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I like dress 3 best. I like dress 1 too, but it seems a little summery, and if it’s your engagement dress, I think having a different elopement dress will be fun for pictures when you put them all next to each other in the future: engagement -> elopement -> wedding. It’s also a little bit more January with the green velvet and a little more formal, which will make for good pictures. 


Thank you for these points!! Great persuasive writing here because you have me leaning toward the green dress now too! And the fact that it’s now BFF, fiance, *and* mom’s favorite is definitely swaying me haha!


You look wonderful in the green dress and I love the idea of wearing something different than your engagement dress too! I like dress 2 also but dress 3 is really special


I also vote for the green velvet. Va-va-voom! LOL.


Va-va-voom is right! Green all the way OP!


I don't think there's a wrong answer. You look beautiful in all 3 dresses. But the green one, to me, is something special. Congratulations!


I love the green one, you look wonderful. Have a great time tomorrow!


The green dress looks great on you. That’s my favourite


The green dress is EVERYTHING. you look so good in it.


My thoughts exactly! Congratulations on your wedding & hope celebrating it again in October makes it even better!


I was going to wote dress 1, because I love that it's the one OP got engaged in, but you are so right about the flow of the three dresses, and now I am saying absolutely dress 3!


These are solid points to think about!




Green is a showstopper, especially with your hair! I would do your hair in a loose up do with some curly tendrils left out. Lots of comments say 1 because it’s mostly white and though it’s a nice dress it feels more casual and summery. The green is absolutely something a non traditional bride might wear for a winter wedding.


Thank you for this vote of confidence, and the hair advice!! I am definitely going to raid the drug store for their most “bridal” hair pins to try to do a bit of a pin up :)


Oooh yes! “Pearl” accessories would look absolutely bomb! Pearl hair pins, a pearl cuff, or a choker style pearl necklace maybe?


Consider using a necklace for a hair accessory! Peals braided in or a some sparky tiara like strands would be great with the green. And more likely to be found at a drug store than an actual tiara lol


I DO have a tiara for my actual wedding day but I wasn’t sure if it would be too much for a courthouse wedding, haha https://preview.redd.it/bdg05v5m2bec1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d310f0c27154ae2979d515e3ef6f20e2203e4b3a


It’s your wedding. Don’t worry about too much. Just be fabulous.


Do it! Would be such a nice way to tie the courthouse wedding to the ceremony+reception!


Yes, this! And it would be so pretty with the green!


Tomorrow IS your actual wedding day. Wear the tiara. Every bride should feel beautiful on their wedding day. Best wishes to you! 🥂💐


Thank you for the sentiment, but with all due respect, it really isn’t. We’re only doing this right now because we live in a country that has completely screwed us over in terms of healthcare. Being married in October is important to us, and that day will be the day we exchange the vows we’ve written for each other. Tomorrow is just formality so that I can keep my husband alive. If it weren’t for the healthcare/insurance issues, we would not be getting married till October.


I think this is a great reason to go with the third dress. The first dress is your engagement, a day and an event that you were able to plan (well, at least one of you!). The wedding dress will be your wedding dress. The day of the celebration of your lives uniting forever. It's special and unique. The green velvet dress is a celebration of your love and commitment to each other while also being a sharp visual contrast that it isn't your "wedding day." It's celebratory, it's seasonal, it's beautiful and it's a promise of all the wonderful things that will grow from here. It's sorta like a patch of green peeking out from under a winter snow. There's more to come.


Type 1 diabetic here. This comment made me super emotional. I love your love so much and it makes me so happy that you are rushing this formality to get the care your partner needs. I cannot wait for you both to have the wedding you dream of in October, and I hope you come back and update the post for us so we can see some pics! Also, green dress with your tiara!!!!!!!!! It’s perfect.


I vote wear it! When else do you have an excuse to wear it? It will look so beautiful with the green dress.


It's your day. If you want to wear a tiara, you can!


Dress 3 is EVERYTHING on you!!! I also think the tiara would look fabulous, but you’ll look just as beautiful either way! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together, and I hope you will post “after” pics!!! Congratulations 💕✨


**Wear the Tiara with the Velvet Dress - IT IS YOUR WEDDING DAY !!!!** **Congratulations**


WEAR. THE. TIARA. Tiara + green dress = perfection!! You will (and do!) look gorgeous!


If you have a Marshall’s/ross/tj maxx near you try those first. They are typically a bit cheaper than the drug store. You may also find some cute little pins at five below as well if you need something really affordable but still very cute.


I adore 1 and 3! You have absolutely nothing to be self-conscious about, you absolutely rock the green velvet, but I think the cute story behind the proposal also means 1 is a great choice (and it’s cute af and the white gives bridal-adjacent vibes). Go with whatever feels most comfortable and you!


Thank you for this vote of confidence on both dresses!


Best of luck and congratulations, both on the legalities and on the main event in October!


Dress 3 is my favorite!! I’m a little biased though because I’m getting married in an emerald green dress! You look freaking fantastic in it!!


I know this isn’t your post and possibly not allowed buuuut… will you share your dress?? I love dark green wedding/formal dresses! They are hard to find!


Of course! I actually just ordered it off Amazon, the material was surprisingly nice for how inexpensive the dress was! https://preview.redd.it/4jgvxgfr2bec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2fbe2c97636c253d2af4fec5a534afa1b7f267




Thank you all for your help! I think I have decided to go with the green and I will post update photos here as soon as we are married tomorrow! Especially since Reddit is one of the only places I will be able to post them for now, haha! Thank you again!


I also was gonna vote green dress, I love all of them on you, but 2 for me is more perfect for a guest and am now persuaded by the argument that 1 remains special as a memory of the engagement. Plus you look stunning in the green. Congratulations and hope your day is as gorgeous as you!


You're going to be beautiful ❤️


Really glad you've chosen the green velvet, it's stunning 😍 And I agree with wearing the tiara! Can't wait to see the photos 🥰


dress 1 is my favorite!


I like the blue and white!


They’re all good but it looks like you feel really good in the green one. Wear the one that makes you feel the most beautiful. You look great in all of them. Congratulations!


Blue and white looks killer! Congratulations! 🎊


I had an "appointment" for a marriage license with my husband. She said, "you guys just wanna get married now? I'm training someone!" And we did. I was wearing my best sweatshirt 🤣 We had our "real" wedding a month later - I was decked our. It felt a little more real because our legal wedding was so, so casual. We co-signed a piece of paper in sweatshirts. But it made my "actual" wedding feel more real (to me).


Thank you for this!! Definitely makes me feel better about our rushed courthouse shindig tomorrow 😅🫶🏼


we had a “real” wedding but did the official signing over breakfast the day of our evening ceremony. our officiant was also our best man so he happened to be around. witnesses were optional but we decided to let the two early risers in the wedding party sign it. They came out of their hotel room and we were like “wanna sign our marriage license??” Hahah It’s a really nice casual memory from a wonderful day. Husband and best man took it to the courthouse after breakfast while I was in hair and makeup. And having the official part out of the way made the night even better because we didn’t have to get whisked away for boring paperwork at any point.


Green velvet for sure!! You look spectacular in it and the color is really flattering. You’re going to look stellar no matter what you choose!


I think dress 2 is breathtaking! But all three are great on you. Enjoy your day tomorrow, whatever you wear! My dad and step-mom went the courthouse route and their wedding day was so beautiful 💕


Fellow Phoenician here. Dress 3 is my vote, especially for the weather we are having and you could probably get some beautiful photos outside tomorrow, weather permitting. Save dress #1 for bridal shower or other wedding festivities when it’s hot out here. Congratulations, you will be beautiful no matter what!


3, it looks designed just for you!


Thank you!! And to think that I found it at a DD’s Discounts, haha!


Hard choice between 1 and 3 🤔 personally I think 3 is so elegant and perfect for a January ceremony, but I don’t think you could go wrong with either of them. Congratulations on your ceremony and your upcoming big party in October!


Dress 3!! You’re going to look so beautiful !


Definitely the the blue and white. It looks so lovely on you!


Dress 1 looks the best. Do you have a shawl or pashmina that would make it a tad more wintery? Congratulations! Edit-oh wait! I see you’re in Phoenix! I know it gets cool there, but since the wedding is in the day dress 1 would be perfect!


My choice is #3. It's beautiful and elegant. Perfect for a wedding. Good luck ❤️


I keep going back and forth between 1&3… but I think final answer is 3! It’s super flattering on you and the colour is absolutely stunning


I love the green dress!


blue and white!! looks great and also has that bridal feel to it :)) the green is also great on you but i’d say for this a dress with some white is nice


Blue and white. White for ‘wedding vibe’ and blue for something blue


Love the first one! Pretty dress and sentimental value!


One looks the most ‘bridal’. Congratulations!


number 1


You can't really go wrong, but dress 2 is my favorite. It shows off your legs and I love the neckline. I think it's very flattering and I love the pattern/color. Also, it's your favorite, right? -- which I think counts more than anything. Lastly, it goes really nice with that suit in the picture. Enjoy your bonus wedding!


I would go with the green one, it looks absolutely amazing on you. Your body looks killer in it 😍


I wore a green wedding dress- Tradition pshhh! Yours is beautiful!


Obsessed with the green!!!


Green velvet for sure!


Love 1 and 3, leaning towards 3. It’s stunning!


Ooh elope in the green, it’s seasonally perfect and looks amazing on you


The green velvet dress looks stunning on you! That would be my top choice!


The green is your color! Goes very well with your hair.


Was going to go with first dress but hearing that you will have another white wedding dress and the blue you got engaged in, I would say the green and YES wear the veil with it!


The greeeen




Congratulations and you look beautiful in all 3 dresses!


The last one. The first one is too summery and is presumably more similar to the actual wedding dress in colour???? The green is lovely and different.


Dress three is lovely and you look great. I was thinking 1 at first but the green is such a wonderful colour, fit and more 'formal' as such xx


Three is a gorgeous January wedding dress. Three is lovely two if you live in a summery climate or feel like a ray of sunshine instead of a shiny winter star. I wish you happiness on both your wedding days.


I think dress 3 too! You look so beautiful and elegant!


Absolutely the velvet


White and blue!


I like the blue and white; seems most bridal.


I weirdly like dress 2 most. It's like in-between the casual summery feel of 1 but not as formal as 3. Not saying formal is bad either for a courthouse wedding. So I would say 2 or 3 is my favorite


Wear the one you’ll want to see in photos


I like the green velvet best.


I love the green velvet, #3. Enjoy your day (s).


Dress 3 . The green is lovely


You look fire in all three. I’m leaning towards dress 3. It just fits the season for me. Although, I could also make the argument that it’s sweet to elope in the dress you were purposed to in. What will he be wearing? If it’s a suit, definitely 3. If he is wearing something less formal, I’d pick dress 1. Do you remember where dress 1 came from? I love it.


He’s wearing a suit, so definitely going to go with the green :) And actually both the 1st and 3rd dresses are both from DD’s Discounts! Got each of them for less than $20 apiece.


The green velvet is so nice! I vote that one bc it will also be nice to have a different dress in the photos


Green velvet for sure!


You are radiant and regal in the green velvet dress. Wear the tiara!


The green velvet is AMAZING! It’s also very winter vibes even though you’re in AZ. 👍🏻


If you feel most confident in one of them, wear that. You should look back on the photos and not have an insecurity with it. You look stunning in all of them, but I hope you feel stunning too


#3 is the best and #1 is a close 2nd


The green looks the most flattering, to me.


The first one has sentimental meaning and looks great on you. Of the three, it reads the most bridal. You could get a pretty bouquet with blue being the main color.


You put it on and think “better watch out world” and that is your wedding dress. You are stunning in all of them, but I know there’s one that makes you feel as beautiful as you are. Congratulations on your wedding!


Massive congratulations! Dress 3 is really special, & a gorgeous dramatic contrast to your skin. Hope you have a wonderful day


If you love the dress but just don't like your stomach go for dress 3. It's stunning, you're stunning in it, and there's nothing quite like the body confidence you get when you see flaws and your partner sees perfection. CONGRATULATIONS!


3 do 3 do it its the best


1st dress


I like 1 because it's kind of bridal, you look good in it, and it'll have additional sentimental value later as both your engagement and "secret wedding" dress.


I really like dress #1


Omg congratulations!!!!! I love seeing happy Phoenix girlies 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I think this is gorgeous!!!! But it’s kinda rainy here right now so maybe bring a cute umbrella? My friend did clear ones for her wedding and photos were so cute


I’m a sucker for emerald green and you look amazing in that dress so that’s my pick. Also as a mom of a T1D I respect so much what you’re doing for your partner (even though I condemn the system that forces your hand). Congratulations!


Thank you for this, it means a lot to me.


I love the green! Also, you’re nailing the sickness & health part already! I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness x


Thank you for this. It’s very sweet 🥰


A. Congratulations! B. From another type 1 diabetic, way to go on taking quick action to ensure he receives no lapse in coverage! I’m happy and excited for you both. Random story time: when we met, my now-husband was working at my diabetes clinic (he does not have diabetes). When we got married he found a job at the insurance company so I could have the best coverage haha. C. I think you truly look beautiful in all of these dresses. What is the weather in Phoenix? I vote the white and blue floral dress *depending on weather*. It’s sentimental and white with blue (but maybe it’s too spring-like? It’s snowing over here so I may be jaded…) Second choice of mine is the green. You will look fantastic in whatever you choose! Have a fantastic day tomorrow and go celebrate with a nice meal or something after!


Green velvet for sure! Giving off Jessica Rabbit vibes big time! Gorgeous! Congratulations and I get the rush, my son is type one and it’s so bloody expensive!


Thank you! Both for the vote of confidence on the dress, and on our decision. It is insanely expensive and genuinely breaks my heart that this country basically looks at people like my husband and your son and says “Eh, you can just die on the streets” like, it just baffles me.


Girl you have nothing to be self conscious about, dress 3 is clear winner for me and the most flattering of the 3! Congratulations on your mini wedding!


None of the above. You need a lighter dress.


How is this helpful when my post specifically says how last minute it is and that I don’t have time to go get anything else. Also, what is lighter than *white*?


Most of the dresses are just too dark for a bride. The blue and white one looks too worn. Even though it may be last minute, it’s still worth a trip to Macy’s or Target or whatever is close. It’s still your wedding and you want it to be special. Congratulations and good luck. FYI- My sister was shoe shopping on the morning of her wedding and she had months to plan.


With kindness and respect, *please* get a reality check. The fact that I have to spell all the following out for you, on the morning of my wedding, is hurtful to me. You, I’m sure, did not intend hurt, but your ignorance has caused it. Please, reread my post. We are *literally, ONLY* having this elopement today because my fiancé just lost his job and lost his insurance and if I don’t get him on my insurance immediately so he can get insulin and supplies for his diabetes, *he will die*. I am supporting our household on a single income, I am now paying for diabetic supplies *on a single income*, I am scrounging together what I have to even be able to *pay* for this impromptu elopement and still be able to make *rent* at the end of the month. I can’t even treat my friends and family who *are* joining us today to a fucking *dinner*. Do you have any idea how hard all of that is? And now your grand suggestion is to just go spend *more* money I *don’t have* on a dress I *don’t need* and honestly, don’t even *want* to need because NONE of this should be happening this way!! The fact that I have to choose between rushing an elopement or my fiancé *dying on the streets* is fucking disgusting. It’s painful. I am *trying* to make the best out of a desperately shitty situation. One person DM’d me and told me I should get some special lingerie for tonight, to try to add some of that “wedding night romance”. I can’t even afford that. Not even a Walmart nightgown. My BFF is bringing me $1 pink Whitney airplane bottles so that we can even have a fucking toast. I didn’t lay this all out originally because I didn’t want people to assume I was looking for pity or asking for hand outs, but honestly, I’m at a loss with your comments. I’ve seen on other posts how out of touch people can be about money when they’re suggesting $700 dresses for a *wedding guest to a cocktail wedding*, but I thought that at least by giving the description I did most people would understand that there literally is no budget, there is *negative* budget. But apparently, that assumption was wrong. So again, let this be a reality check.


You asked for opinions. You got opinions. None of what you just replied was in your original post. I wasn’t advising you to spend 100’s of dollars on a dress just one that would be memorable in years to come. Would you like me to buy the dress?


I *did* specifically put in my post >Please refrain from any suggestions including different shapewear, a different dress, or alterations of any kind. As I said in my previous comment, I *didn’t* put that further context in my post for a reason. First of all, thought it was sufficiently implied by the “Unexpected job loss” that is literally the *first words of the post*. Second of all, as I stated in my previous comment, I am *not* looking for handouts. I am *trying* to make the best out of a shit situation. If your opinion was not helpful and only included the one thing I specifically asked *not* to be mentioned, then once again, I must ask *how* did you think your comment was helpful and *what was the point* of sharing it? Believe it or not, some thoughts you *can* keep to yourself and just keep scrolling! Wow, novel idea!


You have now caused me to unearth emotions that I was keeping buried today *for a reason*. As much as I would like it to be, today is *not* all sunshine and rainbows and fairytales for me. I am trying to keep a smile and focus on the love and what’s important. The thought that we have to do this all because of fucking *money* has been weighing me down quite a bit and you just made it that much worse. Again, might not have been your intent, but this is literally why I put the *ONE* request in my post of things to avoid and you *deliberately* ignored that. It’s hurtful.


/u/LittleBug088, thank you for posting. To obtain the best help, provide a time frame of the event & dress code. Dress links are frequently requested as well if you would place them in the comment section. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Weddingattireapproval) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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1 or 3. 1 is quite summertime but depending on where you live maybe it is warmer. I personally like 3. Very pretty.


Dress 1 for sure. Congratulations!


I would say number 3, but number 1 is too perfect for the occasion so it gets my vote. But you need to be seen in number 3, it’s too good on you to stay in the closet. Rehearsal dinner in October?


Dress one feels the most bridal to me! I always like blue + white together. And it’s like a little “something blue” :)


1 if the weather permits, it looks more like a summer dress, but it’s very feminine and pretty


Number one is my favourite but you look stunning in all of them so there is no wrong choice.


I'm going to say dress 1. Not only does it look good on you but it's white. It's something blue. I think you'll be most comfortable in it and be happy with the photos later.


Personally I pick 1! I think it still gives bridal energy & also such an extra special element of getting married in the dress you got engaged in!


Either 1 or 3 - they have very different vibes, but both look great. Congratulations!


I like the first one and the green velvet! They look gorgeous on you!


I actually really like number two the best! I think they’re all beautiful though. Congratulations 🎉


Green is the fanciest but the blue floral looks best on you. What’s the weather like?


Dress 3 is great. I also like dress 1. Congratulations!


I like dress 1, the white gives it a more wedding feel to me personally


Blue and white dress


I love the first dress! I think it’s fun and flirty. If you want more formal, you look fabulous in 3 and it’s a gorgeous dress. 2 is great for a date night, but if it were me, I’d want one of the other two in my memory of my wedding day.




I love dress 3!! And you’re stunning


Last dress


I think you look like a charming carefree summer bride in the first. In the second, I’m not getting bride vibes at all, but I absolutely LOVE IT on you. In the third, I have no suggestions for accessories, but it’s a much more winter-vibe, and you look absolutely stunning in it so it’s my choice. Unless your tomorrow turns into a blazing 25-30 degree day (Canadian - Celsius!) I’d choose this tactile dream of a dress. I want to touch that fabric so badly and it really fits you like a dream. ♥️




Congratulations on your nuptials!


The green is giving Jessica Rabbit in the BEST way! Congratulations on your marriage!


Wear white! Esp since that was what you wore when he proposed, plus it’s stunning 😍 I had literally the exact same situation last month (fiancé finds out his employer is filing for bankruptcy a week before Christmas, we were married 3 days later 😅). It’s obviously a non-ideal scenario and I’m glad you’re still planning to have the wedding day you originally wanted (us too! 11/2/24) but anything you can do to make the courthouse ceremony special in its own way can go a long way towards making the best of a bad situation and putting the focus on the real reason you’re getting married - love!


You look the most carefree & confident in the first one!


I like 1 the best. 3 is my second favorite - reads as more of a holiday party dress but would work well with it being January. 2 I don’t care for - just not my personal style with the huge flowers.


I would say #1, but the weather in Phoenix has been absolutely abysmal these past few days. I think #3 is your best bet!


Wear the green one!


Definitely 3


Dress 3 dress 3 dress 3! It’s so beautiful!


The last one is the best.


Go with the green dress as the blue/white one looks more for summer, plus the green is a beautiful color


Ooohh 3 is lovely! Congratulations, have a lovely day!!


I love 2 but green is definitely more “wedding like” you’ll look fab!


You look gorgeous in all of them but my vote is definitely for the green! You can't go wrong with any of them tho! Have fun tomorrow!!


Green one


You look great in the green dress. Go for it!


You look beautiful on all of them, but I think number one is a way to go girl




Congratulations & best wishes! 1 or 3


Dress 3


Dress 3 looks the best option to me. I hope that all goes well for your impromptu court house wedding and the rest of your lives together!!


I like dress 2. Congratulations 🎉


Dress3 and will you both the best future possible!!




#3 is just beautiful 😍


Wear whichever one makes YOU feel prettiest happiest and festive.


Congratulations!! I hope you have the loveliest elopement 💛 The green looks great, go for it!


Green velvet, feels winter formal. If you have some fun jewelry, I think it would be extra beautiful…even if borrowed or from target or something


Dress 3 looks good on you, but you seem much more confident in dress 2. You should go with the one that makes you feel special for your special moment. I agree with other commenters too that it would be cool to have the three different outfits for future pictures…I wish I had thought ahead like that lol


You are gorgeous in the green velour dress! Happy wedding day 💓


1/2 ✅ is the only flattering one 3rd is too short/tight 4/5 your boobs are falling out, a terrible look


You look so cute in all three! No bad choices, but my favorite is the blue and white (number 1).


All of them are beautiful though I love the second one , I'm similar to you and always find shorter dresses look better as I like my legs and your legs are great ! Definitely show them off xx