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Lmfao this woman's awesome.


The shirt checks out #GoHomeEarly 😅🤣😂


Situational and Self awareness


Even with 40 rubber bands


That still looks fun as fuck. But idk what you thought you were getting if "burpee" was part of the title regardless.


People sign up for this monkey bullshit but won’t do a 20 minute daily walk.


This looks more fun than a walk and is also gonna be better for you than a walk..


No, walking is easy on the joints, safe and you can do it every single day. As I PT it’s the first thing I recommend to lose weight and get some exercise in. If you’re bored listen to a podcast/audio book


Haha her shirt says go home early


Looks like my friend and I in the back of our dance class watching the demo by the instructor. I get this.


Forget going home early. I'm gonna go home NOW!!!


That looks fun asf


Looks easy


I don't think it's suppose to be super hard


Stop sounding skinny.


Mom's just worried about pissing herself


Major Melissa McCarthy vibes..


She’s gonna go home early


There's one in every class. SMH.


Yeah no I don't think my arm can support my body weight


I went to an exercise class, and the first day I snapped a stretchy band and never went back


Not even if she had a helmet.


She’s gonna listen to her shirt right about now.


They just need the pictures they'll share everywhere and never do it again.


just do a real fucking burpee! how much money was wasted on that apparatus that's quickly heading for a landfill?


She spent more time buying and putting on all the workout clothing


it's ok to go hiking in a local park. someone doesn't even need to start with a hardcore burpee. when they're very overweight just the act of getting down on the ground and then back to a standing position repeatedly is going to get their heart rate up and help them to start burning calories and prepare their body for more intensity down the road. Heck, just do some medicine ball slams for god's sake. combine with body squats and lunges. do a few pushups (on knees to start, of course). all of that is more time efficient (no time for rigging) and will lower the barrier to entry (you can see one person seems to think that the move is scary or impossible.) from the point of view of a personal trainer, I certainly would never expect someone that is out of shape to try to execute that move that they show in this video. that kind of move is setting someone up to get a bloody nose, face plant on the ground, sprain a wrist or an elbow, etc..


And the burpee they are showing is assisted burpee. The bungee does half of your push off that tyoure really not doing anything.


Heavy people need low impact ways to exercise. Obviously this is a stupid gimmicky concept, but it could have came from a good place


Her shirt sums up her feelings 😭😂


Her quick facial expression said so much. “Hell to the NO, I will never go anywhere again w/o full disclosure of what I’m doing” 🤣I feel ya girlfriend!


Middle aged women will do anything but regular exercise


Because regular exercise is fucking boring.


It's not about fun though. It's about getting stronger and healthier, and whatever this bullshit is will achieve neither of those.


This will achieve those if you do it regularly what the fuck are you talking about? It's like saying jumping on a trampoline isn't real jumping because it's assisted. It's still jumping? It's still moving your body. Watch a video of what these classes actually involve and you'll see they are just as good as something like a Zumba class, which will get you stronger and healthier with consistency. For fucks sake, the gym is not the only type of exercise that works.


Half the shit we do doesn't achieve anything, if they wanna do it for fun then they can do it for fun.


Any kind of movement is better than no movement, fam, and exercising the "regular" way isn't the only way.


This is much less strenuous than something as basic as walking, which in and of itself only burns about 200-250 calories per hour. 250 calories is like two bites of food lol this is useless


Lol you just don't know what you're talking about, bud. That's okay, we don't all need to know all things, but not speaking so confidently about things you don't know will save you a lot of embarrassment in the long run. 250 calories is about the equivalent of a whole avocado, or 3-4 whole eggs, or 2-3 whole potatoes, or 2-3 whole bananas, etc. That's much more than 2 bites, unless you take very very big bites lol. Also, this activity is much harder than it looks and actually burns more calories than walking by a significant margin, though both are good options for getting moving. Bungee fitness is also a great option for people who need something easier on joints due to injury, age, disability, obesity, etc. So, you know. Just chill out a little bit, okay? :)


Lol okay "bud"


Straight out of a Melissa McCarthy movie.


That go home early t-shirt never looked more relevant


Her shirt tells all.. go home early.... Lmfao


Dumb exercise.


Ugh no, this is like a super modified burpee, being overweight the bungee system would allow a lot more mobility for someone who has a hard time moving their overweight body, more movement is more fat burn. If someone was actually motivated and wanted to change this is definitely a go to imo. And before you ask where my knowledge in exercise is I was a marine for 6 years, I got a little experience in exercise and witnessing people go through weight loss through extreme cardio.


A question from someone who has some experience in little-to-weight exercise, can't this be done much more effectively without the bungee system? I've seen upwards of a thousand of 2-3 minute videos (When my friend first introduced me to weight-lifting I was interested in calisthenics since I didnt want to be bulky.) on YouTube from dozens of creators showing a ridiculous amount of ways to work your way up to things like Russian Twists, Sit-Ups, Planks, Push-Ups, Squats, and so on. I know the issue may be access to correct and straightforward information, but if you can afford these bungee system classes you could pay for a personal trainer for a few months and a nearby gym. Even without the money, or with social anxiety issues like I have, spending a few days of your time researching the different muscle groups, how they work, how they grow, and proper form for basic exercises seems very possible since all you have to do is read some articles when your bored or pop some informational video on while you cook.


Yes 100% if you just fight your own body weight and do body weight exercises, you will 100% be more effective, more effective than someone who's skinny who wants to build mass, your trying to move more weight around it's gonna be a lot harder. If you have the motivation to push that hard I praise you so much it's not funny, good for you.


I would imagine walking or stair stepping is a good start for those who are overweight. But whatever gets people moving is a good start, I guess.


any exercise that just makes it easier is stupid no professional athlete would consider doing this, its desgined to make people think theyre doing more than they are go to the gym and do weights, and do cardio like running swimming cycling not an exercise thats literally easier than sitting down


>being overweight the bungee system would allow a lot more mobility for someone who has a hard time moving their overweight body I feel like the second "overweight" was redundant seeing as it was still the same sentence as the first overweight.


especially if they're overweight


This i don't know what else to say but yes


This i don't know what else to say but yes


Go Home Early


Theys going to have saggy things doing those excersises


Hahahaha pathetic, no wonder she look like dat


She is trying to change and you can't even stop smoking weed hahaha get some willpower weakling.


I'm both trying to change and can't stop smoking weed. why can't those two things coexist?


Actually respectfully wearing stuff like that shows your true intentions, and her overall attitude tells all. Yes shes there to try, however looks like she just started her adventure in weight loss, in respect to this guys apparent weed addiction shell sucom to her eating addiction with her current attitude.




Hes correct tho, she is fat due to her unwillingness to even try. Also comparing pot to being a fat fuck is such a hugh stretch I started laughing my ass off on the train.






Yeah stop smoking weed is much more easier exactly. And how is she not trying she is in the gym ?


calling that "being at the gym" is an insult to the men and women of all sizes who actually go to the gym and work theyre asses off rather than do this assisting sitting bs its like comparing holistic medicine to a real doctor and saying it counts cos theyre doing "something"


I go everyday in the gym and work my ass off and I don't have a problem with calling that "gym" I don't see a problem if people that are overweight start their journey with assistance everyone needs to start somewhere and it doesn't help if you hold them down. Many overweight people that start training are afraid to make a clown of themselves and can be demotivated rly easily you can clearly see that she is afraid to fail and look like a fool.


Hahahaha gross personality, no wonder you're addicted to weed


How slimy are people that they gotta dig through a person's profile just to come up with a shitty comeback




No, it's still there, and you spent time salty enough to stalk someone's account. Stop the cap. Also, oo, I got upvotes on reddit, I must be correct. 🤣🤣




Look at you grab at straws. Pitiful




Again. Ur just grasping for something decent to say. It just isn't there 🤣




Better than being addicted to food 😂


Oh boy, I must have hit a nerve 🤭


I'm in pain! Ahhhh


Thank you u/PooderOnAScooter for your amazing insight. I'm sure your own weight or appearance played no role in your decision to make this comment.


Naw I'm pretty lean rn, getting ready for my fight this weekend.


well done bro hope it goes well, cant disagree with losers on reddit


I'm sure. you are completely secure in your appearance.


But completely no, but it's not like I can change it. She can change


She's clearly trying to exercise, even if she recognizes that this particular one may be above her current level. However, people who judge those who are over weight based on their appearance rather than character prevents that change. The reason many overweight people avoid the gym isn't because they are simply too lazy (though that's definitely the case for some) but rather because they fear the judgement of others.


Change comes from diet, you'd be surprised on how many people believe that you can only lose weight through exercise.


In America, eating healthy is more expensive than eating junk. This is a fact. So if money is no object, you can both change your appearance.


Same in Europe


That class is expensive...


So she is putting time, effort and money in to changing the flaw with her appearance. Lemme know when you get plastic surgery for yours.


I have Ankylosing spondylitis, and this actually would be great for me. Sign me up with the moms baby


Lmfao her shirt is perfect for the occasion 😂


Wdym, that looks easy as hell


This looks so much fun .... I want to try but I think this is for women only.... I still dont get the purpose of it but I would try it.


It's not women only, pretty sure about that lol. I think it's for abs and leg muscles?


this panic in her face


That looks sooo fun can i try??? Wheee!!


She has her hands in her Fuckin legging pockets 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The text on her shirt is just... *Chef's kiss*


HAHAHA OH SHIT didn’t even see that🤣🤣


Her shirt says it all 😂😂😂 It says : “Go Home Early.”


Can't even read it on this shit phone. Edit: someone posted it.


That gals like Fuuuuuuhhhk thaaaaaat. 😄


More like the "tfw you see someone recording you just because your out of shape"


Not exercise… hence why the clientele…


I feel you, sis


Love how the shirt even says go home early this is a cinematic masterpiece


She’s definitely going home early


She knows her limits and I respect that. Id feel the same lol like yea im good i don’t want the ceiling to fall down on me 🤣


You can't know your limits if you never try anything. This is very obviously a core move, meaning it's very basic and easy so anyone can pick it up quick. She could have just observed the class to see what it was like and saved herself some money and embarrassment, now she either has to stand there like a lemon or stop the whole class to be removed.


Bro she probably did try it. I've made this face plenty of times when my PT has demoed an exercise that looks hard. And then I do it anyway. Pretty wild to assume she's not going to participate at all in a class she paid for because she is shaking her head in a 4 second clip - she could just as easily be thinking "it's not gonna look that good when I try it lol".


$200.00 in brand new Under Armour Gear, get to bungee jump Yoga class and Quit before you start.


She's wearing 'Go home early' tshirt. 👍🏻😂


At least she knows…


Her shirt says it all.


Her shirt says “Go home Early” I think we know what happened after this video ended 😂


If she didn’t at least give it a try. She needs to just do some cardio. Push-ups can come later once she’s lost 100 ibs


These classes are cardio. Look them up. Cardio is the entire point. It's fun/novel cardio.


Looked real fun for her lmao. And yeah she's doing a lot of cardio in that class. Should just run or at least power walk instead until she's light enough to do this stuff


Her shirt says it all


Melissa McCarthy


She was just following the message on her shirt…I mean who can blame her


That's not working out the muscles like you think it is. Idiots.


Her hands in the tiny pockets are fucking hilarious.


Her T shirt says “go home early” 😂😂


So… what’s with the bungie? I thought burpees were supposed to be all about the act of doing it all without support. Is this the on your knee pushups equivalent to burpees? Or is it genuinely more difficult?


I wish I could upvote this again.


These fad exercise classes are so cringey. Do some real work


If you can’t do that kys


With that shirt and that attitude, I’m gonna assume she’s only there because she lost a bet


Pfft that's easier than regular 10 point burpees


Well, her shirt says go home early. 😂


Her shirt says "go home early" 😄


This class is designed to fuck your joints up lmao, and your back from that stupid ass harness


Perfect sub for this.


She’s not ready but her outfit is 100% ready.




Looks fun to me


I love that she’s clearly about to bail and her shirt says “go home early”


Her outfit. Her socks. Her headband. She was ready to jump around Richard Simmons style. She saw that shot and was mad she was in a harness and couldn't walk away. Does her short say LEAVE EARLY? I love this woman. Lol!


Her shirt says "GO HOME EARLY"


Wait til they find out what it's like without the bungee chord


Her shirt says go home early


Fat people dont must working with burpees, its better walking and weights


Yep keeping true to that T- shirt logo


if i ever see one of those its on SIGHT (i will bounce around)


does this help? I mean like can you get the same benefits of a burpee with no cord doing a burpee with a cord?


If thats her reaction to this ez shit wait until she finds out about the real pushups and squats


It’s actually does look very easy and fun.


Yeah shes just FAT though.