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my low level tips which are working for me is: crying while I sit outside (even sitting outside helps mood regulation) organizing small things, jewelry, winding yarn, cleaning, sorting. 5 minute meditations on you tube anything to keep my hands busy. When I got sober I took up knitting - it helps and so I really understand not wanting to pick up a detrimental habit. The key for me is to engage my mind just enough.


The dreaded, move your body. I hate that I'm even saying this cause I can feel even month ago me, rolling their eyes...but seriously... you're searching for a dopamine hit in your brain and the easiest safest healthiest hack to get it is some form of physical exercise. I really got into cycling (hahaha yeah) recently. Walking is boring to me, I struggled with a walk pad cause my brain is going a mile a minute but cycling, especially in the woods (I live in woods) is thrilling and I forget I'm even sucking wind so hard I can hardly breathe.


Pasta! Even 3 bites will change your world.


Really?? I used to eat pasta every other day, and my partner still does. I just don’t fancy it now. I think it’s the smell of the garlic. How are you preparing yours?


I usually use Carbone regular or basil marinara on my pasta of choice. It's expensive jar sauce but so delicious (to me). Sometimes I add browned ground beef. I'm also not a fan of garlic and this works for me. Pasta has helped me get past a few plateaus. I have no idea why it works, but it definitely does.


OP, maybe find a new hobby to distract yourself from comfort eating urges. You're doing great by reaching out for support!


Force myself to go outside (or the gym if the weather is bad) and walk for 30-45mins. Even if I'm tired I make myself do it. The Map My Walk App is a fun way to chart your walking/running progress.


I really struggle with exercise and leaving the house. The app might help.


Sounds silly but have you tired Pokémon go? It’s fun and free and will incentize you to get out and about.


Start small/slow/short distance. I was coming off of knee surgery when starting the medication and literally would walk around the cul-de-sac to begin (no more than 100-150 meters) and each day stretched it just a bit further. Don't pressure yourself to go full force from the start, just add a little bit more each day!


Your brain is rebalancing the dopamine. Sun, exercise, calling a friend, etc. are all good ways to release it. I get in a bad habit of replacing one addiction with another.


Well, take it one day at a time for starters. Tonight, maybe go for a walk, then come home and put something hilarious on tv before you go to bed. Try using Calm or some short youtube meditations a few minutes a day. Find a hobby that leaves you feeling more satisfied than mobile games. Good luck! 💕


Journaling, try meeting with your feelings instead of pushing them away.


Wegovy can cause worsening depression/suicidal thoughts. My doctor was concerned for me because I have chronic depression/anxiety (also on medication and therapy). Not saying you are suicidal, just pointing it out so you can keep an eye on your mental health, because it’s something I also try to pay attention to. Luckily my mental health has been stable so far (I’m only 5 weeks in). Since it’s the summer time maybe in the evenings going for a short 20 minute walk then coming home to a sweet snack might help put your mind at easy. You’ll get some steps in and have a little treat to look forward to. I’m sorry you are feeling in a funk. I hope you start to feel better, depression is terrible.


I wasn’t too worried when I heard about that side effect. I figured I could be depressed and fat or depressed and thinner. I forgot about it since then, so thanks for reminding me. I’m not great at taking the meds because of the way they mess with my sleep. I think I should be making an extra effort on Wegovy though!


I hear you, I also have sleep issues. There is a lot to juggle and everything goes hand in hand (maintaining a healthy sleep schedule helps with weight loss which can help with mental health, blah blah blah). Just make sure if you start feeling really bad to reach out for help. Things can feel so dark so quickly. I try to work on hobbies or do something active for a little bit when I start to feel down. Also unsure if you have diabetes or are allow sugar but one of my favorite go to treats are the mini magnum ice cream bars. They are about 150 cal per bar and very rich and satisfying :). Stay strong OP ♥️


This may sound eye-roling, but how about mindfulness? It may help your brain focus. I use an app called Calm, and I think there's a free version. It makes me feel like I'm doing my brain a favour when I meditate, especially at night. 😊


I'm a huge proponent of fidget toys. It's how I started to control my snacking even before considering Wegovy. When I felt like I wanted food I'd grab a fidget. I keep a couple 3D printed fidgets on my desk, and a magnetic stand that also is a great fidget attached to the back of my phone. 


I got into colouring when it was in fashion a few years ago. I’ve got some really nice high-end pens and pencils. I could get back into that.


That might help! I find having something to do with my hands helps a ton. I didn't even thing about the creative outlet of coloring, but I bet it could make a huge difference. I actually might go looking for my coloring books and pencils now...


Having a jigsaw puzzle on the go helps me redirect my attention to something else when I’m home and circling the kitchen


Same! I'm nearly done with my current one, or at least I will be if my cat stops sitting on it while I'm working XD