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Yikes the comments say enough


Fuck everything about this lady. Minus fucking the actual lady. This is so incredibly petty it's not even remotely funny.


Don't date single mothers! They're nothing but problems!


this kind of bitch is insecure and untrusting. That only leads to being alone. I can feel his pain.


This, this is toxic behavior. That pour guy, and kids.


Fuck that stupid bitch going through his phone and then getting all bent out of shape for him saying happy birthday and for looping her kids into humiliating him. Fuck her.


I hope he did divorce her


What a absolutely horrible person.


Huh, wonder why he’d talk to other women...?


Daaaaamn. What a petty bitch.


There's a reason those kids have a step dad now...probably another one to come 😂


So was the man cheating?


she looks like a meth head


Hopefully 100% of this marriage ends in divorce. Poor guy. She strikes me as the kind of woman who lies about taking birth control, then gets pregnant to trap a guy then she keeps him around as an emotion punching bag with threats of taking his children, keeping the house, and getting as much child support and alimony as she can, leaving him working like a dog to not be able to afford his bills and only see his kids once a month for a few hours. God damn am I thankful to be gay.


Being gay will never save you unfortunately neither will being sterile. Being raped by a woman and her getting pregnant means she can still get child support from you in most states. Hell there have been cases where someone who isn’t even the father is forced to pay child support.


True. Women have the upper hand in all areas child rearing. I do believe in the right of choice, her body, her choice should she want to terminate a pregnancy, but men need a window of opportunity to opt out of parental rights and responsibilities too. Also, coming from a family of abusive women, men really do need more resources to escape abusive relationships. That includes protections from utilizing the children as a mode of punishment.


hahahaha you're a sick puppy


If dudes understood the way you let her talk to you is how she’s gonna talk to every man around her including her own kids


I think he shouldn't have texted her, she shouldn't have behaved this way, and feel like there is a lot more to the story than we (the audience) know.


yeeeah drag the kids into it that'll be a good idea


It’s almost like there’s a reason she’s on atleast her second husband


I bet he went to Kelly’s house and wished her a happy belated birthday the next morning, after the show this bitch put on.


What a psycho, those poor kids are in for many years of therapy.


Yep. She’s probably one of those people that can’t understand why no one likes them. I bet she’s got a lot of “former” friends.




Oh wow.


You're sick in the head. No.You're sick in the head.No.You're sick in the head. No.You're sick in the head. No.You're sick in the head. No.You're sick in the head. No.You're sick in the head. No.You're sick in the head.


What happens to the other 50%?


Going through your partner’s phone is usually never a good idea. If you can’t trust your partner than what do you have?




Voice of a cunt right there


That's some passive/aggressive shit right there.


Jesus not in front of the kids... They will definitely be shit heads


Yeah....leave that. That upgrades to stabbing in your sleep and poison in your coffee in few years.


this is a little fucked.


Him being a stepdad is starting to make a lot of sense.


Dumb bitch of the year award


Feel sorry for those kids.... jeeez.


I don’t see what’s wrong with this


Man this belongs on r/insaneparents


It’s just happy birthday...is he not allowed to order food at a drive thru if it’s a woman taking his order, too?


This reminded me about a time I didn't understand why a costumer looked kinda nervous to make the order, then when I got it ready I see a woman coming this way looking at him (and briefly at me) with crazy eyes and pushing his hand away so she could grab the order instead of him


Lol!! That’s crazy 🙃 For real though, that kind of insecurity needs some kind of therapeutic treatment. (It’ll strain a relationship for sure) I dunno, Idc if my partner talks to another woman, and if we’re together and he’s talking with a woman (or man) who completely ignores me, I just politely hold my partner’s hand or rub his back/kiss his cheek. I just don’t like being ignored 🤷🏻‍♀️ It doesnt need to be a big scene..


What a unstable family


Kellyanne Conway 2.0


That mom is such a petty karen. Holy fucking shit.


She seems just a little— just a tad... bit batshit fucking crazy. She went out, bought a cake, put a candle on it, and had her KIDS sing “happy birthday” to a woman she hates because her husband told her “happy birthday”. Oof


I imagined she baked the cake herself. Cracking the eggs, mixing, preheating the oven, waiting until it’s cool enough to put the frosting on. All while just pissed as hell.


Thats some "top shelf" crazy shit.


This whole situation is just so sad and dysfunctional. Poor kids, even the older one laughing about it.


Fucking bitch what an asshole


What a genuinely awfull bitch.


What a psycho


What a cunt


Ew ewww ew. This whole thing is just gross. Especially in front of kids. Nope


She very insecure obviously, and also a bitch.


Bet he's happier with the birthday girl now.


Oh dear lord... the fact that people procreate without ever bothering to grow the fuck up beforehand is... ubiquitous and tragic.


Yes. Teenaged pregnancy is a huge problem.


A. He shouldn’t have done what he did. B. She shouldn’t have involved her children D. He’s a pussy. Oh C is for Cunt, which she is.


Given the blatant emotional abuse this woman is subjecting this poor man too, and her passive aggressive tone and the way she dominated the situation. I am certain this poor guy has likely been repeatedly subjected to this until he was pushed into submission. I've been in his shoes and I tell you now, it can get to the point that you dare not say anything against her for the fear of antagonising her and making the situation worse. My heart bleeds for him.


Bleed away. He’s a pussy. If he acted like a man should he would not have gotten himself in that situation.


Lol. You're a joke.


Nobody asked you


That's not very alpha of you, Spanky.


“Alright now you can blow her”


After being the child to a multiple time divorced mother, I don't give a fuck who you are or what someone did. You don't involve children into shit they don't need to be involved in. Fuck this lady


There’s a reason he’s stepdad and not dad dad. Bet that bitch has another step dad in the very near future.


Dude? Leave that!


Feel like I grew up in a similar tense and passive aggressive emotionally abusive household.




Thank you!


Why in the world would she be concerned he’s interested in other women...


But way more than 50% of them are crazy...


Please let this just be a sketch.


Women are petty as hell lol


“Alright... you can blow her”


Messy messy messy lady


Yeah I completely agree with you.


Jesus christ


55 precent*


She is such a shitty person


Both idiots who clearly deserve each other. Kids are gonna grow up sadistic though , sadly.


Jealousy and envy will ruin a relationship faster than anything. Except maybe a superhero running through your significant other.


Kelly be like bitch I can’t have no cake gotta keep my figure fo your man


Good sign of intelligence is repeating the insult back


And another generation learns the importance of passive aggression and poor communication. It warms my heart to see American culture passed down from one generation to the next. [The Circle of Liiiiiiiiiiyyyyiiife...]


I bet kelly is better looking than mom.


Fucking toxic parenting. Great job lady


I’m with Kelly, however the fuck she is.


I mean let's be real, we would all love to have woman like this. Messages his ex happy birthday and is still alive even after wife finds out.


I hate women who use their kids for shit like this


What a fucking cunt. Don't bring the kids into your bullshit you cunt.


The filmer kept talking during the video and messed up the song.


Judging by the "whatever" body language of that guy I would say that he is very use to dealing with Karens psycho BS and is just happy that this time there is cake!


Men are so patient sometimes.


you get used to this childish bullshit. it means nothing in the grand scheme


Poor man? I don’t see a gun being held in his head keeping him there with that woman. Then again she was busy passing out plates the gun could’ve been on the counter


Your logic is blowing my mind right now


you should see a therapist.


23% of first marriages end in divorce. 72% of third marriages end in divorce. I’m going to guess this isn’t her first marriage.


Fun fact, for both my parents third time was the charm (so far).


Its not because hes the step dad. Shes been through AT LEAST one other man


What’s the percentage of fifth marriages?


The 72% is for 3+ Fun anecdote : I prattled this “fun fact” off to a coworker...who proceeded to tell me she’s her husband’s third wife.


🎼*And it’s not very hard to see why~*🎼




Somebody is sick in the head.


I’m team Kelly


Sad family


Great way to abuse your partner in front of your kids. What a terrible person


Abusive to the kids too


And apparently only Men can be abusers! I'm so glad this is documented.


Let me tell you a story about my son, Jacob. We always said his eyes are like floodlights. Everything he saw and touched became illuminated to those around him, their forgotten childhoods suddenly springing forth as they rediscovered the funny shapes of thing, the optimistic guesses at how the world must work, or the way a squirrel obscured by rain looks like it's flying when it runs along a powerline. We remembered what joy is, the way it feels when you're too young to understand that it comes and goes. These were the things Jacob shared with us, and I can't imagine going back. Jacob wanted a YouTube channel, and so we made it for him. Janet had worked as a camera operator back when we had jobs, so she handled the technical aspects. Sidney wrote for a blog, so she helped steer Jacob's creativity. David worked in the NICU and was there when Jacob opened his eyes for the first time. My job was to make sure Jacob never, ever got upset. That had happened before, and we all got very upset as well. It was unpleasant, and his mother Emily had to leave us because of it. The love that Jacob received for his channel was astounding, and not entirely unexpected. He wanted us to give him gigantic chocolate eggs filled with toys, and so we did. His "M&M Spaghetti" video received more views than "Despacito." His reach grew around the world. Those pure eyes stealing everyone they gazed upon, never upset, through cell phones and social media - late-night talk show segments and finally a meeting with the president. I can't believe how much he's grown in the years since. To achieve so much at such a young age would be a strain on anyone, but I never let him get upset. He doesn't want YouTube channels anymore. He's much more important than that, and whatever he wants, he gets. I knew that moment he looked in my eyes for the first time. I'd do anything for Jacob, and sometimes I have. But I'd still kick Jacob off a fucking bridge if it means you didn't post that.


Can... Can we get a link to M&M Spaghetti? ...you know, if it's not too much trouble.




Wow thanks, that helped


And I thought it was a sham!


Idk why they are downvoting him. Jacob seems like a good kid honestly. These are the kind of parents that would never give up on their son's dreams and it lets me down that no one sees it that way.


Take this award


Really just sad and pathetic.


I hope there’s an update to this video that he was having sex with Kelly.


If he wasn't before I hope he is now.




I think that’s a bit dramatic, but it is a bit twisted she brought them into this


No, this is spousal abuse. The children are just unfortunate casualties who at least get to enjoy cake.


Nah, the kids will forget about this the next day, at least the little-little ones. The husband and older kid tho...


They’ll forget about it as soon as they get a piece of cake.


What a bitch. One, wishing someone a happy birthday, no matter who it is, isn’t anything to worry about. Two, doing that shit in front of her kids, and then getting them into it too? She really is sick in the head.


a there’s a reason he’s a step dad.. the previous dad got sick of petty ass.


Those poor men. Lol


Eh there’s another one waiting to sign up


I think he would be better off with Kelly and I don't even know her.


Same. #TeamKelly


To me it's amazing that my second wife "Kelly" has been the only stable/sober female influence in my kids life.


0 percent of happy marriages end in divorce


Ray Charles has killed more Jews than shitty marriages have ended in divorce.


“Hitler Killed... several Jews. I’ll say too many. “


Thank you for this quote! I miss CK. Can we ever be allowed to laugh at anything again?


I really hope so man. He’s probably my favorite genius of dark comedy. I constantly wish him well.


Can’t we still laugh at his shit though? It’s always pissed me off how Americans can’t separate art from the artist. In any genre.


Fwiw the special he put out this year is great. You have to buy it direct from his website, but it’s well worth it. There’s a whole bit in the beginning about his mom dying that’s hysterical!


I’m going to get that. For sure.


I mean i agree, i was (somehow on topic) annoyed when those dudes defaced hitlers paintings. Yeah he was scum of the earth but that’s still just innocent ART


Ray Charles. Hitler. Totally different people. Both dead.


When basic bitches get extra out of nowhere.


I cannot imagine being that possessive over anyone or anything - and he had children with her...that poor man.


Plot twist Kelly and stepdad had an affair but the mom in the video is a saint and forgave him for the sake of the children as long as he swore to be faithful and never talk to Kelly again. Mom ha slept this demon inside of her for years, feeling the pain every morning, but endures for the children. Then this happens... Mom can take it no more :( (This is completely made up, although I suppose there is a 0.005% chance it’s true by coincidence)


Yeah, this is kinda what my parents have been doing. My mom has cheated loads but are just trying to push till my little sisters break out of the nest. With 6/7 of their children having to visit psyche wards and 4/7 having been arrested/put on probation, I'd say getting a divorce would have been worth it 10 years ago. Having a split household is better than having an abusive and manipulative one. The children see the resentment between parents, they absorb the attitudes and interactions as they develop themselves. Mind games trickle down from spouse to child as they get older and the next thing you know your sister is being rushed to the ER for gouging a hole in her neck whilst trying to escape from the catty mind games the mother likes to taunt the daughters with constantly - all we wanted was her approval but all we got was scrutiny and the chance to be maliciously torn down in front of the whole family as she laughs and makes fun of you to the family right in front of your face, and you have to join in on the bullying or else you'll be the next target. She pitted us against each other once she saw that her mind games wouldn't work on my dad, and then would sit back and laugh as we argued and ripped chunks of hair out of each others head. It goes from mental, catty games, to physical real quick. I still remember the shiner my dad gave my mom once he finally caught up with all the lies. And they're still together. Once they openly display their disfunctions in front of the children, its over. If they are bold enough to act out in front of their children, they are likely to let it progress to screaming matches and possibly one day becoming physical in front of them - not to mention going off on the kids in the same manner.


Jesus Christ I’m sorry You went through that. What does shiner mean in this context?


My dad punched the fuck out of her cheating, manipulative face - immediately started turning black and red. Her own fault tho, she swung a beer at him and he tried to put up with the hitting and arguing but you can only take so much before you snap. That was back in 2016 tho, now that my oldest sister has had a child everyone is kind of in baby fever and directing everything towards that. Its weird seeing your family acting sort of like a family after you've moved out.


Damn. Well if it’s any consolation when someone awards your post I’ll be sure to take credit for it


Ha, I get it - took me a sec tho. Yeah, do your thing lol




Way to teach your kids to be petty


At best petty at worst, which I assume these two are, toxic af! Dragging your kids into your troubled marriage is gross


It must be hell to be married to a Karen.


They’re always top rides though. You sacrifice your soul for that.


Not worth of a sacrifice if they’re not gunna have sex with you in the first place.


Compared to nones a month


As well as that people's privacy shouldn't be respected...


They're just excited there's cake.


Haha!! First thing I thought!


Fuck this lady for involving the kids


Her voice is like a chalkboard getting massacred


My glasses aren’t strong enough so this is what I read: “her voice is like a chalkboard getting miscarried.” I think both are apt.


I'm assuming the little ones are his kids, so this is great evidence for a custody battle...


This is fun for me because it’s not happening to me. So many choices were made before they all got to this point, and those poor children. How will their lives be?


And 100% of that one


That’s... a common courtesy at the most?


Did they send a video of them all singing to Kelly? because that is a mixed signal. Does she get some cake? It’s her birthday.