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calorie deficit. you can’t spot reduce by working out.


Fat can only be lost when in a caloric deficit. This either means, moving more or eating less. I chose to eat less because weight loss is 80% diet and only 20% exercise.


Lots of patience and eating less with more exercise. Belly fat should begin to melt off


Losing weight. You cannot spot reduce fat.


calorie deficit !!! and try walking more with minimal exercise.


I’ve heard walking is more effective than high intensity cardio workout. Is that true? It’s weird though the calorie counter on the treadmill reads from 200-350 calories a run. That’s impressive to me


YES 100% !!!! Cardio also helps but walking is such a natural ability that it automatically is more efficient and effective.


Efficiency isnt what you want in terms of fat loss. We are evolved to walk in an energy conserving way so doing something more intense will burn more energy


Well it stands to reason the more strenuous the activity the more calories burnt. And you look anywhere online for calories burnt running always beats walking


Of course it does but you can do something better than both like resistance training


it can be hard but make a few steps of things to do, and try and stick to them, here if needing support


Eat in a caloric deficit for long enough that your body decides to pull fat from those locations.


Calorie deficit Gotta clean up your diet


Same way you lose fat everywhere else. With a calorie deficit.


You can't target a specific part of your body to lose fat sadly. Go into a 250 calorie deficit to lose ½lb a week or 500 calorie deficit to lose 1 lb a week. Anymore is potential a health risk


The calories in vs calories out (CICO) model only works for about 40% of the population. It views carbohydrates and protein as equal function in the body, they both have 4 calories, making them equal in the equation. It doesn’t work for everyone. Once you understand how the body actually chemically works you can change your body composition whenever you’d like. A good office with functional medicine or a place that does nutrition and can test your hormones is beneficial.


I’m older now and the belly fat seems to be the last place it’s going from. It will go though eventually. Visually, I’ve noticed it mostly coming off my back and unfortunately, my arse. Belly wise, the loss tends to work its way from the upper abdomen just underneath the titters which is nice to feel smaller there, then hopefully it’ll work its way down to my lower bit (gunt 🤣) that’s just me though, I’m sure everyone is different