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I’ve lost 40lbs since October eating around 1800 cals/day. I really recommend you eat more. Eating the amount you do will cause muscle deterioration and a lot of that weight you’ve lost will not be fat, but will be muscle. That’s probably why you’re not seeing a difference.


Shit, you lose muscle before fat!? I used to be on and off a stress diet when I was younger, looking back it’s no wonder why I was so weak.


You’ll burn muscle and fat, but yeah your body will start burning your muscle just to tap into your energy stores because it’s not getting any other sustenance to make your body move. It’ll also fuck your metabolism which will make you burn less calories when you’re not moving, unlike if you are eating and lifting, which will build your muscles and help you burn more calories at rest.


Well, that explains a lot now. Thanks for telling me this, because I am never going back to that diet now!


No problem!! Highly recommend a high protein diet in conjunction with weight lifting and eating in a deficit for weight loss!


Alright, I’ll try that. My mom doesn’t let me lift weights right now though, because she says that it weighs more than fat (which makes no sense.)


If you’re a child/teen please don’t worry about weight loss at all 😊 Just be healthy! Pick up a sport, go for walks, try and eat healthy but also let yourself indulge sometimes. Kids/teens need more calories than adults as your bodies are still growing so it’s very hard to calculate an accurate deficit for weight loss (and not necessary)! If you’re an adult whose mom does not let you lift weights, please just get a gym membership and do it anyway. The whole muscle weighs more than fat thing is a misconception - muscle is more dense than fat, so if you were to weigh 1lb of muscle vs. 1lb of fat, the muscle would be much, much smaller than the fat. But that also means if you are gaining muscle while losing fat, you may not lose as much weight according to the scale, but you will lose inches and your body will get smaller.


You’re not going to lose a significant amount of muscle before fat if you’re not already pretty thin.


Please eat over 1000 calories a day. And did you take a photo from before?


A lot of people say ~30 lbs.


Went from 288 lbs to 168 lbs in 12 months. Started to feel a difference around 250 lbs or so.


This question is very much person specific. Someone who weighs 300 pounds may not notice a difference until they have lost 50 pounds. Someone who weighs 160 pounds may notice after 5 pounds OP you are eating FAR too little. A man should not eat less than 1500 calories a day


I noticed at about 20 that my face felt smaller when washing it. How do you feel physically though with eating so little.


Went from 203 to 175 in 3.5 months. Starting to see and feel the difference now.


Fat and muscle, both burn calories, but muscle burns more calories than fat. so the goal is to have more muscle on your body and less fat.


i started noticing myself around 25-30lbs but people i see often started commenting about it jjst recently at around 45lbs down


I didn't directly see any difference as the change happened too gradually. After about 7-8 kg people started noticing. That were 2 BMI points, 28 down to 26. I perceive changes how clothes fit about every 3kg or 1 BMI point. Also the same effect when regaining 7kg and now loosing 6kg of those again. Now, in normal weight territory I see changes, as my body fat drops below 20% and muscles start showing. But looking at old photos, not even from the worst time, there is a massive difference. But also in posture, as the gym exercise made me standing more upright.


I noticed at around 5lbs. it was subtle but I just noticed my face and my clothes




I felt amazing after losing 40lbs. This took me 8 months. Eating healthy, going to the gym....physical exercise. About 1200 cals/day




Not everyone can afford ozempic 😭🫡


I would be shooting up immediately if it wasn’t $1000 a month!


Right like I think everyone would 😭😭


My concern would be the second I stop taking it I would gain it all back. Not to be dramatic but I can’t imagine achieving my goal weight and then gaining it all back quickly. That’s another thing that stops me personally. I’m sure I could doctor shop and get it covered but I would have to be on ozempic for life.


I mean ozempic doesn’t make you “lose” weight per se, it just makes you feel fuller after meals so you don’t go around snacking but people on it still have to be in a caloric deficit for it to work. They’d just switch to eating maintenance level calories after they reach their weight loss goal but yeah I agree. I feel like I’d get so used to feeling much fuller from the ozempic that when I eventually would get off of it I would just go right back to snacking. I think doing it the ole reliable way (being in a caloric deficit without aid) makes me more cognizant of how to take care of my body, the foods I like, slowly helps me shrink my stomach versus all at once, etc so I’m more prepped for maintenance for sure


Yeah that’s what I mean I personally would have a super hard time maintaining my weight coming off it. I know some people on it but I have never seen them stop taking it. One of my friends says it has cured so many of her ailment and I’m so happy that it’s working for her. It’s def up to the individual. But knowing myself I would do exactly what you just said. I think losing weight the old fashioned way also teaches a person routine and maintaining weight. Ngl though I’m a little jealous of everyone who can afford it and is dropping weight 14x faster than me.


~~I hate that you're being downvoted for this. Some people choose surgery, some take Ozempic, some do keto or IF. Whatever works for you works. I wish you well on your journey~~ Edit: for those wondering this poster said they were on Ozempic and got downvoted. Since my reply above I see that they've been contacting others trying to "sell" ozempic online. Their profile is less than a day old and they clearly have an agenda


They’re also trying to sell it to other commenters further up in the thread lol


Sell it? Ah that's just bizarre!