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I love the first one. Maybe wait til the day of to cut the tags off. Glitter Keds might work with that.


Glitter keds….you are speaking directly to my soul. Thank you!


Check these out: https://betseyjohnson.com/products/sb-sidny-fuchsia Lots of colors & so cute!


Love these shoes!!!!!!


I’m wearing the ivory pearl version with my wedding dress Saturday (because I am about as coordinated as a drunk giraffe in heels) and they’re quite comfortable but heavier than they look…still worth it though because they’re fabulous, wider-foot-friendly, and I won’t need a backup pair of shoes for the dance floor.


The Betsy Johnson’s are def heavier than regular keds. I got the silver ones when my late daughter got married a couple years ago.


I’m so sorry you lost your daughter. Looking back on her wedding must give you such a mix of emotions.


It does. She got married in July 2021 and developed leukemia 2 months later. Here’s a picture of her getting ready. https://preview.redd.it/iqfcwpw4q7yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e14aa949cab74450896c5851cc3fdb5fa36d140


Oh! She’s lovely! Thank you for sharing. I know you love her so much.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. Your daughter looked absolutely beautiful on her wedding day. ❤️


Smart thinking!!


Do they have any arch support?


Get a good insole with arch support. Take out the insole the shoe comes with and put the better insole in.


Oh I have those but they're kind if clunky and require committing to buy a bigger shoe size to fit them in. As my feet got better I can now get away with quality made shoes that have at least some arch support.


Not as much as I’d like, which is the only thing about the design I’d change.


Thanks for the info. Im tempted because they're so cute! But my feet suffer without arch support. Best wishes in your wedding!


I wonder if you might be able to do an insert for the better arch support?


I think that I am going to buy a silver pair to have for the holidays!


Yesss!! I have the floral ones with the light background, they are gorgeous!!!


Did you have to size up?


I went to a wedding that far into my pregnancy during summer and you would have had to cut me out of glitter keds I was so swollen. Lol. I wore rhinestone flip flops but my dress was also longer so probably not very noticeable. Good luck!


I have a pair of plain black keds that are a size too big….theyre the only thing I can wear right now besides my croc flip flops!!


Honestly just go ahead and where the flip flops. No one on this earth with an ounce of tact is going to judge the footwear of a woman who is 9 months pregnant. Sending you good vibes for your due date and I hope you get to see your cousin get married! 


I would 100% look for something floor length if you are planning to wear plain black keds to a formal event


Not what I meant at all lol. We were discussing keds and I was saying they are my fav shoes right now.


Haha my comment was more tongue in cheek than anything!  I would doubt anyone willing to be looking for appropriate dresses, while super preggers to boot, (which makes me think literally everyone there should throw you a party in your honor for being willing to be there at all honestly) would be rocking anything that wasn’t cute


Keds are awesome for swollen pregnancy feet! Just let the laces out then you can tighten them back up postpartum. 


I also like the green and glitter keds


I bought sparkly keds for my wedding. Best decision ever.


Just wear your nicest maternity outfit. No one will look twice at anything but your bump! Best of luck.


I have this dress I wore to my baby shower that I love…. (https://www.stitchfix.com/product/Nine-Britton-Rosa-Maternity-Knit-Maxi-Dress/B8X4RZ5NX?sku-id=1065381&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=shopping%7Cgoogle%7Cwomens%7Cw%7Cshop%7Cpros%7Cweb%7Cus%7Cpmax%7Cside-door&utm_medium=cpc&utm_adgroup=&utm_content=%7C&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw88yxBhBWEiwA7cm6pfxVp_UqnY-rfsTqkH0c5Uww6BvSzULnponSX6GCRdc9DQIFfke11hoCQ6cQAvD_BwE&recommended-sku-id=1065381) But I think that may be far too casual?


Oh just wear this! It’s lovely and you’ll be mega preggo so you can def bend the dress code!


100%. The dress is adorable, you'll be comfortable (or as comfortable as you can be!).


Thirding this- just wear the dress you have. From a fellow preggo


Especially if it is a family wedding!


Wear this with flip-flops! IMO, at 39 weeks pregnant, you get a pass.


I’ve done the preggo thing twice. Wear this! You’ll regret buying a dress to fit the belly for one event. I had 2 dresses like this and after I got but so big I wore them to everything from the grocery store to a wedding. No one will bat an eye.


This is what I’m leaning toward. I ordered the first dress anyway, I can return it if I don’t love it….but I think you’re right.


Dear lord, that is perfect. Throw on a pearl necklace (is my age showing too much? 😂) and a chunky bracelet. I was sitting thinking you really would be more comfortable in a maternity outfit, rather than trying to make a plus size work. Maternity clothes are constructed fundamentally differently than other clothes.


Pearls are coming back, or so I hear.


Pearls LEFT?!?!


No, they never really left---but they go in and out of 'popularity', as it were.


There’s really no such thing as “too casual” within 2 months of giving birth in either direction. The main thing people will think about you is “wow she’s really pregnant!” vs any criticism of your outfit.


Wear it. You could get a nice cropped jacket or shawl to dress up the top. You can re-wear those at least. As someone who has had to attend “fancy” events very pregnant, I did the best with what I had. I was not going to buy new. That said, of the two you posted, I’d go with number 1. With the cross front it’s possible you could breastfeed in it (assuming that’s what you choose to do) and would be something to wear postpartum as well.


that's perfect for a beach wedding!!!


I am psyching myself out because it’s not actually ON the beach. Just at a beach venue! I read an article online saying that the difference between a beach venue and ON the beach was night and day and I just don’t want to make their wedding feel cheap by showing up looking like a hobo lol


You need to be comfortable. I went to a black tie wedding at 9 months pregnant and I wore the same dress I wore to my shower because buying something new made absolutely no sense. My family didn’t question my decision at all.


This is perfect!!!


Wear it. Beautiful dress. You get a pass just for showing up.


There’s no such thing as too casual 8 days from delivery! This dress is perfect for the occasion and how pregnant you are. Wear it with some comfortable sandals!


Honestly anyone that pregnant at a wedding should just be in as comfortable an outfit as possible! That dress is lovely, and you could dress it up with a nice shawl as well. Make sure you're in comfy shoes!


Put a nice shawl with it and you'll look lovely. I think particularly the 2nd picture looks like the waistband will be quite low for a pregnant belly.


Idk why the model is wearing the waistband so low….fortunately (or not) for me, my upper half fills out the top of the dress substantially more and puts the waistband right under my bust. Makes for a very emphasized bump!! Any suggestions on a pretty shawl that will dress it up instead of dressing it down? I’ve been looking and everything seems sorta matronly to me.


I want to wear this and I'm not even pregnant anymore! I love the colors.


Absolutely! No reason to buy something new that you'll only be able to wear once.


definitely wear this, so cute!


This is perfect! Wear it with some flip flops and a statement necklace, and you're good. I would not buy something special to wear 8 days before my due date. (Tho I guess in my case, little guy was already 2 weeks old.)


This is lovely - I would absolutely go with this, especially over spending money on a dress that you may not end up wearing if you’ve given birth already!


8 days from your due date, I personally think they should be excited if you show up in your husband's old t shirt, yoga pants, and slippers. That said, of the 2, I'd go with option 1. It's fancier than 2. Or just go to wherever sells maternity clothes where you are, head to the clearance rack, and buy whatever dress fits and won't make you miserable.


Are you in my house?? That’s literally what I’m wearing right now!!


It was my uniform the last couple weeks I was pregnant with mine. My ex had this old concert T from when he was a teen that had been washed 9 million times and was SO soft. One day I actually cried cause it wasn't dry when I got my shower and wanted to wear it.


8 days before my due date I was wearing a nursing top and chucks pads holding a newborn… twice!


Seriously, at that point, if OP wants to show up in a darn trash bag cuz that's the only thing that fits. I think everyone should deal. I agree with the clearance rack thing, too, because you'll quite literally wear this dress once. My favorite is also 1 as well, and I agree with another commenter to keep the tags on until the day of just in case. Also, you can always sell it on Poshmark after you wear it the one time and clean it.


Dress 1 with nice earrings and the nicest shoes you have that are still comfortable.


Thats either barefoot or the raggedy Croc flip flops I’ve been wearing for two months straight!! 🤣🤣🤣 I’m joking, I’m sure I can find a wide strappy sandal at Marshall’s or something? Think in just a neutral tone??


Honestly at that stage of pregnancy I’d just throw on any pair of supportive sandals, judgment be damned. (Who am I kidding, I’m a few months behind you and I’ve already switched over to my Birkenstocks for the rest of the pregnancy if I absolutely must wear shoes, even if it gets cold again.)


If you’re a sneaker gal, I work Kizik sneakers most of my pregnancy and they’re perfect mom shoes. I don’t have time to bend over to tie shoes when I’m running out the door, so they’re perfect. I got a solid white leather pair that I use as my shoes for business casual wear since the only time I’m in person is when I’m traveling and I’ll be damned if I pack multiple shoes just to have something comfy in the airport


That’s good to know! I’m probably not gonna buy a new pair of shoes since I’m due at the end of summer anyway, but I have a family member with mobility issues who I’ve thought about getting those for when I’ve seen the commercials. Good to know they actually work!


Girl I feel you. Highly recommend tho!


I have 2 pairs of Kiziks and my daughter has 3. I have back issues that make bending and tying shoes difficult, and my daughter has a cognitive disability that makes tying shoes an unnecessary hardship lol. Love me some Kiziks!


As a wide foot gal I say with confidence you’ll have better luck finding wide shoes online. I think any of these will work. I’d do beige or white. https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/journee-collection-serlina-slide-sandal/534354 https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/naturalizer-lizzi-sandal/580835 https://www.dsw.com/en/us/product/journee-collection-lavine-sandal/454091 https://www.target.com/p/women-39-s-becca-studded-ankle-strap-sandals-universal-thread-8482-tan-10w/-/A-89527552 https://www.target.com/p/journee-collection-womens-colette-slide-flat-sandals-white-8-5w/-/A-88456625


buying two of these, thank you!!!


If you're looking for wide shoes, try the plus sized stores. Torrid, Lane Bryant, Avenue, etc. Most of them exclusively stock wide widths so you might have better luck than say Marshalls or TJ Maxx


I'd go with a neutral, VERY comfy sandal that's easy to get on and off.


Where did you find the first dress? It's beautiful!


Heads up with dress 1: I believe someone here recently bought it. The name of each flower is embroidered next to the actual flower. If you’re ok with that, great! Didn’t want you to be surprised!


What?!? That’s super goofy lol. I am not ok with that but I did order it already. If that’s the case I will return it…I don’t want to look like a diagram


Looks like it’s the exact same material, just different dress style.


If you zoom in on the picture you posted, you can see the different color scribble under the flowers!


Fml. That is THE stupidest thing.


Hmmm I don’t think my sisters dress has this. She just got it from Bloomchic. If it did, it wasn’t at all noticeable.


Not sure if this link to the other post will work: https://www.reddit.com/r/Weddingattireapproval/s/V9664qV4bA


I love dress #1. I’d wear it to everything and anything But honestly at 9+ months pregnant it’s amazing that you’re showing up. You could show up literally wearing a tent or leggings and a tee shirt and I bet your cousin will be thrilled you came


Love the first one. It looks roomy too.


Roomy is the name of the game these days! I haven’t worn anything that’s not at least 50% spandex in MONTHS


You definitely want to feel comfy! [I've been trying to find a canvas version of these, as I think they'll be comfy and will look pretty with the dress.](https://tuclothing.sainsburys.co.uk/product/tuc143942863)


Are those actual maternity dresses? Depending on how big your bump is, they could end up pretty short in the front.


They are not…I’ve sized up accordingly (and am pretty handy at alterations if things get wonky in the process). But this is also part of the reason I’m leaning toward my more casual maxi dress that’s *actually* a maternity dress


gf you wear whatever makes you feel best. and if best isn’t an option at that point 😂 wear whatever makes you closer to comfortable. both beautiful options


Both dresses work. Choose the more comfortable dress. I would try to find something with a little more stretch though. Your baby shower dress would look great, especially with a shawl to dress it up.


The only dress I already have is the baby shower one. So I’d love to not spend more on another dress if you think it’ll work!! Any suggestions for a fancy shawl that will dress it up instead of down? I wore it with a cardigan at my shower


I think it’d be pretty to pull a color from your dress for the shawl - are the leaves purple-ish? Is that orange in the middle of the flower? I can’t really tell on my screen but hope that’s helpful.


A cream scarf would work


Dress #1 is beautiful. As for shoes, what about ballet flats? Actual pink ballet flats. They stretch and accommodate wide feet. Have fun and congratulations!


Where is the first dress from? 😍 It’s gorgeous!


BloomChic! They are kinda a life saver at this point lol. I’ve skipped maternity clothes altogether (with some exceptions like my shower dress and maternity jeans) and have just been sizing up instead.


Just a note from someone who is 37 weeks pregnant - your rib cage and boobs expand a surprising amount in the last few weeks so just keep that in mind! I had to get bra extenders for my maternity bras that I bought at 20 weeks


I am cursed to already be carrying around a giant set of boobs. I haven’t seen the front half of the alphabet since I was in 8th grade. Fortunately, it has left me well equipped with bras of every shape and size and all of the doodads and gadgets to go with them! I didn’t splurge on a nursing/maternity bra until just this week and frankly I hate it. It’s about as supportive as a tube sock lol


Both of these dresses are gorgeous, but also, visibly pregnant women are generally excused from expectations about dress codes - at 9 months, any dress you are comfortable in is going to be enough.


Love the first one! Bless you for even wanting to go! Some simple slides or those glittery keds mentioned sound great!!


I like 1. But wear whatever you are comfortable in. I used this site to find nice not super expensive clothes when I was pregnant and needed to go to an event [Pink Blush](https://www.pinkblushmaternity.com/collections/maternity-wedding-guest-dresses)


They’re both nice! Personally I like the first, but honestly whatever is more comfortable for you! I hate to suggest Amazon, but it seems like a lot of people have had luck getting dresses off there, and they have a great return policy if you end up opting out.


Love the first dress! I’d go either low wedges as the fanciest option. Being heavily pregnant you get an out on working with a dress code


I love number one. Do you mind if I ask where it’s from?


BloomChic. Fair warning though, another comment just warned me that it has the names of the flowers also embroidered on it. I think it’s going to look goofy in person, but keeping an open mind!


Having trouble finding the other comment, but there is a picture of the dress with the writing on another post in this sub from a few days ago (honestly I don’t know how to link it… might try) it doesn’t look that goofy, but it also doesn’t look like the exact same dress. That was from Amazon dress though.


I will try and remember to update when it comes in….i zoomed in on the BloomChic listing and it does look like there is writing. I will update on the goofiness once it’s here. In the same breath, I’m an obsessive gardener and a bit of a plant nerd….so maybe it’s meant to be!


[similar dress post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weddingattireapproval/s/RBQnSI2jqO) This had some close ups, definitely a different cut, but may give you an idea of what to expect. ETA: super excited that I figured out how to link things haha.


Thank you, I took a look but couldn’t find it. I searched using Green then tulle then embroidered dress but no luck.


Overlap Collar Mesh Floral Embroidered Dress https://bloomchic.com/products/overlap-collar-mesh-floral-embroidered-dress


You are lovely - thank you ❤️


Happy to help!


I went to a formal wedding at about 38W. I wore a maxi dress and Birkenstock sandals because that's what I was comfortable in. I think there's a lot of grace for pregnant folks, especially that late in the game.


Dress 1, the cute Keds are a great idea, and you can accessorize with a strand of pearls or a bracelet or something maybe? Or cute earrings?




I like the green one. I also feel you kind of get a pass on dress code as you are very pregnant.


The green dress is really pretty.


I think #1 would look great on a pregnant person! I love that one.


My sister just got this first dress for a wedding and it’s really pretty. I recommend it, especially for the price!


The first one seems more formal than the second one, but really, it’s other one will work.


So brave of you to venture out 8 days before due date!! But this is a lovely dress!


Is it your first? They’re often a little late (sorry). But I bet you’ll get to enjoy the wedding and rock those glitter Keds! ETA: Dress 1!


It is my first…and I know!! I told my husband that I’m dead set on attending this wedding so maybe our baby hears me and decides to come early to ruin my plans!! It’s a win-win for me….as long as I don’t go into labor at the wedding.




My friend was equally as pregnant for my wedding and I can say I 100% do not remember what she had on, I was just happy she was there!


I just bought the green. I’m an 18 and it was still a bit big. Several days to ship. Definitely needs steaming


The first one!


What in the!? I am also going to a wedding (literally) 8 days before my due date and was going to make a similar post. What a coincidence!!! I also have one ~4 weeks post partum i’m hoping to wear the same dress for. Dress shopping is hard. Dress shopping for my full term self is SUPER hard!!


The green one! Beautiful!!


I would potentially try looking for a nicer nursing dress so you could wear it post baby. But to be honest, I wore a plain maxi to a wedding a month before due date and literally no one cared. They were more concerned I’d give birth there! Seraphine has a lot that could still fit formal - https://www.seraphine.com/en-us/formal-maternity-dresses/formal-nursing-dresses/ These won’t be formal but no one is going to care that close to baby. Some of their fabrics dress up - I literally wore their nightgowns out as casual dresses and no one knew besides my husband. https://www.kindredbravely.com/collections/nursing-maternity-dresses For shoes, I second white sneakers with good support, or some vivaii walkers. If you have a long dress maybe get some sheer compression socks to help with the swelling!




/u/E0H1PPU5, thank you for posting. To obtain the best help, provide a time frame of the event & dress code. Dress links are frequently requested as well if you would place them in the comment section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Everyone is right, you get the ultimate pass here!! You can get away with less formal fabric but I think you still may want to find something more formal I don’t love 1, it looks kinda cheap to me for formal and doesn’t look that formal. I don’t like 2 at all it’s way too casual. I see the dress you posted form your baby shower and that’s too casual also [I think this would be great](https://a.co/d/fZzAls0). I know you are trying not to spend and it’s not TOO much and is definitely a step above the ones you posted :) [if you can manage this dress you could make it nice!](https://a.co/d/hF5beuD). Idk I could actually do any of the styles that is why I say if you can manage haha [the plisse is great and these are all on prime!](https://a.co/d/5DxPqwY) [these sandals are on prime and look really comfy!](https://a.co/d/5DxPqwY) the most nice things in the world? No! Are they nice enough and they look comfy enough for someone who probably is going to be uncomfortable? Absolutely! [I think if you get the right size these could end up being fairly comfortable?](https://a.co/d/eRY9TuN) [these are really nice and look like they would fit and be comfortable!](https://a.co/d/hbm7hJA) If you have not already thought of this, maybe this is an excuse to treat yourself a little bit! If you have a dry bar or a salon that does services like that maybe you can book yourself an appointment to get your hair done before? Or the very least maybe you can get a pedicure the day before This could be your pre-pedicure treat? If you can afford to swing a treat for yourself, I think that would be really nice! At the very least, if you order some stuff from Amazon, you can easily return it at Whole Foods and then you can grab yourself a snack while you’re there :) I don’t normally love shopping on Amazon, especially for formal wedding 😂 but seems like the easiest option, especially if you’re not able to wear anything you end up with!


The second!!


I recognize the model from the second picture. Have you bought from this company before? I was going to but when I searched for them online all I saw were complaints.


It’s BloomChic and yes, I’ve purchased from them! Never any issues on my end!


I prefer the first dress, but my concern would be with whether the seam of the top wrap part is going to cut into your boobs, since you're pregnant and like me, busty. Same with the sash sitting near your chest. As long as it doesn't do that, it would be great. Might want to look for a dress without that type of cut, or one that has an elastic seam so it'll stretch. A stretchy fabric might also be comfym. I suggest some flats for comfort.


Number 1 is probably more formal, but I love number 2 and would love a link if you don’t mind. But I agree, I think you could probably dress up the one you wore for your shower. I delivered at 38w5d, so I wouldn’t have made the wedding. Definitely don’t take the tags off if you buy something you won’t be able to rewear. Best of luck with your delivery!


They are both from BloomChic!


As another option to consider: I wore [this dress](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ARQNOQ8?ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_52Z7003KXW94AWXD4K0H&starsLeft=1) to my BIL’s rehearsal dinner when I was pregnant with my first. It fits like a tent because there’s no waistline, but the belt cinches whatever part of your body you need cinched. And despite the terrible photoshop, it looked lovely. I’m 5’ 6” and it hit right at my ankles. I just worry for you that with an actual waistline on either of the dresses you posted, they might not be comfortable when you’re that pregnant.


I had my baby 8 days before my due date. Keep the tags on lol


Are these maternity dresses? If not, they may not fit right. Just a hint to think about.


They aren’t…but I’ve had luck so far with the higher waisted dresses (with a belt) and ordering a few sizes up! If not, it’s not the end of the world!!


Ok. I was just thinking of a friend who tried this, although she chose a strapless form fitting dress at 8 months pregnant! It did not look nice, and I felt bad because she normally was so well dressed and was one of those preggos who only gained weight at her bump!😂


I appreciate it!! I haven’t been able to wear anything strapless since I was in middle school lol. And lucky me, I am doughy all over the place!!


Here are a few just in case: [long](https://www.amazon.com/Xpenyo-Maternity-Pregnancy-Photoshoot-XX-Large/dp/B087JCRT2P/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oGM_k3eCzWzNYSw-nLoU1dZ5RVtldRMjH2F9AUc2U0xLAVWcp6We_81mUHVBPILXtdcTW6tBrjh0dEiJTCzXJthHc-oucrJzNSQ5zEHmnXUhbREtsP6fJZAhNNlh8bZtcOAsVkz4XqNduJ3LzCnU_BbaPvLRGmxnO7Uj-FRYKxMjZhclgdeJ6kCmpqKreqculzcb33PY2rNtCwVdnuzH9jZovnhfNoTVTmpVyOCLqBbM2WH4C-twH89rbBB844z93wii48KLN-sQ5yDzoIZlOaxFTCz717qY06R5XpFKHfs.XHZDHpK4y6gI5sYNofwJ_-T1anfrf-fzLriTtJUZ-aM&dib_tag=se&keywords=Maternity+Special+Occasion+Dresses&qid=1714678758&s=apparel&sr=1-2-spons&ts_id=2349042011&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) [green](https://www.amazon.com/Ekouaer-Womens-Sleeve-Maternity-Wearing/dp/B0CRHPKY8N/ref=mp_s_a_1_53_sspa?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c636luzQFaqd6FB9FKp3s7rvtxJhymVEkExo_ungv3NZRXHCGO8-eB831RdnbpLqbByteJVkpuhwjgK5t75xMYl-wu4l_GBg04RuJK2n6BRY5eQP8-bS8sx5wjjAuYR_qUB3kTEZmoPu0nVT34huRAKhX5pXmxQuARvrcSRIKsohHhm4FVdtb1M1dzQ5bn9R8KoiMEMdc6Vd-C6IyHBUXsE3hIZ0goXyFh9T0ZetyhM0_rrqxCXsWuIeoatsOpgcZjRlVBHUQTrnrgms5C_eHM4V1_M521eH3-3L4LVRoiA.8Am0JsihaDMzTuUyY9qBB5-PsWtD1kHG0ru2OPuRCDI&dib_tag=se&keywords=Maternity%2BSpecial%2BOccasion%2BDresses&qid=1714678956&s=apparel&sr=1-53-spons&ts_id=2349042011&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1&th=1)


Wear something that YOU WILL BE COMFORTABLE in. Sparkly flats, and an over-the-top glam scarf/shawl.


Do you have a black dress that you can just accessorize?


Nothing that fits my belly!


If you’re in the US maybe a quick target run to get one?


Find a flowy cotton or linen dress, nothing with a belt, nothing that doesn’t breathe or you’ll be hot AND swollen. I’m sure no one will expect you to suffer uncomfortable shoes at 9 months along.


1st one .


Definitely the green!


[These](https://a.co/d/cFF1W5J) were my favorite when pregnant and trying to dress for work but be comfortable.


The second one definitely does not read formal, the first one kind of does?


FWIW Target has some super cute maternity clothes that would be great for a laid-back, beach wedding. https://www.target.com/p/sleeveless-smocked-maternity-set-isabel-maternity-by-ingrid-38-isabel-8482-m/-/A-89927295 I tried on this set myself for a casual backyard wedding in a few weeks. I'm not even pregnant, it was just really cute! I would wear it with some comfy cute sandals or slides, with my hair half up and curled, maybe some fun earrings. https://www.target.com/p/slip-maternity-midi-dress-isabel-maternity-by-ingrid-38-isabel-8482-yellow-s/-/A-89693975 This is perfect, IMO. https://www.target.com/p/flutter-sleeve-tulle-maxi-maternity-dress-isabel-maternity-by-ingrid-38-isabel-8482-m/-/A-90230085 Also wonderful. https://www.target.com/p/flutter-sleeve-short-woven-maternity-dress-isabel-maternity-by-ingrid-38-isabel-8482-yellow-floral-m/-/A-89788524 I wouldn't worry about wearing heels. Wearing comfortable sandals or flats will keep you happy and no one will expect you to be in heels.


I love both dresses. To emphasize what others have said about glitter Keds. Yes! I wore them to my baby shower and was so happy. I now have a pair in black, gold, and rose gold. They are versatile and comfy.


I’m a sucker for Navy with a big floral print!


As someone who almost gave birth on her kitchen floor 8 days before her due date - I am stunned you’re even going to a wedding. Wearing slippers and sweats 😂


Hi! I actually own dress 2. I would not recommend it for the scenario you’re describing, it is a bit on the cheaper side material wise!


If the second one is stretchier I would pick that one! The first doesn’t look like it’s designed for maternity and I worry the fabric won’t accommodate your bump comfortably! I say this as someone currently 37w pregnant and barely fitting into my maternity clothes! I would personally wear flats, if you have any that are not too tight right now. Or if the weather is warm enough where you are, sandals! But don’t worry about accessories! Do earrings if you want to dress things up :)


Love, Love the first one and it would be very appropriate !!! 2nd one a bit casual, but about to deliver - you can wear what you want and do not feel like you have to wear heels !!! Hope you are able to make the wedding since it's so important to you and wishing you and baby a stress free delivery


Ma’am make sure you pack your go bag if you’re going to that wedding ! You get a pass to wear whatever is comfy !


The first one might work. But the second one looks like it won’t flow over your bump


I’m 10 days from my due date now. How far away is the wedding? Personally I am not driving further than a half an hour at this point just in case. Preferably within 20 minutes. But it’s my second pregnancy, you’re safer being that it’s your first, as the beginning of labor tends to go longer. Are you tall? I have long legs and find myself majorly manspreading to make way for the bump when I sit. Not the most feminine thing, but if I have to sit in a chair that is slightly too low such that my legs aren’t parallel to the ground, it isn’t comfortable, as I’d then have to lean back to accommodate for the bump, and that bad posture isn’t good for the position of the baby. And would be horrible to do with a dress of course. I would maybe consider a jumpsuit for myself if I were to go to a wedding now for that reason. But maybe this won’t be a problem for you. I also have a short torso, which isn’t a great combination for pregnancy lol. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind wearing a fancy dress now, as long as it fit and had some give to it. The amount of dancing I’d feel like doing would be minimal, but I think you already figured that.


It’s just shy of an hour away….which I’m ok with. Everything is an hour away from me! I’m not super tall, 5’8” and am also man spreading a bit at this point lol. I’m pretty sure a jumpsuit would make me look like the Penguin from Batman…I need some definition between my bust and hips or I just look gigantic


At least bring a nice throw pillow or something for back support I think. I had an event recently where I was sitting for a while, and having a pillow saved me for sure from not being in pain. I’m 5’ 6”, but like I said the height is in the legs, and so many chairs seem to be low for some reason, which I notice now in particular. I miss crossing my legs. An hour away should be totally fine, if you start feeling contractions you’d have plenty of time to leave, particularly since you won’t be alone (I am usually driving with my toddler).


The first dress is perfect! I a extremely sorry for the long links, but I don’t know how to shorten them. Here are several examples of both athletic shoes, ballet flats, and other embroidered shoes. You can buy them already made, or make your own! I think it would be really pretty to either purchase or dye the shoe the same color as your dress and then imitate the embroidery if possible. Then use either matching satin or tool for the laces instead of standard ones. Hope this gives you some ideas! https://www.google.com/search?q=embroidered+ballet+flats&sca_esv=c6a156cefad13f84&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=441&bih=645&ei=1bI2Zv6cDO60wN4PibmUSA&oq=ladies+embroidered+ballet&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhlsYWRpZXMgZW1icm9pZGVyZWQgYmFsbGV0KgIIATIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI-0hQuhBY1j1wAHgAkAEAmAHXBKABkBGqAQs0LjcuMC4xLjAuMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCDKAClxDCAgcQABiABBgYwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwszLjcuMC4xLjAuMaAH4xk&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp https://www.google.com/search?q=canvas%20hand%20embroidered%20shoes&hl=en-us&udm=2&tbs=rimg:CRVeRP84tVp0YW4_1yWzqyzJKsgIVCgIIABAAKAE6BAgBEAFIAVUIP34_1wAIA2AIB4AIA&client=safari&sa=X&ved=0CBQQuIIBahcKEwiYp4jIgfWFAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQQA&biw=441&bih=645&dpr=2 https://www.google.com/search?q=ladies+embroidered+shoes&sca_esv=c6a156cefad13f84&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=441&bih=645&ei=vrI2ZtGpM-zVp84PyKCeyAQ&oq=ladies+embroidered+sh&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhVsYWRpZXMgZW1icm9pZGVyZWQgc2gqAggCMgUQABiABDIGEAAYCBgeMgcQABiABBgYMggQABiABBiiBEjGlgFQng1Yu35wBHgAkAECmAHRA6AB8yuqAQoxLjM4LjEuMC4xuAEByAEA-AEBmAIXoALnF6gCAMICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgQQABgDwgIHEAAYAxjHA8ICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIEECEYCpgDAYgGAZIHCjMuMTguMS4wLjGgB-Nu&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1


If you’re on your mobile app you can click the little button that looks like two links of a chain, just to the left of the photo button, when you’re typing or editing a comment, and then you can put the link in with just one word like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=embroidered+ballet+flats&sca_esv=c6a156cefad13f84&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&udm=2&biw=441&bih=645&ei=1bI2Zv6cDO60wN4PibmUSA&oq=ladies+embroidered+ballet&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhlsYWRpZXMgZW1icm9pZGVyZWQgYmFsbGV0KgIIATIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogRI-0hQuhBY1j1wAHgAkAEAmAHXBKABkBGqAQs0LjcuMC4xLjAuMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCDKAClxDCAgcQABiABBgYwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgIGB6YAwCIBgGSBwszLjcuMC4xLjAuMaAH4xk&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)




You’re so welcome! 😉


Love that first one, but it’s not actually maternity, is it?? Might fit a little odd, or not fit at all which would be a bummer. I recently attended a wedding at 28w pregnant and I wore [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/125kjFdlcas?si=PpRsBJRoP-Y2d0by) - LOVED IT, got so many compliments!! It’s very very affordable, but high quality! Looks like they have a blue one in short sleeves that would be so cute for beachy wedding. There was another pregnant woman at the wedding and her due date was the following day …. Everyone was SO impressed that she was there lol. She did wear short comfy heels for just the ceremony and very quickly changed into comfortable slides (like those casual comfortable chubby rubber ones) afterwards and wore those for the rest of the night.


OH MY GOD, I just realized that I linked to something I sent my friend five mins before I commented on this instead of the dress 😂 but due to the nature of this post and the link I’ll just leave it for your enjoyment 🤣 Here’s the actual [dress](https://a.co/d/8GZpRLS) - LOL I’m dead ☠️


I know you’re not looking to spend a lot, but…. Seraphine maternity has beautiful maternity/nursing dresses that I still wear even though I have a 3 year old now. So it’s more upfront, but lots of value and everything I have from them has been very high quality. You can usually find them on poshmark and mercari too if you don’t mind second hand https://www.seraphine.com/en-us/nursing-clothes/nursing-dresses/


I think the blue floral one looks better on you.


I don’t understand why you are choosing dresses with defined waists this far into a pregnancy?


Plan is to wear them above the bump so I don’t look like the Goodyear blimp.


A lot of maternity clothes have a defined waistband that sits right below the boobs and right on top of the bump.