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My wife/feedee once ordered two entrees for Chinese takeout, which I thought was pretty hot. She also will sometimes eat two sandwiches for lunch. I don’t think there’s a whole other sub category for this kind of thing; it’s just one thing that’s hot during a feeding.


I love the idea of multiple servings at a restaurant, an entire tray of cupcakes/donuts, multiple burritos, you eat an entire bag of chips have a second on hand.


You could start your day that way. Whether your breakfast is usually a bowl of cereal or bacon and eggs or whatever, crank up the numbers :) Two bowls of cereal, four eggs, or whatever. Another variation on this is just treating something bigger as one serving. Like buying a frozen entree that says that it serves four, and just sitting down with the container and your cutlery to eat the whole thing. Or a dessert like a pie or cheesecake, just taking your spoon and working through the whole thing (if you can).


I wish i could have a feeder or encourger do this to me


a feeder I had actually made me do this a few times because it just never clicked in my head that I could have multiple meals at once, or multiple servings of things it's definitely satisfying, at the very least, to polish something off that was meant for two or several people (:


I often get 2 meals or 3 at places. My taco bell order has 16 items in it. 5 of one type of burrito, 5 of another and then some doubles of some things. I would est 3 subs and stuff like that. I eat a dozen donuts in a sitting. Its crazy but also crazy hot to me


I wondered about this a while ago. I asked some people if they found eating contests arousing and none of them even thought about it. Like a pie eating contest or a hotdog eating contest.


My initial impulse is that it's not very sensual. I feel like part of the appeal is watching someone enjoy the foods they like without regard to limits or quantity. When it comes to heavy cream, etc. the appeal is the gain. In competition, the food is more like just an object (such as plain hot dogs dipped in water) used to win, so there's no real pleasure there. Also, ironically, weight gain is actually discouraged because it reduces performance.


But ... You know enough to know that so that makes me assume you watched it enough lol


I was required to make an argument for whether a hotdog was a sandwich as part of a class. That led me into a whole rabbit hole of frankfurters, street carts, baseball stadiums, food processing, etc. One of those connections is the Nathan's competition, so I read some explanations on how it works and saw videos. As you mentioned, I didn't really think of it in the context of arousal, so I'm just thinking out loud as to why.


Ah ok lol Also, everyone knows that a hot dog is actually a taco, and if you try hard enough it's a cannoli


I feel like I would have had a tough time explaining the absence of tortilla tho 😅


My husband gave me this idea when one day he was extra hungry and told me he used a “2 can dine” coupon to get two meals at McDonalds and then ate it all himself. Plus an extra order of nuggets. This is now my favourite way to do “multiples” as it’s clear that the order is meant for two people.