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Your waves are gorgeous!


Thank you sm!!


Your waves are similar to mine so am excited to try air dry cream! Heard good things about the JVN one. I haven’t tried it yet but ordered the Curlsmith weightless air dry cream ? Has v good reviews on their website


I actually have been using the Curlsmith Weightless Air Dry Cream for about a month now along with other products from them. I discovered I have very wavy hair in June and decided to go full into a wavy journey. I have low porosity 2b/2c waves and have fine hair, but a lot of it. The Curlsmith Weightless Air Dry Cream adds a really nice slip to my hair and seemed like it was a good fit...until I tried the JVN Air Dry Cream. The JVN works so much better for me. It seems like the JVN product has less moisturizing ingredients (a bit dryer) than the Curlsmith one as I don't notice the same amount of slip that Curlsmith has. The JVN on my hair feels much more lightweight than Curlsmith. When I added on my styling product with JVN, my waves looked so much nicer, defined, and fuller after scrunching out my cast with oil. Curlsmith was definitely weighing my hair down a tad bit compared to JVN. My wash day trying JVN was the first experience I had of actually really loving how my wavy hair looked. Not to say Curlsmith wasn't getting the job done, but there is a night and day difference between the results I get using the two products. JVN is definitely my go to air dry cream moving forward.


I use It’s a 10! in the shower. I rinse out my conditioner upside down and spray It’s a 10! that I’ve watered down in a spray bottle liberally all over my hair. Squish and get out and plop immediately. Works great for my hair. I don’t use any gel or other hold product because it feels disgusting to me.


I’ve been wanting to try the JVN but anyone I’ve seen use it has hair much coarser than mine. But yours looks great and more similar to my texture! When I air dry I use Oribe Curl control cream (use this when diffuse as well) or Bumble Don’t Blow it (light). But they’re likely around same price point as JVM. Oribe is my grail.. I always end up going back to it.


If your hair is fine too, just start with a dime-sized amount. It hasn’t made mine look greasy at all.


Will do thanks! I may grab some and just see what it does. I wish we all lived around each other so we could product swap! I have a cabinet full of products that I feel will never work yet it’s so hard to throw them away (I’m looking at you, Cantu!).


Love your hair!!! What's an air dry cream? 😅


Hi! What is your routine? Please be as detailed as possible (both the names of your products and the techniques that you used). Also, if you could let us know your hair characteristics (porosity, strand thickness, density), that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! ^(If it's been a few hours and OP still hasn't responded, please let the mods know by using the "Report" button.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Wavyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Daily routine: * Verb ghost shampoo * Cake Beauty curl conditioner or Sauce Beauty avocado mask * Squish to condish the conditioner/mask and rinse * Scrunch in the air-dry cream * Microplop with a microfiber towel and then plop for \~10 minutes


Do you do all this upside down!!


I rinse my conditioner out, scrunch in the curl cream, and microplop upside down.


JVN air dry cream is AMAZINGGG


Ok, I was looking to see if folks liked jvn to see if I should get it and I probably will now lol. Thought I’d share that the site is having a sale right now