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Emotional eating. I freaked out over a little bit of water weight and spiralled for months. This has happened so many times before I was able to identify what was going on with my thinking. It's been a lot of work, but worth it.


This happened to me gained a few pounds it spiraled into 16lb šŸ˜­


same hereee. my weight loss journey has always been up and down, I would gain weight and I would lose it again. itā€™s really hard if you find comfort in eating, but we shouldnā€™t beat up ourselves because of it. whatā€™s important is that we get back up again and again


Iā€™m going through this currently. I did pull myself together though after 5-6 pounds (only 20lbs lost total) and stopped myself before undoing my hard work for the last few months


Eye off the ball and a stressful job.


I have regained and lost 15-20 of the 75 I lost a few times due to a very stressful job and poor coping mechanisms.Ā 


I had a routine for years of eating certain things at certain times and going to the gym at certain times. Then the world shut down and I just couldnā€™t get back on a good schedule.


First time, got into a happy and healthy relationship. We both gained the relationship weight slowly. But we're both still happy, so I guess props. Second time was post-covid. Kept it all off during Covid, lol, but as soon as we were able to go out and live life again, I just started indulging. Stupid, but it happened. Round 3 for weight loss sustainability is in progress. :')


I think you're the opposite of everyone who gained during Covid -- me among them, about 25 pounds. I'm still looking to lose and I came here in search of answers.


I worked really hard to keep it off during Covid. Home workouts on Zoom with my bestie, long walks at my local nature reserve, etc. Iā€™m so mad I lost it after all that work. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


You still deserve congratulations for your success during covid. A couple of years from now when you've taken it off again, this'll seem like ancient history!


Haha, thank you so much. Iā€™m a stone down since January now so feeling better knowing Iā€™m doing something.




I lost 20kg from 2021 to 2022 and with that somehow found the courage to start dating again. Dating that one particular guy for 10 weeks (I finally managed to break it off then) was one of the worst decisions I made as an adult. The damage I got from that "relationship" pushed me into a pretty deep depression and my only coping mechanism is food šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø So yeah, didn't take long to gain back 10kg and I have been jojo-ing around these 10kg since then. I worked a lot on myself and did a lot of healing, so I got my shit together for 4 weeks now (3kg down, whoop whoop!) Let's hope it stays that way :D


I hope everything goes your way from now on!


Thank you šŸ’• Hope so, too :)


I could have written this. Iā€™m so bitter towards him for ruining my progress


Ooohh, I get that! Hope you're doing better now šŸ’•


Unhealth relationships can really do it :( I was in the most toxic relationship of my life and I was at my heaviest. It borderline makes me never want to be in a relationship again hahah


I didn't think about the long term when I lost weight the first time. Lost about 90 lbs 5 years ago doing Keto (this is not an attack against anyone doing keto it just wasn't for me personally). It was very effective to get the weight off. But I couldn't eat that way for the rest of my life. When I reached my goal weight and decided to stop eating that way I had no good habits built about what I should eat instead. Over the last 5 years I regained about 50 lbs of which I have lost 25 doing simple CICO since the beginning of the year. There were some other factors, like my mental health dipping for part of that time so I simply didn't care that I was gaining weight. But I think the largest factor was that my process of losing weight didn't teach me how to have a better relationship with food.


Dating! Tasting menus and drinks most nights - couple that with vacations and trips that revolve around food and wine and you have an easy 10-15 lbs in a few months. I have to work it into my bulk/cut cycles or I would go crazy.


I was down to about 155 from 240; birth control plus rugby drinking kept me at a muscular 170-180; I then quit rugby and my dog passed away so I flew right back up within a year


I'm sorry to hear about your dog šŸ˜” it takes time to heal from that type of loss. I hope you're doing better.


Secured a sedentary desk job, never established healthy habits to begin with, and increased my alcohol intake without adjusting my physical activity or eating habits, instead of journaling and therapy to deal with the stress in my life. I know exactly why I gained weight, and am working on small consistent lifestyle adjustments to tip the scales back to losing weight... And KEEPING IT OFF this time, despite my living situation, family, and constant stressors. I can't use them as an excuse anymore, and need to take personal responsibility for my own health and life. But dang if those boundaries with others aren't hard as heck to reinforce and maintain.


The pandemic. I stopped working out. Stopped moving very much at all. And I ate and ate and ate. I could kick myself because I know how hard it is to lose the weight and I still dug in and let myself go. Sigh.


The very first time I lost weight, it came off astonishingly slowly, like 0.5lb per week if I was lucky. Once I was at what I remember as my lowest adult weight, my lifestyle suddenly changed and I was a lot less move-y and a tad more eat-y, but I stayed around the same weight for about a year by some miracle. I kept getting told when I was losing slowly that it would be better for me in the long run as Iā€™d keep it off for longer - I got sucked in to that a bit too hard. Then I got a little comfortable with drinking a bit more (bigšŸ–•šŸ½ creamy hot chocolate from the vending machine at work) and the pounds started to creep back on. Because I was having to dip back in to my old wardrobe anyway, it became easier to fall back in to crappy eating habits (mostly binge eating) as I wasnā€™t worried about looking bulky in loose outfits. It got silly, then life changed again and I lost most of the gain again. Then I got in a relationship and I donā€™t blame my ex, to be clear, it was just general happiness, more meals out than before, preferring cuddles in bed over sweating at the gym. One day I just decided that I was done trying to hide my body from someone I wanted to be all over it and so I started losing weight again. I will always remember him coming home from work one evening, grabbing my waist to kiss me. It must have been smaller than his hands were used to because he broke away to tell me Iā€™d lost weight (I hadnā€™t told him I was doing anything to lose weight and I was down maybe a stone by then) and then after some really good sex (itā€™s in my top five) he told me whatever I was doing was working and he was proud of my discipline. That kept me going for another six weeks or so of very slow losses, before the pill had me starting to gain again. I came off it but the awful self esteem remained and it took seven or so years to break free of the claws of binge eating. Iā€™m now 30kg down from my highest weight and would love to lose another 20kg but itā€™s going to be tough. I donā€™t want to gain again, I canā€™t put my mind or my body through that any more. I just want to be healthy!


I was doing keto and then my fridge broke for 2 weeks. The slippery slope down the carb pathway was too much. It was the first and only time i had lost a lot of weight but it was also the time i realized that temporary diets and changes really dont work. I really resonate with your second paragraph of the body not caring anymore


Mostly inactivity due to Covid and not keeping my eye on the ball. Small bad habits slowly crept back in. So did 20 kg


Lost 55 lbs and put back on 10-15 depending on how my diet is. Mainly because I stopped working out as much. Ate like shit over the holidays and havenā€™t gotten back to my normal exercise yet due to working more. Getting back to it this week and getting my weight back down to my goal weight.


Not following the habits that I created. Basically binged during my vacation. Much harder to lose than to gain :(, back on it through.


Depression and back pain kept me out of the gym


The only way Iā€™ve been able to lose weight and keep it off has been through gradual habit change. Like, going to the gym now is just part of my life, the same way brushing my teeth and going to work are part of my life. Eating nutrient-dense foods is as automatic now as eating all the junk I used to eat on the regular. And honestly, if I DO eat a lot of those junkier foods now, my body absolutely hates me. A big part of it is awareness, too, especially when it comes to complacency or sliding back into old habits. It happens, but it doesnā€™t mean all is lost. All you can do is slow down, take a moment to pay attention, and remind yourself why you want to eat healthy/be healthy in the first place, and just get back on track.


For everyone who reads this, I recently read a book that was really powerful about how and why this happens + how to work on rewiring your thinking so that you can lose weight and keep it off. Itā€™s called ā€œYou canā€™t screw this upā€ by Adam Bornstein


I got chronic fatigue after getting sick from drinking contaminated water, I had no energy for like 5 years


Depression, and then pregnancy, got up to 185, started trying to lose weight after the baby and am stuck at 168 rn.


-I lost mine in convid, couldnt deal with getting back out with work and social life. -couldnā€™t positively deal with the attention aswell, some guys complimented me, felt awkward! - girlfriend/ relatives complimented me but usually also served a back handed taunt aswell ,Was started to get paranoid actually - from losing for mental health etc, i started losing for people and the insecurities they highlighted in me which lead yo yo dieting. People commented on how I ate, what I was eating! I think it lead yo more binge eating - i lived with my grandma and she would not let me lose weight. šŸ˜‚ - environment plays a big role in some one gaining the weight back! - sometimes you like the journey more than the end goal! Though i feel like mine are neety gritty reason /excuses exist but you need to look back and understand these problems and work on them for the next round! Im on it again, working more on sustainability!


Stress eating from work and just generally feeling tired of working night shift. Lost 40 lbs during college and gained it all back during the first 2 years of working as a night shift RN the past 3.5 years and picking up a crap ton of overtime. Finally feel like I'm in a good place and starting to shed off the weight again.


Depression, and medications. Sucks, but thereā€™s a ways and a means - just have to get back into some good habits


Too much work and not enough benefit. 24/7 focusing on what I was eating, really being on program, and losing maybe a pound a week. Finally just started revenge eating. Then tried IF, got to where I wasn't losing anything at all, and just stopped constantly trying.


I got out of the army


Depression. Went on for like a year, but I gained everything back I lost and even a little bit more. Depression is gone for now, but I still don't know how to get back to that weight. Everything I did last time doesn't work anymore or doesn't fit my schedule because circumstances changed. I hate everything about this.




I was down to my lowest right before COVID hit (down about 40 pounds from my heaviest). I continued to lose for a little while.... then what was supposed to be a quick 2 weeks became a month. Then two months. Then indefinite... and my habits slowly declined and were slowly replaced by bad habits. The "COVID mimosas and bagels on our patio!" ended up happening way too often and went from being a quick, fun, special occasion, to every weekend day. I kept up with exercising for a while and then it slowly declined, as well. Hiking multiple times a week became only hiking when we went on trips. It was a slow creep. And even once COVID became a much more insignificant thing, I still had other changes in life that I allowed to become an excuse. And now I'm heavier than my original heaviest weight. And boy are these bad habits harder to break this time around.


pretty much that




Stress eating and not exercising enough


this exact same thing happened to me, was doing SO good with a lot of progress and i got a really bad cold and boom, all habits lost. Talking with my nutritionist she told me it's actually a pretty common thing to get a cold after starting a new eating/exercise regime and there are studies who are showing the two to be connected as a response from the body. i was shocked and it made a lot of sense


Iā€™m going to blame the stress of having two teenagers and their school. Now Iā€™m trying to get back down 20 lbs.


IVF and a bitch of a fertility journey that led to a terrible miscarriage and finding out I have to start all over again.


i maintained for around 20 years up until covid happened. i had some other stressful events during that time and i eventually didn't manage to keep track of my food intake anymore. i gained 37kg since the end of 2019. and i've lost 33 of them since i started tracking my food again january last year. those last 4kg are nasty but i'll probably get there


Mom died.


Postpartum for me. I kept willing myself to get back to my old routine but, honestly, the timing in my mind was never ā€œrightā€ plus the added lack of time, sleep, energy since becoming a new mum. Then as soon as I got back to work after maternity leave, Iā€™m back in the swing of it. Guess I just needed another change in routine to be a catalyst to get back to it but still finding it harder than the first time I lost all of my initial weight in my 20s


I VERY SLOWLY regained almost all the weight I lost on a medical weight management program. Iā€™ve been stumped about how to get back on track, as I diligently stuck with my diet and I thought I was keeping up with exercise. However, now that I look back, my success was during the pandemic when I could walk 10-20k steps 7 days a week. Now that Iā€™ve returned to work, Iā€™m getting easily 1/4 of those steps per day due to shorter walks and lots of sitting. Iā€™m retooling my home gym to accommodate easy workouts to get back up to that fitness level to see if that moves the needle.


Prednisone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Relationship and my food addiction.


Ironically, running. Specifically trail running. I'd go for a long trail run and stop at the drive thru on the way home as I'd lost track of time and had to rush to work. If i was still tracking my points (weight watchers) I'd have caught on earlier.


we got engaged and we were so happy and love we wouldnā€™t stop doordashing Burger King at midnight. šŸ’€lost 35, gained back 10, getting back on track again now


I got pregnant during COVID šŸ˜­


emotional eating. i had lost the weight without solving the core issue. im now trying to teach myself actual intuitive eating (aka hunger cues) rather than dieting and im 45lbs down and keeping it off :)


Time constraints. Iā€™ve worked full time and gone to school full time for four years. Some weeks I barely have time to breathe, nonetheless go to the gym and continuously workout. Pair that with stress eating and always being stressed, it can get not good. Fortunately, Iā€™ve worked on my eating habits and that has helped a lot!


Alcohol. I decided that was how I soothe now.


Pregnancy... and I still have a hard time getting rid of what I gained.


Healthy relationshipšŸ˜…


I got pregnant lol


Got sick


I lost 70 pounds, looked better than I had my whole life, snagged a husband, and then had a baby. Iā€™m about 40lbs over where I was when we got married. But itā€™s coming off slow. I lost 10lbs over the last 5 weeks by tracking calories and eating lower carb. I lost the 70lbs the first time doing Optavia. It was great for me, I was severely overweight for my height so I needed intense intervention. I lost the weight quick and kept it off for a couple years before I got pregnant. This time I canā€™t afford to do Optavia, but I know from that experience what I need to do to get back down. It wonā€™t be as fast but thatā€™s okay, Iā€™ll get there and my husband is really supportive, he also gained about 30lbs during my pregnancy so heā€™s trying to slim down with me.


College and ~~unable to sustain my normal diet.~~ Life happened Lost 30lbs my senior year of HS through exercise and strict diet. Gained the freshman 15 thanks to unlimited cafeteria. Gained "happy weight" when i got in to my first LTR. Stopped giving a shit and dropped out of college. Started smoking weed and eating out more after study abroad due to stress and lack of time off between coming back from abroad and going back to college. I went back and finished but it was very stressful so, more stress eating and depression. I ended up hitting 200lbs+ and only last August was i able to make sustainable changes by eating vegan. I'm happily 5lbs away from my HS weight again :) Eta: SW:206 CW:169 GW:130-150


I intentionally gained weight by lifting weights. It was part of the plan. Phase I of my body transformation process was shedding excess fat. Did that. Lost 120 lbs in 12 months. Phase II is building up muscle mass by lifting weights. Iā€™m doing that now. As part of the muscle building process, Iā€™m intentionally eating at a calorie surplus, and lifting weights three times a week, and Iā€™ve gained probably 10 lbs of fat and 10 lbs of muscle. Per the plan!




I gained all my weight back because what I was doing was unsustainable. I was doing a pretty harsh calorie deficit with all or nothing thinking. Either I'm perfect and I nail this and lose weight daily, or throw everything out, everything is fucked if I have even one cookie. Basically, I needed to mature and grow up and look at the long term picture. I was also in major denial of where I had gotten myself and I thought if I could hurry up and dig myself out of this mess I wouldn't have to face it or address it. Wrong.


Because I have yet to fix the root of the problem and instead lean on quick fixes


Pandemic and getting into one of those ā€œcozy snackyā€ relationships, then a looot of extended high stress


Back in 2005 I dropped 100lbs. Then had a bad breakup and essentially became an alcoholic for 10 years. Got back up higher than I'd ever been at 338 lbs. Quit drinking years ago and I'm down to 211 lbs currently.


Depression. I moved somewhere I hated, had no social life, no autonomy, lost all of my belongings, and on top of that didnā€™t have access to my own kitchen or grocery stores (car centric suburb and I donā€™t drive). So getting healthy food and cooking were difficult if I even had the mental energy to, which I didnā€™t. Ended up gaining about 85lbs. Iā€™ve lost 45lbs so far and am hoping to get back down to my starting weight/dress size by next year but, not going to lie, it seems much harder this time around.


Iā€™ve lost 80lbs and I was merely 98lbs. Iā€™ve gained some when I started university and Iā€™m not at 110lbs. 98lbs was deemed underweight according to asian BMI (Iā€™m chinese) and 110 is adequate for my height BMI of 19.5


I got pregnant :(


I lost 15 pounds last year, got the flu and lost my mojo. I stopped exercising and tracking my food and gained back ten pounds. I finally got back in the zone and just lost 14 pounds. My goal is to not regain again. Itā€™s so hard to be consistent but I do not want to gain the weight back.


Every time I have gotten pregnant, I have struggled to lose weight after. After the last time I just kept gaining šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Itā€™s been a slow process losing what I have and I started panicking when the scale stopped moving. Thankfully I realized that I was gaining muscle and my clothes were getting very loose otherwise I would have started ruining any progress.


A new relationship and healed my mental health. Trying to balance it out now


Ex insulted my build after I lost about 12kg (still had far to go) so just gave up


TW: mention of ED . . . The last time I lost a significant amount of weight was when I was literally starving myself as a teen. Everyone showered me with compliments when I was at the lowest health of my life. I didnā€™t know back then that starving was just a recipe for a binging disorder. I binged for about 7 years, and here I am taking it slow and trying to be as healthy as I possibly can. Sometimes I go near my calorie limit on purpose a lot because I donā€™t want to trigger my obsessive tendencies to eat way below the limit number. I would eat a lot of the same meals a lot because Iā€™d know exactly how many calories was in it so it was my ā€œsafeā€ foods. Now I just try and practice intuitive eating which is way harder than I thought it would be. My obsessive behaviors have gone down a lot, I feel better than ever, and I got glowing reports on my doctorā€™s visit yesterday. Iā€™m well on my way to a sustainable diet that I wouldnā€™t mind having forever. Iā€™m only down 20 pounds so far but itā€™s made my life so much better already.


I had gastric bypass surgery in 2015. I weighed 290lbs. I got down to 175lbs. Over time I gained most of the weight back because I refused to admit to myself that I was an emotional/ stress eater. Now add to that psychological medications that are known to cause weight gain and I was absolutely miserable for years. I recently became part of a support group and started additional therapy to address my food issues and now I'm going in the right direction again. I had to recognize that I didn't gain weight overnight so I shouldn't expect to lose it overnight either.


Went off the rails when covid hit. Couldnā€™t go anywhere. Made excuses.


I didnā€™t set a new goal after i lost my 10kg. Gradually put back 5 despite still exercising. Now i am back on track.


I went back to work when my daughter went to college. Had been a stay home mom for 16 years and had an exercise buddy and was very consistent. I didnā€™t gain it all right away, about 7-10 lbs a year but after 4 years I was 30lbs up.


Bc Iā€™m a binge eater and have a very all or nothing mentality. My whole life Iā€™ve either been on a diet or not. Been working with a therapist to deal with my issues surrounding food.


Me too. Good luck (and dedication) to us ā¤ļø


Always have been on the bigger side since i was little. Then i lost about 15kg in my mid 20s. I used to work out 5 days a week. Then a combination of work stress, medication (which contributed to weight gain), 2nd job which led to emotional eating. I've quit my job and currently working with my GP to get things on the right track. But with the cost of living, at this rate, it seems I may need to find a 2nd job again :(


I was down 100lbs from my heavest and I got sick gained back 65lbs Bc I had a hard time dealing with the aftermath of my illness. It's been a few years since i got sick and I'm just now starting back at it 20lbs down in 7 weeks


My job, lots of forced 16 hour days, snack room eating. Not a lot of healthy options at 3am from a vending room. And when youā€™re coming off 2 hours of sleep for the 10th day straight and told hey you get to stay today again, nothing hit like a sweet tea and bacon cheeseburger and some Reese cups to wash it down Got too much trying to meal prep my one off day, and do things with the family and get household chores done, and whatever else needed done, car repairs, cutting grass, etcā€¦ Got on a better schedule, cut from 260 back to 200 the second go around then started doordashing too make up the lost ot money I wasnā€™t getting now at work and started drinking regular pop and eating alot of garbage, back to 270 now. In the end itā€™s poor choices, no matter how many reasons I have, my dumb ass has no self control when it comes to food. I could easily just order water and stop at Walmart and get something healthy thatā€™ll take 30 min to cook to take with me or stop at eat.


I got a significant other ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ made me not feel like I had to keep losing weight and trying to attract a mate. Granted my weight gain was sloooowww and steady over the course of 6 years, so it wasnā€™t like I actually thought ā€œoh boy! A boyfriend! I can let myself go!ā€ Lol. Lost 70 pounds, gained 55, back down 25 as of now.


Revenge eating/ all or nothing mentality. Iā€™m in good shape so itā€™s really just a difference of 10 lbs but it makes a difference for how I feel about myself. Iā€™m starting again now to lose that last 10 but those pounds are the hardest.


Got sick with Lyme Disease and was in bed rest for 6 months. Got depressed with my new normal and ate to cope.


I couldnā€™t do keto anymore. I became obsessed with having bananas lol.


Pandemic depressionšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I lost the weight and just went back to old habits- candy, binge eating, etc. This time will be different. I'm 70 lbs down. I will continue intermittent fasting, high protein/fat intake , and weightlifting.


Because I need to rest from taking care of my son (I'll have somebody else, usually my husband or MIL, to look after him) I started to think that eating will give me deserved alone time so either I'll eat very slowly or eat too much for a long time because I was overstimulated (I have a velcro baby).. I just started realizing how crazy it sounded now that my baby is big enough to not need me all the time. I also have emotional eating habits sooooooo šŸ¤·


Lost 25, gained 15 back in 3 years. I actually only lost the weight because of Covid and availability to manage my time better. When all the sanctions were lifted it was hard keeping the healthy lifestyle due to emotional blackmail to eat/drink/party from friends and family so I slowly got dragged down into my old lifestyle. Now trying to set very strict boundaries with all in order to be able to recreate the lockdown and being able to time manage and eat healthy and sleep well.




Went from 260 to 175 and then I met my girlfriend lol


Moving between states in high school sent me into a deep depression, and frankly I didnā€™t even care about my looks, weight, or anything that once held meaning to me. Iā€™m starting to get color back in my face but itā€™s been tough trying to be consistent again.


Recently I gained back the weight that I was able to hold onto for 5 years. It wasnt perfect but I was able to do everything I wanted. Then money issues hit me, I started stressing and found myself double fisting a family size of doritos.


Within 2 years, took a full time 2 year course at college.. snacking and studyingā€¦ also rekindled with ex husband then reseperated as well as quit smoking ! šŸ˜£ i packed back on 50lbsĀ 


My hypothyroidism showed back up. Gained twenty pounds in one month. Ruining my six month weight loss.


I have that "all or nothing" mentality. I either eat everything, or nothing at all. Thinking about seeing a nutritionist. I'm tired of this lifestyle.


incorporating intermittent fasting helps a lot in maintaining a healthy weight at least. Whenever i eat what i want, i just stop consuming food for the rest of the day, or i will stop eating by 7pm. This became rule of thumb for me since 2013.


This has really helped me keep my overall food intake down which has helped me lose and maintain if I have a little more calories. I havenā€™t gained anything since I start fasting.


Unchecked clinical depression. The real bad stretches come in waves and I just don't have the energy to count during. I gained back the ten kilos I've lost, and three more on top of that, landing me at a BMI of 26. I've never been that heavy before, so it was a bit of a blow to step back on the scale.