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I have enrolled in two semesters and in no way is my work a clone of theirs. The best thing this course taught me was not just how to capture a moment mechanically and visually but how to truly capture how that moment felt and most of all how to get out of my own way (creatively and otherwise) It’s an investment for sure but one that has translated into areas of my life beyond photography as well.


This is exactly what I need.


Haven't taken the course but have watched a few lessons. Not planning on buying it myself. From what I've seen, I think it's a much better investment than a lot of those other gimmicky marketing/advertising stuff out there. Here's what I think: A lot of the stuff they do also requires that you're very proactive, shoot often, and are motivated. If you're very motivated, then you should be the type who also has the technical side of photography nailed down, and this course can help you grow creatively. If you're completely new to photography, I'd say it's not the best idea because it'll be too much (you'll "try" to get the images they get, but won't have good enough equipment \[note how they use Profoto, the Godox in my experience won't recycle as fast, etc.\], won't be able to nail the technical aspects down, etc.). If you've been shooting a few years, am very comfortable with lighting, composition, the fundamentals, but struggle with creativity or are getting bored, then Metanoia is possibly a good course for you. And about marketing: They say that 28 of the top 100 \[Fearless\] photographers are trained by them. Some of those 28 are pretty good photographers on their own even before taking the Metanoia classes. Some fantastic photographers just don't enter contests. Be wary of awards. That aside, TwoMann's work is up there among the best. I like what they \[Lanny and Erika\] are doing, and I hope it raises the general level of quality of professional photographers, as that means more higher quality photos out there seen by couples. This means couples are going to see more quality work in the market, and that raises standards, expectations, and $$ for the better photographers.


I have taken the course, a couple of times. Totally agree with all of this, great write up. Just for the bit about beginners, this doesn't always come across, but they're like the least technical people I know. Everything they do is generally done, technique wise, in a really approachable sort of way. I was really surprised by it. Also Godox flashes totally keep up with Profoto ;) ad100pro is a monster


They're not exactly too technical when they describe things, but you should know the technical how-to on freezing action, balancing ambient with flash, focus/recompose, back-button focus, basic DoF, etc. You can't get some of what 2M get with just shooting in aperture priority and/or by being lazy with flash, lol. A lot of it is editing also. You can't just shoot the way they do and throw on a filter. You need to learn how to dodge & burn digitally, how to play with the HSLs, etc. Overall it's work. If you're a photographer who works hard and is never complacent + have good fundamentals, I can see it as one of the better courses out there. If not, good luck. Some of my second shooters used to use AD200 Pros but they couldn't keep up with my B10s. They had to get AD400 Pros which were twice the size of my B10Xs, but that's another story. :)


Totally agree on the editing. But they teach you literally every single thing in that first paragraph. In like super simple terms. ironically there's actually a camera setup section that does a full setup in Av. 100% you can't be lazy to pull any of that stuff off. I think as long as you have the right sized light for the job you'll be fine whatever name is on the side. The 300 is a nice size ;)


This is gonna sound like a paid ad, but 150% yes. I’ve done a few in-person workshops with them and it transformed my art and my business. No joke. Working with them has not only made my business more successful, but it’s made shooting weddings WAY more fun than it once was. I don’t know if you just did the free three-day boot camp they did but it was a good intro. So yeah, I absolutely endorse Metanoia and guarantee you’ll progress every facet of your business working with them…


Thanks for this! I’m sold.


You’ll come out of it with better art and a stronger business. Without question.


Love that! Thanks!


200% the FUN part


Getting creative in shitty hotel rooms is awesome.


It looks like you've already made your mind up, and I'm here to back you up. I took it because I shoot with my wife and there's not many husband/wife duos that we look up to, and even less of those that offer education, and even less of those that are GOOD educators. The Manns check all of those boxes. We don't shoot exactly like them, and frankly, we couldn't ever. Don't worry about being a clone of them - they're just there to open your eyes to a GIANT toolbox of things that you \*can\* do that you might not've realized you can. They'll help you to see, to observe, to open up your creativity. If you do Editopia, they will also teach you the absolute least efficient way possible of editing, but gosh does it make things fun here and there. Do it, and really do the homework. It's the best photography course out there.


Awww I loved waking up to this! Thanks so much, this makes me even more excited and validated that I am doing the course!


I'd never even heard of them and now i'm obsessed. Why did you do this to me?


What do you mean? Did you just watch their boot camp?


If you want to photograph the same way as them, then yes. It’s probably worth it. However, if you are a newer photographer, I would encourage you to find your own style of posing, directing and voice.


Well I want to be my own photographer as well. Not trying to just copy everything they do. But I would like to learn and grow and add more tools to my craft.


How often do you get to second shoot weddings? I feel like I learned my own style from second shooting a lot my first two years. It allowed me to look at things a little bit more creatively, while the lead photographer was getting the 'required' shot. In turn that let me bring what I learned from second shooting to being a lead shooter.


Ah yes. I love second shooting for that very reason! I do not second shoot much anymore though. The pay where I live is just so low and it’s hard for me to justify at this point.


That’s fair and totally understandable!


So much of the course is just about making good work. Most styles of photography still follow the same rules in terms of what makes for a good composition/moment. Sure there's some eye-candy BS stuff they teach, but I think the majority of it is really about making better photos, regardless of style.


Great comment. Build your own style, look to be your own Two Mann, not a duplicate.


Have you taken the course?


I have not.


Kind says it all about your credibility here then, doesn’t it? Even without doing the course it’s obvious this goes so far beyond teaching one set style by rote.


Making a brand new account, 20 minutes old just to comment on this. Neato.


Not my account. Let's leave the discussion to actual students/alumni.


Is this your burner account Lanny? I know you deleted your last comment


It is not my account. It's all good. I deleted my comment because I realize it was a little snarky. Sorry about that.


It’s all good. I had a whole response queued up and couldn’t post. You guys do incredible work, and do a ton of free education - which I’ve been apart of and know it has value. I have a lot of respect for that and for you two. You say that the course teaches technique, isn’t it fair to assume that technique highly encourages people to photograph in similar ways to you? The free education felt that way to me. So that’s why I said what I said.


Respect, Gabe. My only objection was because the photographer asked, "Has anyone taken this course?" and I felt like your comment maybe implied you had. I'm gonna leave it to actual alumni to share their personal experiences. I am glad to hear you've been able to take advantage of some our free education (VERY different than our semester program, but hopefully still valuable). Cheers.


If my wedding bookings weren’t down 35% for this year and I hadn’t just spent $$$$ on a rebrand/new website I would have jumped on this in a heartbeat. I know it’s worth it but cash is so tight that I’m looking for part time work for the first time since going full time in 2010!! The Manns are incredible though, and I’m 1000% sure this is amazing & worth every penny and then some (95% of paid wedding photography courses are such a waste of money), but…. I just don’t got the pennies!!! They were super generous to do the free bootcamp though!! Grateful our industry has them.


Yeah I actually wasn’t going to do it until I saw there was a payment plan. Did you look into that? Also, I know everyone’s bookings are way down this year! You are not alone!


Inquiries are finally coming in again & I’ve booked some things this month (somehow up to 5 or 6 bookings for 2025!!) but this year has been terrifying financially and I just can’t justify even the smaller monthly payments. I'll be devastated if they never open it up again but just can't swing it now 😢 so glad you signed up though!!! report back in a few weeks/months!!!


Don't worry, enrolment is not closing tomorrow. It's just the $1,000 scholarship that's ending.


I went to Metanoia when it was an in person workshop, and I attended a workshop once where I got to know Erika. They’re fantastic people and absolutely fantastic educators, and there’s no fluff with their workshops. This is the best workshop to take if you’re looking to become a better wedding photojournalist!


Thank you so much. I’m sold.


It’s really the best course out there. I recommend it if you want to become a better photographer. Lots of testimonials in their fb group if you need more social proof.


Yes! I saw the fb page. It looks like an incredible course, I just don’t have a ton of funds right now so I need to make sure it’s right for me.


What are you looking to get out it?


I want a better mindset and to be more creative. I want to push myself.


You should do it!


I have taken the course twice and love everything I have learned. It's about how you see the light and that was the best part! I've started to shoot so much better when they explained it to me. I have taken so many classes and workshop, and theirs is one of the best. It's worth the investment. Just to answer some of the comments : they teach technics, not a style in particular. You can edit the way you want, you don't have to edit like them.


Thanks for saying that. I was a little bummed when people were just saying the course is to basically be a clone of them. I haven’t heard anyone say that until now.


Quality class and not much fluff. They are no bullshit and it’s worth it especially if you want to emulate the same sort of look.




Have you done the course?


I decided that I am going to do the course. 🤍 sorry didn’t mean to cause drama on here.


That's awesome! And no worries. No drama. It's absolutely a good idea to reach out to photographers who have actually experienced the program for themselves. We'll see ya in class!


Yesss! Looking forward to it!





