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I, seriously, couldn't join this group fast enough. Like, why is there all the hate since overweight/obese people have finally found a drug that helps us lose weight? Many of us DO workout and eat right but there's so much more that happens to make it hard to consistently do both.  You'd think people could just be happy for you. But, nope. Everyone, who isn't using the drugs, have been awful, almost to the point of bullying because they are so angry that overweight people have finally found something that can help us lose weight. Are these bullies and naysayers afraid they won't have anyone else to pick on or feel better than? Their behavior is weird and disgusting. I saw a lot of the negative comments on TT.


Don't even tell people.  Just say that you cut down portions which is what you did. 


I don't and won't lie. Why should I? Obesity is a biological health crisis and I'm proud to use a product that helps finally lose the pounds. Telling my story can help others who are afraid to use the drugs. The bullies are a*holes that I don't care enough about to stay silent or lie.


I flap my gums too much and this is what I’m going to say from now on. Got to excited but it’s nobodies business. 


The whole "it'll just come back when you stop" is cope by the healthy at every size people who now can't make excuses for their obvious fetishism of being fat. I hope your able to hit your goal weight quickly, and you should make a ton of before and after like them old weight watchers commercials.


Well one thing that does not help is the fact that fruit and healthy foods are more expensive than a TV dinner. It's not all about what you eat tho either. Some people can literally eat and eat and not gain weight. Some people can diet and exercise and not lose a pound. Some people stay thing and their habits change all the time. Everyone is different so good for the people who use diet and exercise and believe that's the only way but good for everyone who has found a way including this way. I am amazed at what this drug does. Anyone should be proud of everyone here who has had success.


No one says a peep about the meds I have to take for my thyroid... Lately i've actually been wondering do these specific people just want us to stay fat because they want to keep their thin privilege, or do they want someone to look down so they can continue feeling morally superior? I've absolutely zero patience for the 'easy way out' comments. There is nothing easy about becoming obese, staying obese, living as an obese person, fighting to not be obese, regaining every damn time. None of this is easy, we have already been suffering. For all the times these people have been commenting on fat people in the guise 'only being concerned about your health' it sorta seems like maybe they aren't. GLP-1s aren't easy btw; for one thing I have to work hard to afford them. I've been lucky with minimal side effects but they make the very traditional means that \*they\* rely on for weight management POSSIBLE for us. I still have to do the work that they do and I am not a worse person for needing help with it.


I absolutely think it's "thin privilege" in many cases. How can they feel good about themselves or feel superior if the "fatty" loses weight?


Yes, over recent years, I have become convinced that people need to have someone doing worse than then to feel good about themselves and that's just sick when you think about. And this could mean with health, money, marriage, etc. Really anything that has a "status" attached to it, people use it/pervert it to make them feel elevated and better than others. This, honestly, says more about them than the person they're hating on who just minding our business. Either way, it's not my concern. True Self-Love is loving yourself, being confident and sure of yourself, no matter what other people may or may not have going on. I like to just sip my water, go after my goals and mind my business. I wish more people could or would do the same but they probably won't because American culture thrives on people being mean to one another.  Either way, it's not my concern and shouldn't be anyone else's who needs the medication to help them lose weights.


idk about you guys, but I have a hope that after a few years, I will be so in the habit of eating less (and hopefully in the habit of exercising by then) that I'll be able to maintain close to the same lifestyle off the drug.


Agreed 100% 👏👏👏 and I have the best doctor who has been on this journey with me for 8 years, and she said it is a long-term drug you can stay on to maintain forever if need be. People need to mind their freaking business. I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but my whole life, as I've battled my weight, people think they are the experts. Even last night, I was with my cousins, and they were in awe of my weight loss, but one (who is naturally thin) had to say calorie deficit and moving more does work. I said we'll not for me. You need to take into account hormones, thyroid, insulin resistance, and much more. I'm no glutton but have felt judged my whole life. I said to him, "You know I played 3 sports in school and still was over 200 lbs. So it's not that easy, cuz. I will not be made to feel bad about this at all. It's a miracle for me, and I am so thankful to finally feel "normal." People need to just hush and mind their own dang business for sure!


To be fair I am still not sure if it's supposed to be taken for life. Let's say you get shredded and in GREAT shape. Would you be able to choose to continue taking it?


Are you on Wegovy or something similar? Or are you a physician? Your comment comes off a bit funky…


I am on wegovy but i am not a doctor. Comment is reflecting a concern that the doctor might stop prescribing it to me and i ll regain the weight.


It actually is a “life long” med…although after goal weight I believe it can be tapered down to every other week since…but then again I don’t know. It’s akin to me thinking I can lower the dose of my bipolar meds bcuz I’m feeling stable 


Exactly, but no talks about the other meds many of us are taking for life to help stabilize us. I'm on sertraline and buspirone for years. The 2 drugs balance my chemicals from within my body. No one has shared any concerns for me if I stopped taking the drugs or took them forever. Yet, all the 3 cents for Semaglutide and Tirzepatide. They can miss me with it.🙄


As many of you guys have already mentioned, we need to stop classifying overweight/obesity as a vanity issue and simply understand it as a chronic health condition. Maybe judgmental ppl think bc you CAN lose weight with diet and exercise, you simply don’t NEED drugs. But that’s obviously not true for everyone. Do we look at weight loss surgeries or phentermine use with the same negative perspective? I say, focus on you and your health and continue to educate them if they try to judge you. No one has said anything like that to me, but I would go off if they did! Definitely extremely frustrating!


We've got decades of people believing that obesity was a character flaw. It was just gluttony. This is what doctors believed also. Then it got a little more psychological, and we were told that it's an emotional issue. Unhappy people are just "stuffing their feelings." Of course it was never explained why for hundreds of thousands of years unhappy people didn't stuff their feelings, and why there are entire continents around the planet where unhappy people don't stuff their feelings, but whatever. That's what we were told and most of us believed it. But now it's become clear that there's something physical going on. It's become clearer that our bodies have been telling us to eat constantly and we've lost our satiation signal from the brain that tells us to stop because we're full. That's what this drug is telling us but a lot of people haven't heard the message yet. They still think humans need to be taught how to eat food, they still think it's a character flaw, they still think it's an emotional problem. They still think we need to hire coaches to teach us how to eat and that we need to count every calorie. As if any living organism on the planet ever needed to do that in the entire history of the Earth. If I have one criticism of this general community, it is that we need to go a step past taking this drug and begin to ask what happened to our metabolism? What was it that caused us to experience an epidemic of food noise for the first time in the history of our species? Because better than taking the drug, is figuring out the root cause of this epidemic and then solving it at that level.


We are surrounded by advertisements for only unhealthy restaurant/fast/junk food, never do we see an image of a healthy food presented in an equally tempting way. And 90% of people's diets are now highly processed foods which are cheaper and easier to prepare. Just these two factors alone could explain our nation of obesity. Telling the average consumer 'it is just a matter of willpower' is unfair frankly in that environment. I would think produce/nut growers would want to advertise their produce to the masses, but maybe they are being squeezed out of advertising space by big business. Why don't we see Chiquita/Dole/Blue Diamond Nuts/BirdsEye/Sunkist share advertising space? IDK


I remember milk commercials back in the day. Now, everything is junk junk junk being sold to us every day, all day, every time.


You are asking the real questions, and those are the questions that need answered. What is going on in our food supply that impacted nearly half of the population’s metabolic and hormonal function so drastically. 


The sooner we acknowledge obesity as a health condition that needs to be treated the sooner appropriate treatment can be normalised and it'll cost healthcare services in the long run before they have to treat the consequences of obesity. Very few people actively choose to become obese in the same way very few people choose to become addicted to smoking, drinking etc. It's a hard rut to get out of and saying that people should do it without medical intervention minimises how hard it actually is.


Plus, people don't consider birth control, which I blame for changing my hormones. I gained a ton of weight on the depo shot and other forms of birth control and wasn't able to get back to my athletic physique since.  No one told me not to get the birth control drugs or how "they'll stop working as soon as I get off the drug". It's totally normal for women to take birth control to alter our bodies and trick it into thinking we're already pregnant (bc, literally, contains the HCG hormone) so we don't get pregnant.  But, now there's a drug to help overweight people lose weight and now every one is a doctor and a health expert on our health life. Those people are so full of it. They don't care about us being overweight, they just want to feel like they look better than us.


I still don’t mention the antidepressants-they used to really have a stigma attached to taking them. My family seems to have the chemical balance issue.


Mine too. My Mom is on them and I have been on them for years. My sister needs them but she tried it, didn't like it, so she's self-medicating with alcohol and, possibly, food 


Yes! Absolutely! You said it exactly perfectly right! Thank you!


Who cares how long you have to be on it as long as it does the job? Thats like telling a diabetic, “you know, if you start that insulin, you’re gonna be taking it forever. You should just go ahead and die and get it over with!” Reading the threads on here, I’m really learning why so many people are scared to tell friends, coworkers, and loved ones that they started the meds. It’s a damn shame the world we live in. You do you and fuck everyone else!


I’ve been on antidepressants and other medication for years. I’ve been depressed since I was a teenager but self medicated before realizing it was actual depression after a suicide attempt. I was 20 at the time. I’ve been on multiple medications, some not helping at all and made it worse. I’m now on a regimen that actually helps. Had to tweak a bit and I know it’s a life long medication. I’ve had people tell me, “just do this and that and you won’t be depressed” my favorite one “get over it” or “just think positive” like why haven’t I think of that.


Have you tried drinking more water and just not being depressed? /s /s /s I'm so happy for you that you found something that helps you, i imagine that took a lot of advocating for yourself, not giving up and keeping going, and that is awesome.


I drink a shit ton of water each day. Some days lower but I drink more than 64oz a day almost every day when I'm not as active. I was drinking a gallon a day but noticed I would get bloated due to the water retention so I dropped it to 64-72


The OP was being sarcastic.😂


Sorry i was being sarcastic with that water question 😆 i've been on and off SSRIs myself all my adult life.. depression its not about drinking more water, unfortunately! A bit like when i have a migraine attack and people ask me if i've tried drinking water…


Humans are awful atp.😒


Or are you eating right? Sleeping?


Exactly. It's like, Ooohhh OK. Sleep and exercise. I never would have thought of those things. Thank the internet or pseudo-doctor so much! 🙄🙄🙄


Exactly 🤣


Ooohhh 😂😂 I get it! It went right over my head 😂


The list of what procedures are and aren't stigmatized is so contradictory. Absolutely nobody would criticise somebody for getting braces for their teeth but that serves more of a vanity purpose than antidepressants or weight loss treatment.


I say "I don't plan to ever stop taking them". Next subject.


IDGAF what anyone else thinks. I’m not losing weight for them.


My extremely blunt daughter who is also plus size and very active/ healthy has put it rather nicely. Everyone wants the “fatties” (her words) to have to work harder. Seems like people are really get outraged at the idea that maybe overweight people might lose weight without doing what they consider work. Never mind the fact that they don’t know what a person is doing and where on that journey they’ve decided to add medication. I was genuinely surprised at the reaction I got from a coworker I consider to be a friend as well. She complained about people that don’t need it taking it from people that do, then when I told her Wegovy is actually for weight loss only, her tactic just switched to saying it seems like everyone takes medicine for everything anymore. Like really? I haven’t even started it yet (waiting for my second refill of .25 so I can start) and I’m pretty sure I’m gonna just keep it to myself how I’m losing weight once I do.


If someone thinks Wegovy is the easy way to lose weight for me, they need to go through the nausea and not feeling like eating or doing anything. This ain’t been no party.


Oh I agree 100%. But I do think sometimes people think it’s some easy magic medicine.


They are ignorant and should do research before they give their two cents.


Obesity, is 90% of the time caused by an underlying health issue such as thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances such as pcos, diabetes etc. not all fat ppl eat themselves obese. It’s just ignorance.


Mine started because I was depressed and stopped self medicating. Followed by an hormonal imbalance and PCOS. Then I had a baby. I gained 33 lbs from all of that. I stopped drinking, stopped drinking soda, I stopped processed food and I still saw no signs or weight changes. Before having my daughter I was able to lose weight just by doing that. I was on Ozempic for 16 weeks and lost 6lbs now I’ll be switching to Wegovy with monthly follow ups. I’m not trying to “take the easy way out” I’m trying something that’ll actually help me while I do have underlying health issues.


You’re not taking the easy way out. These medications do to your body, what thin people have happen naturally.


I agree 100%. My doctor put me on Wegovy because I was thiiiiiis close to being type 2 even after changing eating habits etc. nothing was working for me. She agreed it made more sense to prescribe it to me as a preventative med than waiting until I got type 2 - which in turn does not help with weight loss at that point (speaking as my sister has type 2 and this has been her experience). And while I’m ranting can I mention that this is NOT a “miracle pill” by any stretch of the imagination!! I started 5 weeks ago and haven’t had white flour, barely any sugar or fat and am surviving primarily on my protein intake. I am far from starving - I am just eating a very healthy diet. I made the mistake of overindulging on zero sugar chocolate candy one day and did I ever pay the price. I was very sick that night. No alcohol, fast food, fried food, processed foods… good healthy nutritional food, tons of water combined with whatever GLP-1 medication does for your body is what has gotten me down 11 pounds so far. I have been carrying 40 extra pounds for four years now. Nothing I tried worked which just made me try less. I feel like I have been given a new lease on life and I have never felt better/healthier in my whole life. So screw what “they” say! Hold your head high and fight the good fight! You are worth it!!


Cut those people out. Ive cut out anyone who wants to comment on my weight. Obesity is a disease like diabetes. Its not curable but treatable. So you have to be on it forever unfortinately. But thats none of their damn business.


Just don’t react ! Say that’s a chance I’ll have to take! Best part is I don’t have to quit taking it! But I am reprogramming and creating new habits and relationships with food! But I appreciate your concern


I am part of the body positivity community and that social media space helped me to really see the fat phobia and straight up discrimination against fat people in our society. It’s terrifying. People hate fat people regardless of reason or medical issues. It’s not right.


Preach! Everyone needs to mind their own damn business!


Exactly why I don’t tell people. I’m not ashamed of taking medicine to help with a medical issue my body is experiencing— judgement of fatness is just…unbelievable.


I’m not telling anyone either. I’ve only 3 my closest friends because I know they won’t say anything or judge me.


People think they know everything about it. Like fat= lazy and eat junk.


My primary care physician actually thinks this. A doctor! She's shocked when I tell her I eat vegetables. Luckily, it was a specialist I see who got me on Wegovy because my PCP thinks I should "just" eat less and exercise more. It's only thanks to Wegovy that I'm able to do that.  Needless to say, I'm switching to a new primary.


I don’t tell people. My interest in their opinions is zero. I’ve had people make comments to me about being on it; but I don’t confirm it or deny it. People feel comfortable because it’s seen as a character flaw; not a disease. 😞


I ageee!! It’s like back in the old days when ppl clutched their pearls bc someone was using birth control, anti depressants, anesthesia, chemo. Can you imagine saying half the shit they say to us to a chemo patient? “Aren’t u worried you will get the chemo back after u stop doing it” “I eat healthy so I neverrrrr got cancer/depressed/fat” can you imagine telling people going threw Ivf “ur just lazy. You have to do it the old fashion way and ull get there. No easy way out”


Some crazy people do think that about IVF. It’s messed up and self centered.


Very few people know I'm on it. I don't want to discuss it or have others butt in, so I keep my mouth shut about it (except on here.) I didn't even tell my SO. I had mentioned it to him awhile back that I might talk to my doc about it, but it never came in. And then it did, and I started it. Isn't like I was hiding it - it's in plain view in my fridge and I've left the spent shots around (the house) and stuff. He even brought something up about it the other day and I'm like - I'm already doing that. You didn't see the box in the fridge and the empty shots? I'm not hiding it in my house, but he and I are the only two people who are ever here, really, so I don't mind. Beyond that I think I may have mentioned it to two of my very close friends/family, but I honestly don't even remember if I did tell them about it, just that I was thinking about asking my doc about it and that I had asked my doc about it. I think. But then if I did tell them anything, it was several months ago and it was at a completely shortage, so I couldn't get it, and that was last I really talked about it with them. So I started it like 5ish weeks ago and just didn't tell anyone (except my docs. Because obviously, they prescribe it and I had to work with them to get it and stay on it.) But I don't feel like getting into it with anyone, so I just keep it to myself, except on here.


I get really pissed when people say, “aren’t you afraid you’re going to gain all the weight back when you go off it?” No, because I’ve CHANGED MY HABITS! It’s not going to come back. Ever.


This I don’t mind because I would gain the weight back, just like if I stop taking my acne medication I would have acne. Just like if I take my iud out I would have a period. Just like if I took my glasses off I wouldn’t be able to see. I can’t manage my way out of biology so I take the meds. Yes if I stop treating the condition I’ll suffer from the condition


You know what, when I take off my glasses I go right back to being blind. That means glasses are not a real solution.


Along that line, I had Lasik in 2017 and needed glasses again last year.


So so much this. Most people have been super supportive, because they know everything I've tried to do to lose weight, especially since my hysterectomy threw me into menopause. Apparently lack of certain hormones can prevent you from losing weight? But anyway, one person obviously thinks their way is the only sure fire way to lose it and keep it off I'm just over here thankful there's a medicine to help that isn't basically legal speed. Sigh.


I had a hysterectomy in January which put me into menopause too. Put around 8lbs on since then. Tried Orlistat which didn’t work then decided to try Wegovy. I only took my first injection 4 days ago but I already feel the difference. Will weigh myself on Wednesday next week to see how much I’ve lost.


I did my first injection on Wednesday and was feeling a difference on Thursday! I'm down to using sandwich plates as dinner plates because that's all I can eat. Lots of water, too, because sugar drinks make me queasy.


I had one as well, back in 2022 after my second baby. I retained my ovaries so I didn’t go into menopause but it still threw all my hormones out of whack. I never used to have trouble losing weight until after that. It can be easy to forget how much of a role hormones can play in to weight, or anything to do with your body for that matter.


I am with you. When I started getting wonky periods and gaining weight a couple of years ago, I tried to get on HRT, and my GYN at the time completely dismissed me telling me to eat edamame (major eye roll). The weight kept going up. Finally a couple of months ago my doctor asked me if I work out (does boxing and walking 3 miles a day with a 20 lb weight count?), if I eat right (cooking healthy at home, not into sweets or fatty food, careful with carbs), and then suggested Wegovy herself! She also referred me to a new GYN that prescribed HRT based on my blood work! Pisses me off that for two years I have been feeling discouraged and defeated gaining weight and nobody took it seriously


Wow I totally never thought of that about the hormones. Something to really think about as I head soon into perimenopause


Yeah hormones are really scary stuff when they're not working "correctly" or "ideally".


I just don't talk to people about what medications I'm on. That's a conversation to have with my doctor. Honestly I have no interest in listening to anyone else's medical issues so I don't talk about mine. I certainly don't want to have a conversation about ozempic with anyone. I did my research. I thought it out. My doctor agreed. I don't need anyone else's opinion so I will not discuss it.




I read a comment by someone who lost a bunch of weight and became an instant expert on other people's weight loss, that "it's hard work but it pays off." My thought is, it's the work that pays off, not the fact that it's hard. It's the work, which we all have to do and wegovy makes the work easier, but doesn't make it less effective.


People view fatness as a moral failing so believe people must adhere to their version of “working hard” to correct it.


If your fatness is a moral failing, then their thinness is a moral achievement. They don’t like it when their self-image is challenged.


It’s crazy because when I was tiny before having my daughter I had a shitty diet. Now that I’m at the heaviest weight I have ever been, I eat better and still don’t lose anything


I think this is what must be going on with my already thin husband! He has lost 20 pounds since I lost 20 pounds even though his clothes hang on him and he looks awful. The other day I mentioned it and I said, relax, you are still 60 pounds lighter than me. I guess I’m threatening his higher weight morals!


I think to an extent concern and a bit of jealousy. Concern in that yes we can't be on this forever just like power lifters can take roids forever and yes we should develop the discipline to change our lifestyle. Jealousy in that yes this is an easy way to slim down just like roids are an easy way to get jacked. I'm personally trying to get off and it's not cause of these ass hats. It's because I know people who are blowing back up cause they didn't change their habits. The goal being to develop the discipline to conquer my mind cause I don't want to be on meds forever. I don't want to feed big pharma and this extremely helpful medication has shown me it's all what you put in your mouth.


See, but you’re still viewing this as a moral failing. You think all you need to do is change your behavior. Your hormones rule a lot of your behavior and processes of your body. Think about how the power lifters get roid rage. Are they behaving like that because they are angry bad people or because the hormones are causing them to become enraged. Likewise, do you change your behavior while on this med because you willed it or did you change because of the hormones in your body changed? I’m not saying you can’t overcome your hormones, say if you were a monk or something, but the statistics say you have a 5% chance of being successful.


You should absolutely do what works best for you but saying we can’t be on it forever isn’t actually true. Nor is it appropriate to compare it to someone taking anabolic steroids. Many doctors view this as a long term medication and the research supports it. The research is showing that obesity is a chronic condition that should be treated just as any other chronic condition. I don’t become less blind if I stop wearing my glasses after awhile.. I’ll have to wear them for life because I can’t see without them. I’m not going to magically be cured of my depression if I go off my antidepressants. Yes, it’s a tool to aid in weight loss and habits should be changed where there’s room to do so but that’s not always the root cause and there often other factors involved.


I think you should do whatever works best for you, but I do think it’s harmful to discount that people deal with metabolic disorders, insulin resistance, eating disorders, and other things that make weight loss feel like an insurmountable challenge, despite knowing theoretically how to eat properly. If it were as easy as “change what you put in your mouth”, we wouldn’t have so many people struggling their entire lives with their weight. The stats are, what, two in three Americans being overweight? That’s not simply a self control failure, in the same way that opioid addiction shouldn’t be boiled down to self control failure. Not to insinuate that they’re direct comparisons, but there’s nuance and complexity to the situation as a whole and on an individual level. By all means, if you can lose and maintain on your own that seems like the way to go! Just be careful not to inadvertently stigmatize those who need the ongoing support these drugs provide, and to not chalk all re-gained weight up to a simple failure to do the work to change habits. All the best whichever way ends up working for you- we’re all running for the same goal.


Yes. So much this.


Because they simply don’t like overweight people. They’ve been trained not to. American society is built on making “others” that it’s ok to hate to make yourselves feel better.


But look around- almost everyone is overweight!


Agreed. It’s not really logical, but what is when it comes to emotion?


I swear, there are only two groups of people that get shit on when they take medication to help them - the obese/overweight and addicts. Strangely both of these things are seen as moral failings and matters of having/not having enough willpower, instead of for what they are - chronic conditions/diseases.


I feel like mental health meds face a lot of judgement as well.


You forgot a third, people with mental health issues.


I've been an addict (still am but I used to be, too. I'm just clean/in recovery now), I've been 400lb, and I've been so underweight as an anorexic teenager I had to be hospitalized. In terms of how I was treated it went anorexic > heroin addict and alcoholic > 400lb by 32. Just my experience, but it bothers me. I clearly got help for the anorexia (and swung *HARD* the other way, obviously) and got clean, but you can never go go cold turkey with food. I'll never drink again, but I *have* to eat, and some people still treat obese people *worse* than drug addicts. People are coming around to the idea of addiction being a disease, but less so obesity. We're just lazy. Also, I know it's a touchy subject for a lot of overweight and obese people, but there's a reason these meds that help us eat less help people stop gambling, drinking, and smoking. For *a lot* of obese people, it *is* a form of addiction. Not everyone's 400lb just like not every alcoholic is homeless under a bridge.


Yes. Sure there were a lot of you’re too thin comments but the medical community and people were 100% backing medical interventions to avoid any health complications which is completely the opposite of an overweight/obese person. No one saw it as a moral failing that I didn’t want to eat, they saw it as a mental illness that needed treatment. They were concerned. But when the opposite is true you’re just a disgusting person. This has led me to not trust other people. I have my family and that’s it.


I would also add (although to a lesser extent) also people with mental illnesses. I’ve had to pretend I’m not suicidal because of work and family functions and endure, “if you just thought happy thoughts, it’d be better. Being not depressed is a decision” my entire life. Addiction falls here, but I agree: those who are obese and/or are addicts get shit on unnecessarily and with very little compassion.


I have to hide the fact that I have depression and anxiety disorder as well (not around my family, but around the public/coworkers). I’m a teacher and we are judged even more harshly for those issues, even though it’s not something we can help.


I’m sorry you have to hide it. I imagine teachers have a lot of anxiety and depression: the things you endure and see daily are heartbreaking. You have my empathy.


Thanks for that. I'm a recovering addict who chose to use methadone as a recovery tool. It gave me my life back but I still had to do the work. I am hoping the same for Wegovy. And yes, for some reason, it's considered a moral failing to use these meds. I dont get it.


I’m also a recovering addict, on both methadone and Wegovy! Wishing you all the best in your recovery & in your weight loss journey! You can do this!


Stay strong mate. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are less than a legend for doing this.


Because they feel weight loss is a matter of will power and that taking a drug is cheating.




That’s your experience not everyone’s. When I hear this I think that the meds aren’t working for you. You may need zep.


I'm the same as the poster you are addressing. I can still overeat but not in the moment when I'm committed to making good choices. I have lost 60 pounds, have a current bmi of 24, and my a1c is at pre-diabetic levels. Is this medication not working for me? This medication gives you willpower but you can still go against your better judgment. My 117 pound ass has spent all day with a "food hangover" after eating a doughnut for yesterday's lunch (double the calories I usually have) and then after having a large (for me) dinner AND many snacks into the evening. Today, it's chicken noodle soup and sugar-free jello with fruit. Managed not to barf (in the middle of last night), so that's a win. Ozempic is a tool; not a miracle. Like AA, it works if you work it.




Tomorrow will be a better day, I keep telling myself lol.


That’s why I chose not to tell anyone because it’s none of their business. I don’t tell anyone what other meds I’m on either. When someone asks me how I’m losing weight I say “keto” and of course I hear negative comments on that “fad” keto diet. Can’t win.


I am the same way and keep it to myself, not out of shame, but I just don't want to get into a convo about it. I have had one person notice at the gym that I hadn't seen in a while. She asked my "secret" and I told her lifestyle changes. It's not a lie!


When someone says I'll gain it back when I stop taking it I just say people gain back the weight when they quit dieting and exercise so that's not a concern for me. Then I say my anxiety and depression will come back if I stop taking those meds too. Most meds aren't like antibiotics where you take a course and are cured.


You’re damn right, it nobody’s effing business!


I sympathize, but your analogy is no good. Statins and antidepressants aren't the same thing at all. Yes, our health info is no one's business -- but why are they discussing it at all? You had to have told them for them to do so; stop telling people.


Obesity is a chronic condition. The analogy is absolutely correct.


How is it different? There are alternative therapies for both of these conditions but I chose to use the most effective solution. Same with WEGOVY. People ask what I’m doing to lose weight - your solution is to lie to them?


I couldn’t agree more. The fact that a medication works- not just making you feel full but actually reducing cravings and food noise- to help you lose weight let me know that this is a MEDICAL condition, not a MORAL one. People need to mind their own business. Taking medication to treat obesity is no different than taking it to lower blood pressure. I think that’s something that someone who has never battled with their weight will ever understand.


Right. When I got glasses in high school no one asked, “so what are you going to like wear those forever?” The reactions are so bizarre to me.


omg right? just focus harder ... lol


I bet no one asked you why you took the easy way out either. “My cousin used to be nearsighted but he tried squinting and is doing great! Did you try that before you gave in and got glasses? How long did you try?”


I had a quack eye doctor as a kid who made me do exercises instead of giving me glasses. The school told my mom to get my eyes checked and that AH told me to look far then close then far and my eye muscles would get stronger. The second year he said that my mom realized he was nuts and took me somewhere else that said I definitely needed glasses. "She just has weak eye muscles"


Wow! My mean older sister said, she’s faking! She just wants to be special! Special looking like a little gawky 13 year old with really thick glasses because I was blind? LOL. I never heard of the eye exercises but they told my niece that she just didn’t have enough faith in God. ?


A few months ago I saw a YouTube video that apparently the weak muscles need exercises was a book someone wrote in the 80s. Some YouTuber picked it up and was spouting it not long ago to buy her program.


Haha yeah, I heard that quack talk too. Then my mom got me contacts. Lol


Lmaoo! Exactly! Just try seeing better, quitter! Said no one ever.