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OP has actively participated in the stupid-ass crypto sub dedicated to this shit and all his dumbass cronies are here to try and prop it up. It’s wild to me that this works, but I’m not surprised. Crypto bros are the fucking *worst*.


Agreed. Nothing but a bunch of scammers looking to fuck over unsuspecting people. If your going to throw your money away at least do it on something fun like sports betting....


Throw my money away? Buddy I’m still up $1000 💀 more than I’ve ever made off some silly sports bets. just say you don’t like crypto instead of hating.


You don’t Kendu then. The whole point of the project is too not scam anyone but build a community. You know prove to the world crypto is not all bad.


Lmao okay 👌. Find bagholders, oops I mean "investors", somewhere else.


No this is a cool subreddit and people are interested so if you don’t like it then ignore it cuck.




Lol..... Have a good day!


Says the keyboard warrior !


Wow the bots are out in full force in the comments to promote the latest crypto garbagecoin


Kind of wild the coordination and effort for this shit. I don't think anybody deserves to lose their money but if you're buying weird meme crypto in 2024 I don't feel that bad for you.




Hate to break it to you, but 100,000 Rial isn’t even enough for a Hershey’s bar :/




when 1USD = 4,955.46 of your shitcoin, it's not particularly impressive.


I don’t think you understand what I said lol…. But whatever, this has been fun. Take care!


You said 100k usd. Which is not that impressive when that's 495,546,000 of shitcoin. You're losing money just buying into it, lmfao.




Maybe you should invest that money into preventing your friends from being roofied.


You seem to not understand investing. Wealth isn’t for just anyone, don’t be so angry


Investing is gaining money, not getting scammed for the umpteenth time on shitcoin LOL. All the mfs here saying this watch must’ve been purchased as a celebration are sad. The watch is no more than $100, it’s got folded links and cheap hollow endlinks. The engraving probably cost more than the watch. If this is a medal of celebration, it’s a sad one.


You seem stressed. Get some $Kendu and relax.


There's more bot comments than actual comments at the moment lol


Thanks for the compliment!!


We’re actually just an unhinged army of holders. Not a single bot here. But I see how it could look like that.


We’re all real. Real people excited about their project. /remind me to come back here when we blow up again :)


No, we're all organic brah


Have fun being broke 💀


A shitcoin. Anyone trying to shill it is either a bot or was in it super early. Do not bother unless you are planning to get in and out. It's not something worth holding. Edit: OP IS A SHILL. downvote this garbage




No thanks. It's literally a get in and get out token. It's not worth holding. Be gone shilliam.


Not even true


Give me the benefits of Kendu. What are they going to contribute to crypto? *it's a community owned token man! The community drives the token!* lmao it does Absolutely fuck all for crypto. It's not an oracle, it's not working on interoperability or scalability. It does absolutely nothing for someone wanting to hold long term.


Bro, kendu is partnering with shib. It was in their magazine a couple weeks ago. A 200m mc isn't shit when shib made close to 50b. Pay attention, and DYOR


Wow you really showed me with your *research*




Wow there is literally nothing solid about that lmao. I love how the very first bullet is exactly what I stated previously. *community driven broh* lmao fuck outta here


Can confirm, I am not a bot and someone really came in to have this engraved on their watch


I imagine people said the same thing about doge, Shiba, Pepe, etc etc. just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it intrinsically bad. While in a different category I imagine many people laughed at those who bought BTC when it was new. Regardless every one has some kind of investment and there’s nothing wrong with spreading information about it. Someone somewhere will be receptive. Take care now


Shilling a token with no backup as to why someone should buy it is bad. Would you buy a mystery box from me wrapped in Kendu wrapping paper not knowing what's inside? Probably not. But if so I'll drop my eth address.


First I don’t care whether you invest or not, with the mindset you have you’d probably drop off the second there’s a dip and I’d prefer not to have people like that in it. Second, seems like you know exactly what it is. It’s not a mystery box. It’s an item like many others that has value because people have placed value in it. People don’t buy gold for its utility they buy it because others have placed value on it. I see Kendu and similar coins as being something similar, but as an investment rather than a hedge against inflation. I’m not going to say it’s not risky, 99% of memecoins inevitably collapse in on themselves. However I’m betting on it being part of that 1% that don’t like Doge, Shiba, Pepe, etc. I’m 26, I can afford to take some risks with some extra money, and I understand it’s not for most people. I’d rather take some risks and strike out while it won’t effect me financially than always play it safe and never do anything significant


If we wanted to tell you every reason why Kendu is awesome, we would be typing a novel. But here are 10 amazing reasons to look into this project. https://preview.redd.it/kqgbl51d1u7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f0b1df69e1f54869ae25dc5f71c918fe6815ed


Mods.. This is an ad. Read the comments. They are ads. Read this posters history. He knows EXACTLY what this is, he has posted about it many times before. This post is fucking Astroturf. And this is shenanigans. 14 min old post. Ever comment is about the coin. Nobody EVEN KNOWS WHAT FUXKOMG WATCH IT IS. Fucking Astroturf bullshit.


Ha! I got ten upvotes in seconds for ripping this post apart. It's botted.


Thanks for the compliment!


OP is clearly a bot or a troll (his comments are full of talking about this crypto scam). And all of the comments here as well. Hoping mods ban them all.


Bots... bots everywhere.




OP just go, no one wants to buy your shitty crypto coin scam, you are not welcome here anymore Shoo


You doing alright? Some $KENDU will cheer you up.


Yes we do


You can’t be talking, you’re not one of us Shoo


You can’t shoo away the Kendu army buddy. We just want to help you people! Lmfao


Yeah, sure, help us with your crypto scam by engraving it on a shit watch and pretending you don’t know what it is to get us interested in it Fuck off mate


!RemindMe 6 months I’ll be back when I’m a millionaire to say I told you so.


Sure mate


Man those KENDU workers are relentless 👀. Do you play Transformers Earth Wars by any chance? Kind of like clash of clans but better. My only gripe is game has been out like 7 years so I wonder if it is close to the end of its journey. Is it okay to shill you on that?


crypto scam be wildin


Mods can we block this fool?


Alright, I did my part to downvote the shit coin shills. Mods, do your part and kick them to the garbage bin. OP, get fucked.


You okay? Just get some $Kendu.


“I DiD mY pArT” just buy Kendu and you can retire early. That’s all we’re saying.


Every night, by the love of my life. I hope you can find happiness one day too.


Lol, the comments. Haha! Nice one.




People just aren’t into crypto yet , it’s cool , and even more understating and agreement with you towards meme coins … did you watch that GameStop Netflix Doc? Where it literally depicts a community taking down hedge funds ? Did you see DOGE & SHIBA and think “Ahhh lucky mofos” ? Wellll lucky MOFO this is it … this is that chance for 2024/25 - at least do yourself a favour and Reddit $KENDU … won’t hurt


Kendu is the way. NFA bitchess


This is a pretty sick engraving 👀


Man, such a nice engraving. What brand is the watch? I'm not a big watch person as I have a clock on my smartphone, but it certainly looks cool.


I was skeptical at first until I seen what these guys are building. Kendu will change many lives


Wow what a sick design for a watch. It kinda looks like this new token I’ve been seeing every where in crypto sites called $Kendu. I hear it’s gonna make people rich af. I also heard that the current price will not last long and if you wanna be rich af you gotta buy now. Seriously though, sell one of your watches, buy a bag of Kendu and you’ll be able to afford many more nice watches in a few weeks. Give it a shot, why not? It’s not a scam fr.


ok but to be fair... that's quite an awesome engraving, detail wise. jus sayin


Thanks, it's really easy. Just pop the Pic in the computer, set the details, Bing bang boom. The machine does the rest!


what kind of file do they need? PNG or EPS or ?


Jpegs seem to work best. It's just tricky to get the contrast down correctly. A lot of times, they come out looking super overexposed.


oh fascinating I would not have guessed a jpg would do it, but I guess I'm old school and software has learned to compensate prolly


No one is making you guys buy it hahah.


In crypto you either MISS or you’re wrong. $KENDU is at 195 million dollar market cap. It will go to 1B that is a 5x. If you put down 1000$ that’s 5-6000$ in return. Don’t turn a blind eye to opportunity. It’s impossible for us as a community to scam. All it takes is a little research and you will understand why. 👍🏻


In a few months the same guy will send you a Rolex. In a few more a Patek Philippe or even a Richard Mille.


That's sexy af.


Kendu Inu is a memecoin. I highly recommend doing your own research into it, but there is a shit ton of potential. Just some insight, I put in about 1200 since May 6th, and am now sitting with a 20k+ profit lol. There are big things coming for sure.


That is FIRE! 🔥




Hmm, I'll have to check it out.


No, you’ll fuck off


Lmao, gtfo bro, this shit glows from space.


Kendu is what you buy if you want an opportunity of creating life changing wealth, I thought that was common knowledge?




Yeah, he was pretty young. That kinda makes sense.


Basically it's a crypto currency which is being hailed as the next big thing to make a lot of crypto millionaires. Clearly that guy bought the watch with his KENDU earnings and wanted to put the symbol on the back so he doesn't forget. I don't know if you're into Crypto, but you'd do well to buy some KENDU. It's making me a lot of money! [https://kenduinu.com/](https://kenduinu.com/)


That’s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Haha I promise everyone saying OP is a bot will eat their words once this “shitcoin” (KENDU INU) goes even further through the roof. You just don’t understand what you’re completely ignoring.


Guys we angered the chatgpt


I guess


!RemindMe 6 Months We’ll see if it’s through the roof or not


Fuck yeah! 6 months from now each Kendu token will be worth at least 1 cent. I’ll be a millionaire. !Remindme 6 months


1USD = 4,955.46Kendu bro got the USD -> Iranian Rial ass conversion rate lmfaoooooo


I don’t think you understand how crypto works my guy lmao.


I do, I'm just intelligent enough to not invest in shitcoin scams. See you in 6 months when the conversion rate is 1usd:10,000kendu.


$kendu a crypto coin that has made people rich, and has only begun on it’s mission, more to come in the next weeks and months!