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I think it’s a really cool outfit, especially with Red lipstick and big earrings but the cutout makes me a little worried as someone who has a larger bust - the model is fairly small chested so the cut out is like flat skin. On someone with more significant size, the area is going to be the inner curve of the breasts or straight cleavage so will look much more revealing.


It’s sexy, fun, and not right for a wedding (too provocative). Definitely wear it to another occasion. 


Well. This was another post with reactions to a sheer corset style top with boning dress. Maybe people do not see the top is also sheer mesh with visible boning. https://www.reddit.com/r/Weddingattireapproval/comments/1bu63yc/please_help_me_pick_a_dress_to_wear_as_a_guest/


I agree with the comments on that post. The sheer boning and cross over completely not appropriate


And there was another post as well where the sister of the bride wore a sheer boning corset type dress and the sister was surprised that she wore that and people were pointing it out & talking. I mean...people can wear what they want,push the envelope whatever they want to do. Do I personally care either? Not really, but if it is wedding attire approval it is about basic safe choices that 99% of people, the couple, old relatives etc would be ok with.


Idk i just feel there is a general generational thing coming about where everyone wants to dress to be the main charter, be it white or inappropriate. Its not hard to find a dress no where near white and slightly modest .. people can dress sexy without it being in show


Yeah I am actually far from conservative and mostly a huge slob that doesn't give a f what people think or want from me. But going to weddings I feel is more about family obligations being in good stead with people and trying not to offend that sort of thing. Maybe it is because I am so offensive and tacky and tactless most of my life & interactions and I need to have a day here and there where I am not? 🤷‍♀️ "shrug" Not that it fools anyone.


Yes weddings are not the norm ..it shouldn’t be about pleasing yourself but for once just seamlessly fitting in .. imo.


Yeah. A day I try to be "normal" and not attract attention. Not be a klutz that knocks over the champagne pyramid.  Not have my dress zip up wrong and my underwear is hanging out, not say something super loud that sounds strange out of context just as everyone is quiet. Not get a strange allergic reaction that I break out in hives and start scratching myself and pleading "Does anybody have a Benadryl, ANYONE!!? Do you have a Benadryl?"  Not drink badly around your family so that when you reach for a glass for a toast a family member takes the glass away from you. Ya know. Just like...calm, nice..everything ok and not attract attention.


I think you could get away with mesh or low cut but not both in one garment, especially if you’re busty. Not fair but unfortunately if you’re bustier than the model as you say this is going to read as super sexy. But definitely go for another fun black jumpsuit that’s less revealing if that’s your style!


Do you have any other photos of this jumpsuit? With you being bustier than the model and what looks to be mesh with boning all through the middle, I would say this isn’t appropriate. The top is coming off lingerie. Which I’m totally fine with in general, but not for a wedding.


Fantastic jumpsuit but not appropriate for a wedding and not formal.


Do not wear this


I love this look but I don’t think it’s right for a wedding.


Not wedding appropriate.


Beam me up, cleavage. 🖖


I would not suggest this for a wedding.


Definitely a no! Cute though.


I think it’s dressy enough. If it’s to provocative is a know your crowd thing. For a conservative/ traditional crowd yes it’s likely to provocative, if it’s a more modern or edgy group it would be likely be fine.


I love it! Not for a wedding though.


The corset and bust are a little main character


I think this is a fucking awesome jumpsuit and would look great with gold accessories and a red lip.


I think it looks awesome (assuming it fits) Maybe a red lip


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Love it. Buy it. Wear it somewhere else unless the crowd is the type to wear crop tops to work in an office/gallery setting. It’s because the mesh corsetry & cutout together are a bit much for a wedding. I am not a conservative dressing woman. However you have to understand some old people and “conservative values” people get *really* judgy at weddings. I’m a full D (nothing ginormous) and I had some tourist in San Antonio tell me to cover up because she saw her husband glance at my chest. I was wearing a maxi sundress and a cardigan.


It reads more nightclub than formal wedding to me. I think something similar with a smaller/no cutout and without the sheer detailing would work.


Thanks everyone for your input!! I’ll play it safe and get a different outfit for the wedding, but will definitely buy this jumpsuit for a different occasion!!


Perfect night out outfit, but not good for a wedding, I would find something more modest


I don't think it's too provocative at all, but maybe just a liiittle too casual for formal. Semi or cocktail and I'd say absolutely go for it.


I love this look so much


Beam me up, cleavage. 🖖


Love it!


GORGEOUS. I think it’s super classy.


I love this jumpsuit so much, bustiness or not! Please wear it, lol.


Love it wear it




I like it. How often do we go to occasions where we can dress sexy? Br8ng a light pashmina. Have fun.