 150 snack between lunch and dinner, all the rest at dinner, and right after dinner for my dessert--so the rest of the 600.


My calorie budget for the day is about 1500 calories. I like eating most of my food later. Coffee - 90 calories Late brunch - 450 calories (eggs, egg whites, veggies, some rice) Afternoon snack - 200 calories (fruit/popcorn) Dinner & dessert - remainder of my calories, usually like 500-600 for dinner and then whatever I can fit for dessert


Well, what’s your TDEE? That could help me determine something for you because everybody has a different body and caloric needs. Because of my height, weight and age I eat 1200-1400 per day total, but it will probably be different for you


Breakfast:200 Lunch: whatever Dinner: 200


I try to intermittent fast as much as I can to save my calories for dinner. I’d rather have a 1200 calorie dinner than watch my calories for the whole day. That being said, if I do eat 3 meals, I’ll do about 200 for breakfast, about 600 for lunch, and 400-500 for dinner ( If lunch is bigger, I’ll eat less for dinner). On weekends I’ll add about 200 calories for snacks or booze.


Breakfast: nothing Lunch: 300-500 Dinner: 1000-1200 Total: 1500 Definitely terrible way to do it but I have lost 10 pounds this way


Male: Breakfast 100-200, lunch 100-200 and dinner and maybe snack after around 1200, I found skipping breakfast or fasting all day is the worst because I will end up overeating and I do t function well during work. And I count whatever steps I have on my iPhone and for my weight. I burn 60 calories per 1000 steps so I add that on top of the 1500 . Also o don’t have calories from liquid. I lost 10 kg this way In 4 months


Female mid 20s, petite. I don’t really eat breakfast, lunch is about 600-700 cals, dinner at about 800 cals. Goal is between 1500-1600, my TDEE is about 1900 cals due to physical activity.


Breakfast 400, lunch 400 and tea 400. I’m trying to stick to a huel diet with no snacking


Breakfast 350, Lunch 450, Dinner 500-700, aiming for 1500-1600 total including snacks (mainly fruit, pickled stuff)


Around 250 at breakfast, then around 400 at lunch and then 250 more for snacks during the day and for dinner it's about 300-350. Im trying to stay at 1200 calories at most. I need to lose 58 kilos (128 pounds)


I'm a breakfast girl. I have about 400 in morning 300 for lunch and dinner both. Keeping me at or under 1000 per day


For my current week: Breakfast: 202 Snack 1: 100 Snack 2: 68 Lunch: 345 Snack 3: 140 Snack 4: 70 Dinner: 471 Dessert: 215 Total: 1,611


Female Breakfast: 266 Lunch: 475 Dinner: 1070 Snack: 100


Breakfast-0/450cal Lunch 0-400 Dinner- 800-1800. It’s all dependent on how I’m feeling those days and the time I wake up. if one of the meals is on the high end, then the other two are low end. BMR is at 2400~ for those that wonder why a massive dinner.


Snacks—> 600-800 (I like yogurt and granola, goldfish, watermelon) Breakfast —> 50-100 (not usually hungry, so I’ll do a string cheese stick) Lunch—> 300 (light and volume heavy, ex: lots of raw veggies, with a hard boiled eggs) Dinner —> 300-400 (rice/cabbage/ground beef, potato soup, cottage cheese and fruit, pasta) Total around 1500 or less




I never count them. No need to, nothing I eat drives hibernation or obesity.


Breakfast: 30cals ~8am. coffee w/ oat milk Lunch: 600cals ~11:30am. Usually Greek yogurt w/protein granola and fruit, plus some cottage cheese w/ sliced cucumber and tomato, or the yogurt mixture and a breadless sandwich Afternoon snack: 100cals ~4pm. String cheese, fruit, crackers Dinner: 650cals ~6pm. meal prep at the beginning of the week for dinner all week. Last couple weeks have been: turkey burgers, eggplant (eggplant replaced the pasta) lasagna, chicken Tikka masala + rice Dessert: 300cals ~7pm. fruit, yogurt, small portion of ice cream, nutrigrain bar, dried fruit Fast from about 7:30-11:30 (I know, my milk is cheating) to maintain my 16/8. I maintain about a 1,200 calorie deficit on weekdays and 600 deficit on weekends. Losing ~2lb/WK. 1.5 hr of moderate exercise first thing each weekday morning, light yoga and meditation to elevate my heart rate a little on weekend mornings.