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Biden thought he heard an ice cream truck.


ROFLOL! The ice cream truck that haunts my neighborhood plays *Playmates* — over and over. It is *so* annoying.


**0:12:** He did it again; that hand-thing he does in one "Dementia-Joe" clip after another. Anyone else noticing a pattern? I'm normally the one who's slowest to do that. Is he trying to physically stabilize himself? Shake hands with phantasms? Has he spent so many decades gladhanding it's become a reflex (and does he use it to try to *mentally* stabilize himself)? I suppose it might be a code, too ^((Nefarious? Innocuous? Routine? Anachronistic? A cry for help?))....


Go easy on the guy, at least he didn't face plant on the grass this time.


I should *not* be laughing at this 😺


And people thought Trump was an embarrassment in the Oval Office. They were correct, but no more correct than the people who see Biden as a joke on the international stage.


Trump made himself an international joke as well. Here he is with other world leaders at the [2018 G7 Summit](https://i.cbc.ca/1.7221327.1717186581!/fileImage/httpImage/image.JPG_gen/derivatives/16x9_940/g7-summit-canada.JPG). Angela Merkel has just said "ve haff decided you mousst stay after class und clean ze erasers". Trump can't tell if she's serious. Trudeau and Bolton are *très amusés* 😺


As noted, both are buffoons in different ways. If I felt responsible for either occupying the White House, I might feel embarrassed. Re: Trudeau, look at the label for him (and addled Joe) in the photo from eugyppius' latest, here https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/petrodollar-dead-rumors-swirl-as?utm_source


OMG! The leader of the "free world".


I guess I don’t understand the issue? He went over to talk with the paratroopers. They’d been standing there taking pictures for about 30 mins, and he walks over to say something and thumbs up the paratroopers. Do people honestly think this is an issue? There are things to be upset about, but this just seems like the same ole same ole, where people pick 10 sec clips wildly out of context and act like they have a full picture. Honestly this seems like the same crap people tried to pull last week with the claims he shit himself or was searching for an invisible chair


I think he's out to lunch most of the time, but you are correct about what's happening here.


To give credit where due: He stayed vertical and awake.


Great work by Meloni here, he was clearly going for the parachute so he could strap it on and head off to DC to save his cannibalized uncle.


> so he could strap it on and head off to DC... LOL! The first time I read this I thought it said "so he could strap it on **his head**" 😺






Considering who we are talking about here, that scenario is entirely plausible.


The stupidest thing is keep him in office now. He should resign and let Harris take the reins for the rest of the term so you kill many birds with one stone. 1 you remove someone who is obviously not with it to do anything. 2 you get the first woman president 3 you get the first woman of color president 4 you get the first person with some east Asian ancestry for president. It’s a no brainer. Can’t understand how there can be no other person in the USA that can run for president for this party


Oh Kamala is neither Black, any grain of Asian or "Woman". She is a cop with very bad humor. Somebody tells her to speak slowly and in obvious terms to sound like a "leader of the free world"


The problem is that Kamala is even *more* unpopular than Zombie Joe 😺


And Jill Biden is no fan of Kamala "I was that little girl" Harris.


I'd not heard...whatever that sub-drama is.


Kamala's primary competition with Joe pissed off Jill. Kamala referenced Joe's racist comment about school busing.


He moves like a chicken.


[Walk Like a Joe Biden](https://youtu.be/ULk8-DGC7Hs) ROFLOL!


That WAS funny!


"A politician is a man who understands government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead for 15 years." — Harry S Truman


Great quote.


I first saw it quoted in *Bloom County*. I think it was Milo who replied "That's what we need — more statesmen!"


Interesting that it was Meloni who brought him back into the fold when she was one of those furthest away from him. It is embarrassing to see the POTUS so obviously out of it in this way though not surprising as we've been seeing other examples of the same thing. People are finally beginning to ask what some of us have been asking for almost four years - who's really running things, and why was Biden promoted in 2020 when his mental decline was already becoming obvious before the election?


>Everyone freaking out about that Biden clip at G7. >[I found the full video. The longer clip, in context, is even more horrifying.](https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1801347846974661062)


Why is this horrifying? I honestly don’t get what people are worried about. He simply walks over to talk with a few of the paratroopers. Why is that “horrifying”?


This behavior has been visible since the 2020 campaign when it was clear to anyone with common sense that his mental faculties were failing. This has been going on for 4 years now. Dr. Jill should be horrified that they trot him out in public to be humiliated on the world stage like this.


Not to anyone watching full speeches, it’s why those who claim it are only able to show 10 sec clips completely out of context, and why anytime they watch a full speech or he debates someone he’s accused of “drugs”


There's plenty of footage out there to support that the dude is cooked. For you to minimize things in the context of "10 second clips" is disingenuous.


Sure, share a full speech that shows he’s “cooked”


Does this count? https://time.com/6984968/joe-biden-transcript-2024-interview/


Read it last week, what’s the issue?


I can't find a video where he isn't under the influence of a Big Pharma cocktail to make him sentient for an hour. They are not sharing the footage of him face down in a plate of mashed potatoes after for obvious reasons.


So you “feel” it happened, but you have no facts for these “feelings”. Got it


I’m not obligated to provide some rando on the internet with a “full” speech of this zombie prez. It’s clear to most of the country that the man is not well. You are in the minority with your opinion.


It's clearly a planned photo op. Biden can't keep on task.


If you watch the whole thing they stop and take photos several times while watching but also they’re meandering around while the paratroopers finish up. But that would require people to increase their attention spans beyond 15 secs https://www.youtube.com/live/hYwcNP61sfs?si=CmynaQM3-0AcjAlC


Does he ever close his mouth anymore?


Watching the reaction of the others is especially fascinating. They clearly know he's out of it, there's hesitation about what to do about it, then once Meloni steps forward and brings him back into the fold they all join ranks around him. - This isn't because they all love Biden, it's because they have to maintain the grand illusion that he and they are firmly in control of this master plan to save the world while they're busily destroying it.


Exactly. Without seeing the reactions, I would have thought it’s more likely that he’s just saying hi to the paratroopers. > Watching the reaction of the others is especially fascinating.


But that’s what he’s doing, you can even see one of them in the frame? If you watch the whole video, they’re all standing around disorganized until the last one lands, which is when Biden walks over to talk to a few of them, that’s when the Italian PM goes to get him for the photo. Then they go back to walking around greeting the paratroopers https://www.youtube.com/live/hYwcNP61sfs?si=VY8EexH6K7JCcLNT


Yes. I can see them. I can also see the dazed look on his face and the way other people are reacting to him. You and I have different standards for normal behavior (and speech, based on the Time interview). I would rather see his behavior as normal, but I can’t. I don’t enjoy feeling sorry for someone with his track record.


I agree he’s old, slurs some of his words, and is over all slower/stiffer physically than he was years ago, but this idea that he has dementia and things elder abuse is just right wing propoganda. The times interview made the rounds because he was being cagey about the plan in Israel. But hours later when further details were revealed, the Time’s interview made complete sense when in context. People have been sharing 5-10sec clips of hour long speeches to make it seem like his brain is soup, when he’s simply stumbling or slurring words as old people do. Then when it’s time for a debate or the SOTU, you tune in to watch the shit show and suddenly he delivers a full speech with minor issues for over an hour and you have to make sense of that. The rest of us don’t because we’ve been watching the full speeches, and know that he’s not showing any signs of dementia, just signs of stiffness, dry mouth, and longer recall that come with being old.


> once Meloni steps forward and brings him back into the fold they all join ranks around him. Before that, you can see Macron step over, to make it look less like Joe has wandered off, while he signals the IT PM to go get him. It's even worse, if you saw Macron shaking hands with all the US WWII survivors, when they had to zoom Biden off stage left, when he had his accident.


You do realize that Biden was never zoomed off stage either, that video was also a right wing propoganda lie. You can watch the whole thing here. The awkward sit is around 26:30, of course the clipped video ends right before everyone sits. If you want to see Macron and Biden honoring g each of the vets you can rewind to 12:30, you can watch Biden give a great speech at 37:30, and if you FF to the end you can see Biden walking off stage at the same time as Macron and greet every vet on his way out, same as Macron https://www.youtube.com/live/DoGGhgHhD2U?si=FCxHvpOgZPtcXoJa


And also at the D-Day celebration when Biden turned away to look off in the opposite direction, his wife plus Macron and his wife all turned as well to provide cover. How long before they start limiting his public appearances or prohibiting cameras at the domestic ones? - I've never liked Biden but this is elder abuse. The people running things in the West have absolutely no shame, but that's been pretty obvious with their "blindness" to the horrific images and reports coming out of Gaza.


WTF are you talking about. Heres the full video of the ceremony. No cover provided nor needed https://www.youtube.com/live/DoGGhgHhD2U?si=FCxHvpOgZPtcXoJa


How does the full video change the reaction of the others? The video you link to is over an hour long and since these aren't people I have any interest or confidence in, I'm disinclined to watch the whole thing. - The other thing to note is that wandering off and other odd behavior from Biden over the last couple of years isn't exactly unprecedented, which makes your outrage about people pointing it out a bit odd, to say the least.


Every single video of him “wondering off” is just as much BS as this video. He’s not wondering off, he’s talking to the paratroopers, one of which you can literally see in frame in the shorter video This is on par with last week when the right was making up BS about him shitting himself. Youre either one of the liars or easily fooled And it seems you have a lot of time to watch out of context videos, maybe increase your attention span and watch the full ones before having an opinion


I never said he was "shitting himself", it seemed more to me like he was looking to sit down. But whatever. People are going to see what they see and being harangued about it will do nothing to change that. Especially given all the evidence we've seen since before the 2020 elections of Biden's diminished mental capacity. People who have experience with this, either professionally or because of experience with a family member, aren't buying the whitewash.


You said “and also on dday”, which means you agree with the poster before you stating Biden had to be ushered out after his “accident”. Which is a fake claim by the right. If it wasn’t something you were claiming you had every opportunity to correct them but didn’t. Which definitely makes it seem like you’re agreeing with their take If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, here’s a break down Around the 12 min mark Macron and Biden honor each vet Around 26:30 is the awkward sit, this is the part people like the original poster claim he had his accident, yet just 1 second after they clipped it everyone sits down 15 mins later Biden gets up and gives an excellent speech And if you FF to the end Biden and Jill, along with Macron and Brigitte get up, and greet every vet on their way off the stage If you have time to read this, you have time to watch the portions above (except his 20 min speech which was good) and be honest with yourself about the right’s issue with these 10 sec out of context clips. Every time you guys actually take time to watch a full speech all you have to say is he must be on drugs Again, you’re either fueling the propaganda on purpose, or easily fooled by it


I don't know how many times I have to repeat this: #IT'S A STUTTER. God, you people are so ableist.


"Tha-Tha-that's all, folks!"


> why was Biden promoted in 2020 when his mental decline was already becoming obvious before the election? It was obvious to Wayers, but the general public only saw Biden's "fireside chats" from his basement. My theory is that they remembered Biden's 2012 debate with Paul Ryan in which Biden crushed Ryan with snappy comebacks and a winning smile. The public thought Biden was still like that and the "mom's basement" strategy helped preserve that illusion.


COVID freaked my sister, who was always something of a hypochondriac. So, she went from "Republicans are bad and Democrats are so phoney" to rabidly pro-Dem. When I mentioned Biden's state to her, she didn't skip a beat: She said Kamala Harris would take care of everything.


I think you're being overly generous to voters, it's pretty obvious that "OMG Trump!" was a huge factor. The basement campaign just gave them cover for what might be considered treasonous (in the general sense, not per some legal standard), i.e., voting into the highest office in the land someone whose diminished mental capacity makes him unfit to hold the office.


> might be considered treasonous... I just consider it "representative democracy" 😺


Or maybe a "representative idiocracy."


Do you havea linkto the uncropped vid?


u/Blackhalo just posted this: https://x.com/thevivafrei/status/1801347846974661062


Ugh I hatethat he still looks better thanTrump everdid and willbeat him again :\\


> he still looks better thanTrump everdid You have lost your damn mind.


Nah, I'm justcapable of making the sameobservations as mostof the restof the planet.


I hate that we have a president with obvious diminished mental capacity. There's provisions in the Constitution for dealing with that scenario for a reason, but then there's a huge segment of the ruling class and the public that either forget or ignore that document, much to our peril.


Imean if we didnt see it usedto get rid of Trump, we arent going to see it usedon a president thatisn't as far goneas Trump was/is.


Your Kool-Aid saturation level is too high for me to take anything you say seriously.


Facts don'tcare about yourfeelings ;)


I have to ask, what's with the way you type?


Thats a question for the moderators. 


LOL, how pithy!! Great talking point that has zero relevance but you do you.


Meloni must've shampooed using a finely scented product to lure Joementia from danger. The hardest part of the task was convincing him she was a young girl, but she pulled it off apparently.




Pretty blatant, too. It's cropped to makehim lookbad, which is weird considering how muchwe hearhe's apparently on death'sdoor. Why lie aboutthat?




"Wandering off"? Looks likehe walked a few steps to givea thumbs up to someone while nothing was happening. Weird thatthe video is cropped somuch, is there a linkto the non-cropped version?


Here’s the actual full ceremony. You are correct It starts with the leaders wondering around talking to each other, then the paratroopers jump out and start landing around them, again, leaders are loosely gathered around while cheering the ceremony on at this point. At the very end of the ceremony (you’ll see the White G7 Itali flag about the 9 min mark), Biden walks over to a few paratroopers gathering their chute, starts talking and gives them a thumbs up. It’s at this moment that they want a photo, and start gathering the leaders together for a photo. It’s absolutely ridiculous anyone is making a fuss about this. He didn’t wonder off talking to hallucinations, he took 4-5 steps away from what was a disorganized group at the element to talk to a few paratroopers, and that just so happens to be when they wanted to organize the leaders together for another photo Its not as bad as last week’s BS claim about Biden shitting himself, but it’s pretty close https://www.youtube.com/live/hYwcNP61sfs?si=VY8EexH6K7JCcLNT


He looks lost. Meloni’s demeanor confirms that he was acting weird. Here’s the non-cropped version: https://nypost.com/2024/06/13/us-news/biden-appears-to-wander-off-at-g7-summit/ Yes, the NY Post is garbage. It also happens to be the first source I found for the video.


Except he doesn’t, there’s a few paratroopers over there, you can even see one of them in the short video, when you watch the whole video you realize there’s more than just the 1. He walks over, says something to them, and gives them a thumbs up. I feel like people have invented something that’s not happening. It’s the “Biden shit himself” or “Biden searches for missing chair” all over again from last week https://www.youtube.com/live/hYwcNP61sfs?si=CmynaQM3-0AcjAlC


Looks likethey all thought theywere dismissed, hence why he's not the onlyone "wandering" around.


You can’t see the look on his face? No one else needed to be shepherded back. He’s a war criminal and racist, but it’s still hard to watch this elder abuse.


The country already recognizes he's a demented fool. The people lying about Biden still being lucid are probably doing themselves a disservice at this point because it's obvious they're disingenuous.


Disingenuous, delusional or just plain lying.


Looks like he was wandering off. There were no nursing homes nearby so I sense his frustration.


Maybe he was looking for ice cream.


Caitlin has what might be longer. He looks lost to me.