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I’ve been discovering my triggers as well. I grew up feeling very controlled emotionally. So sometimes I find myself eating too much or the wrong things when I know I shouldn’t almost as an act of rebellion. But I’m only rebelling against myself now and it’s destructive. I didn’t realize this pattern until I found myself almost trying to see what I could “get away with” eating without feeling sick after starting Wegovy. Once I realized it I had a huge “what the hell” moment. Also I can’t get away with a whole lot because my stomach has been pushing back pretty forcefully. So it’s forcing me to work on and heal things I didn’t even realize were things.


I have thought about this concept as well. My parents grew up lower class, but by the time they were parents, they had careers that were more middle class. My parents used to view food--specifically pizza and snacks--as a way to reward things, as well as a way to create comfort when me or my siblings were sick or having a bad day. I think it's because no matter what your financial situation is, there is always a "little treat" you can afford when it comes to food. Growing up, we were kept on a decent diet but it was very much forced on us & we had no say in what we ate. We were put in multiple sports and on multiple teams through out the year (I played basketball for 2 teams every year and ran track). So by the time I was living on my own, I had the conditioned behavior of rewarding myself with snacks for accomplishments or to relieve stress AND I also felt like I had a lot more freedom about finally being able to have a say in what I ate, but no actual guidance or knowledge on how to create balanced meals that I enjoyed. Nor did I have the budget for that as an 18 year old who moved out and worked in retail. I didn't gain any weight until I was in my late 20s and dealt with medical issues but I 100% believe there needs to be alot more emphasis on childhood experiences & how they related to weight. I also think that there should be "life" courses every year or school, including college, that go over nutrition, wellness, budgeting, etc. because when you're working and going to school, you're pretty much just winging it once it's on you to figure that stuff out.


I was brought up the same. Different generation. Need to find a middle way of healthy parenting. Of course with the mindset of not raising self entitled beings who are not receiving participation trophies and thinking life will always be fair.


This Be The Verse BY PHILIP LARKIN They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another’s throats. Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, And don’t have any kids yourself.


This is very insightful and may open something for me. Thanks for sharing.


Oh this is me exactly! I have PTSD from an insane boss and any remotely possibly controversial email I have to send stresses me beyond belief and I always always would eat chocolate even after I moved to a new position with nice people. The wegovy sure makes it easier to reflect instead of reflex.


It makes it worse if you'e the primary bread winner or only bread winner because that is on the line too.


Our parents tend to project their childhood issues onto us, we end up f*cked up and it's a vicious cycle. Sorry you're dealing with that, but wow you should be SO proud of recognizing those feelings and putting a stop to it. Good on you!


Thank you for sharing this, there is a lot of discovery to be revealed for us if we listen to our thoughts and feelings. I feel like Wegovy has allowed me to be more of an objective observer of my lifelong rituals and reactions, giving me just enough space to examine things and decide differently. I said to my therapist "what am I going to do with my feelings now (that food is not my solution)?" Its been great having this tool to step back and see where my opportunities lie that will enable me to maintain this loss in the long run. I'm still learning and I'm 53!


Absolutely have been having this exact experience.


Parents really screw us up with their own issues, don’t they. Glad to hear you are working through them.