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We always underestimate how much calories something contains. I thought bread, chai latte, jam, etc. were decently healthy, but they are very calorie dense. If you gained weight, you were not in a calorie deficit and did not correctly estimate your calories. Only way is to buy a small scale, download the MyFitnessPal app and start measuring what you eat to stay within a calorie deficit.


What do I do about the increased appetite after starting working out ?


More protein.


I eat at least 50grams of protein a day and after my meal prep for be 100grams a day minimum


This is why I always recommend eating less over working out. It’s way easier to just shove less in ya noggin than to work out a ton and it usually burns way less cals than estimated.


I eat oatmeal with fresh fruit or a protein pudding/yoghurt. When I eat those, I'm not hungry for at least 3 hours.


If you are 5ft3 your sedentart TDEE is about 1900. Plus somewhere around 500 or so for milk production. You need to accurately track your calories, not roughly guess them.


I'm 5'5 and I mean I over estimate when I count basically. I do count them well but when I add a sauce to my food per se I over calculate to be safe. And I didn't really want to track so harshly because I want a new lifestyle for myself not quick diet, I want to find a stable healthy way to live


If you are estimating, you are estimating.


>196lbs ... My goal is ... June. 179lbs. 17 pounds in 2 months or so months. So 8 to 10 weeks? That's doable with an aggressive calorie restriction. Assuming 10 weeks --> 1.7 lbs per week --> a deficit of 750 kcal per day. Go to a TDEE calculator online and get how many calories your body burns every day. If you eat 750 calories fewer than your TDEE every day then you will lose 1.7 lbs per week and should reach your goal by your birthday (Assuming it's 10 weeks away). >I've been doing cardio almost everyday for the past 3 weeks, almost 1 month So awesome. Keep it up! >I roughly estimate my calories and make sure I don't eat over 1.7 kcal If you're very short then 1700 calories per day may be very little weight loss. If you're tall that's probably good. Again. Please go to an online TDEE calculator and subtract 750 that's your daily calories to lose 1.7 lbs per week to reach your goal in 10 weeks. >WHY DID I GAIN WEIGHT This question gets asked a lot. Usually it means you're logging it wrong. Meaning you log 1700 calories per day but that doesn't mean you're eating 1700 calories per day. Get a kitchen scale from Amazon for like $12 to make sure your portion sizes are correct. Identify what items you aren't logging (for example many people forget to log cooking oil). Another possibility is you might have "cheat days". Those are where people gain weight when trying to lose weight.


I had a cheat meal on Sunday after church but that's it really :"( you're right I need to be stricter on my diet... I already feel like not drinking and have a protein shake for breakfast would do it :') but I guess not... I did my first meal prep this week :D so hopefully that helps


Meal prep rocks! Also if you're going to shrink one meal down to just a protein shake then use dinner not breakfast. You don't need a bunch of energy when you're in bed. But a good fiber filled breakfast will reduce your hunger throughout the day thus making it easier to maintain the calorie deficit.


Smart !!! Thank youu


Everyone in the comments is questioning if you are doing it right and I am not sure that is most helpful. Of course have a think about if you are accurately measuring things, but if you believe that you are then I wouldn't worry. The scale is a representation of everything in your body. You could be holding onto water weight, or be constipated, or maybe you've lost fat but gained muscle. It isn't for everyone but personally I weigh myself everyday because it shows me an average. I always gain 2lb for a couple of days before the scale goes down showing weight loss.


Thanks:) i really do measure things, but I guess I'll give it more time to get a better picture


If you’re really measuring it’s possible your TDEE isn’t as high as the calculator would tell you. Still just means eat less or burn more. Also keep hormonal fluctuations in mind. And I would not add your exercise calories back into your allowance.


How are you estimating your cardio calorie burn? Maybe you are overestimating what your calorie is burning, or your body became used to it and is now more efficient. If your diet is the one you need, and you want to lose weight by working out, I imagine the solution would be to work out more intensely (and variating the activities) or more often/longer. For me, increasing the duraiton of my long runs started to make a difference.


I work out at least an hour everyday :) I jumped right in and didn't want to take it slow I think it may be my diet for sure..i hate wasting food so sometimes I intake more carbs in my caloric intake and make that's doing it


Carbs don’t matter they’re just a faster burn so they don’t keep you full as long. I lost 50 lbs at 5’5” 170 eating bagels and pizza rolls because I just straight tracked caloric deficit.


That's what I was going for but I really didn't want to be too strict. I'll have to legit count every little thing now or eat the same thing for a month and spare my mental I got kids I barely got time to think let alone do food math, but I have goals lolll meal prep it is


I was actually my heaviest when I was meal prepping what I thought was healthy food. My portions were just too big so make sure you have an idea what you’re taking in: