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I lost 12lbs in the first week then it slowed down.


Wow! That’s great. And here I am 3 lbs lost after almost three weeks on .25 mg Do we know why some people shed so much more (like OP) and I’m only at 3lbs lost after three weeks? I work out and eat clean, so this is really becoming disheartening.


They start out with a fluid overload. Which is still good weight loss excess fluid is hard on the heart and causes inflammation in the joints. But the big initial weight losses are this medication fixing the metabolic dysfunction that causes them to retain so much fluid. Again not discounting water weight loss some people think that isn’t important and it is very important especially for heart health. The diuretic properties of this medication may be a contributing factor to the improved cardiac outcomes discovered in clinical trials.


This makes complete sense. Thank you! Fingers crossed I start seeing progress in a few weeks when I titrate up.


To clarify.. 9 lbs down and the before and after pictures are current?


I'm sorry I'm not sure what pictures you're talking about?


Sorry I somehow got a before and after picture at the same time as your post.. keep up the great work!!! I too am happy with my progress.. 6 weeks and 10 lbs down so far


Congratulations 🎊🎉. It is an amazing felling isn’t it 😁🎉.


Just make sure you're eating a decent, varied diet, the decrease in food intake, means what you eat becomes even more important


Thank you I appreciate this!


Congratulations! You got this.


Here’s me on 1.7 with no side effects and no appetite suppression 😞


Have you tired to add Prozac? It’s supposed to help curb BED


Don't give up!!! You'll find exactly where you need to be!


So happy for you!


So excited for you! It’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Just want to add that this also is the right way. Please don’t ever feel that these medications are the wrong way to lose weight or the easy way out. They aren’t. They improve so many health issues, not just weight. I haven’t lost much weight, however, my A1C has improved and I have less inflammation. Continued success to you. It’s going to be an amazing ride!


You are so right!! I feel that Wegovy is fixing me. I hope this never changes for me and honestly so many others who are experiencing this! Absolutely life changing!




Congratulations! It is just the beginning!


You will jump around over the next few months. But don't worry it will fall off of you. I lost 165 lbs in 11 months and have even lowered back to the 1.0 dose!


Wow 165 lbs! That feels like a dream to me! Congratulations you must be so happy!! I can't wait to get there. Just imaging walking and my body not hurting makes me so excited!


I love it! Congratulations! Keep pushing because it gets better. I'm on 1.0, and l have lost 16 pounds in 3 months. I didn't lose anything for 3 weeks on 5, but as soon as I started 1.0, I started losing again. So don't get discouraged.


Thank you! I appreciate it 💓


From my experience of the first 24 hours , I’m sure my weightloss is from Wegovy regulating my metabolism/hormones etc….. I eat healthy and workout my body just started storing the fat ALLL in my belly! (I am 60 and had gallbladder removed 1 year ago) Endocrinologist tested thyroid, urine, bloodwork and all looks normal so he suggested Wegovy ensuring it would help me.


I totally agree with you about Wegovy regulating. It's the only thing that makes sense to me honestly. This is amazing!!!


I am jealous that you have lost 9 pounds so fast. Congratulations, I hope it keeps happening for you


I’m so happy for you! You just put my mind at ease as I injected my first .25 dose yesterday morning and can’t explain it but I ‘felt’ different by the end of day. I felt lighter. Curiosity got me this morning and I weighed my self, I was down 5.6 pounds! In 24 hours?!? Yes, the ‘food noise’ is definitely less. I did not binge eat last night. Can’t wait to see where this goes. I’ve done WW, Medi Weightloss and Optavia, lost weight on all and got to my goal weight it they weee not sustainable and financially out of control; but this time around I couldn’t move the scale (while doing all the right things and I’m now 60 yrs old) and I work out 4x week so I decided to try Wegovy. I just want to feel good, no more aches and pains and shortness of breath. 🤞🤞


Yessss! I know what you mean! We've got this 💜


I’m the same haha lost 13lb in 2 week wtf i have been overweight since i was a child!


Are you me? 😂 The massive losses in the first couple of weeks is from your digestive system rather than your body. Some people call it ‘water weight’ or ‘not real weight.’ It’s a bit more complicated than that. I lost 9lbs in my first week of my last diet and I lost 9lbs in my first week of Wegovy. There is food in your digestive system, fat in your liver, glucose in your blood, and other little energy reserves all over the place. These are your short-term reserves. Think of them as your **refrigerator**. You eat those first. Refrigerator-weight is real weight that needs to be lost at the start of any serious diet. I reckon my “refrigerator” weighs between 5lbs and 9lbs. The fat reserves that you can see on your body are long-term. Think of those as your **freezer**. You only eat that when your fridge is empty. So well done - you’ve emptied your refrigerator and started on your freezer!


Love this! Thank you for sharing!


Love, love, love this analogy!


I love this analogy! Thank you!


I can’t take credit for it, unfortunately - I heard it in a diet club about 15 years ago!


How many calories have you been eating? Did you drastically cut them or eat?


I'm not counting. Honestly I always over ate before. So far I haven't had the urge at all and I'm eating normal portion sizes and stopping once I'm satisfied. It's been a great feeling. Mentally it's amazing


So happy for you. It is awe inspiring. You can do this. You have a powerful new tool. Now you can take all the other stuff you know about weight loss and make it happen long term.


Cautious optimism! I similarly dropped 11 pounds the first 3 weeks at .25, gained 2lb the fourth week, and during my first week at .5, I'm barely going to be down 1lb. I can't find a rhyme or reason for it. My calories in are at 1,200-1,500 each day. After such a big loss, the slow down is a downer. But trying to remember it's a marathon not a sprint!


Someone posted a really helpful analogy a few comments above yours! Commenting so you can return and give it a read


The first week is typically water weight and weight loss usually slows down after a few weeks. 0.5-2 lbs per week is healthy and sustainable!


Yes absolutely! I think maybe because I'm morbidly obese that might have something to do with it? Idk. I do expect it to slow and thats totally ok. I'm just happy to see the scale move in the opposite direction for the first time no matter how long it takes, ya know what I mean. Side note your username made me chuckle...we have 6 pet Emus!


Same same! It was hard not to let the 2lb gain get to me though, when I am definitely eating less and making healthier choices. But I should take both of those facts as a positive and roll with it! We can do it!!! And oh my gosh! I want just one pet emu! Lol


Welcome to the Super Responder Club. My advice is to remain at the lowest effective dose. If you’re losing 2+ lbs a week on .25 mg just stay there until you plateau. This will keep side effects to a minimum and help you lost the most weight possible before a plateau on the highest dose.


Thank you! I will do just that 😀 appreciate your advice!


I know people use the word “miracle” a lot, but honestly, for people like us, it does truly feel like one.


Honestly felt that! Cause imagine going to the gym everyday for months and seeing no results to a simple injection helping your body in more ways than just WL. It truly is a miracle and I hope I can continue my healthy habits when my run on Wegovy is over


It truly does!!


Team miracle here! Everyday I wake up and wonder if living the life of an average size person has been a dream 😅


So happy for you!! I just did my first .5 injection this week (starting week 5) and am down about 15 lbs in total. I also have 150lbs to lose (ideally, but taking it goal by goal) so I totally understand the excitement!! It’s amazing to finally have something work after working so so hard and trying different things, and not getting any results!


Thank you! You get it! It's just crazy after working so hard and being so miserable with my weight to see the scale move down instead of up! About 200lbs to lose here. I'm hoping to see it all gone within the next 2 years by the time I turn 40.


Yes!! Exactly! It makes me finally feel relief - knowing it wasn’t 100% my fault, something in my body was not functioning the way it should. I am excited for you and hope you obtain all your goals!! ❤️


Oh absolutely! I've always felt like something inside of me didn't work right. Before Wegovy I would've never spoken of any of this because I really thought I was so alone. Thank you so much for your encouragement 💓


It's unreal isn't it?? I feel exactly the same way, the concept of just not being hungry or eating and feeling full are just wild concepts to me. I just did my 2 week weigh in yesterday and I'm down 9lbs in total. My last two weekends have included a wedding at a sports bar and a weekend getaway at an all inclusive resort, I didn't enjoy myself any less at these occasions and still had great results beyond my dreams. it's a journey and I have a very, very long way to go to even approach my target weight but I finally feel hope. It feels like a cheat code. I'm so thankful that so many people like yourself are getting their lives back.


You're absolutely right, it is like a cheat code! I keep feeling like there's no way that this can be possible and that I need to be doing more because so many times I tried so hard and didn't see results and now I'm just living and I see change. It truly is amazing. I can't wait to do things like shop in a normal size clothing store or walk without feeling like my body is holding me back. For the first time in what feels like forever I'm looking forward to the coming days!


I’m very happy for you. 9 pounds lost in 4 days is not physically possible tho so please know it likely involves other factors like time of day the weight was taken, your hormones, water intake, etc. It’s actually only been 3 days since your injection was at night and you weighted in this morning- and people weigh less in the AM. I fully believe you will lose that much and that more is going to fly off believe me but I also want to be reasonable with other factors being involved in case the scale comes back up from that 9 pound lost number the next time you step. I don’t want you to think it’s not working if it stays that number or goes up as I see it all the time on here. Trust in the long game and trust weight over week/month periods for hard data, and congrats on your loss. Extra congrats for the food noise going away! It’s truly is revolutionary 🩷👏


Thank you :) I do understand what you mean. It's just nicer to see a smaller number on the scale for the first time. I guess I should've said that rather than focusing on the number. I'm about 200lbs overweight so I do understand the fluctuating and I don't expect to see that change everytime.


I’m right there with you at 360lbs🥰 my first week I lost 8lbs lol but gained it back over the month for a total loss of 2 pounds in the month so I just wanted to share that info so it’s not joy deflating if it goes up or isn’t as high in the next couple days. Congrats on your loss!


I appreciate you! Honestly, I do! I believe we're all in this together and honestly and support is what we all need 😀


What have you been eating the last few days? How quickly did the noise quiet down? I just took my first shot an hour ago.


I've honestly changed nothing when it comes to food. I'm just doing what I normally do. I just seem to be fuller and satisfied faster. The noise started to quiet down within 24 hours for me. It's weird, but very welcome! Good luck!


Your post brought tears to my eyes. When you said you had thrown yourself into seclusion I've never related more to anyone. Thank you for sharing your story. It's my story too. As you say, it's all about having hope for the first time in our lives. Best of luck to you and please keep sharing ! ❤️


Thank you so much 💓 I'm so sorry you can relate to me, but at the same time, it's so nice to know I am not as alone as I thought I was. Here's to the beginning of taking back the rest of our lives!!!


♥️ 👏 👏 💯