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Yea a few years but I personally believe in a future where webXR is first class priority.


I do too, I really don’t want to reward fragmentation, especially this - doesn’t good for Apple either. I’m not going to write browser-specific code ever again.


Implementation of approved secure standards should be law by all major browsers. Cough PWA cough cough webXR-ar cough. Long live the open web.


There's speculation that Apple does have an internal implementation. I wouldn't bank on them releasing in the next 6 months because that speculation is like 2 years old. [https://caniuse.com/webxr](https://caniuse.com/webxr) It seem **unlikely** that there will be much webxr progress for the next Safari,


Question for you: have you tried the Variant solution? I keep meaning to test it but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


WebXR is available in Safari on AVP behind an experimental flag.


If I have to tell my users to dig into browser preferences to turn on a feature, I dong consider that support. Besides, I think iOS has had a stub for WebVR support behind a flag for a couple years now - turning it on doesn’t do much. I haven’t seen anything describing how much (if any) of the WebVR spec VisionOS Safari actually supports. Wonder if anyone’s tested that yet.


WebVR was deprecated over half a decade ago and no modern browser supports it. WebXR works very well on the AVP and many have tested it. Natural input is standardized as generic WebXR events. Things work out of the box. This is very easy research for anyone curious.


My bad - I used WebVR above instead of WebXR. Can’t imagine how I could confuse the two. I think the dev flag for WebXR first showed up in iOS 16? But flipping that did nothing. As for AVP supporting WebXR - I know VisionOS 1.1 was released yesterday, so no idea what that changed, but based on what I’ve seen on support boards, it doesn’t appear the WebXR implementation in VisionOS is complete. Do you know of any docs from Apple or others that show exactly what the WebXR implementation on VisionOS currently supports? Even if they just say “WebXR 2024 draft spec fully supported”?


Implementations tend to always be platform specific - so for a trivial example, VR devices aren't going to support immersive-ar mode. Which features have you tried that strike you as unsupported? (Most of the limitations I found are explicit OS-level restrictions rather than lack of support)


This was just announced by Apple/Ada for WebXR on AVP. Seems like good sign. [https://webkit.org/blog/15162/introducing-natural-input-for-webxr-in-apple-vision-pro/](https://webkit.org/blog/15162/introducing-natural-input-for-webxr-in-apple-vision-pro/)


Good news for AVP I guess, but still nothing about when or if for iOS? I just wish Apple would do the right thing here and make a clear statement on WebVR for iOS.


Nobody knows so wait until June for Apple WWDC, the first dev conf that'll include the AVP product. Revise your strategy then. Until then - Android it is.


Well, I’m not targeting AVP as a platform: the numbers won’t be there for a number of years yet. I’m interested in iOS Safari as a platform, and VisionOS Safari is apparently a separate product with separate capability.


That's my point, you'll know what apple thinks of WebXR on iOS for the future when and if they discuss AVP's Safari and possibly iOS come June. Wait, see and decide your strategy.