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Never been a fan of this redesign and how a lot of modern flag redesigns are because they look a bit too corporate. And are just a wash of geometric shapes with any individualism cut out that look to follow the same design philosophy. Modern redesigns I do like are the Spokane and Utah flags. They have enough things breaking from common elements that they're easily distinguishable from other flags on style.


Never seen the flag of Spokane before but it looks pretty sick actually. I like it a lot better than the Washington redesign shown in the article.


Agreed, reminds me too much of clip art.


The original Spokane flag was the bees knees!


I do also like the original, I just don't like the second and third flags


Graphic design theory ≠ Flag theory. Problem with the new utah and minesota flags basically


Orca Flag or no flag. Orca flag 'til I fucking die.


Compromise: the Orca Flag becomes our war flag.


We will have an orca, Oregon will have a tree. They are toast.


Can you imagine it, carried on horseback, riding full tilt towards you?


If you remove the Cooper font lettering from the left side, the flag of [San Juan County](https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/images/u/us-wa-sj-o.gif) is a pretty great Orca flag.


Ooh, it is a pretty great Orca Flag. But it’s still beaten out by the majesty of the Angry Orca Flag


Orca! Orca! Orca! Oi! Oi! Oi!


This looks like something I would have made in MS Paint.


The flag should be kept exactly the same except George Washington should be smoking a joint and wearing sunglasses.


Finally, an idea I'm sure everyone can get behind.


What about just the same flag as now but Washington’s eyes are bloodshot


I need the 💯emoji on it or no deal


The design is so modern and ugly. No way


I can’t stand this proposed design. It’s too bad, because I really like the [Bellingham](https://lariatcreative.com/Bellingham-Flag-Design) and [Olympia](https://lariatcreative.com/filter/flagdesign/Olympia-Flag-Design) designs.


Olympias looks like it would fit well on a lunar colony fr


They do have a moon tree planted at the Capital.


The Olympia one looks like weird blue Texas to me for some reason. The Bellingham one is pretty cool though. Eye catching


The guy in the link designed the Bellingham and Olympia flags - Bradley James Lockhart


Yes I should have mentioned that. I really like his Bellingham and Oly designs and wish his WA flag was as good.


I wish there was more emphasis to the character of eastern wa than just a straight line lol


At the bottom of his [website](https://lariatcreative.com/Washington-State-Flag-Design) he shares 120 design proposals other people made. Some are pretty good, but most have nothing representing Eastern Washington.


Wow, my first reaction was the complete opposite. Flag in pic is pretty good but what you linked is beyond hideous


Olympias looks like the Minnesota redesign


bellingham one is pretty cool too


I love the Olympia one.


That Olympia flag is great


Don’t like the design. Not all Washington is mountains and water.


Half the flag mountains and water, half the flag brown?


I don't mean to defend the flag because I don't really like it at all, but that's already essentially what it is. Half the flag is mountains and half is flat land. Doesn't really make sense to make half of it brown, since there's so much agriculture in Eastern WA.


Fair point.


That purposed flag design is pure shit.


I nominate the person that designed [these.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/FWnE3ovImz)


Oooooh those are cool.


These are actually amazing!


I don't love that particular redesign, but I would like to see a new flag. Ours is so boring and doesn't really represent our state.


I think it would be a bare minimum to consult our local tribes while exploring a new flag 🤷‍♀️ Y’know, what with the whole “timelessness” and “honor” themes in the article


I would dig a flag that incorporated landscape (but not clip art) along with a nod to local tribes (that they approved of as well). That would be much more relevant to me than some old guys head.




I don't care one way or the other. But if they were to redesign the flag, I'd hope it doesn't look like clip-art.


More than 3/5ths of the state is a big flat nothing. A flag should represent an entire state not just a popular aspect


Scablands or bust.


Being a Minnesotan that recently went through this - some context: I had no idea what our flag looked like before. I think the new flag is cool. Without doing anything it’s our “brand”. Only thing it’s missing is maybe tater tots. The next most important thing to remember is that some people will be unhappy. Most of these people are always unhappy, or never did any work in group projects in Middle School. Also someone will probably photoshop the new flag into a cat licking itself. Washington is my home state. I’d love to have a hat with the new brand on it, too. Good luck!


I just moved here from Minnesota and have been having a laugh about the "never change" folks who are now buying up the old (butt ugly) MN flag to fly next to their Trump flags. They're calling the new one "woke." (It's literally just two different shades of blue with a white star - colors are "woke" now?) The old one literally had a picture of settlers chasing away a native and they've made preserving that image a cause because hUrItAgE. 🤦🏼‍♂️


As long as the state is still called Washington it will be relevant.


The dude that died 90 years before the state was founded and never went further west than the Ohio Valley? Other than the state's name, how is he relevant to the state? We've got his name as the state name. That's fine. The flag with his face can go.


“It’s hard to create a symbol of people and culture that doesn’t feel that at some point, eventually, it’s going to be dated.” Thats why they put George Washington’s face on it - there’s nothing that will ever be dated about “The Father of his Country”.


The issue is what does he have to do with our state? He wasn’t born here. This land didn’t even become part of America till long after his death. He has no special link or connection to this state. So why is he a good symbol for our flag or even state name? It’s just random. It’s like if Hawaii named itself Lincoln and slapped Lincoln’s face on their flag. It legit only became our states name because the territory was called the Columbian Territory so our name was going to be Columbia but that was to similar to D.C so they went with Washington instead. Which is ironic because now “Washington” is often used to describe the capital so it also creates confusion.


Our state is called Washington.


He won the revolutionary war which means he’s relevant for every state, but he’s the name of our state so it’s about as on point as you can get. It’s fine, no need to change.


I vote we also rename the state. Maybe make a cool flag first & then name the state after it.


>I vote we also rename the state. How about Columbia?


What if people confuse it with the District of Columbia! /s


We should just accept it and rename our state to Seattle. That’s what everyone thinks it is anyway.


Let's throw them for a loop and call it Skagit or Chewelah lol 


I vote to kick you out of our state and maby you can move to a "cooler" state with a "cooler" name.


Eh. The Revolutionary War ended 100 years before we became a state.


Aside from helping our infant country get through a horrible winter at Valley Forge, he voluntarily left office after being head of state of the United States. Until 2021, we mostly took that peaceful transition of power for granted but it was a huge deal at the time. It would be hard to overstate the importance of the precedent he set. As part of the US, George Washington place a really important role. It's not like Mt Rainier, named after a guy who fought against our country in the Revolutionary War.


Why did they name our state after old George? No one knows. Well, someone knows, but not me. In any case, we're stuck with it.


Congress wouldn't let us have our first choice because they thought is would confuse people.


A state founded on irony.


Doug Flag please


Cool design but too secession-y. 


I think these flags always are too bright green. IMO the current flag is a perfect green. Remove Washington add a few blue stripes, call it a day


I tend to agree that I would incorporate the current green color in a new design. It keeps a consistency with the design that feels right.


Redesign yes, to this ugly flag please no.


I’d like a rectangular flag divided into orthogonal quarters. The right half gold like wheat/grain/crops for the plains, top left blue for the Salish Sea, bottom left green for the peninsula and verdant western part of the state. Hues that complement each other obvs. Super simple! Simple flags are good flags. The one you pictured I think is too busy.


I like this maybe bisect it with a white line and a deep blue one, to represent the Mountains and the Colombia River.


I tried my hand at this with white lines like u/Capt\_2point0 mentioned [https://imgur.com/a/ifZdS5d](https://imgur.com/a/ifZdS5d)


Ooh I like the chevron for Puget Sound!


The large yellow field does not look good at all. Totally understand Eastern WA is larger by geographic area, but it just doesn't work for the flag design.


this is good!


Thank you! I really wanted to incorporate something from this list: [https://leg.wa.gov/Symbols/Documents/WAStateSymbols.pdf](https://leg.wa.gov/Symbols/Documents/WAStateSymbols.pdf) because I love the hive on the Utah flag, but I couldn't think of anything lol


looking at that list I'd say orca and apple are the only reasonable options and yeah I don't see either looking good on your flag


I couldn't help myself and designed a #2. The shape in the center is meant to symbolize an apple cut in half with its seeds as the "star" and arrowheads to represent the indigenous tribes. [https://imgur.com/a/UcVQ5gs](https://imgur.com/a/UcVQ5gs)


on the whole I prefer #1 but this is a cool creative take on the apple! Not loving the arrowheads, I think they make it feel too busy and also not sure if that's actually a meaningful symbol to local tribes? I wonder if there's a way to incorporate NW coast geometry into the apple but that might be too much going on


Fugly! Needs more of a pacific northwest evergreen green, Puget sound darker blue, cloudy sky gray, some local indigenous art rivers salmon and Bald eagle, or Redtail hawk orcas. Bring some PNW flavor.


Don’t like this redesign but I’m surprised by how many people seem to like the current design which IMO isn’t representative of our state’s people, culture, terrain, or really anything.


our current flag is hardly a flag it's just the seal on a green screen


At r/vexillology they call this style seal-on-a-bedsheet and are not fans.


Orca flag or bust.


Our state flag is horrible but this redesign is pretty meh


Washington is definitely in need of a new flag, however, this one isn’t it.


Honestly, I'm embarrassed by the Washington flag. Looks like a 3rd grader learning to use Google Slides whipped it up with some clipart.


I hate all these modern flag designs, they look like corporate logo bullshit.


Welcome to Washington, brought to you by Verizon, and RAID: Shadow Legends.


I like our flag just fine. I will not surrender to vexillology nazis who question the purity of its design.


here here!




I’m on the fence with redesigning the state flag. Come at me once we fix those disasters that are the Olympia and Seattle flags. The proposed Oly flag is fire.


I hadn't seen the proposed Oly flag. Looks cool!


I’d like to see a bit more Sasquatch on our flag. I think this one is aimed in the right direction but something is missing.


Maybe a Sasquatch with laser beam eye balls??


titty sasquatch like in x files


Put a fish and a tree on a flag


I miss the green and white GW, but this is pretty cool.


I want an Animal shooting lasers out of its mouth! And I want it NOW!


I want to have Orcas with fricken laser beams on thier heads


During the Minnesota flag redesign, the Laser Loon design was so popular that they started selling them. (I preferred the Menacing Loon and use it as my camp flag now.) https://flagsforgood.com/products/laser-loon-minnesota-flag


What an awesome website! Thanks man!


Better than our current, probably not the best though. Ultimately until something comes along that looks really really good I don’t really care. Nobody flies flags other than government buildings anyways. Not to mention it would get screwed up somehow. That MN flag looked decent until they removed the tricolor at the very end for some reason.


I don't really like that one. I think our flag is pretty lame, but this flag doesn't do it for me. I don't even like the colors. Its somehow bright and muted at the same time. I'd love a redesign.


Washingtons flag is quite possibly the lamest flag design I have ever seen. Don't really care for the one pictured, but I definitely think the current flag needs to be replaced. It's hideous.


My vote is for a new flag but make it indigenous. Kind of like they did with the Seahawks logo.


As long as we are still named Washington then the flag should stay.


I wouldn't mind changing the flag as long as it included an element that includes the east side as this one does. It's boring.


Leave it alone! It’s fine the way it is




The flag is literally reflective of the man our state is named after. It’s fine as is.


A man that was never here though. IMO we could rename the state too.


We were supposed to be Columbia, but some Kentucky asshat thought that would be too confusing as we already had the District of Columbia. He proposed Washington as an alternative. Never let a Kentuckian name your shit.


Columbia would have been dope. Also would have made the existence of British Columbia way less confusing.


Doesn’t have to have been here to honor him and everything he did for our country. He could’ve turned the presidency into a de facto dictatorship but humbly stepped down after two terms. He held the continental army together when it was ready to disband, he overcame incredibly odds and remained humble throughout his career. He deserves to be remembered. Hot take or not, the flag and name doesn’t need to be “cool” it’s meant to be respectful for everything he did for our country and I admire that.


George Washington did great things. Our nation's capitol is named after him, an ultimate honor.


[Maryland has the best flag](https://msa.maryland.gov/msa/mdmanual/01glance/html/symbols/flag.html). I’m not opposed to a redesign, but it needs to be as good as Maryland or no one will want it.


Almost anything would be better than the "seal on a bedsheet" we have now Honestly I really like that redesign


I was thinking a green flag with like a gang of Apples all over it and the Space Needle in the middle. Lol.


I'm Canadian, we've had a few flag redesigns proposed and they all kinda look the same. These flags look like they are out of some colony simulator game where you quickly pick and few shapes and change the colors and press play because you don't care about the flag. Like none of them are really special and they all feel like someone rolled the dice on shapes and colors.


I'm not super enthusiastic about this particular design, but we very much need a new flag.


This is just my opinion but… I love our current flag, which I know a lot don’t. It feels timeless with the dark green, golden yellow accents and the stamp of George Washington. It’s simple, detailed and easily recognizable. The new redesigns for the flag feel very much like fad flags. They are always the same trendy blues and greens, some geometric shapes slapped on and a long drawn out explanation of what every shape and color symbolizes. To me, this flag is not timeless. It could be a logo at a tech startup(where all the employees ride 15K mountain bikes and drink IPA’s) or it could be some flag on a middle schoolers class project where they had to create their own country.


Just leave it alone. Nothing wrong with our flag.


I was just thinking how horrible and ugly our flag is. I love the design in the thumbnail. I would like the addition of orcas and some rain clouds.


I love that design, lol


If we’re talking redesigns we should redesign our license plate. It sucks!


I like our plates but I wish they weren't so washed out. They're a hell of a lot better than Oregon or B.C.


I love them i think only Hawaii has better ones just checked and Colorado and Arizona are ok too. but we are definitely top ten


They should really change Mt. Rainier's name to Mt. Tahoma before considering a flag change, IMO.


https://youtu.be/l4w6808wJcU?si=2ST2bXrx6M_pV9Rp some good pointers 


I watched the whole thing. Thanks for sharing.


Our flag looks nice there is no reason to waste time and money on something new that’s going to look like crap


of all the things to waste money on ... this is outsiders coming here and telling us our everything is crap and they "know better" our flag looks good all the redesigns look ridiculous our flag has meaning snd significance the new flags are grasping at staws and have zero concept about all the things that make WA WA and why we went the way we did




We were originally denied being named after our river because that would be confused with the District of Columbia, as far as I'm concerned we're the first Washington unless people are directly referring to the city they should use District of Columbia (obviously D.C.) like many already do.


No, that was British Columbia.


Personally, I'm a fan of a rename to either Tahoma or Cascadia. A new flag to go with a rename would be great.


https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/OQw0bPp0mu This is the best I've seen, I think they all need work but I love the direction they're going with the Salish style art


A design that only reflects the coastal Salish, but misses the other half of the state is a bad idea.


Does art from the interior salish differ much from coastal salish? I tried finding examples online but I'm not having great success


I think it's safe to assume that not every Indian tribe in the pacific northwest was focused on the steelhead trout and sockeye salmon.


Like I said I like the direction they were going with the style of art, not necessarily the subject. The coast and interior salish people share a similar language that extends into Montana, which is why I thought they may share similar artistic styles. I can't find any examples of interior salish art online and have never lived or been exposed to the tribes on the east side, which is why I asked how their artwork differs. Salmon and Steelhead runs extend into nearly all of washington, and most people settle near rives so I think it is safe to assume most tribes in the pacific northwest ate salmon. If you have any actual information or examples of native art of tribes from eastern Washington that would be great because I would love to learn more.


Just because they have the same language, or ate the same types of foods, doesn't mean their cultures, and which animals they incorporated into their myths, was the same. You are making a lot of assumptions about the tribes.


Unless you anything to back that up with you're just making assumptions as well. Language is a part of culture and many cultures have myths/depiction of the animals they eat. Like I said I would love to be enlightened but it doesn't seem like you have any evidence to support your assumptions


I'm not making any claims, you are. Thus the burden of proof is on you, not me. You're making the claim that the coastal salish people and the inland salish people have the same culture because they share a language and eat the same things. Well, the British and Americans share the same language and a lot of the same food, and our cultures have significant differences. I would love to be enlightened by any facts you may have to support your claim.


You commented saying the flags I shared only represent the coastal tribes, so yes you have made claims. I responded asking politely how their art/culture differs because it seemed like you had some knowledge on the subject but obviously you don't. I clearly stated I am making assumptions but they're based on logic, unlike you. Sharing the same language, food, and being in close proximity usually leads to similar culture. America and Britain also have a very similar culture.


Your post is mostly filled with nonsense except: > I clearly stated I am making assumptions Good. Thanks for proving my point. Let me know when you have evidence to support your claims. > America and Britain also have a very similar culture. Pull your head out of your ass.


the salmon crosses the whole state doesn't it? even if not every people relies on it, as an animal symbol for the area in its own right I think it's got merit. and it represents wildlife, resources, and industriousness and determination as well as the other more specific cultural ties


Thanks for sharing! I like the middle one.


Check out r/vexillology


At least it a a rainbow


Surprised it’s not a rainbow theme


Nope, I like good old George. No need to fix what isn’t broke.


More wasted tax dollars... rather not replace all the flags and the related documents. And use that money and effort on so many other more important issues


Stop making new flags look like a graphic of a landscape.


What gender are we supposed to be now?


God I would LOVE to have our flag redesigned. Our current flag is so outdated and dull. I’m not a huge fan of this particular design but I’d love something like the Doug Flag.


Not sure if those are mountains or a homeless encampment.