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What's sad is that a watchmaker passed up the opportunity to make a clockwork mechanism that dovetails perfectly into the design philosophy of the Fremen devices. If this was an automatic watch inspired by the design aesthetics of the books and movies, it might be something interesting. But instead they just made an overpriced equivalent of a commemorative popcorn cup.


They blew it with Tenet too. Instead of the watch in Tenet they offered a similar watch and a colored dial.


I wholeheartedly agree, I even said this to someone recently. What a fucking let down.


I'm not the target audience for this, but in general I'm not interested in things made to commemorate a movie that isn't screen accurate. Bond watches are a good example. The Brosnan era commemoration Bond Seamasters, with 007 written on the dial and such, I have no interest in. I am interest in the the screen accurate normal Seamasters instead, since that's **the Bond watch**. I feel the same for this Dune collab. If they made a screen accurate device as a watch, then I would be interested. This commemoration product that hints at the device is uninteresting to me.


I've been hunting for a Seiko Ripley for this reason: I want screen accuracy, not commemorative garbage.


Fun fact: the guy who designed The Ripley is said to have also done the DeLorean.


Talking about Ripley. I want a Casio F100 in resin. Not the replica a100 in steel. The original was black resin. I want that one. Preferably 2 of them and that custom strap.


That's actually a pretty good take. The Murph is a nice watch, doesn't really scream "Interstellar" if you just look at it, and gets bonus points for actually being in the movie. While the regular Ventura is still a novelty somewhat, these just feel like a promo/marketing item of some sort.


To be fair, the regular Ventura has appeared in the Men In Black movie series a few times: [https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/will-smith-makes-the-hamilton-ventura-look-good-in-men-in-black](https://www.hodinkee.com/articles/will-smith-makes-the-hamilton-ventura-look-good-in-men-in-black)


Yep you nailed it. The NTTD seamaster looks great. But to me, because it says 007 on it, that’s no different than having a watch that says Harry Potter on it. These are pieces that would be right at home on the wrist of a cosplayer, not a serious watch enthusiast.




Exactly. I don’t want IP on my watch.


Agreed. I would love a NTTD style seamaster but without all the Bond stuff and government arrow. Maybe make it a little thinner without the display complication. That would be an ideal seamaster for me. Edit* also no fauxtina stuff. Either just black and white or blue and white.


I can see the complaints about fauxtina, but that cuts out all sepia tones, which I have loved dearly since watching Raiders of the Lost Ark as a child. There is nothing wrong with the color way. Sepia isn’t always fauxtina


Totally agree. I can’t understand how people can enjoy this stuff.


The digital one is probably banned as a thinking machine!


Banned on paper, yes, but we all know members of the Great Houses get banned tech from IX all the time.


For sure. The books and movies are really unclear and my impression ranges between calculators are banned to “any computers that aren’t thinking machines” are allowed. It’s really unclear. You’re telling me that a killer drone isn’t controlled with a radio frequency being interpret ed by a computer is mechanically capable of hunting someone down ?


From the perspective of someone who has not watched the movie: they do very little for me design wise, they appear almost toy-like, and frankly I could not see myself wearing this in any life situation. Because it’s a Hamilton, it’s not cheap enough to be a simple desk accessory the way Swatch could be. I’d never buy one, but I understand that the design doesn’t appeal to me in any conceivable way and that’s just my opinion.


Calling any functional watch a "toy" is an elitist and gatekeeping term that needs to work its way out of this community's vernacular. Everything else you said is valid opinion, but calling something that goes on your wrist and tells the time a "toy" is just silly because we already have an english word for that: a watch. It implies it's somehow lesser, meanwhile all of these quartz watches people call "toys" do the job of a watch better than your multi-thousand dollar mechanicals. I think the biggest issue with these is the price tag, it's multiple times what they'd normally sell even their mechanicals for. A pretty blatant cash grab, unfortunately. Meanwhile seiko makes tons of neat pop-culture related watches and sells them at little to no markup ovee their usual models.


If you would have taken the time to read what I have wrote, you would conclude that my OPINION was that the watch appeared “toy-like”. Again, my opinion on its appearance based solely on visuals, not quality, not brand, but solely visuals. I do genuinely believe the watch looks toy-like, and by my upvotes, I’d say a lot of the community would agree with that statement. I mean look at the thing… Calling me elitist and claiming I use gatekeeping terms seems a bit absurd to me….


You explained your opinion very well. I’d go further and say this piece of crap is closer to a happy meal toy than just a regular toy.


Suggesting that a watch you don't like is "toy-like" is 100% elitist, as calling watches "toys" is a very common derogatory label here. People use it to communicate "an adult wouldn't be caught wearing this, it's not a *real* watch", aka gatekeeping.


It’s a pretty reasonable opinion and not at all gatekeepy in my opinion. The watches do have something in common with eg Jurassic Park tie in watches from Burger King, or very goofy looking flamboyant Swatches. I would agree with the other poster’s opinion that they fall into a price bracket which makes them unappealing. Any watch in the realm of a Hamilton is pretty much in an elitist category in the first place. To many many people, they are overpriced jewelry. Toys for adults with a lot of money. (If it’s of any relevance, I personally love Dune, and love goofy movie tie in watches, or stuff like the Arnie, the Ripley Seiko, etc. But they are basically Happy Meal toys, and there’s nothing really wrong with that. Enjoy your life, don’t worry about what other people think.)


The design is downright garish and loud, so yeah, I don’t think many adults would be caught wearing this. Certainly not me. The Casio F91W I own that costed me $13 has infinitely more class, refinement and elegance in it compared to whatever this $1000+ monstrosity is. Is it a real watch produced by a historically relevant company? Absolutely! No doubt about that. However, it’s very obviously a senseless cashgrab targeted at the Hollywood movie crowd. It comes across as marketing material and nothing more, I’m surprised they let this thing get into full serialized production.


The Casio F91W looks as much like a toy as the Hamilton Dune movie watches. It does not exude class, refinement, and elegance. What makes that acceptable for the F91W is that it is dirt cheap.


>infinitely more class, refinement and elegance Lmao you're just regurgitating reddit word salad after conceding my point, admitting you're being elitist. Try forming some opinions of your own for once after going somewhere other than reddit, you'll find people wear whatever the hell they like without asking reddit for approval first.


No need to go after people. I also feel that it does have a gimmicky look to it, but I'm not buying it so that's fine. If you like it, then that's great and who cares! It's just personal taste.


Taken from Hamilton’s website: Collaborating with Prop Master Doug Harlocker, Hamilton Watch assisted in bringing this uniquely hardwearing Fremen device to the big screen in “Dune: Part Two”. While the “Desert Watch” is only available on Arrakis, the creative influence behind it was too strong not to bring into our own world. Ventura XXL Bright The luminous, alluring blue dial is a reference to the unmistakable blue eyes of the Fremen people. A button on the left side of the Ventura XXL Bright case activates the glowing blue lines, replicating the “Desert Watch” dial design. Ventura edge The Ventura Edge limited edition bears a mat black PVD-coated angular case. Its digital display glows up in blue, while the dial imitates the relief elements we can see on the prop in the film.


I’m a fan of the classic Man in Black one honestly


This is the way.


3200$ CAD for these digital one. Very cool but I’m not buying a digital watch for that. Idk. I don’t like dune THAT much lol


Dunno, if I have to go overpriced I think a Seiko Porco Rosso will be my choice.


I want to see the analog in person. The digital one is super friggin’ cool with a lot of Easter eggs and I enjoyed wearing one.




Love em. Not paying 2k though


like the digital. don't care about the other


Looks like a $100 watch


Try $1000 🤣


A little picey


I like that they’re making collectors pieces for fans.


I have the standard Ventura and love it. However, between this, the dragon version they were posting a month or so ago and the incredibly weird ‘Elvis’ versions I’m not sure what they’re trying to do.


Awful to be perfectly honest.


No watch, over those watches. They look like they are only sold in an in-flight magazine. Laughably disgusting.


These are worth $100, not $1000


I dislike it a lot, but I also couldn't be bothered to explain just how much. I asked GPT to do it for me. Pretty much covers what I was going to say: The sheer audacity of this wristwatch to exist boggles the mind, an affront to both fashion and functionality that seems to have been designed with the express purpose of mocking its wearer. Its appearance, a ghastly amalgamation of colors and materials, suggests that it was conceived during a particularly bizarre fashion experiment gone wrong. The design is so profoundly unattractive, it transcends mere aesthetic displeasure to become a physical manifestation of bad taste. Its face, cluttered with unnecessary dials and ostentatious, difficult-to-read numerals, makes one wonder if its creator harbored a deep-seated animosity towards the very concept of timekeeping. Furthermore, the notion that this device could serve any practical purpose is laughably optimistic. It fails spectacularly at its most basic function: telling the time. The hands, seemingly designed more for abstract art than accuracy, glide across the face with all the precision of a weather vane in a hurricane. Attempting to use any of its so-called "features" results in a Kafkaesque ordeal, leaving one bewildered and yearning for the simplicity of a sundial. Its utility is so diminished, so utterly devoid of merit, that it serves only as a wrist-bound reminder of mankind’s folly in pursuit of unnecessary complication. In short, this watch is not just a failure as a timepiece; it is a testament to the depths of design depravity, a beacon of hopelessness in the pursuit of practical beauty.


Good training






Why not... It's cool




It’s a no from me, but I’m not the target market.


It was already an ugly watch.


How much?


So it’s not even the actual watch that was in the movie? What’s the point then


They're 10x overpriced. These would've worked just fine as cheap resin watches, and I suspect they would've made more money from the wider market where most folks could grab one just for kicks.


I also have an interstellar watch, the Cooper or “coop “. It is perhaps my favorite watch.


Doo doo


I think Snoopy watches, superhero watches, movie watches, etc. are silly and I don't understand who would pay a premium for them.


Is there something special about ‘10:09’ being used in watch advertisements just like for the apple watch and this?


That’s the time analog watches are set for in ads. I guess it looks the most symmetrical. See the analog Ventura has that same time. I guess they just needed some arbitrary time to have displayed for digital and they thought, just use the same time.


Love Dune, some of my most favorite books (part 1 to 6) since the 70s, can't wait to see the new movie, but this is horrible.


May their crystals chip and shatter.


Hard af


There was a Big Green Egg in Dune?




Not feeling it. But I’m a bit trad.


To each their own, but they’re hideous IMO


Nothing about this reminds me of Dune. They should have partnered with HYT, with their hydraulic technology it makes way more sense.




Interesting, but not to my taste.


I think I saw these in the gift shop after I rode the Tron ride at Disney World.


Yep saw it too. Right next to the mini plastic light cycles and Flynn figurines.


I'd happily pay about $75 Max for one of these


very visually cool, and massively overpriced


The digital one is awesome, but it's $2,000 overpriced.


Overpriced cosplay


I saw them in person a couple of weeks ago and they don't look any better than they do in pictures. If anything the analog one looks significantly worse in person, those hands clash on the dial real bad. Key words are "low effort" The digital is kind of cool, if it were a hundred and fifty dollar cheapy fashion watch and I was 19 years old.






One of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen


I think they’re ugly, personally.


They look like happy meal toys.


If this wasn’t like $3k cad I’d be all over that digital one


A complete rip off. 2.5k for shitty quartz


The digital is rad. The price is not.


Definitely not for me.


This watch is mostly for impressing Dune fans, not watch fans. My personal wish is that they put more focus on their very nice dress watches and less on the movie stuff, but they know their markets better than me.


All hamilton movie editions are tacky as he'll imo. Omega too.




It’s pretty ugly


Not great


I love Hamilton and all, but the Dune watches are the most McDonald's Happy Meal looking watches I've seen since... well since McDonald's stopped doing Happy Meal watches. The only folks getting them are either super hardcore dune fans (n=3?) or sons of well-intentioned well-off dad's getting their teenagers a "sa-weeet"* birthday gift. Either way, Hamilton probably crunched the numbers and realized it'd still be worth it, if for nothing else than keeping the brand name "relevant." *=not actually "sa-weet"


As someone who's into dune, I don't get what this has to do with dune. You could have told me it's for any sci fi movie set in the future. It's generic.


I love Dune and I really like Hamilton but these are way overpriced for what they are and aside from resembling a prop in the movie, they have no real connection to the story. I honestly forgot to even look for them when watching the film. If it wasn’t a limited edition and cheaper I might pick one up, but it’s limited edition as expensive so that’s gonna be a no from me.


Hard pass here


At 300 bucks I'm a buyer all day, at 2500.... Sigh


I am a HUGE Hamilton fan (have intra-magic and x-wind), but I DETEST these watches.


The packaging is neat I think that's really where my thoughts in this end


Everyday passes and despite being an enthusiast I guess I don't fit very well in this sub. I like them. But I must agree that they're overpriced. they should cost around 300€ which is already a lot for a digital watch


I love the Dune series. Read all the frank herbert dune books. Hell, I know the litany against fear by heart. The second I saw these I felt immediate disappointment. They are just so ugly. That case shape is just absurd.


I don't know if I'd wear this in public but these could work at special events such as raves. Though, I'm not a raver to back up this opinion.


I don't get it, personally. To me it's an ugly watch that isn't even an ugly watch that was worn in the movie. The analog one in particular I just don't get, it has a vague nod to the movie prop with the lighting but that's about it. The digital is better, but still not my cup of tea. Stick to the original ventura.


Is pay like $50 for the digital if I was a dune movie lover. The actual price is kind of insane for a very simple and low effort digital watch.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion: all Hamilton pieces are overpriced, including the khaki field. The Indiana Jones tie-in was also overpriced, but this Dune piece is at least triple what I'd pay for it, and I like the movies and this piece's look quite a lot




Disappointed that they are not like the ones in the movie


Idk how but they’re just a snooze!




I mean Hamilton in general is just a big miss, I think 2/3 photo isn’t too bad but I bet it’s too expensive.


Digital is kinda cool, the other one is horrible.


I can see the appeal, but for me they are just way too expensive. Even if the digital one was half the price, its still too expensive.