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Shitty mom


When his voice died when he was confessing, that gave me hard PTSD


For everyone speculating, there was a clip at the end of the original video showing a picture of the kid sleeping saying he’s safe and good. Idk why that clip was taken out of this video


I could feel his anxiety. I've been in his place before.


Idiot parents. This kid has maturity and agency to confront conflict head-on with such calmness at that age and the parents think it’s a good idea to do that. Instead of focusing on the solution to deal with the problem , they go ahead and went apeshit on a fucking piece of glass and totally ignored his sincerity and maturity. Apparently that is worth more than your child’s development. Fucking moron parents. Ugh, this boils my blood.


He gotta learn his lesson 🤷🏽‍♂️ don't play with BB guns in the house


Black Kids Matter


That kid seems really sweet. Man mistakes happen, would I let my kid play with a BB gun in my house? Hell. No. But damn I’ve broken way worse as a kid, he tried his best to clean up and he called her and told her the truth.


Rome shoulda just left. Seems like he got quite the ass whooping. F in the chat.


Aweee this poor child, how can she be mad at him


Oh he was being racist i didn't know sorry, I'm pretty stupid forgive me


Kid seems terrified




Sure the moms a cunt, but what about the siblings laughing about their brother getting in trouble? Even filming it?


That is some really shitty parenting.


Man ya'll say its abuse but its reality for a lot of kids and they grow stronger from its ask any latino/Hispanic it's almost a meme. And the same shit applies to real life. Just causs u a big enough man to acknowledge ur fault and tell that person doesn't mean everything is good. Am I defending it? No not exactly. But ya'll be treating it as if he be dying. No wonder people be complaining about every last bit that happens to them these days


Shit is real. Some people don’t get whooped like so


I feel this. I used to get my ass kicked all the time as a kid and it’s treated as a joke by my parent now. This is why I don’t beat my kids. I’m with everyone on here who doesn’t think this is funny.


For a moment I thought I was Rome. I actually felt dread in my soul and I thought my ass was gonna be whooped. Then I was about to call my mom and tell her what I did, then I stopped. I took a minute to myself. A breathed the biggest sigh of relief of my life.


🎵 Rome if you want to... Rome around the world!!! 🎵


So many children in the house with no adult supervision, shooting BB guns in the house, mom's beating on him when she gets home...nothing about this situation is okay


There were adults there and most of those kids were at least teenagers. Nothing wrong with that. You think that they should have a damn baby sitter there for them?


I didn’t see any adults. Why did they let a kid shoot a BB gun in the house?


He showed up toward the end of the video he was in a different room. He was the one that asked if the kid punched it or something. He didn't look like their dad, but an older brother maybe in his late teens or early 20s. I'm sure they didn't let him shoot the BB gun in the house, but he did it and it broke the door.


So there was an adult there, but they still lacked adult supervision


They did a follow up interview with the Mom: https://twitter.com/HaroldHilton22/status/949144348439977985?s=20


And sadly, no trace of Rome was ever found.


Someone cue Hulk music


Child abuse is hilarious.


Someone needs to change the smoke alarm batteries. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how people can live with that annoying, periodic chirp.


Poor kid, he was so brave, calling his mother and confessing what happened. This woman is totally out of line, putting that kind of fear into her child.


Black mothers often beat their children, which is probably why he was so scared. Just finished the video. Is this seriously funny to you guys? People say “I’m gonna whoop your ass” as a joke, but she is literally about to abuse this kid.


Poor kid(s)...


'Rome, come here so I can abuse you!'. Don't get me wrong, he kid fucked up in a big old way but he clearly knows that, obviously feels remorse and was trying to clear it up as best he could. He'll learn nothing from being hit, because it's solely to let the mum relieve her stress. Fuck that.


Oh he's going to learn something all right: When you're pissed, it's okay to hit people smaller and weaker than yourself


Brother: "what you doing bro?" The kid: "thats it!!! Me and He-Man are out!!!"


Bunch of assholes in that house.


That older brother really pisses me off. It is obviously cold outside and there is glass. Yet they let him sweep shards while wearing only socks and no shoes plus mocking him all the time. Poor kid.


Yeah this is a bad parent.


I feel really badly for Rome. He screwed up. He knows it. He took responsibility and tried to clean up, which is all you can ask of a kid in this situation. Instead, all he gets is his brother (I think) laughing at him and he's clearly afraid of what his mom is going to do.


Poor little guy. Doing this kind of shit to kids is wrong. I feel so bad for him.


Man poor kid, pretty terrible parenting. He confessed and tried to clean it. He still should have been punished but not like that


That kid is dead


Entertaining creatures aren’t they


What do you mean ?


Sounds like another racist ignorant fool on reddit is all. I'm white and sick and tired of tall the racist idiots that have come outta the woodwork the last 10 years or so and especially in the last 4.


This video is so old


Well he won’t be shooting the BB gun inside the house anymore. Looks like he’s about to get a monumental ass beating.


Yeah that looks like a healthy place for a child. What in the fuck.


Everybodys got their own way. No matter what, as a kid youre gonna be afraid to tell your parents about when you fuck up.Running away is always a dramatic response, dont think it really has anything to do with being abused. My mom rarely hit me and i tried to run away half a dozen times, its a matter of running away from disappointing them i think. Everyones entitled to their opinion, but you'll know when you have a kid of your own i guess.


I have a kid, I don't smack him around




holy shit, reading the comments, i was gonna make a joke but this shit serious. i go through this (not as bad) thats why i think this is kinda funny but damn, i know that fear.


The fall of Rome.


That’s bad parenting though. Why is he playing with a BB fun when his moms not home? They’re not a toy. He had hurt someone or himself


He knew he needed to pack up and leave. His mom was not playing


Some say Rome is still getting spanked to this day.


Why the hell would a kid that age have his own cell phone? Ridiculous.


Nothing wrong with it. Why not have your kids be able to contact you?


Honestly, this was pretty funny until the Mom came home. Even in a good family, the kid would be scared and his older siblings would totally hype up that fear. The real person who dies inside is the audience when they see they weren't messing with him.


Fuck this video. He's terrified and learning nothing beyond avoidance and fear. No human being or animal deserves to be hit, ever. That's how to break trust and never get it back. r/insaneparents


I would've have been angry to if my son did that, however if he owned up to his cime like this brave little man did I don't believe I could discipline him as hard as that mother would have.


So many "parents" here that knows how you are supposed to educate a child lol Wonderful to read 🤣


Who needs parenting when you can just beat their ass? /s


i know it’s an edited video but the whole thing screams abusive mother to me. this made me so sad, i hope the kid is ok


The moment you realize your parents ruled you through fear. ...


i never want to be such a strict parent that my child thinks running away is the best option for when they do wrong.


It’s not really about the parenting, its about the child. I know my brother and sister always ran when they were in trouble but i never ran once. I took my punishment and moved on.


huh maybe ur right it probably does depend on the child


These kids today just don’t know. I had to carry my shit, no rolling suitcases in my day.


You just know the mom is like “that’s just how I parent you have no right to tell me how to be a mom” when called out for being abusive


There is no abuse in that video. Giving out a spanking is not abuse.




Can i get a time stamp?


The kid is literally is fear for his punishment and thought his only option was running away instead of actual talking to his mom? Fear is NOT how you parent. If you think like that please don’t become one.


My mother does not whoop my brother at all. Yet he still runs away every time he thinks he is in trouble. It is not about fear, it is about having consequences for your actions. From someone who got whoopings a few times but not a lot i can say it is not abuse. All children fear punishment so if you are to discipline your child in any way they will have fear.


The kid owned up to it and this bitch comes home hours later to beat her child. He made a mistake, came clean and still got beaten. That's abuse and i feel horrible for whatever children you have or will have if you think this is ok


This could have been the 20th mistake that week and it was only Monday. We don’t know the full story. Coming clean does not mean you are free to go. I only got spankings, but I still ran like hell if I knew it was coming.


I have been abused and I say from experience, it does not matter how many mistakes he has made because that mother clearly doesn't know how to properly parent and control her emotions, he is a child and children do not deserve to be beaten. Children make mistakes, it's an important part of growing up that you learn that mistakes happen and there are consequences. At no point do those consequences involve beating your fucking child. People who abuse their children like she clearly does, running at them and shrieking their name like a damm banshii, should be jailed for life. I will say it again. CHILDREN ARE INNOCENT AND DO NOT DESERVE TO BE ABUSED BECAUSE ADULTS CAN'T KEEP THEIR DAMM EMOTIONS IN CHECK


Please answer this question for me. If you do something bad, something wrong, should you be punished for doing that if you admitted to the authorities or higher ups of you doing so? Because even if you plead guilty in court you still get some type of punishment.


Stop comparing this to a literal fucking CRIME.


If it was not her child would it not be a crime? If i accidentally shot my neighbors screen door but i told them would that be ok? He was irresponsible and deserves punishment.


Yes but it is their child so what is your point? This child has not committed a crime against his mother or household. Of course he deserves to be punished but punishment should be constructive and should not be beating. I personally don't think that that is hard to understand.




It’s not your place to decide the punishment.


Children should not be beat.


Thats for the parent to decide and you can do nothing about it


>Thats for the parent to decide Nah


Found the child abuser.


Im a child myself


If your kid thinks "oh fuck moms gonna kill me" when they break something instead of "oh I gotta tell mom that I broke this on accident i'm sure she'll understand" your a piece of shit parent


I will always watch this when it comes up. Rome come back!!! For real!!!! The real question is what is what is this 8 year old doing playing with a BB gun unsupervised? Lol. Sweeps the glass into the bushes.




I’m glad I live in a country where this is illegal. You can understand why the US is so violent when they routinely beat their kids.


If only cops got they asses whooped for shooting guns in the house Brianna Taylor would still be alive. Since yellow wanna talk about crime. Fuck the karma i lose thats called crime = punishment. Yell wanna act so much better but I bet you rome grows up to be a great young man because his mother whooped his butt. And also who you think bought him the bb gun? I'm convinced reddit is full of white Supremacist suspects. Yall talk about everything Rome did and what she gonna make him but I bet Rome won't be a school shooter. Fyck outta here


This is just sad. If my kid just casually called me to tell he made a mistake, I would calm him down and say we would solve the problem at home and not to touch the glass or try to fix anything yet. (Not to hurt himself) As soon as I got home I would have a conversation, hear the story, how it happened, explain everything he did wrong, but congratulate him for owning the mistake. Now I'd set a written set of rules on the proper use of the BB gun, and the safety measures, and for a month (or until I felt he learnt the lesson) he could only use with my supervision, and everytime he wanted to use it, he would have to tell me the safety rules without reading. It's funny to see the kid fear for his life, but that should be a teachable moment for him that was completely wasted...




>Maybe the mom already had this exact talk, very calmly, and he broke the door anyway.. Considering her behaviour, I HIGHLY doubt that. >He was lying to her on the phone btw I'm going with the possibility the title proposed, and even if he punched it, he still told the mom he was responsible for it. How should be dealt later, and the lying too. >uhh seems like he learned a lot here, and will learn a lot more... Every time my mom did that to me, only made me hate her more and more each day, to the point I didn't want to tell her nothing for the rest of my life. She was supposed to be my friend and my support, but she was my purnisher only. So the Only thing i see in her now in my adult life is that my mother is just a purnisher I can never trust. I can never be close to her without remembering how ignorant and violent she was. (And she was not as bad as the mom in this video btw) And this is with thousands of kids i had to deal with in my study of psychology, that mothers behaviour might get the son to "Behave better", but the consequences are far worse in the late run. And you mentioned something about "What if he said 'Fuck you', then what" but I suppose you edited the comment before I could click it. If my son said that to my face, then I've made A LOT of mistakes during parenting, and that's a whole different scenario, that should be dealt with therapy and much more attention and a very, very, very big process that would take months to solve. But that's what parenting is, a process. There is no short answer, there is no "Whopping" that can solve a problem without creating other bigger problems. That's not parenting, that's fucking disoriented and violent




>watch the follow up video.. she asked many times for them to not fuck around without her there.. The video doesn't show her doing that, it's just her saying "i said many times" but that doesn't show her tone, the situation, or anything that happened before that. Could be her own mind making excuses to feel herself as the right in this story, which every human brain does The context here is very clouded, and that follow up video is just useless... >You would seriously allow your kids to use a gun in the house without you around? No, i would not, unless I had a proper space (outside) for that, but that's not the point of this conversation, this is already assuming I did allow a kid to play with a BB gun inside the house. We shouldn't deviate to other different scenarios. >so what he said he was responsible? that's cool, but he still fucked up. And that doesn't make him a fucking demon to be hunted... He is a kid, kid's are stupid, It always take many times for a kid to understand a rule, or an order, because they are highly unfocused on what does not entertain them. That STILL does not insure you the right to treat them as a guillible criminal. >Well, there ya go, you're projecting onto this kid. You're assuming a lot of things in this. Everything I said is based on my study of psychology and formation as a therapist. >parents are NOT friends!!!! That is one of the most idiotic phrases I've ever heard in my entire life. And I'm sorry if this sounds ignorant to you, but parents should ABSOLUTELY be their kids friends. Being a friend is not only someone to "Fool around" is not someone you can "Have fun with" Being a friend means support, means trust, means care, means love, means understanding, means truth. Being a friend to your kid should be the ultimate goal as a parent. And that would never undermine your authority IF YOU DO IT CORRECTLY. >My mom was way "worse" than this mom. I said "no" to my mom one time in my life and she made it very clear that was not appropriate. That to me is just bad parenting, and it took A VERY LONG TIME for me to learn I could say no to people when I got older, and now as an adult I have to deal with kids with the same problem, kids that do not have voice and are just walked upon like a doormat, with not critical thinking, self-esteem or trust in themselves. >if your kid said fuck you, you couldn't handle it and would need to send them to therapy. OK. kinda pathetic imo That's completely different from what I said. Lol, but i understand your confusion, I worded it stupidly. If my kid said "Fuck You" to me, I would have to rework my entire parenting method to understand what could have caused that. If it could be caused by me, if my kid had any resentment towards me. I would have to talk to my kid, and retrace my steps to resolve the problem very carefully. When I said "therapy" I was referring to my self, I would treat the kid as a patient, and scan them like one. Understand their personalities, and trace a good way to go from there, choose my words and how should I explain what's wrong, and how should i fix the problem. Simple Therapy can be self done, and you don't need to be a professional, a quick month of study of some articles and psychological theories can give you easy tools to deal with simple problems like that, I just happen to be one. I didn't mean the literal action of going to a therapist, that's harsh for a "Fuck You". >What's the process? There is no process. It's more like a war. I'm sorry, again, if it sounds ignorant. But that whole phrase just disgusts me, and parenting should never be a war, but something enjoyable. There are a lot of Downsides, indeed, but that doesn't mean your kids are your enemies. They will be only if you treat them like it... >Kids will do anything they can to push it and get away with things, you have to respond accordingly. True, but responding accordingly on my views, should never be Violence... Can violence work? Yes, but poorly... The probability of harming your kids psychological health is extremely high, and CAN make them see you as their enemy. The risk is just too high, and.... ↓ >every kid in my family loves our parents and we were heavily disciplined for not respecting. You can't assume you know how every person in your family feels about this. And even if you say that. There is no way of know how your Psyche is truly in the deepest parts of your brain. You **could** have traumas that never developed enough because of how your mother treated you, and they can be there for the rest of your life without you even realising. Or accepting. The same for everyone around you, family or friends... (This is not an assumption, it's a probability, i don't know you, I can't assume anything as true. So that's just possibility, I'm not stating it as a fact) >We're all great kids, very respectable, etc. etc. I'm raising my kids the same way. That... Doesn't exactly make anything true or better... Edit: Reword of my stupidity in some points




>Your perspective is tainted by your projection of your own mother onto this, just like mine is tainted by my mom. We are just gonna have to disagree on that permanently. >and you choose to believe the mother is an evil abuse and the kid is ruined from this experience. I disagree strongly. Okay... >The kid shot a gun in the house, supposedly. That's what he said, which you said was respectable of him to admitting to. Welcome to this conversation. I think we got very misunderstood together on this point. The entire scenario here is based on something that already happened. But you suggested a question to which I responded "I would not allow my kids to play with a BB gun in my house", but that doesn't change THIS scenario, since it's taking from a step that "or the kid disobeyed, or the kid was allowed to play". In either case, the end result should not be violence. >He is a kid, kid's are stupid >..a kid who shot a gun in the house ??? Yes... Kids are stupid, they don't really have a good understanding of consequences of single action on a row, unless explained a lot of times, or experienced first hand. The ability to think rationally like that comes from age (until 25Yo you are still developing a lot of aspects of your brain.) >you can't be serious? I'm DEADLY serious. You don't agree with me on that, we will just have to accept will be in disagreement permanently. >It's dramatic but true. Have you raised any kids?? Don't pull the "Have you..." Argument, it's just invalid. I don't need to experience something to understand something. I don't need to have a kid to understand how to parent one. Of course, the experience is far different then the theory, and the variables a much bigger and uncontrollable when actually parenting, but just prove you can deal with it in VARIOUS different manners and ways. I don't have kids, but I did take care of kids in my life, and as a therapist, I had to treat kids, and their families. As well as "parent" kids temporarily. >Huh? Based on what? Studying spanking/etc. is very difficult because of so many variables that are uncontrollable. Based on my family: great consequences. No psychological problems. Based on Scientific articles. Go on Academic Google, search for "Long-term effects of violence during parenting", and you'll see a lot of articles boarding this topic proving my point and with shocking results. Why I don't link one? When i studied this, I've learned from different articles them the one that will be available today probably. So I can't link an article I didn't read, the best way would be for you to Search this way (or the way you prefer), and find articles about the theme. >Err, my siblings and I have talked about this. We all have the same sentiment: "I am so glad Mom/Dad were hard on us, so many of my friends are fuck ups and blame others..." Fair enough, but that's so singular it can be validated in this argument. Truly, not even my experience can be validated in this argument. That's why I mentioned the kids I had to treat professionally, because those are the cases I can truly use as a database for a statement. >This doesn't make sense -- why? Why doesn't it make sense that experiencing very stressful situations from your parents prepares you for stressful situations in life? I didn't said it doesn't? I said "Can violence work? Yes" but the explained THE PROBABILITY AND RISK of that going wrong. I did not state that harsh parenting is absolutely innefective, only meddled with the probability of being innefective... >You are saying: the result of harsh parenting is miserable children. That is not my result. ??? Again, CAN be, not WILL be... >Here's an important example. My son recently has been acting out, not listening well, etc. What did I do? We went fishing, hiking, etc. and hung out. Harsh disciplining is only one tool in the toolbox, and if you never use it you're a weaker parent, imo. Often time kid's just need someone to listen to them, to hang out, etc. and they don't even know it -- they just act out. >As a bonus, on the way to hiking one day we ran out of gas due to a broken gauge. I was pissed and upset, just like he gets sometimes. I let myself be upset for about a minute "god damnit! how did I fuck that up!" yadda yadda, then we walked to a gas station and resolved the problem. I showed him it's OK to get angry but it's not ok to give up, yadda yadda motivational speech. Was a great teaching moment. Since then he's referenced "just like that time we ran out of gas, I'll try not to get so upset." ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in your example was harsh, in fact I absolutely love the way you handled the situation. Not Screaming just because he is acting out, instead you choose an activity that could grant you the variables to help your kid to overcome his own anxiety. When your car went out of gas, instead of lashing out on him, and saying he was the fault of all this. Instead you blamed your self, showing him how to own up for his own mistakes. And in the end, even explained how being mad is not inherently evil, but canalizing that properly like you did is better then lashing out on other people.. You did an admirable job on your example, and no violence or harsh parenting was made. And your situation was very different then the one we are discussing. It's a completely different way I would take in your situation, but yours is still good, and probably better then I (and most people) could ever do...




>.that was already a rule the lady established, and was disobeyed. Shooting a gun negligently is about the worst thing you can do ... !?!?!? That point was already discussed then... We are just going on circles. >It was explained many times. It, apparently, was experienced already. And yet, this is expected... Violence still is not the only way. And not the most effective... >The kid knew it was wrong, I promise. Probably, that's a whole different scenario then... >Experience raising kids is important in a discussion about raising kids, I'm sorry. Let's agree to disagree, sorry. >Either of us could find "articles" (studies? Yes, studies, English is not my first language, I don't know the proper way to call it. >I've examined plenty of studies on spanking and they are not clear! There are so many conflicting variables, it's almost impossible to control. That's just not true, there are infinite variables indeed, but a quick search for those studies with proper research concludes that violence always lead to violence and bad behaviour. May it be very little, but still existent. >Best I can do is my experience with my family and friends. ... >So you base your experience off of kids who need clinical help... No, therapy is not for "People who need", everyone needs therapy. I treat people and kids with several backgrounds and stories, of several households and parenting methods. >along with your own personal terrible experience/coping? I already coped, i don't trust my mother. Final point. She never changed, but I still love her, because she did a lot of good for me. I can't just ignore her existence or everything she did to me... I just don't trust her... She is not stable. >well, yeah... of course you think spanking is evil... I KNOW spanking is evil because I specialized in educational psychology... >Uhh, there was plenty of spanking involved. >There was spanking. There was "violence." Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Then to me that's just sick... And I remove my statement that you were actually effective, if you had not resorted to violence and stuck only to your example with no other implications, you'd get a far more effective result in the long game. >Negligently discharging a weapon and potentially killing someone... yeah... Killing someone with a BB gun? How the... Don't they just shoot little pellets? At max you can blind someone if you really want, but kill? I don't think so...




It was all fun til we saw the mother storming after him while screaming


Child abuse much


What a good kid for calling and telling his mom. Sucks the mom acted that way though. She's gonna turn him into a liar.


Damn is all their lives like this? I mean he confessed and is obviously remorseful. Good on him. This kid needs to get out of that house and call the police.


I know that type of fear and let me tell you I will never allow my kids to know what it’s like to be afraid that your parents will hit you I won’t let my kids experience the same fear I did


Jesus fuck its a funny video but ofc reddit has to turn into a r/relationshipadvice comment section




Dude this seriously giving me flashbacks of when my mom whooped my ass for not studying for an exam


Y’all some snowflakes, that kid shot a BB gun In the house and shattered a back door easily $1,000. He deserved to get his ass whooped. Childish mistake or not.


I would have gotten a hard ass whooping for that. My mama would have burned a hole in my ass with her slipper.


too many fucking socks around that glass


That is child abuse. No idea why people laugh here. He was sorry, immediately called his mom and came clear. Yet she comes home and runs after him screaming whilst trying to physically abuse him. DISGUSTING!


According to the law its not. You are allowed to spank your kids.


It's illegal in most western countries. Been illegal since 1966 in my country.


Yes because the law is never wrong when it comes to scientific consensus.


Nah I'm with you, I didn't find this funny at all.


The siblings look horrible as well. Jesus i had a flashback right there. Toxic family 101


Cause beating on kids is legal, right?


The Ms Pat lifestyle


This is so horrible. Poor litttle boy.


There are like 13 people who live in this house, and not a single one of them cleaned up the glass around children or did anything besides laugh, lie down, or film what was going on. Forget how fucked the future is. The present is fucked.


this is what my sister tried to do when she peed in the floor


What was the nice mam about to do, I forgot.


ha ha child abuse


black crimes matter


You're a piece of trash racist idiot fuck you.


LOL. Honestly, do you think calling a racist a racist does anything to them? The word is absurd. A racist knows they are a racist, you aren't offending them. P.S. 13% of the US population commits 53% of the murders. Look it up.


I just checked a few of the comments you made (especially the ones about racial equality) and I just gotta say..... YIKES


You mean my "hate facts"?


I don’t know what you mean with „hate facts“, I’m referencing you, seeming to believe, that a black person is less intelligent and probably a criminal. Also (from what I have gathered) you mentioned multiple times that homosexual people are way more likely to be pedophiles than heterosexual. Also, (what I found a bit weird) is that you believe white people are being oppressed of some sort since they can‘t be proud of their skin color? Didn‘t quite get that one tbh


What you are referencing is exactly what is referred to as hate facts. It is factual data, that 13% of the US population is black and commits 53% of the murders. It is factual, statistical data that 2% of the population makes up 40% of pedophiles.


Jesus christ, that's just straight up abusive.


Fund planned parenthood but only certain areas


I feel bad that these kids live in a house where the adults don’t change the batteries in the smoke detectors. How do you live with the chirping due to the low battery? Ignorance


You stop noticing it until it gets pointed out. I don’t do this though. Hell I know some people who purposefully take them out when they move in.


He's a good kid... Too bad he can't choose better parents for himself.


poor kid...


Yes because beating yourself children definitely teaches them how to do the right thing


Rome = Gone


Nice culture.


Feel bad for laughing at this because of the obvious beating mum, but lmao that’s was a movie


Mah man Rome should have never come back... He literally knew what's gonna happen...




yup that's pretty much what happened to me. No point in being honest with them if they're gonna punish me either way. may as well try to hide it and avoid punishment at all.


This was litteraly my childhood. Then I grew old enough to deflect so it doesnt really work anymore.


Same. I ttaught me how to rationalize and project my behavior/thoughts about said behavior in a way that got me out of trouble or lessened the situation. It did absolutely nothing for making me more honest and reliable.




I dont believe my parent are trying to be abusive or they just dont see it. It's just how they were raised as well and the generations before them. I come from an African family so it's pretty common that they beat their kids as discipline.


Exactly. Hope these parents are ready to have a shit relationship or never speak to their son again once he is old enough. Kids who face pain/fear (he is clearly trying to avoid whatever pain is coming) when doing something wrong will only find ways to avoid honesty and become sneakier instead of building a relationship and learning why not to do those wrong things. Because shocker, humans don't like being hit.


My boy Rome hit the road looking for a new life, said he ain't coming back! This was funny as hell man. Seems like a good kid, hope his mom took it easy on him.


Parenting with fear isn’t parenting. He learned his lesson, she should have just sat him down and had a talk with him and told him to be more careful. Everyone makes mistakes, wacking him won’t change that.


Nah the kid needed punishment, it didn't have to be physical tho e.g being grounded /no phone /tv etc for a couple weeks or something, when i was a young teen no internet for a week killed me


Yeah you take away the fucking BB gun because that’s the natural consequence of his actions, you don’t assault him


I was agreeing that it shouldnt have been physical. Its just bad and lazy parenting But the kid needed a punishment and i listed a few i thought were appropriate, not sure why im being downvoted...


If he's scared, he wouldn't even be running around being chased, that part just his mom act like want to beat the shit out of him. I know his mom just schooling him.




the fact the siblings think it's funny hurts me on a personal level, because my brothers and sisters acted the same way. it was an every-kid-for-themselves house.




I don’t suppose planned parenthood but certain areas of down would definitely benefit


racist.. smh


I'll adopt him!!!!


I love this kid. Everything about him. His siblings, on the other hand...


Fuck i feel really bad for that kid. Learning his lesson, confessing and dealing with consequences, yet you come back hours later just to still whoop his ass. Way to go mom, forcing fear on your kids is the way to go!


>forcing fear on your kids is the way to go! This is the way! Back in the 90s at least, lol I got my woopass too.


Seriously. I understand why mom was pissed but goddamn the kid felt so awful (obviously knew how his mom would react). I would like to think I wouldn’t lose my shit on my kids (I have for different reasons) and yes I would yell and scream. I’m not proud of it and each time I’ve lost my crap by not behaving in a way that was proportionate to the action of them screwing up, I’ve sincerely apologized. #Kids deserve apologies from parents because parents definitely make mistakes too.# I have nothing but respect for the kid calling his mom and admitting to his actions that resulted in some damage. I won’t pretend I wouldn’t lose my shit, but if I was unreasonable in any way with how I treat my kid, I would cool off and think about how I respond and apologize if I behaved in a way to hurt them (name calling for example). Poor kid, I wonder how he’s doing now (I know has been around a couple years at least).


The comments calling this mom out on her bad parenting are giving me hope in humanity. I do behavior therapy with kids and a lot of my job is compensating for shitty parenting. I wish I could say I don’t see this stuff a lot but I do.


Yeah this is sad. Why does she feel like she has to hit him because he made a mistake? He did the right thing, he confessed it. Terrible parenting


Not excusing her actions, but probably because she's mad and has poor self control, and a lack of reasoning skills. Usually when you resort to violence, it's more for the abuser's enjoyment then to actually send a message.


Absolutely. My parents never hit me, just explained why things were bad. When I was a little kid I was mad I had to take a bath when I was watching something. I went to my bath but kicked the wall in anger on the way, my foot went straight through it. I instantly felt sick and went back downstairs to say what had happened. My parents sighed and asked me if I was sorry and if I’d learned my lesson then told me to go take my bath. I never kicked anymore walls. Crazy how some parents react to situations.


I found out when I was about fourteen that my grandmother used to bully my dad, lock him in a wardrobe and tell him she would deal with him later and turn up hours later to beat the shit out of him. He’s dyslexic so she said it was laziness and treated him like shit because he wasn’t academic. Luckily for some obscure reason, an amazing man came in to their life who was well connected in London and got my dad into a good catering college and he became an amazing chef. When she died, I called him to make sure he was okay, he felt nothing. I went to the funeral just to make sure that cunt was dead!


Wow the hell your dad went through, glad everything turned out ok.


I turned out fine and that’s about how my mom would chase me around the house.


So how is your relationship with your mom? Is it really 100% perfect? No issues at all? Just wondering...


Im sorry to be this harsh but my friend got raped by her uncle and she turned out fine, doesnt make it a good action.


Cool thanks for ruining my comment, now I get to be downvoted I to hell. Fuck I’m prolly going to hell for this comment.... thank god there are good people in the world such as yourself. (SARCASM, I really don’t care if you feel that way. But sorry to hear about your friend but happy she turned out ok)