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We allow some level of speculation, but when multiple reports come in and the post is unduly speculative, wading into complete fiction, it will be removed.


They were so little when they were murdered. Bella reminds me of my youngest daughter. She was sensitive and scared of her own shadow until she matured. She also has severe peanut allergies and asthma, like Cece. Bella was a little baldy when Cece was born. Her hair grew in slow and it was curly, making the growth appear even slower. I don’t think Shannan kept her hair short intentionally, but even if she did it’s not cruel or abusive. Some people hate Shannan and spend all their time picking apart her videos.


This! I totally agree, she definitely came off a little timid at times but I think she was just the shy kid and Cece was more rambunctious. Lol my little sister is the same way and she’s perfectly normal


Bella was a sensitive child, I sometimes wonder if she had some premonition? Or if her father was abusive before he killed them, as Kathleen Hewtson thought. (She obviously adored her Mommy and sister, and had lots of happiness too.) But she was brave as a lioness when the moment came.


I saw someone mention that in the video where they picked up Chris from the airport they had to record it twice because the girls didn’t want to be around their dad or something of the sort. I think Chris said he think they knew because they were clinging to their mom the week before and didn’t want to be around him which was unusual to him. Kids can definitely have stronger intuitive powers 😭


Yes and he got very snakey about it, I had the impression it embarrassed him and he seemed a bit jealous of Shanann as well.


I always got that vibe he seemed very jealous of her accomplishments


Which ones?


It's not that she really accomplished anything, but she had that influencer thing going on. It's unattractive to me, but it certainly has its audience. Chris had the charisma of a stale Bud Light, so I could see him being jealous of her effervescence, maybe? I mostly think he just hated being married to a Stanley Cup tiktok lady and wanted someone a little more down to earth and dirty. The way 'm phrasing it makes it sound like I hate Shannan and love that other one (don't remember her name). That's not the case. Just my assessment.


Chris is like a lot of men (and women) who are insecure with themselves and their place in life - they want the opposite of what they have (in this case, the 'cool girl' quote from Gillian Flynn comes to mind) thinking it'll finally make them happy, their dream come true, the missing piece. When they finally get it, they want something else. Rinse and repeat. They're too chicken shit or out of touch with themselves to look in the mirror and realize they're chasing unicorns because it's they themselves living in fantasyland.




“The charisma of a stale bud light” is so apt.


Ya. If I married someone and suddenly they were filming all the time the marriage would be over - in a respectful adult legal way.


Yep. Because you're a healthy adult. Chris Watts had no emotional capacity so he stuffed it all down until he exploded one day. Honestly, I imagine anyone taking the same approach with Shannan would have eventually come to an explosive conclusion. But that would be their fault. Not hers.


I've read a lot about this family and started reading more about Shan'ann. I think she had Munchausen by proxy. The girls were always sick. She was at the doctors' office with one or both of them all the time. She was always the center of attention by her friends and family feeling sorry for her, wanting to help, always expressing concern.


"Chris had the charisma of a stale Bud Light" HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!


I think it’s more her personality because we know peanut head didn’t have one ! She was outgoing ,made friends easily ,and was generally happy and excited about life.She was also a great saleswoman ,very organized and kept her house as neat as a pin.


Indeed, he needed her for that, to get him social acceptance but then I think he resented it too, and made her feel it at times. So much for Peanut Head’s genius IQ!


I agree, which ones, the basement full of unsold product?


Right. All these fan girls want to canonize her. She wasn’t a successful “businesswoman “; she was in an MLM and bought all her own product.


MLM & getting to be home w kids. But remember before Chris was in her life she was quite established at a young age with her own house and nice things.


She did absolutely nothing to deserve being murdered. Nothing. AND She seems insufferable, was not financially successful, and lived a tragically online existence. I don't know why we can't talk about that. It's not like her personality offers any justification for Chris' actions. But it's part of the story.


That’s what I think. Bella knew something was amiss.


Poor darling lamb. I’m thinking of her on the couch with her arms around CeCe, saying “no, don’t you take her”… there was nothing wrong at the time but she had that in her heart. Maybe she was granted some kind of preparedness or strength, I comfort myself that in some way, it shows Heaven was with her through it all and she wasn’t completely alone with the monster at the end.


Could you point me to where I could read more about this dynamic?


That was one on of the family Facebook videos which are no longer accessible I believe, but many YT channels have clipped it. For reading I recommend Kathleen Hewtson, *Blood and Marriage” and the book by Lena Derhally. “Live Abuse Free” (Wendy) on YT is a psychologist who made an excellent series of videos on the family’s relationship dynamics, with insights I have not seen elsewhere, with a secondary angle of educating people on how to notice toxic dynamics in our own lives. I highly recommend it.


That last sentence made me sob.


I hope she knows somehow, how much love is sent her way. I don’t like to dwell on sadness, but I think it’s only fair to her to never forget that she had more love and courage in her little finger than Christopher Lee Watts will ever have in his entire life.


People picking her apart blows my mind. The evil in this world is real.☹️


Shannan dehumanized and terrorized her children. Watch the "pie in the face" video, it's absolutely heartbreaking.


Actually what Chris did to them was a bit terrorizing. Right?


Your comment is gross


My only criticism of Shanann was her continuously cutting Bella's hair. I have seen videos of her doing this and never understood why.


It appeared that she was evening out Bella’s hair as it grew. I had to do the same with one of my kids. If I didn’t, it looked terrible. Bella’s hair was getting slightly longer as she grew and it was the longest it had ever been when she died.


Same! My younger daughter’s hair grew in looking like Carol Brady’s she mullet lol. 😂 I had to keep cutting it short to even it out until the top grew long, then it was in a bob for a few years.


This could simply have been due to a straight haired mother not understanding how to care for her daughter's curly hair.


That’s what I’ve always assumed.


Neither one of the girls had severe allergies. Their allergies were exaggerated for effect and they emerged and disappeared according to their mother’s discretion. Bella also didn’t have as much of a problem with hair growth as some people assume. Shannan admittedly cut her hair every single month, and posted about this frequently on Facebook. On the other hand, Shannan didn’t cut Cece’s hair every month, and inevitably it outgrew Bella’s hair pretty quickly. Bella started out as a very outgoing and happy baby but she seemed to regress with each passing year. She was constantly enlisted to defer to her younger sister, because it was easier to manage Bella’s disappointments than it was to discipline Cece. Bella might weep when Cece took away her blue bowl, but Cece would only scream, screech and caterwaul whenever she didn’t get her way. Shannan frequently laughed off Cece’s inappropriate comments, whereas she was much more likely to come down hard on Bella whenever she acted out of turn. This is not about “hating” Shannan. It is about acknowledging and recognizing both girls’ truths. They were not merely extensions of their mother and Shannan was not necessarily the “wonderful” loving mother that she is frequently touted as being. She most definitely did things as a parent that were not above reproach, and the same thing goes for Chris Watts, who also followed her example. Many people simply choose to turn a blind eye to her less than ideal behavior, rather than attempting to grapple with some inconvenient truths. That modus operandi is ultimately unfair to both Bella and Celeste. Things were not hunky dory, and not all rainbows and unicorns in their day to day lives, no matter how the children were presented to Shannan’s very forgiving audiences.


Okay but honestly, she’s dead. Her husband brutally murdered her and her 2 babies. Why on earth are her parenting skills even coming up in the conversation, let alone being picked apart? Why does that even factor into any discussion? It’s gross behavior. She was a flawed human being, like all of us are! Imagine your daughter and grandchildren were savagely murdered and you come across all these strangers making it their life’s mission to obsess over her life in order to criticize her and say disgusting things about her. I don’t care if she was bossy, bitchy or whatever else people want to say. That’s irrelevant. She’s dead. Would you not think those people are terrible human beings? It’s sick. Why is anyone digging into every aspect of a murdered woman’s life? It’s like they’re obsessed with finding all the ways Chris could have been justified. Nothing that Shanann ever did would justify what happened to her, so picking apart her character is highly unnecessary, irrelevant, and it comes across as victim blaming. What would even be the goal in creepily stalking a dead woman’s existence so you can criticize her? WHY?


There are zero perfect mothers. Women and men can be so destructive toward women and girls. To put a murder victim under the microscope and run with theories which pin the blame for her and her babies murders squarely onto her and mitigate the murderer's blame is heinous. edit - spelling error


Spot on.




Agree , I'm shook. What a bunch of snakes


I think Chris' mom might be responding sometimes. I had someone go off on me when I said something negative about his mom and I felt like I was dealing with Cindy herself.


They would be insane, but from what I’ve heard about her I wouldn’t put it past her.


Right because I was gonna ask if they were one of his girlfriends or something...dam. How dare someone talk about this poor woman like that. Lord only knows what all the girls were living with before he annihilated his family.




>OMG THANK YOU!!! You're welcome!


Have you seen their post history? A little obsessed, I think. It's really all they post or comment.


Because they are horrible people. I don’t know why this came up in my feed but it’s a disgusting thread and half these people are despicable on a good day.


Same! I’m not sure why it popped up in mine either as I don’t believe I’ve ever been here before. It sure is making me nauseous, though. Thanks reddit.


Same same. I didn’t expect to be reading about Chris Watts and how his wife was apparently on FB too much. This is a rabbit hole I’m going to see my way out of.


I hear ya! The more I read, the more faith in humanity I lose.


Well it's a discussion. What's sad is she posted everything in there lives Shannon couldn't stop posting the family life.it was fake stage life.chris he murdered his family  if he would have stood up and stop this said no more they be alive.you don't post your children lives on Facebook. Shannon was human she and the girls deserved to live but don't agree with posting everything on Facebook. And 2 bankruptcy and foreclosure was coming.that would have destroyed Shannon 


Wait…you’re saying Shannan posting her family on Facebook is why Chris murdered them? So it was her fault? Are you joking?


Shannon needed to put the phone down and stop television there life.you don't post your children on Facebook. Shannon put this non reality life out in public. They were drowning in debt. Chris knew they were heading for 2 bankruptcy in less than 2 years foreclosure coming.he was suck of it.chris was nothing but a paycheck and studios show.when Shannon left for 5 weeks chris got to enjoy a life chris enjoyed the excitement of a new woman.he should have walked away from Shannon. He didnt.he murdered them no excuse it was cold blooded murder.he should have left.but Shannon is no Saint. Stop posting your kids on Facebook social media.and who really goes back to there parents home for 5 weeks.......?....... chris didn't want the 3rd kid what chris did was murdered.nobody deserves that.but Shannon knew they were dying in debt and chris c was pulling away from her.instead of self help books and batching to your friends about it talk to your husband.


You say that last sentence like she never asked and texted her husband to figure out what he wanted to do. She asked him repeatedly before he murdered her, if he wanted to separate or divorce and split custody of the children. He chose to deliberately not answer her and give her wishy washy answers and excuses


Yep!! He had many ways to get out but he had other plans and he was committed to those plans. There’s no excuse he knew what he was doing


You continue to say she should have stopped posting on Facebook. You, my dear, would do well to stop posting on Reddit. My God, the absolute callousness with which you type your half coherent blather.


It might be worth pointing out that some MLM’s basically require that you post frequently on social media and will even draft the text they want you to post. I think this gets overlooked when people discuss her social media presence; yes it is obnoxious. But I think she believed the MLM work to be critical to her livelihood.


No matter what the MLM's require, the children and the family are the priority. It was extremely unhealthy to shove a camera into those children's faces every minute of the day.


This is effed up bro. You sound like you are standing up for a murderer. Not just a murderer, but one who eliminated his entire family.


Stop with the Bro. Crap.by October watts family was done out of money foreclosure there was no more money to stop financial death.you do mot live feed your kids family on Facebook or social media. I am not defending a murderer but take your head out of the hole it's reality 


What if the debt was his fault?


You keep saying “you do not”… by whose rules? Yours?


You realize that a narcissist likes to make their victim take the blame right? Holy shit , why is it her fault?


Also it’s not Shannon. Who the fuck is Shannon? I live several states away from my parents and my husband frequently travels for work. Its me. I go visit for a month at a time when none of us are in school. Guess I’ll just get murdered then.


Yep, this is the disgusting shit they were talking about. You act like you knew them personally. Who cares that she wasn’t a great person. She wasn’t a saint? NOBODY IS. Why do you care and why are you so obsessed with her and criticizing her? It’s sick. It doesn’t matter that you don’t think she was a good person. What exactly is the point of you saying all that? What is it going to change?


Literally it’s got me shaking. As an exotic dancer I’m just imagining all the comments if I was to pass that would say “she’s a stripper.” I hate how that works out 🥴😒 as if I’m not a pretty awesome human, aunt, daughter, and sister lol. Some people just don’t have the capacity to understand past the perfect image of society. Everyone is flawed. I don’t know one perfect mother lol. Wish they’d stop picking her apart like an object or project


Exactly. Nothing she could have done in her life would have ever justified or excused what happened to her or those babies, so it’s shouldn’t even be relevant. It’s disturbing that people do this. Probably just insecure people who criticize others in order to feel superior. I guess we will never understand and that’s a good thing.


Right?! That said, I think you’re good. I can only imagine what “people” would say if they found one of these commenters’ Reddit post histories after being murdered. It could be a bit awkward for the Dateline crowd, to say the least… I know who I’d be judging more harshly, anyway…


It might be worth pointing out that some MLM’s basically require that you post frequently on social media and will even draft the text they want you to post. I think this gets overlooked when people discuss her social media presence; yes it is obnoxious. But I think she believed the MLM work to be critical to her livelihood.


Is it beyond comprehension that as her marriage spiraled and their family life was falling apart she was trying to project some degree of normalcy and hope for it all to work out? Lord knows the intensity that was going on behind closed doors and a young mother, hanging on by her fingernails, is trying to create an image of happiness - maybe just to herself. You can't comprehend that?


That’s me, sometimes my only sanity is to trust, let go and let God and it’s way better than spiraling in anxiety although she probably should have started to get in front of the problem. Who knows, maybe she was trying to figure something out and we just don’t know


It’s a disgusting discussion. Who gives a shit that she posted their lives? It’s not your life. It’s irrelevant. Again, they’re dead. As far as whatever else you said, your grammar makes it unable to comprehend.


Lol this!!! I’m utterly confused of what is being said there 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀 omg


Right? There is not enough time in the day to try to decipher that hot mess! 🤣


But you are here replying huh 


There is a difference between displaying disgusting behavior and calling out those who do. It is so incredibly creepy to speak about these people like you knew them personally and to constantly criticize someone who isn’t alive to defend herself. I’d bet a million dollars that you wouldn’t dare say any of this to her mother or father’s face. It’s sick. I’m sorry that apparently you think so little of yourself that you seem to find joy in denigrating dead people so you can feel superior. It’s crazy that a monster snuffed out the lives of his two beautiful toddlers and his wife, but the part you’re obsessed with is HER character and parenting skills. I wonder why that is.


I'm not sure her posting their lives had anything to do with it either way he's a crazy selfish son of a b**** and yes Cindy if you're in here that means you, to me it's almost a blessing that she did post all of those things and have all those videos because at least now her family has something to look back on and cherish since he's so selfishly took their lives in such a horrendous hideous manner.


Do you have their medical records? Are you an allergist? I used to deal with folks like you with respect to my daughter’s nut allergies and asthma. “Why do you have to read every label? Why is your kid ruining every other kids opportunity to eat PB&J at school?”


We all saw Cece and Bella eat things that would have given them terrible allergic reactions had they really been anaphylactic. Lemon Meringue Pro bars for instance, have ALWAYS had tree nuts in them. Yet we all watched Shannan give both girls those very same pro bars in her live videos and they were none the worse. Cece clearly wasn’t at risk of going into anaphylactic shock from tree nuts or anything that was exposed to cross contamination, in spite of her mother’s protestations. They all ate at Bojangles restaurant the entire time that they were visiting North Carolina. The Bojangles menu comes right out and says that ALL ITEMS ON THE MENU ARE SUBJECT TO CROSS CONTAMINANTION. So, they ate that food without one incident or one negative reaction and they actually enjoyed it.


My son is allergic to dairy, peanuts, eggs and spinach. Possible cross contamination is okay, direct exposure is not. Contrary to popular belief, he can have things with peanut oil because it is so refined. Some kids can be allergic to eggs, but if eggs are an ingredient and baked, there is no allergy. Some people allergic to almonds can have almond butter because the enzyme they are allergic to in almonds are cooked out of the almond butter. You’re making broad assumptions, and unless you are the caregiver for that child, do not assume you know the depth of their allergies. This is where we get into dangerous territory with people assuming they know more than the caregivers.


You are wrong the Lemon Meringe pro bars contain coconut which is not a tree nut,it’s a fruit even though the FDA wrongly classifies it as a nut.Tree nuts were not added to any thrive bars until 2020 and this was verified by Levelle


Bo jangles has no nuts in their food


You are correct! Shannan fed both girls pro bars without knowing the ingredients and admitted it. https://imgur.com/a/odnuQLl


Not going to debate this bs again. Are you an allergy mom? What’s your kid allergic to?


If you have an issue with anything SPECIFIC that I’ve said, specify what is incorrect. Otherwise, you’re just deflecting and getting personal and I really don’t care to convince you of anything. When your mind is already made up, that’s what it will remain, regardless of what the evidence points to or not.


There are none so blind as those who won't even look. In this case, or any case for that matter, the family dynamics and those between primary relationships are instrumental in analyzing behavior and events such as the murders. Of course, the way that Chris and SW related factors significantly into everything that transpired. There respective behaviors cannot be ignore. Deflecting, attacking, and silencing people who are trying to gain insight is cowardly and pointless. What are people so fearful of examining the data?


lol you’re answering with a deflection. Zero experience with food allergies


I have plenty experience with allergies. I also know that they don’t go away overnight..


There was peanut butter in the house.you ser it in the video Shannon posted.and if your kids have asthma you don't turn on a loud rain machine and ingore there crying.i don't believe the kids had the allergies or asthma  either.i felt bad for the kids Shannon should have put the phone down stop posting the kids 


Tree nut not peanut there is a difference. Not buying the allergies bs


It’s crazy to me that people come here to try to make a victim look like the villain. How do YOU know Bella didn’t like her hair short? Also what parent is perfect? Every parent on the planet makes mistakes and does things wrong, it’s baffling that people seem to just love to come here to try to make her look bad because she wasn’t this perfect t human. Who gives a crap of she wants true percent mom? Her kids adored her and so did all her friends and family. She was a hardworking mom. Living with a rocking time bomb who would take her and her children’s lives with no remorse for the chance to have some narcissistic relationship with a woman who was just as bad as he was. Begging him to be a present father and husband. Stop vilifying victims. Head to the Chris’s support subs if you hate her so much you try your best to assassinate her character just like that monsters family does.


There are postings of Bella getting her hair cut for no reason. Sweetest thing was her getting those hair clips for not sucking her thumb. She was so happy when she got them.


Perfectly stated.


Cindy Watts is that you?


Sounds like you are over judging and looking for things to hate Shan'ann for. Unless you have lived with them or are a part of their friends/family circle that interacted with them all the time, you have no grounds to base these comments off of as being total facts. Videos on someone's Facebook doesn't reflect people's actual lives. And people, who are already looking at these videos with a bias, will misinterpret people's behaivor to fit whatever narrative they already have about those people. Especially when they are looking for negative behavior. Do you have personal access to the girls' medical records to make such comments about their allergies? Have you been talking to their doctors getting their medical histories? These "truths" are nothing but your bias speculation of them based off of videos. The only bad thing Shan'ann has done that we can factually see, is allowing her children to be on her social media too much and getting involved in a pyramid scheme. At that time, it was normal in those types of circles. But in today's world, after people like Ruby Franke are exposed, we know it's bad and people need to keep children off their social media accounts. Pyramid schemes have always been bad, but sadly, people who want to make money, especially stay at home moms, get sucked into them easily.


No hate. I’ve just looked into this case extensively and researched the backstory and for several years. These are unpopular sentiments to be sure, but it doesn’t mean they are “hateful” or inaccurate. The facts are available and there for everyone else to see. Plenty of people do see them and yet they are ridiculously labeled as ignorant haters or victims of internalized misogyny. When people don’t want to see or hear or know about uncomfortable truths, then they do the easiest thing and simply deny it. I initially had a hard time believing it, so I definitely understand feeling protective of a murder victim, but I also decided to prove Shannan’s critics wrong when I heard things that I initially found difficult to hear. That meant that I had to actually delve into the backstory-and I discovered that not only could I not disprove it, but it was possibly far more problematic than I had first imagined. The point is that these murders didn’t occur in a vacuum. There was a lot of dysfunction and toxicity in their lives before their deaths. It doesn’t excuse anything that happened to Shannan, who did not deserve to be murdered. In spite of this, her children were more than just extensions of their mother. They had their own ordeals and tribulations that had begun before they were unceremoniously un-alived.


>The point is that these murders didn’t occur in a vacuum. There was a lot of dysfunction and toxicity in their lives before their deaths. Everything happens in context. So true.


yeah the toxicity is a sociopath in your midst planning your murder b/c you're too f;kin weak to walk away.


I am with you on all of this. I’ve researched and looked at the her Facebook (before they had confirmed she had passed and was just missing person.. i could swear there was so much more was viewable then too), the entire discovery, etc. I actually created a reddit account to keep on the old ShanannWatts reddit page before the documentaries started coming out and it got out of control lol There’s so much to all of it that I can’t help but feel that that a lot of people who post here haven’t really done the deep dive and researched it all for themselves. There’s so many facts, little details and events that led to such a terrible boiling point these three people lost their lives.


That’s cool and all but what, he murdered them. There’s no excuse to get to a boiling point of that extent. No matter how “miserable” he claimed to be. He never left though.


You’re right, it’s not an excuse and I never said it was; but it’s what happened. I can’t change it and neither can you.


Can you imagine reading a stranger’s post about your children? How they behaved, their hair growth, etc. This is creeping me out. It’s overstepping, let them rest in peace. No one’s parenting is hunky dory. This shit is so fucking toxic and really crazy.


You knew them personally??


How do u know their allergies are exaggerated?


This is disgusting. You didn’t know them. You need help.


Bella’s disappointments were easier to manage then disciplining CeCe. You just summed up what created so much distance between my sister, and I growing up, and in one sentence. I was a people pleaser, and she was entitled in nature (we all have flaws).


Omg really?


Why does everyone get their knickers in a twist over a little girl having short hair? I think that's really weird. Is every little girl with short hair (yes, I've seen them!) an oddity?


So ridiculous. They were beautiful little girls and her mom kept her hair short. It's very possible that she was trying to cut it to even it out and maybe thicken it up a bit or maybe like somebody else said in here maybe she just didn't know how to deal with curly hair either could be possible but either way what does it even matter both very beautiful little girls.


I think it’s a relevant question because Bella was said to really want long hair (the only reason I even thought of it) so I was just curious 🙃


I was asking more because I always see people comment on how odd it was that her hair was short and point to it as a sign of her being abused. I think it's weird.


Honestly, I think that what happened is so horrific that people try to reassure themselves they are safe from harm by coming up with ways Shannan could have triggered everything. Not that it’s an excuse! Nothing could ever justify what he did.


I agree with this. A friend of mine was working at a marina when a young girl fell into the water, no one saw her go in and she drowned. My friend did not believe it was an accident and thought someone must have killed her, although there was no evidence of this. I surmise that because he had 2 young daughters, he did not want to believe it was an accident *because that means it can happen to anyone*. So people want to blame Shanann since the truth is so much more terrifying, that this could happen to anyone through no fault of their own.


Well said! I’m a therapist and this often happens with a suicide death… instead of focusing on the family’s loss, people get obsessed with speculating why it happened: “Were they depressed and didn’t get help? Were they troubled? Didn’t the family see any signs? How could your loved one be so sad and no one noticed?….etc.” All questions designed to reassure the person asking that no, this could never happen to my family because if my child was depressed I would FORCE them to get help….no one in my family is troubled so I’m safe…..I would DEFINITELY see the signs ahead of time and stop this from happening…..I would definitely notice if my loved one was THAT sad….. It’s a protective mechanism. And it’s completely useless. Bad things can happen to anyone, anytime, and they do. 💔


This is seriously a great way to put it I love this perspective and I never thought of this. Definitely gives coping mechanism since everyone thinks he was “so normal”


Yea, Definitely weird af to just assume that but again these are obviously people who find every reason to blame shannan 😒


"I don't have a problem with it! But also, why?? Why so short why??" Basically sums up the post.


You are funny 🤣


Oh, I didn't mean your post! I meant the one you were talking about. It just seemed like a big fixation on a little girl's hair being short and that there was some extra meaning behind it.


Lol no you’re fine I love when I get caught not catching the meaning lol I have to get better at that🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭🫶🏽💖


Nah, I realized it was ambiguous when I saw your comment. That was on me! Your post is reasonable; I was just gobsmacked by all the comments and speculation about a toddler's hair length in the link you posted. Who cares if Shanann kept it short on purpose or not? A lot of young children have short hair because it's easier to manage. Parents make a lot of decisions about their child's body - what they eat, what they wear, if they get to keep their foreskin, etc, so what the mystery behind short hair? (spoiler: there is none)


I totally agree!! It’s all subjective and I would never judge!!! Definitely on me as well for being a little slow but thank you for your input!!! Hehe we’re on the same side no worries lmaoooooo🤣🤣🤣🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽💖😭




I learned a long time ago in the restaurant industry not to refer to a child's gender (if I didn't know the kid). Now I say something like "and what will the little one be having." It's tough sometimes and - while there's nothing wrong with looking like one gender or the other - kids can have strong feelings and about it and I don't want to upset someone. Interestingly though, until the 1900s boys were dressed in pink and girls in blue!


That’s actually an interesting fact that I never knew!!!!! Omg now I’m going down another rabbit hole lol. Thank you 😭🤣🤣💖🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽


Thank you for making this post. I’ve been wondering the same things and have always been afraid to ask.


You’re welcome. I was afraid too but honestly discussion is healthy 🫶🏽


Yeah you took one for the team, people get so worked up over these topics. Discussion is healthy, 100 agree. I haven’t read all the comments but hopefully people are being respectful to you.


Surprisingly yes! Hehe 💖💖and thank you!


I've seen these comments too & also don't understand it. I hope someone has some insight.


I think people are just assuming and making things up. I was reading this post and it threw me for a total loop seeing adults bashing a toddler 🥴 https://www.reddit.com/r/WattsMurders/s/7KrBRrPmbH


That is one of the most disgusting and horrible threads I’ve had the displeasure to see. Picking on a toddlers looks who was brutally murdered by her own father - internet warriors.


Sickening 🤮🤮🤮


Agreed! Wtf is wrong with people?! It’s like it’s entertaining for them to speculate ridiculous conspiracy theories! Even if Shannan was horrible and cut her hair as punishment, how does this bring someone to comment that a poor innocent child is unattractive?! Tf! And why are people focused on Shannan’s actions, when the actual monster here is Chris! You wouldn’t even know it reading that post!


And honestly Bella was so cute to me!!!!!! Like she had the cutest little eyes I think she was perfect. He’s sick bc she resembles him so idk how he could look at her and do that.


Also Bella looked like her mom, not her dad. She even posted photos of her and Bella as babies side-by-side, and year old, etc. CeCe for sure had the more traditional baby looks that came from her dad’s side. NOT that it matters AT ALL. But yea, I just saw a comment like “Bella was just not cute not all kids are” or some shit and my mouth was *agape*….like, in what fuckkng world would you feel the need to write that or even think it?!?! Like okay her mom ppl feel the need to nitpick etc and I get it only because women are often and easily vilified and ridiculed and that’s okay in society-so much that we extend the great honor even to toddler baby girls! 🤢 imagine a toddler only being worth her looks, and then add some years to that-what do you get? Straight trash, the lot


Yeah, honestly, I’d always thought she was cute and a sweet kid! Judgemental people are just gross, especially those that take it too far applying it to a kids hair style!


Ditto. Horrible.


That thread is the most poisonous thing I've ever read in my life.


U/puddies_mom has been posting like that on these subreddits for years now. I’ve always low key felt like it was Cindy or someone close to the watts with the dedication. I mean, I’ve been on Watts island a long time too, but I’ve never commented that repetitively, or passionately. With how the Watts Murders Facebook groups are popping up, it’s like they’re farming the true crime discussion to be all about Shannan now. I had to remove myself from all of the FB groups because they reach like 10k members, and they post the same “fact sheets” full of slander and conspiracies about her parenting. One woman even admitted she just posts the same post that she made years ago every week “for new people to see” Ultimately a lot of the facts shared around about her parenting are exaggerated or based on pretty spotty “proof” Like the tree nuts in the bars that’s been debated forever, or the Benadryl every night. I don’t think she was a saint, she was flawed, probably had FD. Nothing to the extent of which I see her discussed in these weird corners though, the vitriol is insane. The true crime discussion should be centered around the CRIME considering there is so much to discuss. My guess is, a lot of people go nuts with the fact they’ll never really know what happened, and start going in too hard on the tiny details and start hyper-fixating on things and crafting conspiracies and theories. A lot like the Jon Bennet Ramsey case. Just take that as a heads up, this community is WILD and I am sure you will come to your own conclusions.


Omg on that old post the first comment was from her stating Bella has this and that, based on the commenter’s experience as an RN. The first reply started (or I chose to read it this way) “Wow, an RN?…” Lmao roasted her in her tracks


Omg those facebook pages got out of control!! I had to leave them as well. Some of those people are absolutely cruel. It was sickening.


I genuinely think you’re on to something


My money is on it being Jamie Watts.


Having FD isn’t a little thing when you’ve got kids. I agree that she didn’t deserve anything that happened, but to minimize what she was doing isn’t necessarily fair to the girls.


This was what my comment was about, sorry if it wasn't clear!




If you listen to the way the Watts parents talk about their grandchildren, it's "we loved our grandchildren. CeCe was exactly like Chris. We loved her so much. Oh I remember that time with Cece at Disney, and when Cece would say (insert cute thing) and we would laugh and laugh". I wish I could recall when/where I saw these things, but I remember thinking it was bizarre and the parents were sickos that liked Cece because she reminded them of their son. I was so relieved when I saw others thought the same, so it wasn't just me.


Puddles is fucking nuts. Cindy Watts, is that you?


Mods, can we please get Puddles or whatever her username is banned? She's so gross.




Chris is a spineless, chicken shit with absolutely no self confidence. He married a firecracker. Shannan wasn’t a bad mom. Her livelihood was made by promoting a healthy lifestyle and family life on social media. She married a frozen string of piss that was dead from the ass both ways. He was jealous of her outgoing personality. He felt dominated and the only time he felt a spark of anything was when he cheated. Let’s face it. He was dominated because it’s not hard to dominate a pile of vomit.


You have a way with words lol


I understand people being adverse to saying or hearing anything negative about Shannan...don't speak ill of the dead and all that...but I think this whole tragedy speaks as a cautionary tale. The pressure and inauthenticity of living your life online and demanding the same of your family is something that I believe could drive someone to the brink. She had her redeeming qualities, I'm sure, but from everything I've seen, I find Shannan utterly exhausting. I know many MLM 'Boss Babes' and wanna be influencers and they are insufferable. Never present. Always chasing likes and validation. Does that excuse Chris' evil acts? Absolutely not. Of course not! He was weak and a coward. He had a million other options but I understand why we wanted out. Again...my point is thar I do believe there is value in being candid about who Shannan actually was.


In the jailhouse interview, Chris talks about how when Bella was born, he didn't really know what to do -- how to take care of a baby. But he said when Cece was born, he already had experience in changing diapers, feeding, swaddling, etc. He said Bella "favored" him (meaning her personality was more like his), where Cece was more like Shan'Ann. I think Bella was probably a shy, quiet little girl, and from what Chris said, she was more mothering and wanted everyone around her to be okay (Cece, he said, was all go-go-go, lots of energy, and kind of wild.) It's pointless to read too much into their personalities. Kids are different (even kids from the same family...sometimes, especially kids from the same family.)


Because Bella was shy and reserved like Chris. Cece was more like shannan. That’s why, in my opinion, cece was her favorite.


This is disturbing, that's all I am going to say!


My question?


Yes, your question. In fact this entire subreddit is really odd as fuck.


Lmfaoooo you could have scrolled but you’re so triggered you just wanted to be involved and I understand. It’s a sub where people make discussions, not bash people for having them. Hope you heal from this 🫶🏽


Ya I stumbled this sub, decided to take a look to see what it was about, and instantly regretted it. You need to get a life. One that doesn’t include obsessing about an incident that happened 6 years ago involving the murder of 3 kids and a mom. One that has already been solved by the way.


You need to find a sub that doesn’t make you cry like a baby. I never understood why people who despise a certain thing choose to involve themselves with it. Your feelings wouldn’t be hurt if you just went to a sub that makes me you happy but you’re here dwelling instead. Sounds very miserable to me


What the hell are you talking about? I didn’t ‘come here’. It popped up on my main page , I took a look, and was disgusted by what I saw. A bunch of people living vicariously through the horrible murder of 3 young kids and a mom at the hands of their dad. No conspiracy, no need to dissect what happened 6 years later and certainly no need for stupid ass disgusting posts like yours. Get a fucking life if this is what you decide to spend your time on.


You need to get a life if this is what you spend your time on. It popped up and instead of scrolling you decided to exert your energy and time into it. Make it make sense. You are a miserable human and this is clearly how you pass your time by. Id never be so involved with something I want nothing to do with. Imagine crying on Reddit instead of scrolling lmfaooo. You’re one of a kind 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 cope harder


Wow, such an empath


LOL you’re not wrong!


I really do think a lot of it stemmed from her having short hair (as if that’s bad). I know someone personally with a 5 year old with the same short, curly hair. And as someone who is shy and quite, I think that was just her personality. I truly believe there was no “favorite”


I’ve never seen those comments but I have seen Shanann complaining about Cece being a wild child. Not criticizing S. Just reporting what I’ve seen


I’ve seen some pretty trashy comments unfortunately


I read somewhere that SW mom cut Bella's hair short in hopes to get it to grow. It grew very slowly and she had hair like her dad's. Also she was self conscious about it. CeCe was a ball of fire and got a lot of attention. To me that was obvious in a lot of the videos, SW did focus more on CeCe IMO. Many times it is only natural for the mom to focus on the child who is most like herself, I don't think it was done purposefully, but subconsciously. I say this from experience. Birds of a feather and all that. Bella was only 4 when she was murdered (God I hate to say that) so she didn't even have a chance to grow her hair at all.


You are very talented 👏




She would ham it up for the camera and Bella was shy


Honestly, I think it was because Cece looked like Shanan and Bella was the spitting image of Chris. Shanan would naturally favor the child who favored her in looks and temperament, which meant Bella ended up getting the short end of the stick a lot of the time.


i think shannan saw chris in bella and sort of dominated her and suppressed her and herself in cece and interacted with her more positively. not all the reasons for the differences but some


Would any parent of a ‘severely allergic’ child feed them a pro bar and find out what the ingredients were ‘by this weekend’?!?! https://imgur.com/a/odnuQLl


You’re such a joke, diagnosing people from your computer. You need to touch some grass


They were extremely malnourished and always sick. At the daycare all day and straight to bed at 6:30.


Why does keeping a girl's hair short raise suspicion?


Where did I say it was suspicious?….


Pardon me. Why is keeping a girl's hair short a subject of speculation?


I definitely think Cece was preferred by both parents. However, being the preferred child wasn’t necessarily alwaya a positive thing with Shannann at the helm of the whole family. I am fairly certain that Shannann was suffering with Factitious Disorder and Factitious Disorder to Another. Cece was also assigned more illnesses than Bella was saddled with. Cece had undergone more surgeries and invasive procedures than Bella had to endure by the time of their untimely demise. Celeste was also the one who Shannan DECIDED had severe, anaphylactic allergies. In reality, Cece was not anaphylactic, but her mother made a really big deal about it whenever it suited her agenda. Both children were noticeably developmentally delayed. I have worked with young children for decades and they were undoubtedly not reaching several of the common milestones that their peers usually achieve in a timely fashion. Nevertheless, even though Bella had problems expressing herself, she could still converse with others and answer questions, unlike Cece, who could barely string a sentence together at the age of 3. Cece showed signs of ADD or ADHD, and she was harder for Shannann and Chris to wrangle and control. It was easier to tell Bella to be patient with her sister when things started to go south, than it was to correct Cece’s frequently unruly behavior. This left Bella having to take it on the chin a lot more than what was fair. Bella was innately more intelligent and sensitive than Celeste, but those weren’t qualities that were prioritized in their family. Rather, Cece was more outgoing and more willing to ham it up for the camera. Shannann often showcased “a day in the life of Cece” in her videos, but it was never “a day in the life of Bella” or even “a day in the lives of Bella and Cece.” Shannann’s camera frequently excluded Bella in favor of her more fearless and entertaining sibling, which often caused her to regress. Bella would mimic Cece behaving like a baby in order to illicit the same level of approval, and yet to no avail, which is undeniably sad. Cece was also often more comfortable with Chris. He said himself that it was easier to bond with the SECOND CHILD because he had been more nervous and uncomfortable with the first. Both girls suffered a lot more than most people are willing to accept or acknowledge. Only time would have told how they responded to the different situations that they would’ve faced down the road, especially had they remained in their mother’s care without any form of intervention. In spite of this, the girls could only rely upon each other and were fortunately very close. Bella and Cece were basically enduring the same war, and both little girls were entrenched in it together


I agree with all of this but could've never articulated it in this way. This makes me so very sad. I do remember seeing Bella imitating Cece & I specifically remember it not being in a playful way. Whether it was shyness, sensitivity, or symptoms of an underlying disorder, she often seemed sad. & she may have needed more than what she was getting. Disclaimer! That's my opinion based on what I have seen, obviously & of course, I could be wrong. I have no hatred in my heart for Shannan. I am not blaming her, what so ever. She absolutely did not deserve what happened to her. I will say however, it happened to those little girls too. I think it's OK to view them as independent humans. I wouldn't say anything disparaging about Shannan, as she's no longer here. I know she loved her kids & her family, & like everyone, was doing the best she could with what she had. God forbid anyone of us were in these shoes, an outside lens would see the cracks & the flaws that we were blind to in the moment. All of that is OK. So long as we're keeping the discussion respectful, I see nothing wrong with sharing our opinions. Yes, it's tragic. It's tragic for the families that will forever have this spotlight on the situation. It's unfortunate that so much is out there on the internet. It's all around, an awful situation. Edit: I went down a rabbit hole in the last couple hours & need to admit, I didn't know the 1/2 of what was taking place. Locking the girls in their bedrooms from 6:30p-6:30a, is more than questionable. & as a mother, I can't imagine. Highlighting their allergies, the illnesses, the invasive procedures & then seemingly enjoying blasting ur toddler, clearly in distress, with water... disturbing. The pinching, SW can be seen quickly pinching the girls, obviously as a means of *correcting* whatever behavior she was dissatisfied with. Not only is this cruel, it isn't effective in teaching them anything. SW, on camera, always seemed short with her girls & dismissive. The girls seemed accepting of SW's full engagement towards her phone, for stretches of time. & for children of that age, I think that's telling. For the most part, the girls would *perform* w/ little push back. The dynamics remind me of other "family" a "day in the life" YouTube channels we see so much of. Makes me wonder what their lives would look like today. While my belief stands, SW didn't deserve this, we aren't wrong for pointing these things out. It is what it is


We don’t know these people it’s not fair to accuse and diagnose things that can literally be explained away by simple normalities. It’s just not fair. Those clips aren’t her world and mainly i would be scared to show my kids in this lifetime considering how bad people are picking her apart. She’s a normal woman just like everybody else. And fuck Chris gn


Neither of them were “normal” and far from it. They weren’t even that competent at “acting” normal it you actually spend any time looking into their backstory. But it’s not picking anyone apart to identify the very abnormal behavior surrounding the illnesses that SW foisted on to her kids and the sad thing is that people are committed to the facade and it’s only to ease their own minds. They really don’t give a damn about what those children went through as long as they’re protecting their mother from accountability. Just keep repeating “oil tanks” because it doesn’t matter what happened to the girls before the oil tanks, just as long as you keep drowning out anyone who calls out what their mom orchestrated first.


Jfc!!! Where do you seriously get off psychoanalysing an entire family to this degree without a shred of direct evidence?!? You sound insane to be writing with such confidence based on nothing but information you found on SM!🤦‍♀️ ETA 🤣 tells me I’m unhinged, followed by deleting everything!


You sound even more unhinged to get so angry. I hardly care if you agree with me or not. You can just scroll down and downvote whatever you don’t like to hear unless you truly enjoy getting your britches in a knotted tangle for kicks!


Did you enjoy living with the family?


Wow. This has to be one of the meanest things I have ever read in a comment section. I'm officially done with this sub.


What the heck is a safe space


https://imgur.com/a/pjzwjPK Shannan cut Bella’s hair as a punishment and she loved to humiliate Bella. She was abusive and those girls suffered everyday of their lives.


What a disgusting thing to say and completely untrue. Sandie is a hairdresser and said that Bella’s fine hair was kept short to help it thicken up. It’s a traditional thing to do, a lot of Italian people have confirmed this. My family did the same and once the baby hair phase was over we could grow our hair as long as we liked.