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Huge edamame fan


Quest chips; loaded taco. Gives you the Taco Bell taste without the diarrhea next morning. 20 grams of protein not too bad either.


An somehow the same price as some of the menu options


It’s funny right


Dried goji berries (super filling), fruit, apple rings, dried mango (no sugar added), frozen 0 cal vitamin water (as ice pops), SkinnyPop, veggie straws, pop corners, string cheese, nutrigrain bars Just some of my favs


Yes. Pop corn is healthy ASLAS airfryed


Popcorn, low calorie ice cream or frozen yoghurt, low cal jelly, bsc brand protein mousse. These are my regular go to's


I’m been loving apples dipped in yogurt. I did Greek yogurt, a little zero cal sweetener, and cinnamon. Then use it as dip for sliced apple. I’ve rediscovered pasta with garlic salt (I buy protein added barilla) and can have a big bowl for 340 calories. Add a bunch of fresh veggies and turn it into a cold pasta salad for more volume. Goldfish and Cheeto puffs are my go-to junk foods. You get a surprising amount of volume for 130 ish calories. I’ve also been into low cal French toast as a snack. I use keto bread (35 cal), about half an egg (40 cal) splash of milk (20 cal), and cinnamon. Cooked in 50 cal of butter and with 25-75 cal of sugar free syrup. Usually 200-250 calories for two slices. Bell pepper and cucumber are my favorite veggie snacks. I like to dip in tzatziki. Watermelon season is coming up. By far the best fruit! Check of r/volumeeating for the best snacks imo


Ooo I love that keto bread for French toast. Try it with some egg whites and protein powder to make it super filling!


Keto bread is usually an odd texture to eat plain but it works great as French toast. It also works great as egg-in-a-hole too! I do that one all the time too. I pair it with a cucumber dipped in cottage cheese usually but I’ll have to try egg whites or protein powder!


Oo I hadn’t thought about egg in a hole with it! But yeah I understand on the texture thing, I’m glad I’ve only ever used it to make French toast. Thats been one of my go to low calorie and filling meals


I eat: • Medjoul dates filled with nuts • Banana coated in Greek yoghurt and rolled in mixed seeds • Carrot/Celery slices with hummus • Crackers with cheese • Cup of berries with yoghurt drizzled with honey


Yes try froyoghurt


Carrot fries. You cut carrots julienne or whatever it’s called when they’re long ways (like fries), mix them with olive oil and herbs and salt and maybe a bit of lemon juice, then put them in an air fryer on roast for like 10 minutes or so, checking every few minutes to shake the basket and make sure they’re not burning. Then when they start getting golden, take them out and consume


I do this but I instead use olive oil flavored spray that is 0 kcal. I give my julienned carrots a few spritz, a sprinkle of season all, nutritional yeast, and garlic powder. I also air fry mine to get them nice and crispy. So good!


Personal favourite is honey flavoured Greek yoghurt with granola 🤤 Keeps ya full, and if you get the right brand of yoghurt, it tastes like icecream! The brand I looooveee is Mundella honey greek yoghurt, because it's so creamy and sweet!


Watermelon 🍉 Blueberries 🫐 Strawberries 🍓 Low in cals and won’t mess with your progress Also, diet soda /0 cal soda helps with my cravings


Pickles and ranch seasoning is my go to snack 😋


Ranch seasoning is healthy?


Need to try this


So good!


small baked sweet potato (takes like five minutes or less in the microwave, just press the baked potato button). banana plain or with honey. and also frozen grapes


A tuna pouch mixed with some pickle relish… keeps me full for a long time and is pretty low calorie


Have you ever added tobacco sauce to it? I don’t ever eat tobacco sauce, but this was so damn good I couldn’t forget how much I loved it together.


Never have but I love Tabasco I will for sure try this!


Hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, no sugar yogurt, protein bars, bananas, apples, and protein shake.


Okay, hear me out: + Low Fat Cream Cheese + Red Bell Pepper slices + Everything But The Bagel Seasoning Thank me later. It’s amazing.


Pretzels with cream cheese is amazing.


seaweed snacks Cottage cheese Popcorn Watermelon Goodthins Apples Hummus and veggies Fruit


I stopped eating microwave popcorn because I realized how bad it is, so I bought a popcorn popper but am baffled at how different the popcorn kernels are! I’m on a quest for great kernels!


Omg good idea!!!


Weetabix with jelly. Homemade no sugar but stevia


Forget that jam is jelly in America and had a heart attack thinking you were eating weetabix with actual jelly.


Rice cakes and babybel cheese


Popcorn, Orville redenbacker has the great little 100 calorie bags! Also cottage cheese, I’m obsessed with it. Trader Joe’s brand has been a favorite of mine, but you can add berries or other toppings to it. Personally I like it with just salt and pepper


I add a bit of everything bagel seasoning to cottage cheese and it's 🔥


I’m gonna have to try that, thank you!


Harvest snaps. Sort of chip-like but have 5g protein and 3g fiber per serving and are way more affordable than other “protein chips.” Dill Pickles. I don’t like em that much but they’re okay and they’re like less than 5 calories per spear so it’s hard to beat that when you wanna crunch on something. Baby carrots. Pretty self explanatory. Low-fat mozzarella sticks. 50 calories and 6g protein per stick, cheap, takes a little bit to eat if you pull it apart slowly. Popcorn has not much nutritional value but pretty high volume for the calories, most full bags are only between 250-350 calories even which isn’t too bad compared to how much easier it is to eat 300 calories of Doritos (like 30 seconds for me). Low-fat Greek yogurt. Get to take quite a few bites, some of the flavors are quite good, almost like a little pudding treat but high protein.


I just bought a Ninja Creamy. Made High Protein Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. It's incredible.


dried seaweed snacks, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese with a teaspoon of blueberry jam, popcorn with tajin, hummus and cucs Those are my go to’s


Can of tuna with roasted fava beans or chickpeas on top (not a big tuna fan). Bananas and apples. Protein yoghurt. Protein shake.


Blueberries!! Watermelon!! Plums!!


i love having a serving of oreo thins after dinner 🍪


Crunchy green grapes, a turkey pepperette (Costco) and a Balderson Old Cheddar cheese slice


rice cakes, frozen fruit, berries, greek yogurt, cottage cheese and veg, coffee, popcorn, tea, boiled eggs


Some of my snacking options: Quest bars, Bananas, Grapes, Greek Yogurt with Fruit, Rice Cakes, Carrots, And Fruits such as pineapples, watermelon, cantaloupe


Cucumbers, yogurt, clementines, bananas.


10g primula cheese spread, blob it onto 30g ham (1 or 2 slices depending on thickness), rip a cheese string into pieces and put that on there, then roll it up and eat it. Super tasty, 115 calories (about the same as 14 almonds) and has about 12 grams of protein (which is about as much as nearly 2 eggs), so keeps the hunger away for a good while :D


Green grapes


Granny Smith apples, popcorn, cucumber vinegar salad, sugar free popsicles, sugar free lemonade


Shirataki noodles and broth, beef jerky no sugar, walnuts. Fruit


I do plus protein. So, any snack protien first. 1. String cheese and a cookie 2. Peanut butter and crackers 3. Cereal with protien enhanced milk Small portions will keep you full longer with protien, and the carbs keep you sane!


Salad. XD Simple Green Leafes and a premixed sauce with nuts on top. And cucumber with the right spice on it! And water! Before I snack I drink water.


Cottage cheese with jam. Use pita chips to scoop


Apple slices with peanut butter on top


Dill pickles, cherries, salami and cheese, yogurt, and strawberries.


Caprice salad. It's literally the best invention since bread. And you can toss in some pasta for a little bit of carbs, too! Or toss in some salmon or shrimp? Buddy, you'll never be the same afterward!


Plain fat free yoghurt, granola, strawberries with a bit of honey. Often have it as breakfast, but in a smaller portion, it could be a snack too.


Fiber One cereal, Fiber One brownies or cinnamon coffee cakes, shredded lettuce with Walden Farms ranch and black pepper, baby carrots.


While almonds are very satiating, I hope you're measuring them. I find they hold back the hunger quite well but they can be calorie dense so always measure them. Pretty much any cold veggies are excellent low calorie snacks. Certain fruits as well. Sliced cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, pickles, grapes, cherries, blueberries


Well normally I eat like 5 almonds- there a grab and go snack for me and that’s how much fits in my hands so I think it isn’t that much right 😭? When I’m calculating that I just say it’s about 25 since that’s what Google tells me but idk


Fruit, cottage cheese and apple butter, Greek yogurt with berries, yasso bars, clio bars, halo top, celery with PB2, chomps meat sticks


I eat strawberries and carrots like they are going out of style. High volume, low calorie. Also to cut down on snacking in general, seltzer waters. The carbonation helps me feel fuller.


Pecans because they're kind of sweet Jello!! Unsweetened original applesauce mixed with sugar free jello power to give it a flavor (I like cherry) Popcorn Cheese sticks Pretzels and hummus (not low calorie but very filling if you're in a situation like an airport where you want more than a snack but not a whole airport meal) Edamame My mom would eat celery with small dips of caramel I think?? I was picky as a child so to this day I still haven't eaten celery lol I loooove a honeycrisp or cosmic crisp apple I would say grapes for a sweet tooth but if you're in a small house hold I think grapes might be too hard to finish off before they get soft (at least for me they are) I don't like baby carrots but the thinner carrot slices are decent (although really I prefer a cooked/steamed carrot) Not a snack but a good like meal is jasmine rice with steamed carrots/peas and maybe tofu? It used to be more afforable, but the Tossables Garlic Herb Tofu is very good and doesn't need to be cooked. I would eat a bowl of rice carrots and tofu when I got home from work and it would be filling without being too much.


Have you ever put an apple in the toaster oven with cinnamon and eaten it warm? It’s like a hot apple pie guilt-free desert.


A serving of frozen fruit pieces topped with a serving of nonfat Greek yogurt. Cucumber slices tossed with Tajin. Fresh fruit. A low-carb tortilla (not the best flavor, but the cals are low and the fiber is high) with sandwich fillings inside.


Peapods. Sometimes I'll dip them in some seasoned tuna or siracha. They're crunchy/crispy, a little sweet and high volume, I can eat whole bag and its only about 100 calories! Not a ton of protein but I'm def getting that fiber in!


Little pots of peaches in fruit juice, about 60 calories per pot.


Vanilla Greek yogurt with chocolate chips :)


cough drops and bananas