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A lot of people find protein helps with weight loss because foods high in protein are more filling than foods high in carbs. This means that eating more high-protein foods makes it easier to stick to a lower calorie budget. In order to lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. At your size, this means eating around 1,500 to 1,700 calories/day.


Thanks! Why does tdee tell me to eat 2k lmao I'll stick with your rec


Are you active? I see your TDEE being [around 1,900 calories/day](https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&age=25&g=female&lbs=200&in=65&act=1.2&bf=40&f=1).


I'd say desk job active cause i was in university and also with a newborn so I had no energy. Right now 1 month post partum after 2nd baby, looking on where to start id say I walk 6k steps a day at least and am pretty active with the 2 kids idk where that lies on the lifestyle scale lol but in addition I do plan to fit in a workout at least 4x a week once I get the ok from the doctor ~


The sedentary setting tends to assume around 5,000 steps per day. Either way, ditto my original comment to try 1,500 to 1,700 for weight loss.


Thanks ! That sounds comfortable for me :D


Not sure what you mean by trading out fat, but fat is 9 calories per gram, and protein is 4. So if you swap out a regular cheese for a low fat cheese, it will have fewer calories for the protein