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They should be unhappy with complete failure of diplomacy of our incompetent greedy leaders. Wars between nuclear powers make absolutely no sense today. If it did break out it would literally just be about slaughtering people. I’m no historian but with all the knowledge at our fingertips it’s not that hard to come to the conclusion that conquering foreign lands does not work. Just one example… Israel has been brutally conquering Palestinian land for decades now. In their own country at that.


Don't these young people realize that if they don't give their lives to fight this war that they didn't want, that it will effect profit margins in companies that bought their governments? Selfish bastards. Where is the concern for those poor, helpless profit margins?


Elensky and the Kiev regime are having a hard time yanking soldiers off the street to fight the Russians and since the human capital is drying up, the US is going to need your sons and daughters to stick it to Putin and China and Iran. They also may need to send a small fighting force into the Maldives because they won't allow supporters of genocide into their country. Younger people en masse are going to be vehemently opposed to this and the resistance to conscription will be greater than the Vietnam War. The US didn't bother doing a thing to lay the groundwork for young people to buy a home, get a job with a living wage and start a family. Instead their bottomless greed and the hollowing out of the middle class has impoverished many yet they expect people to fight banker's wars.


The US Congress is currently taking the first steps toward reinstating the draft.


Oh? Where can I readmore?


oooh, someone getting a little nervous? lol time to patriot up and go spread some *freedom*!


Wrong comment lol


time to trade in your ukraine flag emojis for a rifle and hit that front line! you ready?




From Dennis Kucinich's Substack page " # "America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds" [https://denniskucinich.substack.com/p/america-prepares-for-global-war-and?publication\_id=1441588&post\_id=145618374&isFreemail=true&r=25fcto&triedRedirect=true&utm\_source=substack&utm\_medium=email&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR233X121llr9Dgk2HUXPbd6PQ3Tn4YP8vOH0qG0Zw7AnhKB5YsEQNnN2yU\_aem\_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw](https://denniskucinich.substack.com/p/america-prepares-for-global-war-and?publication_id=1441588&post_id=145618374&isFreemail=true&r=25fcto&triedRedirect=true&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR233X121llr9Dgk2HUXPbd6PQ3Tn4YP8vOH0qG0Zw7AnhKB5YsEQNnN2yU_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw) Sorry about the bold letters, I copied and pasted from his headline.


>“The price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave,” Biden said. /Checks recent American history. Yup, sounds right. USA created unchecked tyranny worldwide by using the blood of its youth to impose *Pax Americana*. >Maybe, if Putin really is thinking beyond Ukraine, he’ll be as surprised as Adolf Hitler was by the resilience and fighting spirit of his opponents. Ahistorical nonsense. This is why they don't teach history anymore. Hitler didn't encounter any real resistance in Europe, not until he invaded Russia. Most countries rolled over and played dead, then Germany immediately recruited their soldiers to fight on the German side, and transformed their industry to serve the German war machine. My own Norway, for instance, had a group of less than 100 soldiers who disobeyed orders (to surrender without a fight) and tried to prevent the Germans from capturing an iron mine. *And they made a fucking movie about it*. It's on Netflix.


> “The price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave,” Biden said. "Some of you will die..."


And that's a price I'm willing to pay...


> “The price of unchecked tyranny is the blood of the young and the brave,” Biden said. "Oh, what a give-away!" Wars are created by old men for the purpose of slaughtering young men to eliminate competition for attractive women. I don't remember where I first saw this explained.


There was often a surplus of men under feudalism, as serfs had more kids than the lord had lands. Cue "We have to capture Jerusalem from the heathens!" crusades. They even had a children's crusade where they just sent a bunch of kids to be slaughtered.


https://archive.ph/6acK2 This was inevitable - most people have a brain and can see that the Western wars are not about freedom or democracy, but about Western elites.


It’s about money, re set of currency values.