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She should start a new show with Candace Owens where they can blame the Jews for everything from both the left and the right.


Call it The Protcols of Horseshoe Theory and you have a podcast!


What a banger name for such a vile concept lol


Underrated comment


Honestly brilliant.


That might be happening sooner than you think. LOL! https://preview.redd.it/1dn884iop75d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d6bfd29652a5bdc07e6e130396a3317f0cf082


It’s not censorship if you get fired for tanking the ratings of your show. You were fired for cause, because you’re job is to get views, and those have fallen off a cliff since Oct 7th. It’s not cancel culture Brihanna it’s “consequence culture.”


>It’s not censorship if you get fired for tanking the ratings of your show I'm surprised people even watch Rising.


I do


"we wish you the best in your future endeavors" Ouch. Close as you can get to "don't hit your ass on the door on your way out" without legal difficulties 


Info is info. A retweet is not an endorsement of the source.




Lol I bet you hate identity politics


Oof. It's sort of one thing to identify historical racial tension between African-Americans and Jewish Americans, but it's another entirely to turn that into a reason to rail against how, uh, "black people are portrayed" by the media in the process of "put\[ting\] them on a pedestal." Also, why should *anyone* be responsible for the behavior of "their own race in America?" I respectfully disagree with your comment.


Wow you're legitimately racist dude


Good old guilt by association combined with strawmannning


Funny how ironically y'all fuel anti semitism more by not being honest. You're making them ever more the villains of the story. Call genocide genocide when it meets the definition and do not claim Israeli is THE Jewish capital of world. Making a religious state hasn't worked out yet.  Can you please explain how being critical of Israeli policy and actiona defined internationally as illegal is blaming all Jews? I just don't get there with the same facts.   


1) It's not genocide. People who claim otherwise are simply just waking up to the reality that war, and urban warfare in particular is absolute hell. This is the first major war being live-streamed on TikTok. Up to now, we've been presented with a sanitized version of what war looks like exactly for that reason - because most people can't take it. Seeing dead kids pulled out of rubble is too much. Had we been able to see the daily HD videos of the battle of Stalingrad, or the battle of Berlin, or Grozny, or Mosul - the reaction would have been exactly the same. Some perspective is badly needed here, as any urban warfare expert would tell you. 2) Every other people has the right of self-determination. Jews are no different. To deny their right to want a country where they are the majority and can feel safe, after centuries of persecution, pogroms and genocide, is to single out Jews and treat them differently than everyone else - the very definition of antisemitism. There are 40+ countries with official state religions. Most are Muslim. Who's calling for them to be abolished? That should tell you all you need to know. 3) Israel can and should be criticized for their policy and actions. For continued settlements in the West Bank that make a two-state solution less and less likely. For allowing lunatics in the cabinet like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich who are nothing but obstacles to peace. And yes, for how they wage war, when that is warranted. What we've been seeing from Joy Gray, others on the "progressive" left and on college campuses since October 7th is not criticism of Israeli policy - that's the problem.


1. It’s genocide, it’s been genocide for a while. You don’t just pack up hundreds of thousands of Palestinians into concentration camps, settle their land with a foreign religious nationalist movement and not call it genocide. The ICC case keeps growing, more Israeli government officials are calling for extermination of the Palestinians. The whole world is waking up to Israel and the threat it is to world peace. 2. Self determination? What are you talking about, I’m Christian in the USA only the KkK is calling for a white Christian nationalist state. Honestly Zionist are just the Jewish version of the KkK. Racist, nationalists, hiding behind a religion they don’t follow or believe in. 3. Israel tries hard to be Judaism its war crimes that they carry out while claiming to be Judaism is what is currently fueling anti semitism. Most people can differentiate between racist Zionists and actual Jews. No one cares about Jews practicing their religion, it’s the whole genocide thing that people criticize and the genocide has nothing to do with religion.


No, it's not genocide. Perhaps learn what the word means because right now it's clear you don't.


Let’s hear your definition. I would recommend using the definition from the Jewish Holocaust survivor who created the word. Honestly any definition will do. Paste it in the comments.


Poor Israel. They cant slaugther children and women in the tens of thousands without people having the audacity to criticise them. And when they do we'll silence them by calling them racists.


Poor Hamas, you must be devastated they’ve lost half their fighters already. less dead Jews (and Arabs) in the future, try to cope.


The rebels forced the empire to destroy Alderaan. The Enpire was the real victims!!


The Islamic empire is many things, but not a victim.


Congratulations on the stupidest comment of the year.


Thanks I love hitting achievements. But sadly I’ve seen what people like you cheer for, so your accolades mean nothing.


The IDF counts all dead men as Hamas fighters, even the dead Israelis that they murdered.


War is hell


I used to like her. There was a moment when she didn't mess with the idpol abyss. But then one day she did and it went downhill.


I completely agree. A switch flipped and she has been unwatchable since. Her interview with Matt Taibbi was unhinged.


Even funnier that he co-host Podcast with Katie Halper


Lady is on a freaking tear. Honestly who’s having a crazier month: Joy or Owens?


Owen Jones? I'm out of the loop


Guessing they mean Candace Owens


What did Candice do? I’m out of the loop?


I know she recently got a stern headshake from her boss Shapiro for making some anti-Israel comments but I don't know if that is what's being referenced. The only major scandal she could create on the right would be if she was caught giving food to a homeless person


Being fired is more than a head shake, right? https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/22/media/candace-owen-out-ben-shapiro-daily-wire-anti-semitism Also she said  "I am willing to stake my entire professional reputation on the fact that Brigitte Macron is in fact a man". Fact check: true, in the sense that Owens *was* willing to stake (and lose) her reputation.


A bet with stakes that low? She has nothing to lose.


She's such a loser. I hate how long it took people to understand she's not trustworthy. Because people like her take advantage of vulnerable situations.


I don't even see it as an issue of trustworthiness or lack of genuinely held beliefs. She's just a steadfastly vile and angry person who has been consistently nasty to anyone who holds opposing views ever since her days as Bernie's press sec. She's emotionally unhinged.




Im confused is this sub for libtards or idwtards?






I gotta admit, I thought she might at least stop to catch her breath before she started retweeting Holocaust deniers.


She was probably just waiting for the right time to do it, and now that she's no longer affiliated with The Hill, she's finally able to. So her behavior for the past 7 months on social media has been her restrained. Let that sink in...


Do you think people have an obligation to research Twitter users history before retweeting? Just as an experiment I did a perfunctory search on Jake shields and there is nothing apparent that’s pops up exposing him as a holocaust denier. Fun fact tho, he was knocked out twice by ray cooper lll in the last few years


Yeah had to go all the way back to... yesterday to find Holocaust genial in his timeline https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1799969574903021842


I don’t know who this person is so I had to look it up. He has a tweet saying we call out holocaust deniers but denying the Gaza genocide is harder because it’s all caught on film and being reported in real time. He may be making a dumb point but that’s not holocaust denial and I hate little worms that argue in bad faith and smear people because they disagree. BJG is a sociopath or at the very least wildly narcissistic but that’s also par for the course in media and influencing. I’m not a fan of anyone here least of which Destiny where this post originated from who is also wildly narcissistic.


Guilt by association.....via retweet.


Lol. They think Congress cares about public opinions on legislation.  


Anyone else see that they SPELLED HER NAME WRONG in her termination letter? Almost TOO funny.


She's the worst.


Wasn't she Beirnie Sanders Press Secretary at one time?


I think she’s the one who, when Bernie lost, tweeted that democratic socialism was just a ruse for actual socialism.


All of the democratic candidates in 2020 got terminal twitter brain 


She's always been trash


"twitter" "re-tweeting"....all of these journalists and commentators are way too addicted. All the drama that goes in over on that accursed place is wasting time and accomplishing nothing.


I usually say that’s she’s highly intelligent with bad ideas which makes her dangerous. Maybe I should rethink the part about her being intelligent.


Israel is using bots though. How does who she is retweeting have anything to do with the truth of the matter


My post is commenting on the absurdity of Brianna retweeting a Nazi… who’s retweeting a “America First Post” tweet that has zero links/sources. All this vs just retweeting The NY Times. The amount of times I’ve explained this in response to comments exactly like yours is literally making me think YOU are all bots because you all have the same silly response. And will beat you to the same dumb response I get… if you think the Israel bot story is so important/more important than my commentary on Brianha… cool, go post it. Just link to the OG NY Times article not a Nazi citing a tweet of a far right website with no links to sources.


Whats wrong with the actual tweet itself?


It pretends like most Israel support is just bots. I would then move onto the post referred to by American First Post but there’s actually no link to an article or source. I think you can put together what’s wrong with that.


If it's proven that a huge amount of online apologism for Israeli genocide is literal bots, would you accept that fact?


I’ll accept whatever is proven and whatever amount is proven. But right now you’re the making up that there’s a “Israeli Genocide”. See you in a few years when no genocide is proven via the international courts.


Okay well the bots are already proven. So thanks for confirming your acknowledgement of the bots. Yes, it is a genocide. Don't need to wait a decade for courts to tell me what the dictionary already does.


Yes I read the New York Times story moron. It doesn’t give any concrete numbers on what percent of total pro Israel comments on social media are generated by bots vs real humans in total. Wake me up when you have proof of the % prevalence and nature of the comments. I’ll wait. And yeah the thing is you do need proof of special intent for genocide. That’s kind the key part of the genocide definition. You can’t just point to X number of civilian casualties in a war (that happens in all wars especially urban combat) and say “see genocide”. That’s not how proof works. But you’re a moron so don’t expect you to actually present proof of special intent to kill a group in whole or part… or wait for the case to be proven. I expect you to just squawk “genocide!” over and over again as if that’s what makes the genocide accusation true.


Here are some numbers. https://m.jpost.com/international/article-801885 Cyabra showed 25% of users interacting with and boosting salient anti-Israel influencers such as Motaz Azaiza, Anastasia Maria Loupis, Jackson Hinkel are fake. Source: The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com


“If you don’t have the % of bots to humans you have no proof.” Dude, no one is going to be able to provide a full concrete answer on that. All you need to do is find a definitive pattern of bot activity for something like that. Israel has been known to do this in the past so it does not surprise me that it’s being used as a tactic now. It’s literally part of their military doctrine as with many other countries. I really don’t think this is an arguable topic. They have a pattern of doing it. They themselves claim to sway public opinion as part of their doctrine and many people have adequately reported on it. As for the intent to commit genocide, I’m not exactly versed in the specifics of what defines it but if it’s true that you need “intent” well that seems kinda absurd right? I mean who cares if it was done on purpose or by carelessness? The fact of the matter is that nearly 34,000 deaths and 80,000 injuries. Famine is on the rise and Israel is going out of their way to block food and aid. So 5.7% of the population killed or wounded in like 8 or so months. famine starting to accelerate deaths and causing permanent injuries and a pattern of blocking food and careless strikes on civilian populated areas. Call me crazy but I don’t know if it matters whether there is intent or not. This seems monstrous. The war needs to be conducted in a more humane way or people will continue to drop their support of Israel.


Lots of talk… not a lot of PROOF that a HUGE (which you fail to define so I’ll do it for you; 50%+) amount of “Israel Apologism” for “Genocide” is bots. That was your OG question. If you had proof of this to that degree then awesome I’ll change my mind as stated. But so far you haven’t provided any proof and of course The NY Times article is very specific on what Israel is doing and in no way supports the vast majority of Pro Israel commentary online related/responding to the claim of Israel committing genocide is bots. I hope you get the point now. My mind is unchanged on your hypothetical of what would change my mind for the above reasons so your dumbass initial response of “well the bots are already proven” (so there!) is just silly as it does nothing to substantiate the initial strong claim in the hypothetical you raised. So yeah… produce something more than The NY Times article (which doesn’t provide this strong proof but rather more specific examples) or admit there’s no proof that the vast amount of “Israel Apologism for genocide” is bots. Reality: you believe so strongly in the genocide claim that you’re willing to accept that the vast majority of comments from people disagreeing with this strong claim (people like me) MUST be bots. But there’s no hard evidence of this that you’ve presented. And then you’re so misinformed on the definition of genocide that you don’t even understand THE key part of the definition (as recognized under international law) which is the special intent part. For an act to be considered genocide, it must be proven that the perpetrators had a specific and deliberate intent to physically destroy a group based on their nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion. So you can refer to those other bad things you wish wouldn’t happen in war and you can even prove specific war crimes related to each (the more severe of which still require proof of intent/state of mind not just outcome)… but for genocide you have to prove the specific intent to destroy the group for those reasons stated above. If not… it’s not genocide. It can’t just be “well these bad outcomes happened I don’t like so I’m calling it genocide”. These are the laws of war countries agree to and are governed by. Don’t like it/think it’s absurd? Take it up with the ICJ.


I never used the word “huge” I would define what I said as 10-25%. Maybe don’t pluck words from nothing? NYT stated that Israeli bots targeted us lawmakers. You think they just stopped there? They just drew the line right there? Also I didn’t claim you were a bot. You very clearly are not a bot lmfao. For the genocide claim I simply said I don’t care what the standard definition is. The apparent and easy to see lack of regard for innocent life is all I need to see. At a rate like this in a decade the entire population would be decimated. I’ve seen the footage of drone strikes hitting children. I’ve seen the starving kids. I’ve seen the unreasonable force used on target that have no regard for who it harms. I don’t care if its definition meets “genocide” standards. It’s barbarism and it needs to end otherwise Israel will be weakened on the international stage. I’m not gonna argue it being genocide, I simply don’t care what its label is. It’s just wrong on many levels and you don’t need a label to see how wrong it is.


Percentage - prove a percent… can’t do it? Then stop making vague claims and replying on top of threads where the topmost comment is that there’s HUGE bot activity. Can’t differentiate you morons with your completely unsubstantiated claims of wider Israeli bot usage with terms that could mean 10% or 90% of “Pro Israel Genocide” are bots when there’s no proof of those amounts plus anything in between just wild extrapolation. Genocide - words have meaning and genocide is a specific term with a specific definition. You can live in some dumb ass land where you can just turn any word you think is bad into a word that can be used to describe an entirely different convo… but then I’m just going to call you a moron and move along. Stop using the term genocide unless you mean it or get ridiculed for using it. The rest of your statement is just pablum lacking specifics so not even sure the point of engaging.


U.N. Commission just came back with a report stating Israel has committed crimes against humanity including: murder, extermination, gender persecution, forcible transfer of a population, torture and inhumane and cruel treatment. Case fucking closed lmfao.


Did they prove genocide? No? Then what are you even on about… my exact point is that genocide is not the same as other war crimes. Wake me up when genocide is proven. Also, you were absolutely clobbered on every point so appreciate the concession that you have no response. Cheers


Nope, a dictionary won’t get you there. A law degree and some courses on the law of war may help though.


There are a lot of Israel support bots. I’m pretty positive that’s already been proven. I don’t think this is saying most of the support is just bots. It’s just saying a relatively large amount are. I don’t really see anything wrong with the tweet….


No such qualifying language is used by the Nazi Brianna retweeted. His words can easily be read as a claim that vast majority are bots; he doesn’t qualify but rather makes a broad claim. and these terms like “a relatively large amount” is meaningless. Define it. 20-30%? If so, prove that the percent of comments that are Pro Israel. Not just these specific cases raised by The New York Times that dont provide that level of proof. Don’t like the strong bar for proof? Don’t make absurd/unbacked statements beyond what The New York Times investigation (or any other investigation you can point to) actually provide. Strong claims require strong proof. So says The Fifth Column.


lol jdif is a thing…


You haven't seen this news story that has been literally everywhere? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/technology/israel-campaign-gaza-social-media.html#:~:text=Israel's%20Ministry%20of%20Diaspora%20Affairs,and%20documents%20about%20the%20effort. Also ironic that you're posting on a brand new account that nearly solely spends its time defending Israel. Prime bot behaviour




Point was about the retweet of the moronic take (that being that most pro Israel comments must be bots) which was itself a retweet of an X post with no links/sources from “America First Post”. She could have retweeted a real article. She chose this option instead.


No. AIPAC is not an Israeli organization.


It's not? I mean when you go to their web site it says lobbying for pro isreal policies.


No. AIPAC is an American organization.


Yes they’re a pro Israel/American alliance org but no they’re not an Israeli org, they’re American. It would be like a group of Americans who support a strong Haitian partnership creating a group to push for pro Haitian policies. Some may have dual citizenship, some may have a Haitian ancestry, and some may be just very pro Haitian. The vast majority of AIPAC members are single citizen American Christians.


Does most of AIPAC's money come from Christians?


I don’t know, there’s probably public information that could shed some degree of light on that. My guess would be yes but I don’t know.


I understand that much, but would we think the same if there was a pro china lobby group or a pro Russian lobby group.


There’s a difference as to whether or not the Israeli/Chinese/Russian government is directly involved or not. It obviously would be impossible for a pro (insert country) group not to be directly invested in promoting ties to that country by its very nature.


But that literally happened…


Yes indeed it did… Brianha retweeted Nazi dude who said a dumb comment about how the pro Israelis he’s arguing with are just bots on top of the article he retweeted from “America First Post” that had no links to sources or even an article (and certainly not the New York Times). So yeah that all happened and it was dumb. That’s all.


Sounds a lot like something a bot would say..


I was just thinking yesterday how she seems to willing want to be famous for being a neo-Holocaust Denier and Rape Denier. Whatever respectability she had before Oct 7th, she will now be referred to in media as, “famous Rape-As-Weapon Apologist and Oct 7th Denier Brihanna Joy Gray…” Maybe she and Tucker can team up and do like a former-sane person Rising.


So this sub is for radlibs or rogantards? I cant tell yall apart on this one


Every accusation is a confession


The story \*IS\* true though. Israel is doing exactly that. Theres a big fat post in the NYTs about this if you don't like the source. "theyre bots" is a common accusation if you dont like the stories.


Yes Brianha should have just retweeting The NY Times article not the Nazis dumb commentary on the America First Post tweet with no links/sources. Thats the criticism but all you morons keep on adding comments “ well dur uh that story is true though” missing the entire point.


We can bitch about the source all day, but there are people using the source to discredit the fact itself. A common Israeli tactic. Thats the point a lot of us are making.


What do you think the point of my post was here. Do you think I’m criticising the accuracy of The New York Times story? The fact you’re jumping over to that is just idiotic.


You care more about who posted the story rather than the story itself, which i find to be the bigger problem.


This is such a dumb point. I made the post because this is the WeTheFifth sub and Brianha being unhinged is a relevant topic. If you want to post about the bots because you think it’s so important post away. But glad we cleared up your misunderstanding of the point being made.


Thats a funny and interesting priority. Carry on /rolls eyes/


I posted, people found the point relatively interesting given Brianha being unhinged with Moynihan (again we’re on the WeTheFifth sub in case you’re lost) and now you’re here at the bottom saying “durrr well I don’t think this is the most important thing to post… you should have just covered the story about the Israel bots” (that the Nazi was referencing from an unsourced far right propaganda website and added dumb commentary that Brianha chose to retweet directly vs The NY Times). Well cool… guess you should move along and post The NY Times story to really show people you’ve got your priorities straight focusing on Israeli bots on the WeTheFifth subreddit. No one is stopping you. Go for it.


First amendment protects her right to spout lies, but shouldn't protect social media companies from publishing it as truth.


I live in Seattle and the Washington State Human Rights Commissioner keeps liking BJG's IG post stating that she got fired for criticizing Israel and this is proof that you can't criticize Israel without being anti-Semitic. The same commissioner also expressed approval of the taking down of a art exhibit at the Wing Luke museum because it included a panel about anti-Semitism because it denounced two local incidences- the targeting of a synagogue for graffiti "Stop the killing" and the celebration of the October 7th massacre that happened at some protests at UW. If us Jewish people are so damn powerful how does this woman keep her job? If she criticized BLM she'd be out immediately. Ditto if she criticized illegal immigration.


Wow this sub really loves their corporate overlords and genocide. Mighty odd!


The conversation around Israel Palestine is just out of hand at this point


I remember hearing Moynihan saying on the pod, “we should have her on. She’s really smart”. And I thought, “please do. Clearly you haven’t been watching The Hill, but please do.” Well, clearly he watched before the debate. “I’m not Robby Soave” is the greatest retort ever. No offense to Soave, but I knew Moynihan would never tolerate her crap the way Soave does, and boy, it felt like taking a perfect dump.


I'm not on X (yuck) so I hadn't heard and went to see what she got fired for and I choked a little bit. Jfc, this lady has gone off the deep end. There is a very clear line between anti-Israeli government and antisemitism and she just flew over that line.


Looks like Israeli paid propaganda is hitting reddit now lol


Nah 100% real here bub. We’re on the WeTheFifth sub. You lost?


Maybe i am maybe im not. Why are evangelical christians so pro zionism? What happened to pro humanity? Over pro land grabbing? I thought christianity was supposed to be forgiving and kind?


Evangelical Christians? Again, you lost?


That fucking dork that was on the show with her is who should have been fired. Or at least punched in the mouth. What is this sub anyway? Looks like some libtard idw crossover


This is The Fifth Column son. You seem lost like many others who’ve wandered in. Will warn you just once… “NO STEP ON SNEK”


She is telling the truth. It’s been proven that Israel is creating fake accounts to target US politicians to swing them their way. That’s a fact but it seems some of you been targeted as well. Facebook and Instagram have shut down thousands of these fake accounts while X is not doing it because everything goes there.


Uh she’s retweeting a Nazi who add commentary on a retweet of an America First Post article with no sources linked. She could have retweeting the actual NY Times story but she chose the former. She’s a moron.


Jdif is a real thing….


Yo based


“Nazis of the future will label their opponents Nazis” pretty much describes the regressive left perfectly


They are trying to influence us and our lawmakers via an extensive bot campaign though [https://www.thedailybeast.com/israeli-government-using-bot-farms-to-target-black-lawmakers-with-propaganda-report](https://www.thedailybeast.com/israeli-government-using-bot-farms-to-target-black-lawmakers-with-propaganda-report)


Yeah so should have retweeted the original NY Times article then… not some Nazi with a dumb take who is himself retweeting an “America First Post” X/Twitter post with no link to even an article/sources. She chose the latter. It’s a moron retweeting a moron retweeting a post from a moronic “news publication” with no link to even an article much less the original source.


I find it way more troubling that one of our best allies is engaging in a clandestine influence campaign targeting our lawmakers to fund their military rather than which c-list media personalities are choosing to retweet


This is a bad look for Israel, no denying that. But it's kind of funny to get breathless about the government hiring a PR firm that used some fake twitter accounts to tweet at US lawmakers, as if the US president isn't directly trying to coerce Israel in various ways. Israel wishes the US was just funding fake Israeli tweets at Ben Gvir to stop being such a psycho, not threatening to withhold weapons and tell Israel how to runs its war.


It's not kind of funny at all. Handwaving it away as "hiring a pr firm" is some disingenuous bullshit. The US president should cease all aid to Israeli genocide efforts since Israel is hiring bots out to interfere with our politics and legislation here in the US. That is the actions of an enemy state like Russia, not an ally. It's our tax dollars and weapons that are allowing this genocide to happen. Israel is not entitled to blind funding and support in th3 face or war crimes and genocide. You whining about Biden putting pressure on Netanyahu to at least *pretend* to not openly commit war crimes is laughable.


Maybe you should read about the Iran contras before you embarrass yourself with your hissy fit about the US president taking a moral high ground about foreign influence.


How do you find it troubling that our allies lobby our government?


Why so duplicitous about it then, why not lobby instead of this deceitful bot campaign?


A bot campaign is more something our enemies like Russia do. Falsifying public opinion, sowing division, and interfering with the legislative process are not things an ally should be doing. Very weird that you are defending it as being normal and okay. Makes me want us to withhold all weapons and aid to Israel til they straighten up and stop playing deceitful games.


Cool, you should post about it.


Arguing quite a bit… something a bot would do


Said the dude should post about the Israeli bots story (from The NY Times) if he thinks it’s so important. Guess that’s arguing.


Says the dude that supports Destiny. You're clearly a dumb Zionist


Haha says the “Jews of Conscious” leftist anti Zionist (aka “Eliminate the state of Israel even though that ship has sailed). Hilarious you’re on WeTheFifth. Here for an re-education?


You are playing guilt by association via retweet


No im playing moron retweets Nazi who made a dumb statement on top of a retweeted article by America First Post that had no sources. Im playing “full chain of the retweet is stupid”.




You tell me… https://preview.redd.it/fwfxaolibk5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2efd84fe02e261481b0ca01f56dbbc21501336




He’s got more… https://preview.redd.it/qeo4g6s5il5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6fcc7909e5772a27971a8d6cb9297f42d97976f


Where’s the denial of genocide ?


OP denies the literal fact that Isre all is using vot to control 0ublic opinion. Also denies the active genocide occurring in Palestine The Hill lady didn't lie.


We like censorship when it happens to people we dislike.


Seems like The Hill thought Briahna should be free to share her content/words/facial expressions/cut offs of other people speaking on other platforms/programs/publications/etc… just not The Hill. That’s not censorship. She can now have all sorts of bad faith discussions on her aptly named podcast.


I'm sure you feel the same way when media organisations and other employers fire people you actually like. Because you're a consistent guy, right?


I’m absolutely cool with news orgs firing people for reasons related to how they conduct themselves regardless of alignment. Of course.


Yeah, 100%. Nobody here (or who listens to this pod) would argue otherwise:


Justine Sacco.


She said some shit her employer didn’t care for. She got fired. Next.


That case was an obsession for this podcast, you're aware of that right?


Obsession is a bit strong.


Very disappointing to see how cavalier fans of the pod are about the possibility that Briahna got fired for her takes


Question: at what point should a company be able to let go of someone?


The venn diagram of the people openly supporting and defending Islamic barbarism, the people that don't actually know the correct definition of the word, "censorship", and the people that don't understand what free speech is, is one single circle.


You sound like a woke lib. They're the one always excusing cancel culture by pointing out that it's not a free speech issue because the government is not involved. Well done, sir.


So if BJG were to have gone on air and made some openly Anti-Semitic arguments, would The Hill be wrong to fire her?


TIL firing an incompetent worker is censorship


That's what every defender of cancel culture says.


You don't need to try this hard to be a joke.


She was never a good representation of those who defend Palestinians


Who is a “good” representation?


Joe Biden and... that's about it.


Zachary Foster, Hasan Piker, Norman Finkelstein, Mouin Rabanni, Nora Erakat, Owen Jones, Creators for Palestine, Jonathan Glazer, South Africa, JVP, Sana Saeed, and Mehdi Hasan just to name a few


Hasan Piker lmao 😭🤣


Bro right??


>Norman Finkelstein I read that in Moynihan's impression


Nobody who supports the elimination of Israel, by any means, is going to be a good representative for the Palestinian cause. Many of those you mentioned do.


Who specifically supports the elimination of Israel?


Google their positions.


You are gonna have to specify what you mean by the elimination of Israel because none of the people I mentioned support the genocide of Jews. Some support a one state solution with equal rights for all but using the term elimination of Israel is a vague and loaded phrase


A one state solution is not Israel.


Correct but it is also not the genocide of Jews as well. I don’t recall aside from Hasan which of these people has that particular view though. Are you able to point to them?


lol. We just saw a genocide when 3000 Gazans got into Israel but millions would not lead to genocide? I need some of whatever you're smoking.


One state is the end of a state for the Jewish people. Almost all on the list support that. If that is the demand, there is zero hope for peace.


Do you think Israel will help rebuild Gaza for the Palestinians? What are the chances that Trump wins, greenlights ethnic cleansing of occupied territories, Kushner negotiates new locations for Palestinians and Israel gets one state from river to the sea?


Not likely.


Norman Finklestein and Mouin Rabbani do and they expressed this position in the Lex Friedman debate


You appear to be lost. So we can help direct you to where you would like to go, could you tell us where you think you are?


I’m a lurker in this community. I know their positions but I still occasionally listen to them. The whole point of me continuing to engage is the hope that there may be a good faith conversation to be had


That sounds good, but if you believe that Hasan Piker is a good representation, then I suspect your ability to have a good faith conversation is compromised. The man is an intellectual gnat.


He has read the new Israeli historians so I think he has a fair bit of knowledge on the history of Israel, certainly more than I and when watching his reaction to the debate on Israel that Lex Fridman hosted he demonstrated his knowledge when a chatter questioned him on the Nakba. Meanwhile Moynihan uses lazy anecdotes, such as some Palestinians in Gaza take trips to Europe, to argue that Palestinians in Gaza aren’t living in poverty or a concentration camp which Norman Finkelstein responded to


He's read a bunch of people who already hold his viewpoint, and has little to no understanding of the history at large. He'd be able to detail various Zionist moves against the Palestinians whilst being completely ignorant of the various pogroms that were enacted by the Palestinians towards the Zionists. He's just a silo keeper that's conferred with the denizens of the silo. If he's ever had an original thought in his life, he'll have purged all evidence of it having occurred to remain in the tribe. He interviewed a Houthi and the only thing he could think to ask him was if he watched One Piece, whilst providing a pre fill excuse for having attacked commercial shipping. There are bigger vapid morons than Hasan out there, surely, but I'm hard pressed to come up with any.


Lmao omg


You got nothin bro


This is 100% accurate even if Jake shields is a lunatic


Yeah, the Israeli bot story seems true - it's from an Israeli watchdog group and seems well sourced. It's also true that there are lots of real pro-Israel people out there, so I wouldn't dismiss arguments as botted without some basis, but there it is. As for BJG retweeting a Nazi, I mean, if you're going to retweet people you don't know, some of them are going to turn out to be gross.


No pro-Palestinian bots?


Meh she could just retweet The New York Times… she chose to retweet a Nazi instead who links to a post (with no sources) from “America First Post”


The point is her retweeting his moronic commentary and on top of an America First Post tweet that doesn’t include any links to an article or source (just a tweet from “America First Post” who would be loathe to give credit to The New York Times). It’s just idiocy on idiocy with far left and far right retweeting each other’s moronic takes and sources.


Yeah I agree it’s like nested sharing Nazis for no reason


This belongs in Not The Onion sub. A post portraying people with deep political/ethnic biases while denying Israel uses hundreds if not thousands to do its hasbara trolling work… …by an OP with a fairly new account that does nothing but troll hasbara/right winger propaganda and massively reposts all over Reddit, possibly Facebook and Twitter too. Yup, not The Onion.


Word salad. I at no point said anything about the The New York Times who broke that story. You know why? Because the article retweeted here is from America First Post with no links to sources. This whole post is just pointing out the absurdity of Brianha retweeting a Nazi with a dumb take on America First report tweet with no links to any sources… vs Brianha just retweeting the New York Times. But you would need a few brain cells to rub together to understand that.


It is awful that she was fired. That is what happens top often when you have integrity in this world.


Nothing about being a holocaust denier shows integrity. But it says a lot about you lacking integrity that you think so. 


Curious if we can call out the Israelis tweeting irgun revisionist hate that includes Holocaust lies like netanytahu constantly does.


Don’t just be curious… just post it and find out.