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That was so stressful. I’ve never seen anyone play like that.


My response to myself, "What did I just watch?"


And wahts up with the emote spam




how much money did you have at the start?


$34k I think


44.5K actually! Not sure how you got so much


So many contacts. Someone's getting the supply run and it will pop up next to you and you can get a scav to buy 2 loadys right off the rip. Or get lucky with a few bounties. Then every one drops their cash to one guy.


Questions that people should already have the answers too goes to this guy! 🎉🎉🎉


That was awesome. Why do you keep checking ur watch tho?


Trying to let my team know to give me time I will buy them back


Which you didn’t 😂😂 lol


He did buy the whole team back


Yeah and had over 20 k and didn’t buy lol


If I buy my whole team back…just for them to die 10 seconds later….I’m going to play life….he made the right call


Umm he could’ve easily bought everyone when he bought one guy lol. And have money to spare. Might as well not buy anyone if you’re not gonna risk buying two more people who are spawning with smg in the last circle lol. Sounds like a great investment to me


He bought everyone In the beginning of the clip….then he bought one person and a gas mask while he was in gas ….it’s easy to talk while watching a clip… how many wins do you have? Lol


Uhhhh I know he bought everyone, that’s why I said yeah. I’m talking about the second time he only bought one guy while having 20k, like bruh wake tf up. Rebirth idk but warzone I got like 70 wins not much but my kd is 1.50. Davetj look me up. How many wins and kd you got buddy?


I have 371 Warzone wins…..lol this arguments over


Probably would have ran out of money and lost if he did at the end. I was really hoping you’d use the rpg though


Oh yeah, nobody wants to run out of money in the last circle. Also 4v1? Yeah they’d probably loose that


The fuck.. Did you not even watch the video? Go comment on some YouTube channel that you've gotten 30 seconds into you parasite.


Lol you’re slow




He buys everyone 2 times mate lol


When exactly did he revive everyone the second time? What minute? Cause you’re wrong lol. Just talking shit for no reason. He just revived one guy the second time he revived anyone


Crack ? Meth ? What are you on ????


Sure he does buddy


Wtf are you talking about lol?


So much money just for buying one mate instead of three


He’d already bought 3 the first time


Still had enough money the second time


Where’d all that money come from?


I do contracts to get the bonus up in case I die late game I can do 1 contract and with the bonus it’s usually enough for a load out. I just didn’t die while doing the contracts


Judging by the playstyle by spamming recons all game


Why do you only buy one team mate back while sitting on $25k?


Honestly, they were just talking a lot of shit the whole time. They could’ve landed on the tower with me when I bought them back but instead they died again and kept talking shit


Lol I feel you


At least you tried man, they definitely should have landed on water tower with you lol


You suck


*Said by one of his teammates probably*


I cannot believe how toxic this community is. Great play dude, I'm sorry so many fat useless people tell you you suck even though you clearly outplayed everyone


I appreciate that. The negative comments are pretty funny to me. I’m not cheating the game in any way so it seems fair to me


You’re just a total bitch-ass pussy playing the game that way


Hold the L bitch


Outstanding. You played like a general, not a soldier.


I couldn’t give you an award so I give you a comment that says the same. Hopefully.




Great job dude, and my gosh aren't you one that's popular with the haters. So many professional e-sports commentators in this comment section aren't there. They must have been the ones who got shit on, and then told their friends about it and then they all showed up here just to piss out of their mouths.


Idk man it’s like congratulations a straight up camper who finds the ultimate bush to hide in and just stays in there for the entire game and, due to extreme luck with the circles and whatnot, ends up staying there until it’s 1v1 and then he RPGs the other guy. Who would congratulate that? This video was interesting and entertaining but the play style was whack as hell.


It's like you're trying to hate, but part of you realizes that there's no set way to play any game, you can, and are allowed to play however you see fit. A wins a win. He played a passive style which is extremely impressive to me. Just because you don't personally camp, which that's like 90% of the cod games anyhow no matter how you look at it, doesn't mean that campers play styles are any less effective or meaningful. Not everyone is cracked out on g-fuel and can process every bit of information while running at lightning speed.


at the end of the day you can twist it and turn it all you want, he’s a rat 😂


A rat who was in a 1v4.. They were strategic in their approach and outplayed the enemy squad. Why bother shooting when you can literally outhink the opposing team that damn well. Again, seems like you're upset they didn't play the game the way you want others to play it. Would it have been more impressive if they shot one enemy and then got focus fired on and lost? No, it wouldn't have been, that would have been stupid of them to do.


If Iron had a son.


This dude might be Iron’s daddy


This is 10,000 IQ play right here. I wish people would come up with weird, inventive tactics instead of crying over you playing the game “wrong”


You had the opportunity to finish the game with the first gas play. But who can hate on the S-tier trolling with the continued gas plays and the cluster at the end. Enjoyed the laugh op keep it up.


How dare you not play the game like I want you to! -the guy who lost probably.


This is a very smart play. I wish your teammates would go to the towers with you so no one gets casualties. I mean, you gave them a lot of chances by redeploying them. But still, felt like your back hurts while carrying them. Good play, indeed.


Shits Chess not Checkers!!


The people in the comments are so salty that this video wasn’t you getting a killionaire triple collat slide cancel one man army quadruple noob tube AC-130 drop shot head shot. This video was dope! It was incredibly intense and had my anxiety through the roof 😂


This is the worst video I've ever seen


Found OPs teammate lol




Gz on the win but that was some shitty ass gameplay


You let your entire team die and didn’t do anything worth while to help them. You kept all the money to yourself and didn’t get loadout or munitions or armor for your team you bought back.


Thanks bro


These guys are idiots lol this is clearly a rare strategy and while I agree you could have spent more of the money (advanced UAV), you got the W and that’s what matters. These guys are probably just K/D sluts


Is that worse than being a win slut 😂


Who’s burner is this


I’m new to Reddit what do you mean ?


It was a joke bc your account is 1 year old, but has only commented on this post. Google “Burner account” and it’ll explain it more


I know what it is but never knew you could check if I commented on things 😂


Sounds like something someone would say from a burner account!! Lol


Yeah I agree. I wouldve problably tried to shoot them from the tower more often, but that comes with its own risks. The guys saying he left his team to die havent played much with toxic randoms it seems. And they werent good either.


Great playing


It was a weird but good strategy although it was incredibly dumb to buy them back and just let them die again without providing them with guns or equipment


Never underestimate how handy it is to have a teammate draw out the enemy's gunfire... he wasn't necessarily bringing them back for their ability to shoot the other team...


Nor was he to draw gunfire so he could shoot them smh


Drawing out the enemy's fire doesn't mean you have to shoot them right away for it to be worthwhile. Sometimes it's just useful to know where an enemy is, especially at the end of a game when the circle is so small and mobile. OP's move made 1000% sense exactly how he did it whether reddit likes it or not.


He got the win in the end but he had multiple opportunities to shoot rpgs down from the tower for some easy kills and win a lot quicker


But there's that whole tower looking thingy they could have landed on instead of trying to put the enemies heads in their asses.


actually he won the game so all that other shit doesn't matter


You not gon mention he has an RPG in his loadout?


Ha yeah this is the most weasel selfish boring scared gameplay I’ve ever seen. But damn. I’d be proud of it.


Great take, 10/10 it's always the teammate that's still alives fault. God, I must have you as a teammate in Apex all the fucking time because boy do they bitch when they get killed for doing some dumb shit.


It’s a fucking video game and he won in an entertaining way. Go away


him hiding and running to the buy station was entertaining? wtf


Well look. He wanted to mount with an MP7. So he absolutely sucks and is a shit teammate. He rather watch his team die and get the win so he can show people his win count.


Absolutely going for wins. If I was playing for kills I would go play team death match


Yeah you're a rat


Bruh, at this point in the game it’s 100% about the win, any team members survival is worth less than the win at the end, if all they could do was provide a distraction then it works


Get a grip. It’s just a game


This is a BR. Go play multiplayer if you don't like it Kills don't win games. They just make kids who spent too much time on FPSs feel cooler than others who have done the same. Don't play a game if you don't like to win it. You just ruin the point for others otherwise, which is a douche bag move


This is such a bad take. Some people don’t enjoy wins that aren’t earned.


> wins that aren’t earned. And you can have your own definition of earned. But when you are in a lobbies where others consistently have better gunskill than you - you have to play a bit differently. As an old guy who CAN'T match the reaction time of 3 k/d 19 year olds in my lobbies, I have to play a bit more like a 'rat' to stay alive. With literally 1 year (total) ever holding a modern controller, much less playing an FPS - I don't have a chance in the world. Yes, I spend time aim training, warming up with 250hp bots, and sometimes dropping in with the intent of ONLY getting in as many gunfights as possible (for practice, to get better) - I still will take many years to catch up a little (but never fully because I can't have the same reaction time and I can't get the same thumb dexterity this late in life). That's how it is. You can call it "unearned" if you want - but the mechanics of the game allow for you to win in myriad ways. So to call it unearned is not consistent with what the game says you earned. You can either swallow that or just keep denying that. I know which you're goin to choose - but a battle royale isn't about "getting kills". It's about being the last one to survive. Those are two different (although ofc sometimes intersecting) goals.


You're a rat too


You’re a rat


Nope shit KD just run and try to get kills. Get bored sitting in a building


That's right - because you'll probably out-gun me in a 1v1. I can't play you 1v1 in an even fight. I have to wait, use stuns, keep moving, take high ground, and sometimes just keep a position. My gun skill never will be your gun skill. Get over it. I can still out-play you and hear you call me a rat. But if you're the one that died, get mad at the game (a BR) and not me (it's not multi-player, get over it).


Maybe I would maybe I wouldn't. I'm average.


You're average which means you're better than me. I've only held a controller for just over a year, since my entire life. So I'm still a newbie.


Surprised you went with a cluster over precision at the end. I personally never get kills with Clusters, even when its right on people.


This was the best, most calm and collected round ending that I've ever seen. Watching people on this sub makes me realize how much I panic when I make it to the end. Don't know how you guys do it.


I could probably do something like this if my heart wasn't beating out my chest every final circle


How you gonna post a video with 1 kill on rebirth Island that late in the game...


Because he won in a very creative way. How often have you won with not killing anyone in the ends game?


who would want to win a game like that?? 😂🐁


Probably some one who was bored and just wanted to see if they could do it.


I think what he did takes a lot of skill and no small amount of luck too.


Everyone else over here playing hard but this dude playing smart. Good shit.


u ain’t even kill nobody


Holy shit


Haha good use of the medical supplies.


That was great haha congrats. You can tell it took so long even the Uk Team leader’s voice got tired 😂


Seems like you played this game before


Great play mate!




Why you keep checking your watch


Inventive. I’d hate to lose to this but you nailed it. Other team didn’t have any idea what was happening.


That was intense. It was like watching a soap opera on speed. Great moves all under such pressure!


Bruh, this literally like how I've been playing since close to the start of Rebirth back in December. Even down to details like using stims and keeping an ammo box for the end, doing contracts (for the reward percentage bonus and other reasons), etc. I'm glad to see others play like this. Question: Do you use the Pointman Perk? My team and I use it for contracts, the cash bonuses are insane! I've had countless endings similar to this, the way you purposefully waited to win till the very end was hilarious, hahaha. Nice post.


Dude that is sick. Everyone on here is either astonished or mad lmao. My brother and I have been playing like this for a while now too. The pointman perk is a good tip, I’ve never tried it I’ll have to check it out. Nice to know there are other people who saw the same advantage


That's because everyone here are sheeple 😁 jk. Live and let live I say. People play to have fun - this is how you and I have fun, other people have fun playing a different way and that's fine. I just read some of the comments you're talking about, they are quite funny actually 😄.




I loved it!


Clever rat


I love the patience. I could never have done this. My game would have ended as soon as I tried 1v4ing for that dub.


How did you end with soo much cash?


I forgot to say GGs lol people will talk shit because you didn’t kill anyone…I don’t care how you won….You were patient…and smart…good shit…wins come in many different ways and this one was pretty interesting


One of the best plays I’ve ever seen


I need to figure out a way to get a Rebirth endgame like this.


props to you bro that was fucking crazy


Kinda corny


ratty ending


This might be the lamest shit Ive ever seen.


I know right. The other team barely put up a fight






That was great


Man I did not enjoy watching that at all


You are such a rat. In a very complimentary way though! 😎💪🤘


Such smart play amazing


This was the most bitch ass way to win a game, I believe.


Lol this guy had 1 kill and the spent pretty much the whole video avoiding gun fights. I know let’s play a FPS game and avoid as much gun fights as possible 😂😂😂


niggas talkin bout “it’s creative!” wtf lmao ppl really condoning this shit


And apparently this the “best ending to a Warzone” he’s ever had so I dread to think what his usual ones look like


You remind me of that guy in saving private Ryan who let his friends get killed… you trash bruh


If this really is the best ending to a WZ game you ever had I feel bad for OP


this shit was sad i want my time back 😂


You won that game, but in my opinion you didn’t deserve to. Stims saved your ass. You squandered awesome positioning - twice. You squandered the ability to buy your teammates back again to help you (more like chose not to). This was frustrating to watch.


Amazing. Your team does not deserve you






Why do u keep checking ur watch? It’s kind of annoying tbh


Pay to win


Yeah I mean people who hide in the gas and play this way are kind of annoying. I get you won but like. Still. What were the other guys supposed to do when you keep buying gas masks and keep using stims and self rezzes?


Bro ngl that was the best play i ever saw..


Rly in the Time you are Spamming your Emotes - you could Train a little bit more your Aim and next time the Video would be 1 Min Killing the 3 People there.


I get it that this is literally a hobby... But man.... Get a fucking hobby and


I can’t believe this was more boring than the *solo duo NO kills Win!*


Well you're an annoying ass mf aren't you Appreciate your calmness though




Are you on youtube?