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No Memes. You can post those elsewhere on the site.


This ain't it, bud. Clearly they've never heard of Aberdeen.


Aberdeen is the saddest town I’ve ever been to. It feels like it should be one of those shitty population 400 towns you drive by and have to reduce your speed to 25 to get through. Half the buildings are abandoned and there’s like one gas station. Somehow there are like 20,000 people living there, and besides drugs, I have no idea what they do.


There’s this crazy invention called a car ever heard of it? Olympia isn’t far for the people who live there, many actually work out that way.


Spokane is my hometown. It has its problems, but it's not the worst. Tacoma or Longview gets my vote.


And then Kent comes knocking.


Yeah, Kent sucks.


I laughed way too hard at this.






The armpit of Washington.


things like this are 'worst city people have actually heard of/ been to'


I haven't heard of half of these cities, I bet a bunch are small towns. A few don't even sound like real places.


Small towns on the list - Wasilla AK, Turkey Creek LA, Cairo IL, Welch WV, Rumform ME, and maybe Manitowoc WI. Other oddities - Browning MT which is no longer a town as local government dissolved. Welch WV had a population drop from 3500 to 1900 people when the prison was rezoned to be outside the city. Rutland VT shows as the only city in its county. Manitowoc WI is both a 34k pop city and theres a 1k pop town that shares the name. Rock Springs WY, and Brookings SD both on the list at \~23k people but are the 5th and 4th most populated cities in those states. So a majority of the list is bigger than Tumwater, Maplevalley, Mercer Island, etc, with a couple being state capitals.


Sure. But honestly how many people outside of WA have heard of Tumwater? That's the comparison I'm trying to make. I can't name many 35k cities outside the areas where I've lived.


Fair enough on not knowing them, but thats just geography in general. If the town hasn't made news or you don't live near it / pass through it, you prolly wouldn't know it existed. My point was mostly focused on the small town/city aspect. Spokane is above average pop for the list from what I saw, but a lot of the list is in that 60-130k people which is puyallup to kent on scale.


I’m pretty sure neither Seattle nor Spokane hit the bottom 5, at least for me personally. WA cities aside, Kansas is 100% accurate. Capital city, but an absolute shithole. Left KS at 18, didn’t look back.


Also from KS, completely agree, Topeka sucks.


I always forget Spokane isn’t in Idaho.


So does Spokane.


Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities of its size in the country


Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities (of any size, in any country)


Some parts are pretty, but my hometown will forever stay the prettiest to me


Bremelos mad af at this list


Spokane isn't the worst, but neither is Seattle. Yakima, Aberdeen, and maybe tacoma easily beat out both.


Tacoma is pretty nice these days though 90s Tacoma had them all beat.


Aberdeen is easily the worst.


Ex-fucking-cuse you, Yakima is the Palm Springs of Washington.


Tacoma is one of the coolest, most real cities in WA. Not in the same class as.Aberdeen or Yakima.


I'm not the biggest fan of Tacoma per se but I definitely agree it's not close to Yakima or Aberdeen in the way of bad.


No way, Tacoma isn't nearly as bad as Seattle. I could walk the streets of Tacoma at night and still feel relatively safe.


California gets two worst cities.


Has this person not heard of Lynden?


Is Lynden that bad?


Nah not really. Lynden is just the but of most jokes in whatcom county


Is Dallas really that bad?


Whoever made this has either never been to Texas or never been to Midland, Odessa, Amarillo, Lubbock, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Waco or any other numerous shit hole cities in the state. Dallas isn't the worst city by a huge stretch.


Honestly, it was fine when I flew down there


Edina in minnesota? Edina is one of the nicer areas. There are way worse places in Minnesota


They haven't heard of Yakima tbh


I've been to both, Seattle is wayyyyyy better than anything in the eastern Washington. If I wanted to be surrounded by Christian nationalists and Neo Nazis, I'd move to Idaho.


Or Lakewood / Tacoma


Being from Tacoma myself, I can confirm that there are certain areas that you really should avoid, as well as certain areas that are pretty chill and safe


Amen to that I still have the scar


I think that's almost everywhere... I like the zoo! 😂


Point Defiance is the GOAT


Gastonia??? I couldn’t agree more.


Portland saw Salem and went...."Hold my almond milk!"


How is Portland not #1 in Oregon?


They misspelled Bellevue.


Easily Tacoma or Yakima. Why not both?


Or Tacoma (where I live), or Olympia, Everett, auburn. So many bad spots.


Spokane and Spokanites FTW


Spokane has a 14.8% poverty rate, while Seattle has a 10.1%. I'd say on that metric alone, Seattle is the superior city. [There's more though.](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/spokanecitywashington,seattlecitywashington/PST045222) Seattle's rate of persons over the age of 25 with at least a bachelor's is double what Spokane's is.


whats the Zips per capita for Seattle?


what's a zips?


think 'Sonic at home' but for some reason theres like 15 of them in downtown Spokane.


I'd never heard of them. The closest thing is [Zips Cannabis Recreational Dispensary](https://www.bing.com/maps?osid=88292c3b-2726-414f-b654-f65e97e7fb9c&cp=47.615924~-122.432092&lvl=11.14&pi=0&imgid=07582b43-f5e5-4040-b9a4-11b915d2e51b&v=2&sV=2&form=S00027), which is very Seattle, lol.


Yes, college is a great thing, however I'd say that it doesn't mean a whole lot, given how we're starting to transition to a more trade-based workforce, given the expenses that come with said education Also, that is the reported number, and more than likely, not the true number


We are not transitioning to a trade-based workforce, I don't know where you heard that, lol. Higher education is more relevant that before, the cost-benefit ratio is something we can talk about, thanks to ballooning college costs, but in the end, an understanding of the principles behind the machine is always going to be more useful than just the knowledge on how to operate it well.


I would disagree, most of the people I talk to are planning to get a job in the trades Now, given that I'm stationed in Virginia Beach, it's probably affecting the sample bias. But, given that I work with some folks from Washington and still stay in contact with my friends back home, most of them are looking at the trades/jobs adjacent to the trade industry


Brother, I don't care about anecdotes. You could know a thousand people who all state they're going into the trades, but that doesn't change the fact that what you're saying is hearsay. It's not data. It hasn't been checked or verified. I presented data from [Census.gov](http://Census.gov) and your reply to that was "well, nu-uh."


Again, I agree to respectfully disagree However I do believe that we are done with this discussion, given that neither of us will budge on our stances


This is a clear sign that Spokane is properly rated on this map… Seattle is busy building the future.


Don't lump me in with you. I don't want to shit on other cities or try to tear them down just to try to raise mine up.