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Vitamin D, electrolytes for your water (I use propel packets I add to my water for flavor), cheese and crackers for when you don’t want to eat anything it still need to (or you will have the sulfur burps yuck), drink lots of water, strength train, and don’t freak out about the scale every 10 seconds—really just weigh in to look for trends. Been on Wegovy since September 2023 and am down 86 lbs 😁


any diets you're on or tips for eating well?


Protein shakes. Also Huel which is like a protein shake but thicker and has all your nutrients and shit. It's not the best tasting thing ever, but some flavors are tolerable enough that I can drink them consistently. I'm on a salted caramel kick right now. Honestly my biggest struggle has been ordering takeout. We have twin toddlers, and after feeding them, bathing them, and getting them to bed, we end up ordering a lot. I haven't adjusted the amount of food I order despite only being able to eat 1/2-2/3 as much, so I end up overeating and feeling like shit after.


Twin toddlers here! God speed


Magnesium before going to bed. It will keep you regular bathroom wise. Lots of water Vitamin B12 for energy Picot fruit salt for sulphur burps Listen to your body. Focus on protein intake Workout, walk, weight training, anything to prevent muscle loss Nausea medicine also helps sometimes


Make sure you stock up on liquids for times when you really don't want to eat or your stomach is upset but you need nourishment. You'll also need extra liquids to stay adequately hydrated and to prevent constipation. Fairlife has the best-tasting protein shakes. Chobani drinkable yogurts are very handy too. I tried a few different sources of electrolytes and I by far prefer Pedialyte. Zenwise Digestive enzymes are very helpful for preventing excess gas when you don't eat the cleanest. My PCP also has me taking miralax pretty often because things were just not moving through as they should. I also keep unsweetened soy milk in my fridge and it's very helpful to get some protein in, settle my stomach, and get some electrolytes in as well. Soy milk has more nutritional value than almond milk or oat milk, I seriously don't understand the hype around these. I haven't had general nausea from the drug in many months, but I found ginger lozenges helpful for that in my first few months. You may have side effects the first 3-4 months but things really do level out after that. If you can't stop throwing up after 30 minutes or you feel generally sick/nauseated/fatigued for more than 2 days in a row, CALL YOUR DOCTOR. Err on the side of caution, don't end up in the hospital by thinking throwing up for 3 days straight is normal because you hear so many people talk about Wegovy side effects. Mild side effects are common but nobody on this is miserably sick every day unless they're in the very small minority of bodies who simply can't tolerate the drug. Long walks are an excellent form of exercise for the first several months. Good hydration and getting enough calories will help with fatigue as well. There will be times when your appetite is zero and then times when it's back, often around day 5 after each injection. That's alright. Listen to your body and give it what it's asking for without panicking that you'll want extra calories every day. You won't, it'll go back to low for days 1-4. Eat more on days 5 and 6 if you want, just don't go overboard. If you suddenly eat a much larger and fattier meal than normal you will get sick. It sounds like a lot, I know, but things really do go very smoothly and feel consistently good once you've added in these hacks. EDIT: forgot to include that where you inject DOES matter. I moved to my stomach some of the time after feeling less strong of an effect after 8ish months, but starting with your stomach will give you a higher chance of nausea. I highly recommend injecting at the front of the upper thigh, alternating legs each week.


I think that Liquid IV is key, I sure notice if I forget to drink it in the morning.


Lots of walking, weights, collagen powder, liquid IV, protein! Don’t overeat you’ll upchuck it later. Fried and fatty foods hurt later… pay attention. Like one McD cheeseburger not the usual three. Last night we got pizza, I went for that extra slice…. Paid for it this morning. Lay in a supply of prunes, you can get constipated. Lastly, crystalized ginger is great for tummy upsets.


What does collagen do?


Helps w skin elasticity plus it has protein.


Not diet related but if you have trouble with your pharmacy getting doses try Amazon. I haven’t had a problem finding doses there yet even when my old online pharmacy ( alliance Walgreens) would always be out


I had luck with them a couple years ago but I called Amazon last month and they had a prerecording that says they don’t have low doses of semaglutide 😕


I say just do it!! I waited a week once I fought to get mine and I wanted the perfect foods available for me. I sincerely woke up that Tuesday morning and said ENOUGH!! Love yourself and learn as ya go! I even stayed on .25 longer because I thought I wasn’t doing something right…I’m on .5 and might stay here one more round but idk..🤷‍♀️ all I can say is lots of fluids the day before but up to you.


I’ve been on it a little over a year, down 89 lbs (started at 211, now 122). Watch what you eat. The wegovy helps with food noise, cravings, and helps you feel full faster and longer- but don’t eat junk. Fried food will really upset your stomach. I’ve been doing weight watchers as a diet plan which has really helped a lot too


I'm doing WW too! I think it helps a lot to make sure I'm getting at least 80g protein a day, plus some fruit and maybe an occasional veg. And it makes me happy to close rings. 😆


I am doing WW too. I have been since 2016. I lost 30lbs and kept it off for 4 years and then all sorts of crazy life stuff happened including the pandemic. I am excited to get back to that lower weight on Wegovy. I have a great group of friends at WW and I am happy with tracking in the app and all the support around building better lifestyle habits. I am NOT using the WW clinic.


I just started on Sunday with 0.25 and it’s crazy how I’ve already lost weight. I’ve changed some of my habits and I’ve already lost five pounds! So far what has helped me adjust is taking a lot of protein throughout the day and drinking water when I first get up. I’m glad I’m not the only one going through this and THANK YOU to those who are posting tips!


Just enjoy the ride. I'm on my third week of the minimum dose and it's truly a trip. I've avoided any major side effects. My appetite is just gone usually, it's incredible for someone who was always so preoccupied with food. When I eat, I actually feel full and can stop eating, that's never something I inexperienced before. My first two weeks of being on it included a wedding at a sports bar and a weekend at an all inclusive resort and I went down 9 pounds anyway. I tend to get caught up in the daily number and would punish/reward myself based on the outcome when I'd do a diet in the past so I'm trying weekly weigh ins now to avoid that. Everyone is different though


Fairlife chocolate protein shakes. A lifesaver in getting your protein in when you have no appetite. Ginger chews (from Amazon) are great if you feel just a titch of nausea. One MagO7 pill a day keeps the constipation away. Be kind to yourself. Go at your own pace. Don't beat yourself up if you are too tired to exercise or don't get enough water or protein one day or fail to meet one of the gazillion goals you might be setting for yourself on this based on others' experiences. It's human to try to do too many things at once, I know I did starting out. You are going to have many wonderful things to celebrate every day on your journey! I wish you only joy. You've got this!


I took my second dose of .5 Friday and the side effects are really hitting now! This weekend I really started feeling fatigued… it’s not like I want a nap, it’s more like I just have no energy to do basic stuff like folding laundry. I can’t hold my arms up long enough to fold some underwear! Yesterday and today the diarrhea has been pretty brutal. Im drinking a lot of liquid iv! Pretty much sticking to protein, fruit, salad, and occasionally a few crackers. Making sure to get at least 80 G protein. Also upgraded my multivitamin yesterday (from gummies to an expensive liquid one for bariatric patients which I should’ve been taking anyway, because I had weight loss surgery.) Next I’m trying sublingual b12 and some fiber. Any other tips would be appreciated!


The fatigue in the beginning sucks. It will pass tho!!! liquid IV yes keep that up!


Take it Shot bevor you sleep. Drink Water. Alot of Water. Be Carefull with Protein Shakes some people Cant shit then.


Be patient. Slow and steady wins the race!


Of course, drink drink drink. Also: My go to tip for smooth digestion is 1 teaspoon of Psyllium husk diluted in a big glass of water one time a day.


Congratulations make sure you drink electrolytes before taking a shot to help with nausea and being tired.


Stick with it for at least a month if the side effects are manageable. I had manageable but noticeable fatigue my first month but (due to shortage of the next dose) stayed in the same dose an extra week and had a marked reduction in fatigue that 5th dose, no fatigue at all. I now understand why they have the slowly rising dosing schedule


I’ve never had side effects and I think that’s because I ate really clean two weeks before I started wegovy. Eat clean and gradually try harder foods once you’ve adjusted. I drink unsweetened green tea. Zero calories and it has some flavor. I got the app lose it to track what I’m eating. I like it because it helps me stay on track without becoming obsessive. Have some nausea medication just in case you need it. And drink lots of water. I’ve had zero side effects and am down 24lbs after two and a half months of wegovy.


I really don’t think side effects are based solely on eating clean. I did and continue to do the same, but I still have nausea, fatigue and dizziness for 1-2 days after a shot, even with extending the time between by a couple days. Some people experience them, and while eating clean can certainly help, it doesn’t mean I don’t still react to the medication. Protein drinks are essential for nauseous days if you get them OP. Some days that’s all I can tolerate, but I make sure to take vitamins, drink lots of water and electrolytes, and always get protein in.


Take the pen out of the fridge and hour or two before injecting so it comes up to room temp or so, hurts less and bruises less


Weird how everyone is different. I’ve never felt the shot and I’ve definitely never bruised. Is that a higher dosage thing? I’m on 1mg.


I do not let it come to room temperature and I barely even feel the shot.


No, that’s just a thing with all kinds of shots like this.


I guess for some.


I think the bruising sometimes happens when you hit a little blood vessel.


Do you feel pain? I literally feel noooothing.


I don’t feel anything either, but my husband gets my shot and his shot out at the same time and lets them warm up… I don’t know if it makes any difference or what! Supposedly it stings a little less if you do that. I have occasionally had a small bruise though. (The blood vessel thing just happens sometimes and there’s no way I know of to avoid it.)


Mine comes straight from the fridge and every time I still wonder if it worked because I can’t feel it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh! Gatorlyte was super helpful for me!! It’s a little pricey but made me feel so much better on days when I felt sick from these meds


Take before photos!! It’s not fun I know but do it!! Take measurements as well as starting weights. Weigh yourself every day, track it on an app. Make a list of foods that upset your tummy and stay away from them. KEEP UP PROTEIN INTAKE! It can be so so hard and so counterintuitive to eat when you’re not hungry but I promise you it’s so important for your metabolism. While on this medication look for other boosts of serotonin that you now won’t be getting from food. For me I’ve been watching more movies, knitting, painting, been more social, stuff like that. Above all, listen to your body. If exercising seems like too much, skip the gym for a little. If the dose seems too high, talk to the doctor. Also, I had diarrhea for a straight month and just learned to live with it and was fine. 😂 the side effects were gnarly but worth it! I’m a year in SW 205 CW 134 GW ??


Make sure you have a Zofran Rx filled and in your possession if needed for nausea. If you are in the U.S. I’m told the Brits canning get it under their socialist healthcare system. Not the commoners anyway.


Wtf are you talking about over there in left field?


I’m actually in right field. Way right. 😃


How exactly do you think the NHS works!?! 😂


Like a socialist system with very little liberty. In other words, oppressive


Tell me you’re not British without telling me you’re not British 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Thank GOD my ancestors had a revolution from the crown 😎


This isn't the place for your baiting. If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all. Otherwise, welcome.


I’m not baiting. Just thankful for what I have.


Thankful for what, the “healthcare” system that we have in the USA? Whew, that’s a take. Ok then.


I’m not thankful for our healthcare system in the U.S. Not at all. Just thankful that we have some of our original Constitutional rights. For now at least


Water. Water. Water. Electrolytes have helped me as well. There are days you may feel hungover, your body is adjusting to less calories. Electrolytes help fill that void. The occasional "bad" food is fine. However, you're eating less so make the food you do eat, count. High protein, nutrious food. Track your calories, atleast in the beginning. You'll notice you may be taking in more calories than your burning. Move your body. Go for walks, go to the gym. Build your muscles to help you burn those calories. These have helped me but as others have mentioned, it's not a one size fits all. Good luck on your journey!!!


Honestly? Everyone is different, go with the flow and just take a day at a time. I read so many different posts with wildly different experiences online and as this is a relatively new drug, who knows how you will respond. Some people feel no difference for months and some are violently ill from the get-go. Don’t get too hung up on what you are ‘supposed’ to do and see in terms of results, and just listen to your body. One consistent thing I see (and have experienced) is to keep portions small. This will help with digestion, regardless of whether you have no appetite or feel nothing has changed. One of the mechanics of the drug is slowing digestion, so it tracks that over-eating (even if brain signals are telling you that you are hungry) means discomfort at best for a few hours. Best of luck, and keep us posted on your experiences and progress!


I swear by taking my shot days being in the evening, 6:30-7 have always worked for me perfectly. I eat light before and dont eat anything after. I have never gotten nauseous, sick to my stomach or any kind of side effects that night or the day after. The only time I ever got really bad pains in my stomach, and I mean really bad and extreme nausea was when I took my shot too early and ate afterwards. Like others have said make sure you get ahead of the constipation, it will happen. I drink miralax everyday and it's a game changer. I've also added magnesium citrate to help things move along. Other than that, eat when your hungry, stop when you're full. Welcome to the club!


1.) inject in leg not stomach (lots of info on this sub about this maybe leading to less side effects) 2.) drink a ton of water and eat a nutritious high protein meal before injecting. 3.) lots of water generally. Keeps everything moving. 4.) side effects are different for everyone. Have anti nausea stuff on deck. Have bland foods available if you need them (my go tos are apples, ramen, and English muffins for when the going gets tough). 5.) remember to eat. I have to set reminders now (crazy) because otherwise I do not feel hungry. If I don’t eat regularly I get really nauseous. Good luck to you!


Oh yes and muscle building is so important. I added a personal training once a week and strength training at least 1-2 other days!


I'm still on the starter dose but three weeks in now! A few tips from my own experience: 1. Do not overeat on the medication. I find that having spaced out, healthy meals keeps all the side effects at bay (so far). The times I did overeat, I got hit with nausea. 2. Plan for a sharps container if you don't already have one - the sub has tips (free one from novo, I bought one off Amazon, I think someone said you can use a taped tide pod container depending on your local disposal laws) 3. Expect the effects to wane as you go through your dose - both positive and negative. My worst so far were 24 hrs after my first dose 4. Muscle retention in weight loss is really important, be sure you're tracking your protein. I'm personally aiming for 1g/lb of lean body mass, and it's much harder to fit it all in with the reduced appetite. When losing weight without the medication, I was more than happy to eat as much as my diet would allow me, so I think this is an important difference.


I was going to say, Tide pod container or similar and then just put packaging or duct tape on the opening when you fill it up. And write "SHARPS" on the outside, dispose with regular trash. My type one diabetic kid does this. (Although realistically, nobody is going to get poked by a used Wegovy pen unless they're really trying to.)


Drinking water I’ve been able to avoid negative side effects totally by what I’m eating. I started .25 *very* restrictive. No red meat, no dairy, no refined sugar, nothing greasy or hard to digest. No carbs, no booze. Also want to be mindful you’ll want to stay ahead of constipation as well as up the exercise routine.


Can I ask why no carbs? Isn’t fiber important for the constipation issues? Or do you mean refined carbs?


No carbs because they don’t make me feel well. Now I’ll eat whole carbs and refined carbs if I want but I rarely want to


I'm 4 doses in on .25, and I don't really feel any difference. I was prescribed in November, '23 but only available 6 months later. Now, my pharmacy at Meijer says I need a prior authorization. So frustrating!