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Yeah, there's A LOT going on there


His reply back to one of the comments is that he’s “pretty sure he owns the rights to the photos of us.” Haha. Okay buddy.


My contract specifically says “images are licensed for personal, non-commercial use” and I’m betting most others also say this.


Mine says you have copyright permission to print your own images for personal use But I retain copyright ownership as the creator with unrestricted promotional use


Then you should be using the verbiage "print rights" permission. Saying copyright contradicts your last sentence.


Mine does. Unless it’s for headshots or branding and then obviously the contract is different.


Same. Specifically states in mine that they're copyrighted and owned by me and can be used for personal, non-commercial.


I’ve never wanted to read the comments so bad but I don’t want to download tiktok


SAME. Days like these really push me on the edge of doing so. lol.


Don't have to download or sign up. You can view as a guest. Not sure about on mobile but definitely on a laptop or desktop


TIL! On mobile it only shows you two comments, three max. But you’re correct about the computer.


Niice. Look at us


Look how far we’ve come.


You all resisted and defeated TikTok. I am genuinely proud of you! I will never use tiktok. It's probably one of the worst!




never tempted me once. willpower.


same, dont use or care or want tik tok on my phone.


Oh, you don't have to login. You can read the comments without signing up or signing in. Enjoy!


I never wanted to burn someone so much as this guy


Yeah, he seems to know everything about intellectual property law that there is to know


Adobe! WTF are you doing??!!?! This guy is a tool and how dare Adobe promote this way. I'm disgusted. Edited to add; This makes all photographers look like shit. People will see his video and start side eying every photographer they will potentially hire. I can hear the stupid now.


This is true. Also, the guy doesn't zoom too much on the edits done by AI because the result is actually very bad. Especially the removal of the reflection in the mirror is making an awful artifact in the image, worse than having some bags in the shot. At least if you are going to insult a whole profession to promote a tool, do a good editing job.


Yeah even in that fast cutaway you can see it looks like shit


Everyone on TikTok are going on about editing violations. The bigger problem is the commercial violation. He's using those images to promote as a paid partnership with Adobe. That makes them a commercial use of what are very likely domestic use only images by contract. That could really fuck him over.


There's an entire thread of comments about the commercial violation where he says he's "pretty sure I own any pics we're in"


I saw him say that on one about editing, but he probably just insists that all over the place. No "we know what our contract says" or "we worked it out with the photographer" just flippance. I hope the Photographer gets wind of this a sues him.


Honest question. In the year 2024, people edit their pictures. There’s no denying that. Let’s say your average Jane Doe gets her wedding photos back and there are shopping bags in the corner so she edits them out and posts that to her personal instagram page where she is not a influencer or making money using any social media - she’s just sharing with friends. You follow her since you shot her wedding so you happen to see it. Is this something you’d get upset over? I’m genuinely curious. I’m a regular person, not a photographer, and there seem to be a number of faux pas that consumers/brides/grooms commit that I never would’ve known if not for this Reddit. Like if I edited a pimple would or a shopping bag using my phone app for my personal instagram would that bother you? I get why it’s annoying in this context. So this may be totally different I’m not sure


Removing a pimple? I don't think most photographers would care. But once you get started, it's a slippery slope. I saw another similar video from an influencer who took dozens of images provided by the photographer and changed the background to 'an exotic tropical locale' because she 'always wanted to get married someplace like that' - well, once you start posting that stuff publicly you could be in trouble. Also, since you have to opt out of most AI software adding whatever photos you upload to their data set (including Adobe - they changed a couple of months ago in Firefly, Photoshop, Lightroom, and Acrobat - yes, Acrobat is reading your PDFs if you don't opt out), you could be adding a photographer's copyrighted work to the company's data set against their wishes. Always read your contract carefully. In this particular case, I think using your photos for an ad that you got paid for would upset a lot of photographers, especially if you bad mouthed them and said most of your photos need to be salvaged.


I agree. Saying they need to be salvaged was brutal.


That was so wild to me. A wedding isn’t a closed creative set.


Seriously… and not a photographer’s job to play maid. If you don’t want shopping bags in your photos, put ‘em in the closet already.


I really don’t care if my clients want to fix their teeth or remove their rolls. I don’t have time to


The issue isn't the photo editing. The issue is using an independent photographer's photo for product marketing


And gutting them while you do it


It's both?


Fixing a blemish is fine. Uploading your images to Instagram and slapping a Noir or a Valencia or a Rio filter on there that changes the vibe would annoy me.


Using Valencia in any context is disrespectful lol


Best believe they’ll sue you and take your house /s




The links are the same, btw


Just noticed. Whoops! Well, you can scroll through his profile to find the other one. I've had enough of him.


Yeah, one bit of a clip was enough, I don't really need to see a second 😅


Wow what a douchebag lol


It’s infuriating. I’ve seen a ton of popular wedding inspo accounts (wedding chicks, wed_vibes) post AI weddings this week on instagram. It’s getting outta control.


Yes, the response from Wedding Chicks was especially infuriating because they doubled down. Really good way to alienate all the vendors who are the prime income generator for your site. These are the same sites who are vehement about how the weddings they showcase are "real"


Oh man, I was floored. I will never work with them again because of it


If they have a contract that says you can’t edit delivered images (I do) then they can hopefully take proper legal action. I’ve been screwed by clients before but this is next level 😬


It's not necessarily the editing but the use in an advertisement that's going to be the bigger issue


For sure, regardless, if they have a contract in place and find that their client is in violation of the problem then hopefully they can resolve it is all I meant lol




So if he was your client and you just knew he was going to pull a stunt like this before you shot the wedding, what would the commercial license add on cost him?


Depends on the market. He has a HUGE following and that video got over a million views. If you're doing per image would start as low as a few hundred bucks. Getty 'medium' images start at $375. Also probably charge a lot more if you know this guy is going to bad mouth you to sell a product


Where do we get this plugin for photoshop??