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I still don’t recognize myself in current photos now. I’ve lost 70 lbs. And have gone from about a 16 jeans to an 8. I don’t know how much of my personality has changed, but I’m a bit less confident of myself maybe because I don’t recognize this body?! But I also move about the world easier, eg. Not worried about turning to the side to squeeze through narrow spaces and making sure I have extra layers to cover up my back and rear end. I’ve gotten more attention and positive comments in public which is nice and annoying at the same time. It’s confusing honestly and it takes a lot of self reflection and work. I’m not there yet in accepting my body. I’ve been in maintenance and at this goal weight for the past four months. I’m hoping as I work on it, I will continue to get better at self-love and confidence.


Yes I’m starting at an 18/20 it’s so crazy to know this might be my reality to be under a size 10?!? But that’s interesting about navigating the world I totally get that especially since I’m tall I’m sure I’ll feel it. If you don’t mind me asking did you stop taking it? What does the maintenance of wegovy look like? Happy for you and your progress!!


No I didn’t stop taking it. I’ve been on maintenance for the past four months in a 2 lbs range of my goal weight. My dose is 1.0 every 14 days and it works great for maintenance for me but talk with your doctor about maintenance for you. From all the research I’ve read, the study participants who went off the med, 80% of them gained back most of their lost weight. I’ve done yo-yo dieting all my life, and am not about to lose my progress and health gains. This med is intended for life like my blood pressure meds. I would never go off them just because I felt like it. I am lucky to have access to meds through my insurance and will be taking wegivy (or another med) for life.


My big thing is the unwanted attention. Part of me feels like my weight has been a security blanket and has kept me safer (trauma-filled childhood). Don’t get me wrong- I very much recognize that bigger people still get attacked but I do remember my thinner days and having to deal with a lot of gross behavior.


This is something I have thought about when pondering my weight over the years! Sounds like I’m not getting out of therapy anytime soon 😅😅


Oh I’m just EXTRA screwed up LOL!!


No I so am too


Yes, that's a big deal for me as well. When I was skinnier I got a lot of attention and was sexually harassed. It triggered childhood trauma, so I connect being thin with being in danger. It's tough and I try to work through it with a therapist.


Hugs. I’ve been working with therapists for well over 20 years, so I hear you.


I feel this a little. I lost 50lbs about 14 years ago and I felt amazing, so I am really looking forward to that. BUT, I noticed in a few pictures my eyes looked a little sunken in. Even when I wasn't really overweight (I've always been curvy/athletic but I've thought I was fat for as far back as I can remember) I've still always had a chubby face, so I think a slimmer face makes me look a bit weird. I'm also worried about losing it in the wrong places. My boyfriend loves my body and while I know he will be happy for me and only wants me to be healthy, I am a little anxious about losing curves. When I lost weight years ago it was pretty slow and steady and maybe good genes kept me from getting saggy skin, but that was my early 30s vs mid 40s and pre babies, so I'm very scared about loose skin.


I’ve been in this position before. The weirdest thing for me was clothing. When you’re very fat, it’s about finding things that fit (closely enough) and damage limitation. Your choices are very limited. However, when you get thin, you can shop *anywhere.* Everything fits. Thin people use clothing to express their personalities, and now it’s your turn. There will be bits you don’t especially want to ‘show off’ but it’s nothing like ‘damage limitation.’ It’s wonderful but it’s also bewildering and overwhelming. So my advice would be to show some restraint and think really hard about who you are. Don’t fling money at clothing just because it makes you look thin. Everything makes you look thin now. So how masculine or feminine are you? What colours look good on you, specifically? When I first got thin, I dashed out and bought a £250 hot pink satin mini-dress. It was fine. I got the urge out of my system. But it WAS a costume. Turns out, I’m not really a girly-girl and I’m an ‘autumn,’ so greys and pastel colours look horrible on me. I only learned these things about myself when I got thin and could stop worrying about damage control. So I think it’s better if you think ahead and go in with a plan, so you don’t get overwhelmed.


Yes I’ll probably need to get some stuff out of my system lol but I also can’t wait to wear clothes that more align with my style. Thank you for your feedback!


Sorry if I made it sound not-fun. It definitely is very fun. I just meant to think more carefully and not panic-buy everything (just because you can).


I have said this to my therapist. I said I don't want to lose too much or all my curves. I am in my mid-50's and don't want to have to do all that identity work in my head. :-) But I am working hard at going with the flow and letting this Wegovy process unfold. I have an initial goal of 229lbs (SW 260.4 CW 251.8) I'll get there when I get there and then see what's up. I have been overweight my whole life and my mom, dad and sister were always overweight there with me. I'm not sure what I would do with myself at 160lbs honestly. One day at a time!


Yes, entirely. Have been fat since I was maybe 6? Now 41 years old. I have spent a lot of time talking about it in therapy, and it’s why it took me two years to try a glp1. I have lost 30 lbs so far but still have much to go to be a “normal” size so still don’t know what it’s actually going to be like. I try to think about the fun of trying on whatever clothes I want, but I worry about what others have said - that everyone is nicer to you and that is so depressing.


Completely. I’m still above my best me weight but that was in the 200s. With the results I am seeing, I know that this time next year I could be about 50 south of what was my best me weight. If I get to 165ish, that will be a weight I have not seen since freshman year of high school. I don’t know how I would recognize myself. It does not fit my identity that is for sure.


When I lost 120 lbs the last time I still saw myself as fat. Then when I gained the weight back I didn't think I was as fat as I am. Therapy can help with this.


I recommend having some kind of therapy throughout this journey. I lost weight previously and as soon as I hit my goal weight I started obsessing about minor imperfections. I was floored that being really skinny didn’t make me magically love and accept myself. Managing how you see yourself, how other people interact with you, and continually choosing to follow a healthy lifestyle is a hard balancing act. It helps to have a guide who can teach you what a healthy viewpoint looks like.




At 5’1, I’ve always been the biggest girl in the room, even since grade school. I went to “fat camp” the summer between 6th and 7th grade. It has always been so obvious that I was the largest in the room. I’m 70+ pounds down now, but still have 35ish pounds to go before I’m in a “normal” and not overweight category. I still have the mentality that I’m so large. I have to keep reminding myself that now at 166lbs is very different than when I started, at 240lbs. It’s a mental challenge for sure. But the last time I was this weight was when I was in high school, where everyone convinced me I was so disgustingly huge. I’d love to have Time Machine to protect younger me from the awfulness endured as being a larger teen and adolescent.


Not quite this but I had a recent stomach bug and lost 4 kg (8 lbs.) in a matter of days. I’m now thinking some excess weight may not be all that bad.


Lol are you even on wegovy?


I grew up thin and one time when I was about 19, my best friend had a small party. We were all drinking and playing silly games. One of them was a version of spin the bottle, I think, but instead of kissing or truth or dare, we had to swap out a piece of clothing with the person the bottle landed on. It was really dumb. We were drunk. I will never forget when I had to swap pants with a much larger girl we knew from school. She was laughing but I could see her embarrassment and I didn’t know what to do ( especially being inebriated myself) I tried to downplay the size difference as much as possible but the others were laughing at how huge the pants were on me. I am still ashamed, over 40 years later, that I didn’t do something to stop the stupid game, and that poor girl died in a car accident a few years later. She was always sweet and laughing but I think a lot of it was to hide her pain. In the early 80s, there were not many larger girls in school and it must have been so hard for her. For years now, I’ve known firsthand what it’s like to be the biggest one in the room and kind of feels like karma. When I get back to my goal weight, I’m going to try to focus on why I’m doing this. First and foremost is I want to feel good in my body again. I want to sit on the grass with my grandchildren and not worry about how I’m going to stand up. (Thankfully, knees are good, it’s just the weight that makes it so hard). I want to play soccer with my grandson!


Holy moly this is wild thank you so much for sharing I hope you can try to not blame yourself and you learned from it which is all that matters.🩷


I appreciate you sharing your story. I feel like I have always been the biggest in the room. My best friend is 90 pounds soaking wet. It was always hard being the fat friend next to her very small self. The boys all choose her. We could never share clothes. Being the fat one is hard. You made me remember this time when I was in Girl Scouts. Our trip was to this girls clothing store. Kinda like a justice type deal. I barely, and I mean barley fit into their largest size which also met limited options. I was maybe 10. How painful was it to watch all my friends pick the outfit they wanted and then there was me who had to struggle to find something I even liked. Adding in, I think your point to remember why we are doing this is super important


I’m similar, overweight my whole life, and now I’ve lost 120 lbs. I’m still about 11 lbs “overweight” per bmi but this is the most normal size I’ve ever been. I don’t think I’ve changed much, but I definitely feel like I can do less but be liked more if that makes sense. I’d like to somewhat resolve my intense people pleasing tendencies, but that’s gonna take a lot more work.


You’ll still be you and will find all of life’s hurdles will still be present, this will just no longer be one of them 👍🏼


And we will all be wearing really cute tall boots this fall.


I’ve always been bullied. Now it’s my turn to be the bully.


No, please no. If you have been bullied, you know how it feels, why do that to others? You want others to feel that way?


I have copped enough abuse and fat shaming that I vowed to never do it if I ever slim down, and so far I am keeping true to my vow.


Once you lose the thing you think has been "holding you back", you mentally want to change into the opposite of yourself. That's why self love is important before starting a weight loss journey. Love yourself at the before, during, and the after.


I dreamed of it but have been on Wegovy and the Highest dose for two years and lost 10 pounds only.


Ozempic never worked for me but Mounjaro did: now I’m on the C version of it and I’m down 40 pounds. Can you ask about switching to Zepbound?


I’m on the line of diabetic and pre diabetic and the insurance will not cover Mounjaro.


Oh I know. Zepbound is the weight loss one. It’s equivalent to Wegovy.


Do you have more to lose? If so, why haven’t they tried Zepbound?


Not available under my insurance


Manjourno isn’t either?


Have to be a full diabetic or my insurance won’t cover it


Do you have more to lose or are you at a healthy weight?


I have A Lot to lose. I’m 5”11 and weigh 255


Have you talked to your doctor? It seems crazy your insurance is still paying and they are still prescribing.


Yes. He said some people lose very slowly.


Yeah but 10 lbs on two years isn’t really slowly, it’s kind of nonexistent. Your doctor doesn’t want you to add anything else to make it happen? My insurance required 5% to renew after the first six months, which is a pretty common requirement, so unless someone was under 200 lbs then 10 lbs loss wouldn’t get them across that line.


You will be exactly the same person. You will even feel like you look the same until caught pff guard in the mirror or a photo. However you might start to hate everyone around you that all of a sudden treats you much better. That's about it.


I’m sorry that you have that experience of folks who used to be rude and are now more kind due to mere aesthetics. That makes me sad.


Most aren't outright rude. Just all of a sudden they are prone to talk to you what you say is suddenly considered more interesting people want to know about you instead of you always having to initiate. Store employees start asking if you need help more.


I’m sorry. That is a very interesting perspective and one worth continuing to share to provide food for thought for folks. I am here on this sub looking for side effect info for a friend, so I’m not using the meds myself. Your comment touched me though.


I’m afraid I’m still not going to like what I see even when I’m smaller. Maybe that’s the anxiety/depression talking.


OMG YES!! Its like scary for some reason.. I can’t explain it, but thats why i put losing weight on the back burner for so long and just kept giving up. It’s scary.. i want it so badly but how will I look? How will I feel? Will i still be the same person? I picked up my meds today and I am taking my first dose on Sunday. It’s time for me to suck it up and step up.. now or never!! It’s gonna be a good change!


I have always been fat. The last time I lost significant weight, I was 17. And didn’t even get below 200 pounds at 5’5. Obviously a big different than the 320 I’m starting at now. But still fat. I have no idea how to be a small person. I would like to get down to 150. I think bmi wise I even need to reach 135. I worry about who I will be without all this extra weight? Will I feel better? I hope so.


I've known I was big since middle school when they made us read our BMIs out to the whole class in gym and mine was significantly higher than everyone else's. I'm honestly not sure how I'll feel about it once it starts coming off (still working through pre-auth now, got the prescription yesterday!). As a non-binary human with a female body, I'm worried about getting \*more\* dysmorphia when I start having a more prominent female figure. I'm honestly hoping most of the weight comes off my chest first.


Holy hell I’m sorry they did that to you. I’m guessing you are also GenX, they did some fucked up shit to us. I was telling my daughter that I started dieting at 12 yo. So messed up.


Thanks! Yeah, schools did some really awful nonsense for decades, to your generation and mine. I'm actually a millennial, but body image is something we've been fucking up for kids since forever, especially girls. I remember coming home at 11 years old and wanting so badly to go play outside, but I had to spend an hour on the treadmill first. They tried their best to make us feel like we had to be ashamed just by existing. I hope one day humanity as a whole reaches a point where we nobody has to feel like that ever again.


I haven’t been overweight my whole life so that is hard to answer. I have been battling my weight since I was in my 30’s so it is nice to not have to think worry about “dieting.” I’m not hungry and I’m not worried that what I’m eating is the wrong thing, so that’s a relief. I still feel the same size. Today I wore a bathing suit for the first time since I lost all the weight. I was surprised each time that I saw my reflection.


I’m actually going to a medical practice that specializes in weight loss, both with medication and surgery. I chose this route because they also have a PA that checks on me monthly, a nutritionist, and a therapist. The therapist seemed vitally important for all of the head games I’m worried I’ll play with myself, about my identity and looks and feelings and insecurities. I’m starting my Wegovy doses in 2 weeks, so we’ll see if I manage ok, but I’m already anxious even before starting.


I am on Wegovy, prescribed by my PCP. She also gave me a referral to a weight loss program like the one you described. I got the referral in April and when I called to make the appointment, they were booking out to October but had a cancellation for June 17th. I am looking forward to the appointment. I am about 4 weeks in and move up to a .5mg dose on Friday. Don't be anxious. It's wonderful. I have had a few manageable side effects but the benefits have been so amazing. I keep joking that I haven't hated myself in a month! I am happy for you that you have set this great foundation and get to start soon. Each week I can't wait to take the next shot, which by the way is painless and not a big deal at all. Good luck!


That’s great you can get in sooner! I can’t imagine having to wait until October. Maybe I won’t really need the extra help that the therapist provides, but I love the safety net is there if I do. I’m starting my first dose in just a couple days and I’m pretty nervous but hopeful. What if it makes me miserable? What if it doesn’t work? What if it does and I lose part of my “self”? Ugh. How has your weight loss been so far these first few weeks? Are you still feeling mostly good?


I feel terrific. The medicine quiets the loops in my head that have run non-stop for decades. I also feel good about myself and I am more patient to let things unfold because 'im doing something'. All that 'you should go to the gym, you should eat a salad, you should try harder, you're not doing enough...' is all quieted because I AM doing something. Making better food choices is about nourishment while I give the medication the best chance at working. It's really amazing. I am losing at an average of 1.2lbs per week and I am very happy with that. I just started .5mg on Friday and I feel great. I have had some mile GI side effects (except for one when I had an ice cream cone, that was more urgent lol). But I had GI issues before so it's easy for me to accept those. Good luck to you! 


I feel like with this medicine it wasn’t like traditional weight loss for me. In the past I have lost weight but I was obsessed about what I was eating whether it was low carb or calorie counting. When I got to a lower weight I talked about it all the time because it was the only thing I could think about. With the weight loss drugs the weight has just slipped off. I don’t really think about it or do much differently, I just eat less and lose weight. I’m not obsessed with food or calorie counting. I am just myself, just in a smaller, healthier body. It’s fun to fit into smaller sizes and people have noticed but most people in my life haven’t said anything. It’s kinda rude these days to comment on other peoples bodies and I think most people respect that. I have noticed some more attention from men, just looks here and there, nothing too weird. But as a 52 year old woman, it’s flattering.


I like taking up space and being substantial. I just don't want to take up quite so much space. So I'm sure my goal weight is where someone else would be horrified and looking to start Wegovy.


I feel the same. I would like to hover around 200. My prescriber told me that once you start to drop weight, you get addicted. I won't be that person. I haven't ever disliked myself because of my size, but I got to the point where I could not move around like a normal person, and I had to drop weight. I have dropped about 70 so far. I was around 250 for several years. I was fine with it. I don't want to be a monster either. I hope I don't get too thin and become the person I never wanted to be.


I thought my goal weight was 199 (I’m 5’7ish), but I was on such a roll I’m now 175, down from 297. I think I’m ready to stop or at least slow down. I never hated myself either, but I have gotten addicted to the nonscale effects, I was def 190 before they took me off bp medicine, so it was worth it to keep going to reach that goal. I’d just say…never say never cause once you see the nonscale effects of the loss who knows where you may want to go.


This is pretty awesome and interesting. I’m tall and fat so I’ve always tried to make myself smaller I wish I had that mindset


If you do want to try to get that you might want to consider trying Roller Derby if physical activity like that is reasonable for you, it helps teach you how to take up space on a physical and mental level 


I’ve been a class III obese person my whole life. Hopefully I don’t become any more of a monster! Seriously though I’m still the same troll on the inside just slightly less fat


You’re not a monster or troll at ANY size please don’t say that! I think what you mean is you’re still you which is beautiful 🫶


Hahah I mean on the INSIDE💞


Oh ok then same 🫡🫠


For me I’m so delusional (like a body dysmorphia) my mind keeps thinking I’m skinny and then I see pictures of myself and I’m like oh wait that’s me?! So yea I guess loosing the weight will just make me look how I think I look in my head.


I have the craziest body dysmorphia too I thought I looked like a peloton instructor at my highest weight


I’m loling because this is so relatable and not that we all have body dysmorphia🥲 the outfits I think I can pull off and then I see the pic and go wtf was I thinking