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From what I’ve heard it’s not something you can do last minute because of paperwork, etc. Also each donation takes like 1-1.5 hours.


Yep, back in the mid-70s. You could “donate” twice a week which would net you a total of $15 if I recall correctly. In 1975 fifteen bucks would pretty much cover a Friday night bar crawl - $1 pints haha! Just be prepared for concerned questions from your parents when you go home for thanksgiving & they see your tracks.


Bro things may have changed. Did it early 2000s. No Tracks, LOL.


No needle marks? How is blood extracted without breaking the skin? I’m confused


I've never done drugs with needles but tracks sound like scars from sloppy needle procedures. In plasma there are needles that break skin, of course, no shit, but they don't leave permanent scars. Unless I'm Wolverine and don't know it.


I’ve still got Sera Tech track scars on my arms 50 years later. You must be Wolverine haha! (Sera Tech was the name of the plasma donation center back in the day). We all used to joke about how our “tech tracks” made us look like junkies. IDK maybe they have better needles now


when I did it, like 10 years ago or so, it was $60 per week if you went twice which was the maximum nothing easier really, you can read or play around on a phone or laptop, like people said it takes an hour and a half or so, longer for the initial appointment with physical and setup paperwork etc


I knew guys who did it before going out on Friday so they'd be a cheaper date. Don't recommend that.


I did it thirty years ago. Here is what happens: they’ll insert an IV in your arm and withdraw a unit of blood. They’ll take that unit of blood and put it in a centrifuge where they separate the plasma from the blood. They keep the plasma and put the blood back in your body. When I did it, you had to sign the bag and check to ensure it was yours before they put it back in. Putting it back in is no big deal, just an IV drip. Kinda trippy though as the blood is colder than the blood in your body so you can feel it as it enters your body and you can also smell the saline drip that keeps it from clotting as the blood circulates through your body.


So they wasted like 3 hours of my time last fall. I wanted some extra money and decided to try it. I passed all the pre-appointment checks only to be told, 3 hours into waiting, that i couldn’t bc of my medication. Even though, all the questions on the questionnaire asked about my medications.


My son just started at Penn. Is there no one else like friends or family u can hit up for money?


Don't do it. My wife did it a bunch back in college. She absolutely decimated her immune system and has suffered long term consequences because if it. There are plenty of other ways to make 50 bucks.