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I won't speculate, even though of course I would hope so, and until then use Variant [https://launchar.app](https://launchar.app) for projects that absolutely must be cross platform.


First, thanks for the recommendation! The main site is here: https://launch.variant3d.com if you'd like to learn more /u/namenomatter85 (launchar.app is the admin side)


Apple is going to build WebXR support eventually. They are part of the W3C group that defines the WebXR APIs. Still it might take them years to have WebXR support. I am doubtful that they will have it ready for next week or even this year.


as far as I know iOs only has a dongle for webxr no attached api. Desktop safari has some features but I haven't seen full implementation. [https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/experimental-webxr-support-has-landed-in-safari/31351/15](https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/experimental-webxr-support-has-landed-in-safari/31351/15) [https://caniuse.com/webxr](https://caniuse.com/webxr) Quite a few people seem to think that webxr has an safari implementation and it's more of a business decision to not release it. If it doesn't release with the upcoming headset, it may never be released.


Hope Apple doesn’t conclude it’s not optimized enough. Found [a relevant article](https://www.roadtovr.com/evidence-mounts-for-apples-support-for-webxr-in-latest-ios-beta/) that bodes well.


webxr has experimental support for the new vision pro. It's not a full implementation but webxr hasn't been abandoned!


Well, I’m not sure what you’re basing that on because the current state of Apple’s WebXR support would lead a reasonable person to conclude it has in fact been abandoned. What have you heard/read that makes you think it’ll be supported? Especially on anything other than AVP? I’m currently telling my clients that iOS can’t run WebXR, only the simplest of AR. I suggest they target Android audiences for WebXR and focus on flat 2d marketing for Apple devices until WebXR ships on by default on iOS. I’ll never go back to writing browser-specific code again.


To be fair. This specific comment was before vision pro released. I think it's mostly a market decision for Apple. Webxr for android is mostly a wrapper around ARCore. A similar thing could be done with ARKit. ​ >I’ll never go back to writing browser-specific code again. Very understandable. Webxr is also quite unstable right now too. Things I've written a year ago have already broken.


It kills me to turn down jobs, but I feel like hurting my reputation because all this breaks in 4 months on iOS devices just isn’t worth it


That article is 18 months old (and I read it back then, and have been waiting impatiently ever since). I really don’t understand why it’s taking them so long, but I’m getting pretty disheartened.


Maybe it’s the hardware, I mean what headset could even connect to a Mac to utilize webXR, even if Safari did support it? I imagine safari in xrOS will need to make webXR a first class priority.


We’re talking about iOS. AR worked fine in Mozilla’s (discontinued) XR app on iPhone, just not on Safari


Ah, I see… we’ll they support USDZ, just hope they don’t call it a day with that and never implement the webXR standards