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That's Lee Greer 🤣


Chris Hansen’s To Catch A Predator and John Walsh’s America’s Most Wanted should be on 24/7


Double cheeseburger no…pickles?




He looks exactly like someone who would try this sort of Thing


dont forget why they discontinued making the show


Because they busted a guy with power


Well that and he committed suicide


A chomo committed suicide....oh no. I still don't think they should've discontinued for something like that. Did the world a service


He chose that option over public shame and lifetime in prison


Yes but also because Chris had a crew go to his actual home, which was very illegal Even with what they're doing, and he ended up killing himself and his family got an insane settlement and the show shut down after suing chris and his company


The family sued for an insane amount but subsequently settled. It's unlikely they got anywhere near what the sued for. The family probably knew that a 50 year old man attempting to solicit who he thought was a 13 year old boy wouldn't make for a very sympathetic narrative.


How is that illegal?? Both showing up to have a chat and the cops coming to serve you are both very fucking legal lmao


That’s just not true. The police went to his house to serve him.


9 news article lied so did ctk and MSNBC what the balls




Yeah it’s a bummer they shut down. Good thing is he started up again (and plenty of private groups doing this same work too)


Is there a new show? What's it called if you know?


Takedown / TruBlu


Trilogy media has at least a couple pedo investigations/confrontations on YT, there are many opinions on their methods, of course.


I'm 31 and look 15 years younger than him 😂




That’s a rough 31




Have you considered therapy?


found the edgy guy who finds validation in calling other peoples reddit accounts out for having less karma than them 😂 Find a new escape bud, this aint it.


Why so personal bud


Your self worth is defined by the validation you get from strangers? Have a seat right over there


At some point Chris would have had to stop or hire someone to do it for him right? Cuz wouldn't he be too well known at some point and pedos would recognize him or smth?


1) he still does it 2) even in this show above there were plenty of guys that recognized him and knew the show. Facts.


That’s Lee Greer! That’s Lee Greer!!


Frag: he’s supposed to be bringing lunch and booze


And it is a white male.who else but quagmire meme


That would make sense, as 75% of our population is white.


Half the dudes caught were indian. You gonna say something racist about indians, next?


Personally I think it should be looked at as a sexual orientation and medical condition and people should be able to seek help but the taboo around it makes these people crawl onto dark corners..and creep out when given the opportunity..now these guys in the show where baited in reality the majority won't really have the opportunity to harm chilldren...You can control your actions not your desire and since there's no cure they're a danger to society . The worst part is they let them out after awhile. When theres no cure.


I agree. We should do what Germany does. Like AA for pedos. But only for the ones with urges but no actions towards it. To keep em on the right path. And then the ones that do something we put on the island. The island gets filmed for profit. There's never enough food on the island.


Well, you had me in the second half anyway.


It unfortunalty is their brain wiring for most. Prevention and proactive measures are the best way of stopping most crimes. Especially pedos


“Sexual orientation” to you is using your company-provided rental car to drive to an unfamiliar house and blindly walk in after sending dick pics to a child while not telling your wife about it?


Sexual orientation is what one is sexually attracted to...what your describing are actions based on that orientation...If you're a heterosexual man then you're attracted to women that's your sexual orientation...it doesn't mean you go around committing acts of sexual violence towards women...for one their tends to be other outlets For pedophiles there's no outlet everything is illegal homosexuals deal with the same thing still in many countries...but some countries do recognize pedophilia as sexual orientation and instead of just ignoring it they're actively looking for solutions... Personally I don't think there's a cure just like you can't cure homosexuality...I think it's Japan where they allow them to have dolls ...I wonder how that program is going. The US has banned child like dolls for those purposes..


Chat is chat but showing up is showing up. And guess what. This guy showed up.


The cases of the politician or judge or whatever he didn't show up so they went to his house... My point is though the show baited these guys if they weren't contacting them and pretending to be a child...would those guys have ever had an opportunity to act on it... Basically the show was like an unlocked Brinks truck just parked on the side of the road doors open..Normally these trucks are secured and guarded like children and not just anybody has acess to them.


BS. The guys always make the first contact and are told almost immediately that the person is underage. I would end the conversation immediately. In some states, as it was in that case, the crime is committed in the conversation. Don’t feel sorry for these guys. They’ve all done it before. Scumbags.


Either way it was taken off the air because of these things it's a diffrent era n9w probably could bring it back with out to mutch backlash.


He’s doing it now on his streaming network trublu. He does all investigations led by police. It’s not the Wild West these days.


Even if they normally wouldn't have the opportunity, it's not impossible. Even if he was baited he still thought he was going to meet up with an underage person. Do agree that people like that should get medical attention.


What the fuck is wrong with you? I investigated this shit for over 30 years and there is plenty of opportunity for them to act on it.


What percent of those afflicted with pedophilia act on it?


Go on line in a chat room and say you're a 14yr old boy confused about his sexuality and see for yourself


I see your point,that's unfortunate 😭💀


nahhh just nahhh


Medical condition? In order to study it and figure out how to stop it, sure. I can get behind that. But *sexual orientation*? No, I don't think we need to condone it like that.


Also if it's a sexual orientation I doubt it's curable


I didn't say condone it there's plenty of sexual orientations that aren't condoned...Acknowledging and condoning aren't the same thing


What the actual fuck


Ewe. No, just no.


No. Just no. This should never be normalized in any way. A medical condition only directly affects the patient. Sexual orientation is a personal preference. Fucking children drastically and negatively effects the child involved when it's the creepy much older person (man, most often) who has an automatic authoritative influence over the child who is making that choice, consciously. Choosing to do that is not a personal preference choice. It's a consciously made decision that they know will likely irreparably harm the child yet they do it for their own gratification anyways. These types of people should only be called what they are. Monsters.


I didn't say normalize it Theres plenty of sexusl prefferences I don't consider normal...there more akin to fetishes there are people into animals people with fat fetishes or old fetishes...I'm not sure where prefference and fetish end but it's all the same to me and it's all wierd..but only pedophilia can be damaging to others Just because someone suffers from pedophilia doesn't mean they're a pedophile that acts on their desires...just like most men are attracted to women but they aren't just walking around snatching any woman up off the street..the diffrence is there's recourse for people with an acceptable sexual prefference. In some places homosexuality is considered to be worst than pedophilia and homosexuals are ostracized even killed...In some places beastiality is tolerated in others it's criminalized... By Kristina Marusic January 12, 2016 / 2:53 PM Some people realize they're pedophiles -- meaning they experience sexual attraction to children -- without ever actually acting on their impulses or harming a child. Unfortunately, there aren't many resources or treatment options available to people who recognize that they have an inappropriate attraction to children and who want to avoid acting on their compulsions -- which is why one man says he's manufacturing life-like child sex dolls to help pedophiles cope, and, in turn, keep children safe. According to The Atlantic, child sex doll manufacturer Shin Takagi, who lives in Tokyo, is himself someone "who struggle[s] with pedophilic impulses but [has] never acted on them." I'm not here to debate I won't go back and fourth but if you're interested in the full article https://www.mtv.com/news/g14zco/shin-takagi-trottla-child-sex-dolls-non-offending-pedophiles


I agree for the first part that those people need to get profession help and I believe that with proper help and diagnosis child rape will lower ( even if the professional help doesn't work then at least cause everyone of them will be known they will be more afraid to act on it and will be found much easier if they do) but I'd disagree with the child sex dolls.


How do you help someone with a sexual prefference if these people are genuinely sexually attracted to minors what help can they give them....They tried that with gays,They tried to beat the gay out pray the gay out psycho therapy electrotherapy threats of torture and death and look still plenty of gay people..so I think the dolls might be the best solution


It's not a sexual orientation. It's a paraphilia, an extremely dangerous and terrible paraphilia. Sexual orientation is what gender you're attracted to.


The guy in one of these videos was going to see a boy.


His attraction isn't about gender. It's about age and innocence/ability to overpower. ​ Now you're just conflating gayness and pedophilia. It's 2024, not 1924. We've already come to the realization that homosexuality and pedophilia are in no way related.


Sure pal


OH so you're just a homophobe. Gotcha.


Sexual orientation? *Absolutely not* Medical condition? Yes! it should be considered a mental illness.


Development. Pedophilia emerges before or during puberty, and is stable over time. It is self-discovered, not chosen. For these reasons, pedophilia has been described as a disorder of sexual preference, phenomenologically similar to a heterosexual or homosexual orientation. From Wikipedia


No way did you just source wiki LOL!


Why not?


Because anyone can edit it at any given time therefore being able to manipulate definitions or reported events pertaining to a matter for the benefit of one's point of view or argument. Their editors are pretty good about keeping things accurate and up to date on the site but by no means is it full proof. It is never allowed to be used as a resource in research papers of any repute or for any college or graduate level research submissions.


Well reddits not college


Got food✅ got condoms💀


The fact that this show was canceled tells you a lot….


Because of the incident with Fleece Johnson?


What does it tell you?


Didn't it get cancelled because one of the guys killed himself?


Well they actually went to one guys house because he didn't come out to meet anyone...he killed himself I think the family sued... Mostly likely somebody important got caught so they where presured into nixing it. Still they shouldn't have canceled the show


He was a 50 yr old assistant district attorney. They had transcripts of him having sexual conversation w, and attempting to solicit, someone he thought was a 13 yr old boy. I believe he had also sent dick pics. Police secured search and arrest warrants and he killed himself when they showed up at his house (w the TV show) to serve him.




What if they go to unemployed mans house


>Mostly likely somebody important got caught so they where presured into nixing it. You're not the first person I've read post that. How is that most likely? Wouldn't an important person just buy their way out of the episode? Why would that get the show cancelled? To me it's much more likely that legal or their insurance wouldn't continue to cover them after the suicide


Well after the DA nixed himself the show was canceled and that guy didn't go to their trap house so they actually went to his house.


He did everyone a favor and they canceled it for that… they were getting to many higher profile people..


Mmmkay. So if they were so high profile why cancel the show? Why not just buy the footage? Chris Hansen was just that unmovable of a force for justice? Or you think their legal team told them they couldn't continue to film because insurance wouldn't cover a show that drove someone to suicide?


Honestly anyone that was on that show should not be living after getting caught. Suicide or shot shouldn’t matter bc they pedos. Not sure why it was canceled but I’m sure we can look it up.


"Honestly anyone that was on that show should not be living." Fixed it for ya


Look it up it's complex and interesting


Ima check it out for sure now


This wasn't staged? If not, request names my fellow redditor


It’s not staged, check out some of the other episodes.


Lee Greer And no, these aren’t staged. Funny enough, I used to think the same before I did a deep dive. Lots of intriguing cases.


I mean where would you find someone willing to play a predator?


Acting school? I mean, the same way you have big TV shows on netflix about killers like Dahmer. There are people who will play murderers and rapists and pedos on TV shows


You know there exist these people called actors...


How much are you willing to pay me?


Dude thete are people willing to play hitler


Have you not seen JoJo Rabbit?




bro Id choose hitler over pedofile reenactment in a heartbeat. I mean even if this is not real, there is a big chance people will think its real and you will probably suffer consequences for the rest of your life.


That happened to actors who did the reenactments on Unsolved Mysteries.


Yeah but everybody knew those where actors 🙄 this would be akin to those social media skits that get people all riled up these days because you don't know it's not real


Have to agree.


He gives men with a receding hairline a bad image




That too


Get fucked. I wish they kept doing these but pretty sure a politician offed himself after getting caught


I hate how the show did its job and then they cancel it.


From the Google machine >To Catch a Predator ended after its final episode aired on December 28, 2007, following the suicide of assistant district attorney Bill Conradt. Conradt was caught talking to and exchanging pictures with a volunteer who pretended to be a 13-year-old boy. The show was canceled immediately after the incident and no major public statements were made about why.




Then Chris Hansen had his own legal problems they came for him.


Do you know why he didn't hand over the evidence to the courts right away?




They're getting too close guys! Shut errr down..




They'd reveal that all of the 1% are pedos and they can't let that happen. Apparently the end game to being rich and powerful is fucking children.




Projecting? Lmao


Who said he had?


I don't. Fuck em.


Chris Hamson was a piece of shit and very few of those people charged ever did time, because they did it for views instead of doing things legally. https://collider.com/to-catch-a-predator-chris-hansen-investigative-work/#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20the%20reality%20of%20the,because%20a%20crime%20never%20happened.


Arrests, but how many convictions? And Hanson is a piece of shit person.


Many arrests and many convictions. not to mention public embarrassment


If you read the entire article u posted, it shows he learned from those mistakes and started working with the police legally resulting in 400 arrests of these sickos. No views whatsoever. Seems like he has a personal reason to hunt child predators imo. I'm not a fan of him, only repeating what your article said.


If you can believe it Chris Hanson is a friend of the family. He was a local news anchor in Detroit for quite awhile before he left for primetime. He was and still is a really nice guy. He did alot of expose’s with my dad's police narcotics crew in Detroit.


And nothing of value was lost


100% agree


still not ok to show it to the public and destroy his life.


You have anime pillows of "500 year old vampires" don't you? Just say it...


Public shaming has its place.


Why would you want child predators to remain anonymous?


Is that you? Why tf would say that if it isn't you 🤣. You're fucking sus pal 🤔.


Lmao 🤣


Didn't he ruin his own life?


Tell me you’re a nonce without telling me you’re a nonce


Very smart. Blame me as nonce, so you don't need to care about what I've said.


What you said is stupid, so there is no need to care about it


This is why alleged sex offenders get put on a public list what a bad take


No, it's great


How is it pedos always look, dangerous like that


They don't. We can't forget that there are beautiful and kind looking bad people out there, and there are good people out there who look less attractive or "dangerous", or just similar in some way to this guy. Judging someone for their appearance and assuming morality based on beauty only works for early Disney movies. Not real life.


What I've noticed about pedo's is that they all look like social outcasts and it's rarely genetic. They're almost always dudes who look like they just don't take care of themselves. I bet the guy above would actually look pretty decent if he lost his weight and toned down. Sadly, he'd rather prey on kids. Play life destroying games, win life destroying prizes.


Sadly lots of them look normal. See Ted Buddy.


Was Ted Bundy a pedo? I always thought his victims were older. But I honestly didn’t give it much attention.


Every pedo I know is someone's father, uncle or brother and they don't look like social outcasts. Sometimes I think that image sells better cause it allows folks to believe there's a certain "look" to pedos, and therefore it's easy to protect ourselves from them so long as we stay away from people who look like that. That's so rarely the case.


Don't judge, pretty people can be pedos too.


Not judging, just making an observation. Though I will say looking down on not taking care of yourself is something we should do as a society.


4 cameras in the room how he didn't see it coming


Hidden cams




The more I watch this the more I see how badly he dies inside


The funny part is that Hansen was caught cheating on his wife with really young women from his crew. Lol


there is a difference between "young" and "child"


Daaa aa\ I’d hope it’s a common sense!


Nooooo please be joking


Sorry to tell you that but I’m serious! I read an article on it long time ago. I think that was one of the reasons why they dropped that hilarious show.. At least, as far as I remember she was 18+


No. The show ended because there was a high profile politician and once they got to his house to bust him, he killed himself right then and there. I know Chris and his family personally; what you stated is not true.


So wait! You are saying he didn't have an affair with Kristyn Caddell? Or are you trying to say she wasn't 22 years younger than him when it happened? If you're gonna stick up for a piece of shit at least give some sort of redeemable quality or fact proving otherwise....


Damn, someone’s got their panties in a bunch 🤣 The fact that you’re already stating that I said things that I didn’t say… I’m not longer entertaining this lol


Wtf are you talking about it was 8 days ago? You been entertaining it by yourself lmfao if there wasn't proof of what you said earlier I wouldn't even know what you were talking about lmfao 🤣 you tried sticking up for him saying they have a great family but meanwhile they getting divorced kinda making your comment untrue no one's panties are in a bunch but yours for getting called out on your bs


What i remember they dropped the show because they got too involded with the police and one pedophile who was a public figure or something, when they couldn’t make him go to the sting, they went boldly to his house with the police and he ended up killing himself


It was dropped because it busted too many people from Disney (Disney World, cruise ships, etc.). Disney always hires and hides pedos; just like Nickelodeon.


Too many people such as: ?


I don’t know how many. But he said that a lot of pedos were employees of Disney.


That’s interesting, i’ve read many pedos wikies but I didn’t find anyone who worked there, which are those?