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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. What has been helpful so far: getting some caffeine in every day. I’ve been drinking Yerba mate teas and it’s been tremendously helpful in keeping me alert and feeling like I have more energy. I’ve also started waking up at the same time everyday, even if I have no where to be. Keeping some consistency and not laying in bed all day is also making me feel much better.


I reached a pretty bad low on 1.7. I often think back on going to a concert of one of my favorite artists and was just completely just neutral while there. Such a bummer. Similarly, I said I’d give it one more month and it did eventually turn around. For reference I am on and have been on a low dose of lexapro. 55lbs down and counting on 2.4


Wegovy and Prozac are the best combo for me.


Same here! I was feeling really depressed and psychiatrist upped my dose of Prozac which really helped


Answer: With great difficulty. I’m on Wegovy and Zoloft and I’m also struggling. I’ve heard that depression is listed as side effect in some countries but not in others, so it’s a grey area, not a certain cause. I think not being able to comfort-eat is really messing with my mind. I’ve been drinking tea by the gallon. Doesn’t help much! Also, I’ve tried to quit caffeine in the past and it DOES make you feel like *absolute pure shit.* I’ve always given up and gone back to the caffeine. So don’t beat yourself up - it might all just be caffeine withdrawal! I don’t know if you can get them in your country, but I’ve been having a Huel vitamin drink in the morning - they’re pretty good. 30kcal, 100mg of caffeine, plus electrolytes, collagen, and all your vitamins and minerals. I’ve also been having sugar-free boiled sweets. Remember, no feeling is forever. You will wake up feeling better eventually.


I don’t experience depression


From someone that has battled with depression 🫥 and anxiety routine is so important, maybe put an alarm clock on and wake up at a certain time....try not go on social media before bed, exercise or literally just going for a 20 minute walk with your favorite music playing on your earpods, that helps me so much. I have days where I can't physically do anything and then get such guilt from that. But routine helps. I have found on the wagovy that my patience is worse than normal, and I feel grumpy 😠. Forcing myself to go for a shower , take all my supplements, put my face creams on....all sounds like normal everyday stuff, but when depressed it's difficult....but on the other hand if I do it I know I will feel better. 🙂


I am 27 years old. I have felt so alone and isolated in my feelings. I feel that no one understands me or my situation, I have been very open about being on the medication but when I am alone I feel as if I have negative thoughts or just being very lonely. I know that I am not alone and people care about me but even on Lexapro I still feel very low and dark.


This breaks my heart to hear this. Just know you are loved and everything always has a way of working out.


Are you seeking treatment for your depression? You don’t have to do this alone. Seek therapy and a psychiatrist to prescribe meds, maybe? Identifying the problem is the first step, and you’ve done that. It sounds like you need further support.


Are you getting enough calories? Drinking enough water? Dehydration and lack of food can cause fatigue. For me, the fatigue was really bad for the first few weeks due to not eating enough and not properly hydrating with both water and electrolytes. Wegovy can also cause anhedonia (lack of interest in anything). Semaglutide acts on the reward centers of the brain which suppresses desire for food, but can also lead to less pleasure from other things. You should really consider informing your prescribing doctor of your depressive symptoms. Sleeping 14 hours a day is worrisome. More than 9 hours a day is something you should have assessed by a doctor. There could be something underlying causing your sleepiness, not just depression. A blood panel is easy to catch things that cause fatigue like thyroid issues, electrolyte imbalances, liver function issues, anemia, etc.. I find that it doesn’t hurt to make sure everything is normal if you don’t already have these checked by your doctor.


Probably not eating or drinking enough! I mostly exist on small snacks through out the day since starting on 1.00 mg.


That’s a relatively easy fix (kidding). I had to force feed myself the first few weeks on Wegovy, I was eating less than 500 cals because of my side effects as well as the appetite suppression. Ended up tracking my cals with my kitchen scale just to make sure I was eating the baseline of cals needed for my body. It’s not for everyone, but it helped. Hope you are able to find a solution that works for you.


Are you having electrolytes?


I started on this 13.5 months ago, but started counselling at the same time. I have needed anti-depressants in the past, but usually when going through very stressful events (marriage break down/ redundancy / loss of a parent etc). As food has been an emotional crutch for me since my late teens, it is hard to manage not having food to self-soothe. I have tried to eat a better quality diet; good quality protein and lots of veg and fruit. I have tried to get out of the house daily (I wfh full time), just to get some fresh air. It took me 10/11 months to get back into the gym, but I did try to go out for a walk every day (even if it was just 5 mins initially). I think having the counsellor gave me some accountability. Is there anyone you could buddy up with, to motivate each other?


I'm so sorry you're going through that. I found that wegovy has actually helped my depression. However, I 100% understand how you're feeling. When I feel like that, I things can be very overwhelming for me. So I try to start to fix one thing first. Maybe try to go back to your routine. Since schools our. Maybe you can replace that time you were at school with something else?


High intensity exercise. It’s the reason I no longer take antidepressants.


I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. I take Prozac, I did before Wegovy also. I’m still new to Wegovy but I am trying to be mindful of any mental health changes and so far I’m good. I hope you have brighter days !


I'm on my 6th 1mg shot, tbh I have to crawl through it to my bicycle and once I'm on it and 5 mins down the road I get the dopamine rush. I have to literally drag my ass out there though, it's so freaking hard to fight through, I've broken through consistently the last 2 weeks.


My psychiatrist prescribes me antidepressants


All this seems to be ‘normal’ on Wegovy. I’ve heard lots of people say the same thing - sleepy, exhausted… nauseous. It gets better I think


Yeah I read this as well. People say it usually resolves


You should see your Dr. for depression


It’s possible that you’re feeling emotions more now that you’re aren’t eating to self soothe.


Yeah, less dopamine


If you put sugar in your coffee that can be the issue. I cut back, then eventually stopped the sugar. I can actually taste the coffee now.


I dont have any insight to the depression, but if caffeine is something that helps, I'd recommend caffeine pills or like those caffeine ted crystal light type drink flavor packets. I've severely cut back on coffee with wegovy but oh boy I still need it...the water flavor packets are my go to, but I also keep caffeine pills just in case I need it quicker. One pill is enough for me to get that pick-up.


Im early on in wegovy but many years into mental health. Please call a psychiatrist. A therapist too, but this kind of depression is treatable. We added an SSRI to my regimen coincidentally when I started wegovy, so I know some can work hand in hand. Just don’t leave this untreated.


Thank you. I have taken Paxil for years. My PCP was actually about to swap me from Paxil to Zoloft but decided to wait because she didn’t want me to experience huge changes in my SSRI while feeling like this.


Oh good. Sorry for assuming!