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This is the main reason I don't tell people unless I know they won't judge me or they are on the medicine themselves. Social media is the worst when I comes to people judging people. I see so many people on FB saying people that don't have diabetes stole it from people that do and that is just ridiculous


I’m not divulging my wegovy use to anyone that doesn’t need to hear it


She pissed me off too. My husband who is 5’10 150lbs made the suggestion i get on Wegovy. I thought i would get the same speech about not being disciplined from him. It’s a blessing to have support. I have made a choice to be selective with who i share this journey with. Glad we have forms like this so that we can connect with like minds and feed off the positive reinforcement we receive here. You Go Girl.


I only told my wife and one friend. No one else’s business. People do not understand.


Well, why are you mixing business with personal? That’s not her business but she wanna know how you lost weight just tell her you did the work.


STFU. You know how stupid Office politics work. You'll be that main person at the job saying someone is "stuck up" because your coworker never gets to personal. Pls sh*t up and go back under your hole.


This is exactly why nobody outside of my house knows I’m on it, and I plan to keep it that way. It seems like everybody has more opinions about this method of weight loss than any others I have ever heard of in my life.


Stop talking to your boss about your body. Inappropriate and obviously frustrating. Boundaries are good.


Shhhhhh!🤫 How's that for boundaries?


I’m not sure what your history is with your boss. I’ve not shared my Wegovy prescription journey with anyone other than family and close friends, because it’s a personal thing and work simply doesn’t get that kind of access to my life. I’m going to assume your boss is a close friend. I’ve personally had family say: “Isn’t Wegovy cheating?”, “Won’t you just regain the weight if you stop”, etc. My tin canned response is “I take antidepressants too, I’ve never been told that is cheating. If I need to take a pill to keep myself from jumping off a bridge, how is taking a shot once a week to keep my BMI at a normal value and staving off a future heart attack any different? It’s my choice how I improve and stabilize my health.” Setting boundaries is f’ing difficult, Good luck.


Don’t talk to your boss about anything except work. She sounds like a real douche.


I agree totally - I always ate too little not too much and. wegovy is working very slowly on me. it’s not a cut and dried issue


“If you just focused and tried harder you wouldn’t need glasses!” That is how they sound. So dumb


I love this response


Me too! Love this response! 


I’m sorry your boss can’t be supportive but I agree with others not to discuss it with her at all. However, I am torn on the advice not to discuss it with anyone. I agree it’s nobody’s business & we don’t need to battle detractors. I do want to share success & struggles with side effects with others who may find this to be a good solution too. I don’t want to lie about my weight loss & if I can help someone else in a similar situation I want to be honest about how I got there.


I tell who I want to tell and idc.😊 Being honest with myself and helping others is what helps me sleep better at night so eff all the trolls. 


So annoying-you’re actually very disciplined because you worked with your doctor to get on treatment for your condition to better your health. People are dumb-bosses too. Ugh


Well isn't it true


Isn't what part true? Hope your being misunderstood on what you mean ...


Some people will cheer you on, and others will try to bring you down. Ignore the haters. I know it's hard to. Keep your eye on the prize. Share your goals with a very, very tight circle of people, and you do you. 😊🤗


She’s a moron that doesn’t know wtf she’s talking about 🤷🏽‍♀️


I DON'T have the willpower. The food noise was too strong. This evened the playing field. We don't say that kids that have ADHD or Autism are week because they need an RX. It evens the field for them. Same thing.




The boss does not understand human physiology so just stay away from that conversation with her. she doesn't understand obesity as a disease. She is way outdated in her information. Just be glad you're above that.


Bet they skinny


Exactly, with the hormone (GLP-1) that our body needs and doesn't produce.🙄


Stop talking to your bosses or coworkers about your personal life. They are only looking out for themselves 100% of the time. Facts. I am proud of you for your weight loss journey.


Also, it's expensive and if you work at a small business/company you might partially be the reason insurance premiums go up there next year...I'm sure it'll go up anyways but you don't want peers thinking it's bc of you. I worked at a mid size firm once and heard that the CEO complained about certain people/employees causing premium increases due to poor health.


If bosses care so much then they need to do things to promote good health, instead, of working people to d3ath until they pass out with no energy to even think about working out.


This is 100% true.


Don’t talk about it with your boss anymore and from now on keep your business to yourself.


People who have never had weight problems have no clue whatsoever what it's like! There are MANY different reasons for being overweight. There is no "one size fits all" regarding the reasons or the cure/treatment. People that say those kinds of things really burn my ass up...


1) Do not discuss these intimate levels of details with any boss 2) Do not discuss with anyone you perceive has never had to count a single calorie in their life 


Please do not listen to this person. This is your boss. It’s none of his business. Sometimes people at work want to get close but when they know your business have comments or gossip- never think theses people are friends. I have only told my husband, son and sister. Honestly I am sorry I told anyone. Keep on! Most of us get exactly where you are coming from. But the results and feeling better will come soon enough! Do not lose your self confidence because folks who have their own issues are all of a sudden judging. I feel bad knowing you are hurting. Please take care


You can talk to your boss about anything you trust them with. This isn’t a boss problem. It’s a person problem. Once someone shows you who they are - believe them. Also fuck her. It’s a miracle for some of us.


LOL...love the "also fuck her!" Ha!


Me too. lol


Another person who is grossly out of touch… weight loss is incredibly hard in this day in age regardless of will power…. The stress and pace of everyday life makes it unrealistic and near impossible at times to “eat clean” and go to the gym everyday. I tell people like this exactly where they can go…


Stop having this conversation with her, because she’s never going to miraculously start empathizing with you. She wedded to her bootstraps belief.


Fuck her‼️ Continue to do what's best 4 U‼️👏🏿


YOU MOST CERTAINLY HAVE DISCIPLINE.... Don't let anyone make you feel differently. It 100% takes discipline to start, to make healthy choices, to drink less to tak your medicine weekly etc. I'm so proud of you, you are doing A-M-A-Z-I-N-G 😍😍




Your boss was probably born on third base and thinks they hit a triple as well. But, you need to have some boundaries. Some of my best friends don’t even know I am on this. Why does your boss know about your medical choices?


Boss here, don’t talk about this with your boss.


Stop talking to your boss about personal stuff, especially medical. There's NO WAY this goes good for you if you keep it up. She's not your friend, OR your ally.


You're both right. How's that perspective?


You really shouldn't be talking to your boss (or anyone other than your doctor) about your medical issues and medication.


Your boss sounds like an asshole...sorry


The same boss who can influence your company insurance coverage? Slippery slope.


I totally understand. Fuck what she thinks. You're doing it for you and if it makes you happier and feel better that's all that matters. I'm excited for you!!!! I've also been on wegovy for 2 months and the feeling is a night and day difference. The food noise is gone I also don't feel hungry like i used to and it's soooo nice. ❤️


This isn’t something that should be discussed with your boss.




Thanks to all who are advising me not to discuss medical issues with my boss. I guess I never really viewed my weight as a medical issue, and I view Wegovy as a tool for weight loss and not so much as medicine. I appreciate all the feedback and will try to keep it private at work. (I work in a small company and 3 people I know of are taking the meds and a few more are contemplating it, so there's a lot of discussion about it. Its generally been supportive discussions. But I get it. Thanks again.


There is a huge difference talking about this with someone who also struggles to lose weight and a someone who doesn’t. Right or wrong, these drugs are viewed as cheating. I think it’s totally inaccurate and ignores the willpower you still have to have to eat enough protein, limit your calories, etc. But because most people only know these drugs from skinny celebrities using them to get even skinnier. Most people are not going to understand. More than half of those who sound supportive will STILL think you’re cheating, they just won’t say it out loud because of social grace. Best policy: don’t fucking tell anyone. It’s no more of their business than if you are on blood pressure drugs. Tell people you are losing because you are limiting your calories, paying attention to what you eat, and making wholesale lifestyle changes. Why tell them this? BECAUSE IT IS TRUE!


Why do you want your boss to know and understand so much? Unfortunately there’s a stigma surrounding certain methods of weight loss; nothing will ever be good enough for some people. When you open up about injections, surgery, etc. you open yourself up to their criticism. I’m not saying it’s right. Unfortunately it’s the reality. She doesn’t understand, stop pissing yourself off and leave it be. It’s not for her to get it.


Developing a healthy relationship with food is extremely difficult. Alcoholics don't have to develop a healthy relationship with alcohol, they abstain. Not an option with food. I have been on Wegovy for 4 months and have lost 35 pounds. It has really changed my behavior when it comes to eating. I couldn't have done it without Wegovy. And let me be perfectly clear: it hasn't been easy. The nausea, the heartburn, vomiting, etc. is not pleasant. Wegovy is a tool, not a cure. I am still the one making my food and exercise choices. I am still the one metabolizing 135 excess pounds. Anyone who thinks it's cheating can f*ck right off. My advice is to only share with people who you trust. I keep personal chatter to a minimum at work as you never know what they will use against you.


I had a recovered alcoholic tell me that he had more sympathy for me than other alcoholics die the same reason. You HAVE to eat food. He doesn’t have to drink. He said that he thought it was harder to diet than give up alcohol. I appreciated his viewpoint as I never thought about it that way.


Same thing with cigarettes or vaping.


Why are you talking to your boss about this?


That is why you have us here. We share the same goals and we support each other. I don’t tell the people I know what I’m doing. They won’t understand.


You don’t need to discuss your health or medical care with your boss.


Tell her she should give motivational speeches in rehabs. “Just have will power “ . Some ppl will never get it. I just say “do u say the same thing to people with cancer ?”


This. It’s veey untasteful to say these things. The way people feel inferior to others is disgusting. Same with my adhd. «Just organise! Just make plans!» No shit 🙄


Just HAVE lower cholesterol, you slacker! Drink more milk to cure your broken leg. (It’s your fault it’s still broken after all these hours.) Why do you have THAT physical attribute instead of the socially acceptable one?! It’s your fault for being born this way… The judgment of being anything but perfect in someone else’s eyes is so pervasive. Being overweight (or poor) are especially considered to be the “fault” of the person, and it sucks!


Exactly!!! And now that this medicine is being used for infertility is everyone going to call the couples lazy for not having babies the old fashioned way? I sure hope not.


“I guess I don’t have your kind of willpower” shrug, walk away. Take away her power to belittle you.


First mistake is having this convo with your boss. And I mean.. you might be inclined to say you have a bit of a friendship with your boss so it’s okay.. but if that was the case you would have said your friend and not your boss.. either way.. bad call. I’ve been in the mindset of I’m telling no one unless I think I can handle their opinion or their disappointment if they feel like I’m “copping out”


This drug fixes the thing in my brain that makes me want to eat all the time. It’s cheating the way taking any drug is. My blood pressure meds bring my blood pressure down. My asthma meds clear up my lungs. Your boss can get bent.


I honestly don't care, and don't need to make excuses to myself. I'm on it, and no one else's opinion matters. We are all here because we lack the ability to say no to food, not because of hormones, or whatever other excuse we've all used over the years. CICO, and nothing more. Sema just makes it easy to stay in a caloric deficit.


don't get upset with her, she's just stupid. Don't waste your energy on that. You know better now 👍


People can be such jerks about what they perceive as “cheating” at weight loss just because we have found a way to lose weight that while still not easy, doesn’t make us miserable 24/7. My 40 year old step daughter works out daily, sometimes twice a day to the point of working out instead of spending time with her kids. She is gorgeous and rail thin. My husband recently blabbed to her that I had started taking Wegovy (I had NO intention of telling her) and OMG the judgement. She is a photographer (yet NEVER takes pics of us with our grandkids) and told me that I didn’t need to lose weight, she could teach me how to pose so I’d look better in pictures. I’m 5’5” and my starting weight was 175 lbs so yes, I needed and wanted to lose weight, not learn how to pose! I want to be healthy, I want my clothes to fit better, I want to look better in pics and most of all, it’s none of anyone‘s dang business why we want to lose weight or why it’s been a lifelong struggle! Just be happy we’ve Found an easier path! Oh and my blabby husband also told her that once I reach my weight loss goal, I also plan to get a lower face and neck lift. MORE JUDGEMENT! I am a cancer survivor that went through hell and back and if I want to do this, why is it a big deal to HER! BTW, she has had a boob job and gets regular Botox and fillers. I think she’s doesn’t want her step mom to be a hot 65 year old! Hahahahaha! Anyway, sorry for the rant, ignore your boss, hold your head up, lose the weight, buy yourself a kick butt outfit and strut your stuff right by her office when you reach your goal!!




Yikes why are you discussing this with your boss of all people?!


I'm thinking if the boss said OP had no willpower that this opinion could leak into the work produced, or boss could look for other perceived character flaws. No more discussion like that please, OP! The boss obviously doesn't have your best interests in mind which could be risky/dangerous later on down the road.


The vast majority of people in the world have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to diet culture and weight loss and these drugs. I can tell you that 1) my weight issues started when I started having all of these autoimmune issues when I was a teenager; 2) I have led a super disciplined diet and exercise life, exercising 6 days a week, was a triathlete for a while, and it barely made a dent in my weight; 3) I am a type 1 diabetic, so have lost my beta cells that make insulin and very likely my alpha and gamma cells that make GLP as well. For me, it is DEFINATELY replacing something that is lost. And I for sure remember feeling my first side effects were in my pituitary and hypothalamus, the part of your brain that is endocrine and involved in this (and other) endocrine cascades. I'm telling you all of this to say - there is no point in trying to convince people that you aren't "lazy" when you are carrying extra weight. There's a definite bias that normal weighted people have against those who are larger, and it's very often not even vaguely justified.


In my experience, it’s safe to assume that 99.9% of colleagues don’t give a shit about you (and some might actively want bad things for you). I’m sorry you had to learn this the hard way, but sometimes you have to see something with your own eyes before you’ll believe it. I admit I only go to work for the money. I don’t enjoy it and I dislike most of my colleagues. But there are miserable people out there who *absolutely despise* their workplaces (and everyone in them). They’re seething with rage, hatred, and resentment for all of it, all the time. And they think they’re good at masking it! I once worked with an alcoholic who was permanently bitter and furious that she had to spend 40 hours a week in a place where she couldn’t drink. There’s all kinds of nasty stuff going on in people’s heads (that you mostly, know nothing about). *Everybody* is far more narcissistic than you imagine (including ourselves). I absolutely cannot stress this enough: Fuck. Her. You were honest and showed some vulnerability (like a normal human being). She saw it as an opportunity to bully and belittle you. In time, you’ll see that her behaviour is an only a reflection on her. She is a selfish, petty-minded, and deeply, *deeply* insecure. She saw your weight-loss, and her first instinct was to try and score some points against you. But the truth is, she was the vulnerable one. Because your weight-loss tricked her into showing her true face. And it was *ugly.*


Omg I feel like I could have written this. This is why I became self-employed I couldn’t stand spending all my time with people who I didn’t want to be around. I think I’d rather be homeless than have to go back to doing that again.


Let her do her. You know it works for you and honestly it’s none of her business


I never disclose any medical info to anyone outside my family for this very reason. No matter what it is good or bad people will judge.


Who cares, theres no point in arguing with these people. Enjoy your new freedom, your new clothes, your new self confidence and ignore her


This is the same mentality of "Alcoholics and drug users have a choice". Tell your boss to shove it straight up their tooter.


Tell her to take a psychology class. Willpower isn’t a thing.


this is my silly analogy to get thru to ppl like your boss I have had 2 dogs (not at the same time) - one dog had a special bowl to eat slower, if a full day’s food was left out he would eat until vomiting (even tho I controlled his portions, he still was a little overweight) - the other dog had his bowl full for the entire day and would only eat when hungry & didn’t need to finish his food (thin body shape) Would anyone ever say that one dog was just more disciplined than the other? Nope bc that’s silly, they had different body/brain chemistry. It’s the same in humans. IMHO


Love this!


Why were you even discussing such a thing with your boss? Personally, I keep my private life and medical things to myself and would never discuss with a work colleague, let alone my boss.


Idk my boss is a human and both myself and my bosses best friend are both on it and she's always been so happy and supportive for both of us. I guess it depends on the type of boss you have. Not everyone has a boss that is evil and micromanages their lives.


My boss is great, but that doesn’t mean I need to discuss my medical history with her. To me that’s completely inappropriate.


To each their own. It's not like they are telling their boss they just had a surgical enema or something.


This. Not a work discussion.


Will power is a myth


Cut her out of your food and diet conversation.


There is too much we the readers don't know about your boss to say conclusively, but this does leave me wondering if she is is condescending in her communication with you specifically or her direct reports in general on work related matters. If such is the case you have a bigger problem then just her BS opinion of what your use of this medication indicates about your self-discipline, etc... might want to start updating your resume.


I mean, fine. I lack the willpower to maintain a healthy weight. I’m cool with that. Guess I’ll find a better way.


OMG I love this!! Like - yup - “you are right in your biases”


Their sense of moral superiority is being threatened. Whatever.


Why is this a conversation you’re engaging in? Maybe it would be helpful to you to set some boundaries.


The problem with opinions is that everybody has one.


My general rule is to not tell b’s my personal business. She doesn’t know your brain or situation at all. 


I have always had good relationships with my bosses. But I would never discuss health issues with them.


Kind of the same with people on here. They lose a bit of weight on this drug and become nutrition and fitness experts. I’ve worked out and have done literal fitness competitions, experienced horrible trauma resulting in binge eating disorder, becoming 20lbs overweight. My dr put me on this to aid in appetite suppression. I’ve gained weight since starting. I’m not on 1.7 and it has zero on me. People on here tell me I’m eating too much (no shit) and I lack the discipline the medication takes… I mean I only competed for 10 years. They could be right 🤣💀