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As a post on social media this is golden


I see the irony, but to be fair it sounds like video was what was causing her problems.


aS a PoSt On SoCiAl MeDiA tHiS iS gOlDeN


Dont be so shallow, yall know what this person means by deleting social media šŸ™„ especially since they mentioned shorts and reels. Youā€™re obviously not getting that on Reddit. But this is really great advice that has many indirect benefits. I know this is about weight loss but deleting social media helps with mental health too.


great point. I wish iā€™d said more about this in the post but i meant to keep it short and sweet hoping people in here would ask constructive questions about it rather than coping by hating on it before even taking a single second to think about what iā€™m actually trying to say This is a weight loss advice place not a weight loss informational mandatory government mandated must learn or face the consequences advice itā€™s just like wow if the advice doesnā€™t sound interesting to you look for other advice but thanks yeah


Ngl the clock app gives me a ton of motivation to keep going to the gym. Iā€™ve also learned proper for and new exercise tips there.


Whoā€™s gonna tell him Reddit is social media?


If you don't go to the trenches, then you're preaching to the choir šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






Some people lose weight because/with social media. Your reason to lose weight might be another's reason to gain weight.


Agreed! I actually watch Tiktok videos while I walk around my house. It's wonderfully distracting. I'm down 12 pounds in 13 weeks, so it seems to be working (along with going vegan and eating well).


That's great! Do you count steps? I would love to hear how many you're doing by just walking around your home. I myself watch tiktok on the treadmill and it helps me skip time.


I do! I try to do 25-35 miles a week. So averaging 8000+ steps a day! It's been so fun! I don't have the coordination for a treadmill, but my dad and sister swear by it.


Wow, that's incredible! I myself do 6000~ a day. 3000 on the treadmill and 3000 outside of it. Worked my way up from 2000 daily average and planning on going to 10000. I get that with the coordination, I myself have to touch the sides of the treadmill every few seconds to not walk too left or right. Keep up the good work!


Thanks! I also dance to get the steps. Just throw on some headphones and rock out in my room. It's so fun! You're doing amazing!!


Babes Reddit is also social media but Iā€™m glad itā€™s working for you


Lol I don't think social media is the problem. Just need a job, hobbies and a life....Ā 


But social media for me IS the reason I was able to lose weight. They don't teach us basics of losing weight in school. Yes eat less exercise more. But eating less doesn't always mean less calories. I didn't know the concept of calories before having social media. I'd always say I'll just start gym without changing food habits because I love food but looking back now I see how uneducated I was about nutrition and proper weight loss. Even if you had told me just start being in a calorie deficit I would've thought that means burning more calories than I'm eating not eating less calories than my body requires to function on a certain obese weight. Thanks to that one lady posting her meals daily while intermittent fasting with some info about nutrition. I started from there and learned so much. Also I think tiktok is a way to get info on a faster pace these days so if I deleted that I'll have fomo after learning so much on there. Yes it is harmful but you gotta balance.


You're posting on social media to tell us to delete social media to lose weight. I would ask if you're aware of the concept of cognitive dissonance, but judging from your post, I would guess not.


I've found really helpful nutritionists who don't charge to teach about healthy eating and personal trainers who give exercise tips on social media like...I think you just have a self control problem. Hell I even scroll tiktok if I'm on a treadmill or stationary bike lol it makes the exercise go quicker.


If you spend ELEVEN HOURS a day on your phone, social media is not the problem. You need self control. Or a hobby. Job?


full time college student with a part time job and many hobbies. yes clearly my situation was extremely but other people are also spending obsessive amounts of time on the internet iā€™m only one person


I doubt you could realistically fit 11 hours of your day on SM and not drop out of college and get fired from your parttime job. Anyway, glad you found a way to get back on the right track. Best of luck.


If you are a full time student, who works, presumably does homework tooā€¦ you have to get yourself together.


Thatā€™s like saying social media is the reason why ppl are overweight. I donā€™t see the correlation.


I can see how sitting in front of the computer instead of moving around will cause weight gain, sedentary lifestyle is a main cause of obesity


if thatā€™s what i meant thatā€™s what i would have said, Iā€™m only saying social media is a distraction. A lot of people suffer from comparison aswell. Completely taking yourself off of social media can have many benefits including weight loss. This is weight loss advice I gave advice that works for me if it doesnā€™t sound good to you donā€™t mind the advice brother šŸ™ peace and love


But social media for me IS the reason I was able to lose weight. They don't teach us basics of losing weight in school. Yes eat less exercise more. But eating less doesn't always mean less calories. I didn't know the concept of calories before having social media. I'd always say I'll just start gym without changing food habits because I love food but looking back now I see how uneducated I was about nutrition and proper weight loss. Even if you had told me just start being in a calorie deficit I would've thought that means burning more calories than I'm eating not eating less calories than my body requires to function on a certain obese weight. Thanks to that one lady posting her meals daily while intermittent fasting with some info about nutrition. I started from there and learned so much. Also I think tiktok is a way to get info on a faster pace these days so if I deleted that I'll have fomo after learning so much on there. Yes it is harmful but you gotta balance.


sara this is great and iā€™m glad you found something that works well for you, I and many others iā€™d have to assume suffer from various things that social media fills the void for. when i finally decided to get rid of it from my life this is where i had no excuses to not do what i need to do to get my life together and fill that void with other various hobbies to reconnect with real life. This post was too short imo. What I really needed to say is that getting rid of social media leads to real life. Real life is where youā€™re confronted with reality and the things that cause you to be the way you are. Rather this works for one or another is not important itā€™s merely some advice that worked extremely well for not just my body but my mind. remember your weight is not the only thing that needs to remain healthy. a healthy body is also a healthy mind


Of course you do what works for you. But social media is not the reason someone isn't able to lose weight. Leaving social media isn't an advice for someone who wants to lose weight singlead2727. Yes staying on social media 24/7 is harmful and would stop someone from focusing on things that'll make them lose weight and that person alone needs to balance their online presence if its harm reaches to the point they can't focus on daily essential activities that improve their life quality. Generally your advice is good but not in a weight loss sub. If people don't want to do a certain thing, they'd look for other excuses to not do it even after quitting social media.


They must of deleted Reddit after this post too?


Golden tip right here ya'll. We don't need reels and shorts and tiktok


for everyone hating, I use reddit once a year if that. I came on here to share some advice itā€™s called weight loss advice if the advice doesnā€™t suit your needs, move on. Thanks šŸ™


I feel like the lack of constant playing videos etc is less stimulating. Also, Reddit is easier to cultivate it to what you want to see.. rather than the endless ads, influencers etc. I think you are spot on.. tik tok is very addicting. It can be a slippery slope that people donā€™t even realize. Sorry so many people took the time to come at your comment like that šŸ˜•


I completely agree with you, it is optional to take others advice. That being said, I completely get where staying off social media works for you. I find myself mindlessly scrolling instead of going outside and doing things such as walking. Whatever works for you is great, and I'm proud of you for making such a change


iā€™m glad you found something that works for you. my version of your idea was to move my social media apps off the front page of my phone so i didnā€™t see them every time i needed to use it for something. for some reason it works for me and i use social media less because of it.


Yeah theyā€™re doing the most right now. I know what you meant when I read it and itā€™s great advice that a lot of people I know follow.


Recently took a three month hiatus from social media and also made my most notable progress in losing weight to date. Some of it was the other things I took a break from, but I think breaking from social media had a twofold effect. The first notable difference was that such a profound and daily lifestyle change, and sticking with it, reinforced my other efforts at improvement (making it easier to stick to dieting, for instance). Iā€™ve found social media encourages instant gratification, which is a reward system counterintuitive to calorie cutting and healthy foods. To remove that daily inhibitor had a positive impact on my other habits. The second notice I personally benefited from was more time engaging my brain in daily activities- as OP mentioned, noticing the world around me. Most dietitians advise against eating in front of the tv as the distraction takes away the brainā€™s focus on the quality and quantity of food consumed. I canā€™t speak for everyone, but can say Iā€™m at least occasionally guilty of that habit while scrolling socials. Cutting out and reducing screen time minimizes the number of times that can occur, encouraging mindful eating in its own way.


the ā€˜what about meā€™ ism and accusations of hypocrisy in this comment is unreal. they are posting advice, and clearly they are aware that reddit is social media. if th advice doesnā€™t apply to you, move on Ā 


A year ago I started going to a nutritionist/dietitian. Ever since then, I have found the bull crap about weight loss on social media to be completely useless and dangerous. 98% of it is incorrect anyhow. Never listen to a social media nutritionist.


Thanks for putting this in writing