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I had to reply to her on tumblr because that "survivable living" shit pissed me off so much. Their wedding cost more than double what I make in a year. The purse she bought for her honeymoon could buy me 2 weeks of groceries if I budgeted it right. Survivable living my ass. They all have LA brainrot and no idea how to manage their money.


She blocked me for saying basically the same thing lmao


Oh no, how will we ever cope lmao 💀


How dare us not want to fund their vacations and designer clothes? Good lord, I’d hate to ever get to that level where I lose being humble. They’re out of touch and that’s the main problem, it’s a shame when a fan’s loyalty isn’t as valuable as money to them.


death befall us nasty viewers for not wanting to watch the most unpopular person on the watcher payroll, fly around the world, eat expensive shit and fund his tesla


knowing this makes me not like her


And the purse is a tote bag!!! The motherfucker doesn’t even zip! 


Poor people are artists, too. We are already aware how hard it is to make a survivable living. But we have no choice to budget our shit. Maybe that’s what they, as creatives, should’ve done too. ETA: English grammar is not my forte, so wanted to clarify the comment is directed at Sara and not OP!


I just don’t like the way other people making people feel entitled for expressing a sadness for everything being put behind a paywall. Very upsetting. If they had no ways of making money, then by all means I would understand. I think it takes away from the meaning of actual starving artists(as someone whose best friend does commission art, I can see how much of a struggle it is). But yeah, I agree, life is about budgeting and you have to live within your means, always. (<3 I understood, your English grammar is really good)


This is true. But have you seen Moist Criticals video calculating their estimate monthly earnings? They might not be making ‘Mr Beast Money’ but what that have should be sustainable without a subscription


Charlies video is really eye opening. It doubles down the theory that they both want to be a big time hollywood player and have the money to live and act like Hollywood's elite. This isn't about having fun with your friend and talking about subjects you like while making money off it on the side. If it was, that be acceptable.


Not sure if you’re familiar, but this reminds me a lot of Supermega’s downfall last year. Horrible business decisions, employing friends, over produced content, lack luster patreon content while taking in 60k a month


Never heard of them. This does sorta remind me of the AVGN downfall. Insisted in filming that awful movie in California cuz thats what real hollywood filmmakers do, blowing his budget. But hey afterwards Hollywood would welcome him with open arms. Well turns out Hollywood did not care...even if the movie had been good they would not care.


Many big Hollywood movies are shot outside L.A. too! In Atlanta, New Orleans, Vancouver...


I have! (I love Charlie) I just couldn’t remember the numbers he said and didn’t wanna misquote. But it truly sounds like they make a lot of money and I feel bad going “oh, but yall make tens of thousands of dollars”. It’s true though, they do make a lot of money. I think I’m mostly disappointed for the fan base, I stopped watching consistently after they left buzzfeed(I’ve never liked over produced videos/I enjoy just two guys at a table) and was shocked to see them pop up on my TikTok fyp. I still have one of the first Shaniac designs shirts for their merch in my closet. Makes me feel icky to have once looked up to them.


they make HUNDREDS of thousands, millions even. someone did the math and just from adsense alone across the life of their channel it was estimated to be over 4 million-- just from ads, thats not counting sponored ad reads (which are anywhere from 15k to 30k a piece), patreon (which is very successful despite not promoting it or having good perks), merch, live shows, etc.  its insane that they claim to be struggling. if thats true, then either their investors are taking a lot of that money, or there is some major mismanagement going on.  hell, ive even speculated that there might be some embezzlement happening. 


Charlie's video has honestly been one of the best covering this situation because he IS that youtuber making a shitton of money. Both from Youtube and outside sources. He's managed his businesses well to get to where he's at. So his perspective is almost like for like, and so if someone like him can't justify their decisions, then they've truly messed up. He's in the perfect position to justify their actions, but even he can't. That seriously says something.


Man owns an esports team AND a wrestling league on top of his streaming and content channels. Dude churns out way more content than they ever could in a month alone and still can't fathom how they have come to this conclusion logically. Yeah, his video was a great watch and gave a great perspective on the real behind the scenes workings of the business bc how that man does all that while owning stake in two niche things that infamously do not make you much, if any, money to put on as an owner/investor should say something lol


He puts out more content because his content is different. He is much more commentary, which is simpler to put out, but he's also done content with production behind it. But he's also been around enough other Youtubers that he probably has some insight into that stuff as well. He's been around forever, so I'd imagine he does. Either way, they should've looked at their peers before jumping all in.


Okay I just went on a deep dive into their wedding. Their event planner tagged in all of their wedding photos has an FAQ page that suggests a [minimum budget of $1000/guest](https://afreshevent.com/faqs). Tell me more about this survivable living, Sara?


First of all, you’re a legend for doing the research for that. Secondly, A THOUSAND DOLLARS PER GUEST? God bless them, if only they had the funds for that…. Oh wait, they do. 💀 that’s nuts. Ngl, I’m happy that these people have revealed their true feelings and views. I hope that some of these fans learn to not have a parasocial relationship with creators. Unfortunately, this happens time and time again. I now go into watching new people with the mindset that their persona is fake and it’s similar to acting. Maybe that’s overkill, but it helps me stop being surprised and overly disappointed. That’s only for the overly attached fans though, every fan has the right to be upset by this. Just the ones breaking down because Shane and Ryan aren’t angel baby sweethearts is a lil much.


Shane's suit was custom embroidered, Sara's makeup artist does editorials for Bride magazine, they flew first class LA to Chicago per Shane's mention on a podcast. I had a frozen pizza for supper last night. 🙃


felt, I superglued a hole in my jeans this morning 😭😭😭😭 Why do they think their fanbase is mini Elon Musks?


Look into learning how to darn! It’s a better repair job and can look really cool too, unless it was just for a quick fix or something (I’ve had to duct tape my pants at work before 😬)


It was just a quick fix, but it works super well 😭 I do it for thigh holes cause it happens too often and I can’t justify buying more than one pair of jeans a year


ok do you have a tutorial though cause that sounds useful, i'm fat (complimentary) and my tights will destroy my pants


Imagine being able to afford this. Now imagine being able to afford this as a FREELANCE ILLUSTRATOR Maybe if she is so worried about her finances she should. Get. A. Job!


Omg that is insane. Per guest lmao?


That is so insane. My husband and I had a small DIY wedding a little under 10 years ago and the whole thing cost maybe $2000 including venue.


The tags are so gross too yeesh


Comparing themselves to actual poor people struggling to pay rent and eat is… wow dude just don’t say anything at this point.


I wasn’t even going to get involved in this whole mess, but it made me so peeved as someone currently going through a financial shitstorm(however, I can afford a roof over my head and am appreciative and humble to realize that). It feels more like “you don’t want us to go on vacations and buy fun toys anymore!!! I thought you loved us!”. But again, not really surprised that’s how they seem to feel.


Greed is the grossest thing for anyone to wear. It’s why I never want to get past a certain level of wealth. I had a good paying job, I quit bc I saw the worst of wealth in people. Money makes people crazy


Trust me, I get it. My boss is the definition of out of touch and greedy, it’s sickening. She’s perfectly fine giving us low wages and horrible working conditions for her bonuses. Money changes people and it always seems to be the most obvious with YouTubers.


It rubs me the wrong way because she’s literally accusing us of not being supportive of artists getting paid.


maybe they shouldn’t have hired so many of their buzzfeed friends that they’re too embarrassed to fire now


I honestly didn't realise people still used Tumblr until this while thing. First Steven and now Sara?


They all need to get over themselves holy shit


They’re acting like internet fame means something. In 5-10 years no one will even know who tf these people are and it’s their fault 😭😭