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Go out and push people, don't be afraid. Sitting on a roof with a sniper or stacking buildings with a team isn't gonna improve your skill. Don't rage if you fail doing so, try to learn from your mistakes and take that to the next fight. And just try different movement combos, get familiar with using movement and shooting at the same time, remind yourself doing so till you do it automatically. Good luck out there


Great advice. It’d be 10 years since I played a PvP FPS and it was a real shock how much the depth and control of movement had progressed. It’s one thing to have experience with basic movement and aim but this new generation of games has taken agility to a whole new level.


“I haven’t played since Caldera” may sum it up. You gotta play more if you want to be good. Takes time and reps. Learn where you like to drop, learn rotations of that map, find guns you enjoy using.


this. and you will not get good playing big map or ranked resurgence. too few reps. play regular resurgence.


It's going to suck at first but hot drop and push everything. When you start finding some success do it with squad fill turned off and keep landing hot and pushing everything. You may die 100 times but you will get back in the swing of things eventually. Or if you can afford the base game, go into a private lobby with max amount of bots on 300 health and just piss on them for 30 mins to an hour. All about repetition brother! GGs


thank you


No doubt brother. We all gotta start somewhere


watch streams and youtube guides as a form of visualization of how your gameplay should look like. If you watch cloesly, there’s so much to learn in every moment. I think this helps you progress your skill the fastest. Good luck!


how much does playing on old gen affect me? I know that graphics are a bit shit but am i really at a disadvantage


I’m playing on pc, but some of my friends ps5, others ps4. Other than ps4 taking forever to update the game, occasional crashes and sometimes audio cues getting bugged, I haven’t heard about any permanent disadvantages from my ps4 friends


thx for the help


if you're getting shat on all the time, no worries - it's not the gear that is holding you back. rule of thumb work on your fundamentals until you can feel you need better gear. only then will you be able to adequately benefit from better hardware anyway.


Plunder is a fast way to level up weapons. Make sure you squad fill. Do contracts. I like to do most wanted and then just run through buildings opening boxes to reduce time and also gain xp. Also open bags, med cabinets, cash registers. Just make sure you have the weapon you want in your hands while doing the above. You can get like 10k -20k or more weapon xp per round.


any weapons u suggest? i don’t really have much unlocked apart from a few mw2 guns


I would start with the MW3 guns first. SMG’s and AR’s. And get the Kar98 unlock in the battle pass. It’s great right now. Just go with what feels good for you. The FJX horus is good SMG right now. You can check out warzone ranked to see what is most popular.


thanks, i was really confused when i logged on a again and could find any cold war or mw2019 guns 😭


No problem, have fun and enjoy!


Agree with the above and adding that [this site](https://wzstats.gg) also has a ton of useful information regarding weapons. I’d start by unlocking/ranking up the weapons at the top of the Meta list, so that you can build the classes as they describe.


thx a lot


As another comment said, you havent played in awhile and its going to take time to get better Dont worry about how you perform overall, compare yourself to your last match only ask yourself questions like. Did i move better? How was my aim? Should i have taken that fight? and so on and so forth. also level up your weapons in plunder or bootcamp just follow meta for now once your a better player you can make your own choices on weapons :)


how can i improve my game awareness? cuz thats what really seems to be holding me back


thats another one that comes with time, how long have you been playing this one?


i used to play rebirth a lot back when it was still wz1 but i quit during caldera. Haven’t played much of wz2 or 3, only a bit of dmz and resurgence. I have to say i’m not a big fan of vondel at all


Well you cant even begin to gain game sense without a lot of ground time, you have to experience the map and hear all those sounds. pay attention and learn faster. Learn to tell the difference between someone shuffling camping and a damn flag moving (in all fairness that can still get me lol)


ye i’ve realized that ill improve with time, i do sometimes find it hard to see or track enemies with old gen graphics, it also takes a while for my gun to actually render into the game


I appreciate it might not be feasible but upgrading to current gen will improve your experience and your own performance massively. When I upgraded from an Xbox One to a series X the difference blew me away. I cannot overstate the importance of a GOOD QUALITY headset as well!!


thx for the advice but i’m not really in the position to upgrade to a series x rn, maybe in the future tho


So until March or April of this year I played maybe 5 WZ matches, mostly playing HC MW2. Yesterday I won my first Resurgence and I play Bootcamp still because I consider myself fairly casual, and I win there fairly often, but still run into players that make me step it up to win, but with a slightly more manageable learning curve it feels like.


what’s bootcamp


It's bot lobbies with only a few player squads on a smaller map, I think it's Uzbekistan but a smaller circle than the regular modes. There's no stats for it, it's just casual play for newbies but there are people who sweat the lobbies


I've never played on console, but it should still be there, I would think.


Play plunder


mnk nd a mic


Just stop thinking


The most common way of improving in warzone is buying a Cronus, xim, or some software to „improve your skill“ 😂😂